Android - Facebook GraphUser has no email attribute -

I checked online sources about this issue and checked it twice - but I still get the email attribute Can not Facebook Response

As indicated on the launch, I have applied the permissions ("original_third", "email", "user_bridade") to read on the login buttons. Also set the same permissions when creating a session (session .createFromExistingAccessToken). However, on the callback function, when the GraphUser and Response object is logged, I was still not able to retrieve the user's email.

Why the error still persists, what are the possible reasons for this? Am I missing some steps?

  ** onCreate () ** ((Login button) ViewById ( .setPublishPermissions (FBSessionV2.getPermissions ());    String & gt; GetPermissions () {if (permissions.ISTT)} {PERMISSIONS.add ("basic_info"); PERMISSIONS.add ("email"); PERMISSIONS.add ("publish_actions"); PERMISSIONS.add ("user_birthday"); } Return permissions; } ...   


  session = session .getActiveSession (); If (session! IOPD () and! Session.ICiclide ()) {logger.log (thread quartetred). GetStackTrace (), "calling extensone" + value, log. DEBUG); AccessToken at = AccessToken.createFromExistingAccessToken (values.getString ("access_token"), Blank, Blank, AccessTokenSource.WEB_VIEW, FBSessionV2.getPermissions ()); Session = session.openActiveSessionWithAccessToken (ControllerBase.getInstance (.) GetActivity (), but, CB); } Else {Logger.log (Thread.currentThread (). GetStackTrace (), "Calling OpenActivation", log. DEBUG); Session Open Active Sessions (Controllerbase.instance.) GetActivity (), True, CB); }   

GraphUserCallback ()

  ... userProfile.put ("facebookId", user.getId ()); UserProfile.put ("email", user.getProperty ("email")); UserProfile.put ("first_name", user.getFirstName ()); UserProfile.put ("last_name", user.getLastName ()); UserProfile.put ("name", user.getName ()); UserProfile.put ("Gender", user.getProperty ("Gender")); UserProfile.put ("Birthday", user.getBirthday ()); If (user.getProperty ("email")! = Tap) {userProfile.put ("email", (string) user.getProperty ("email")); } ...   


It looks like when we are trying to log in to a Facebook account It is not only the developer of the Facebook app (as well as the administrator), we are only fed up. We have just tried to log in to our FB account, which has a developer role - and it succeeds.

However, since the app will be made for public use, but it still does not solve our problem (along with that the band can now be treated as a support reform - I still have this Need to check the issue).

itemprop = "text">

Try this way,

  string email = user.asMap (). Get ("email") ToString ();   

And then you can pass this string parameter to print the email such as

  TextView mEmail = (TextView) findViewById ( Email); MEmail.setText (email);   

In this way I am able to successfully receive email-id.


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