
Showing posts from July, 2010

Google Earth and Google Maps KML Mismatch -

I am working on KML I have created the following KML which works fine for Google Earth but Google Maps does not work properly. Does not work well for The problem is that not all icons are showing Does anyone tell me what I am doing? Thanks in advance When KML is not displaying correctly The first thing to check is whether the KML corresponds to the standard. The sequence of elements of KML is a strict ordering and style element, for example, the point must be before gemetry so that KML is not valid. The correct structure of KML placemark can be found with element sequence. Here an example has been found with the wrong ordering in the original Kashmir: & lt; Placemark & ​​gt; & Lt; Point & gt; & Lt; Coordinate & gt; 180, -5.0 & lt; / Coordinate & gt; & Lt; / Point & gt; & Lt; Style id = "- 5180.png" & gt; & Lt; IconStyle & gt; & Lt; Symbols & gt; & Lt; Href & gt; Http: //theinternallight....

How to explode a pie chart into another pie chart using PHP/Javascript? -

I am trying to find a code that could explode the pie chart into another pie chart. This is because when the pie chart loads in the beginning, it looks tremendous with many entries, on pure IA, only able to find the tutorial to do this using Excel. Can anyone help me here? thank you in advanced! You can check this Lib, you can create dynamic and explored pie charts Example of a pie chart: Click and look at yourself: A pie chart Example: >

c++ - Odd casting curiosity in C -

I am starting for computer programming, only for a few years I am doing it in basic languages, and now I am Walking on more complex languages ​​like C and C ++ I found something in C, and I could not wrap my head around it. And I will not leave it alone because things coming in my mind and being unresolved will not be unheard of. This is the code I have started typing: #include & lt; Stdio.h> # Include & lt; Math.h> #define pi 3.14 #define abs (v) (v & lt; 0? -v: v) int main () {printf ("% d", (int) ceil (abs (pi))); } Now, this is why I think, printf ("% d", (int) roof (stomach (pe))) ; returns 4 as the return, But when I keep the cast operator in this way: printf ("% D ", cil (stomach (PI))); Does it give 0? It does not make sense to me, because it should either return 4 or any way, because (int) gives abs (pi) 3, but if it is already already cold In essence, it should say, okay, I have caught 3 as a species ...

c++ - Error on Xcode "No matching function for call to 'max'" -

This is the statement I am using but it says that no match for 'Max' There is no function Maximum (used_minet-included_command) * Extra_charges, 0) Any help would be appreciated. Edit Code int used_minutes; Const int = 300; Double total_charges, extra_charges; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter the number of minutes in the phone call:"; Cin & gt; & Gt; Used_minutes; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Number of minutes used phone calls - Included in the original plan:" & lt; & Lt; Minimum (used_minets, included_mits) & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Number of minutes of phone calls to use - not included in the original plan:" & lt; & Lt; Maximum (used_minet-included_in, 0) & lt; & Lt; Endl; Extra_charge = 0.10; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Additional phone calls cost minutes: $" & lt; & Lt; Fixed & lt; & Lt; Setcrison (2) & lt; & Lt; Maximum (used_minet-includ...

hibernate - Join same table and fetch sub folders in mysql query -

I have a table to save "folders" in the document management system. So I need to recover all folders ID from a folder id. E, the sub folders list of a folder. Is it possible to join self in the same query? try from the folders to choose d.folder_id d In, for folders e where d.parent_id = e.folder_id

javascript - How to close the popup window after facebook login and reload the parent window in ajax -

I need to open Facebook login through AJAX in woindow Im getting response from Facebook after login login The popup window must be closed and the original window needs to be reloaded. $ (document) .ready (function () {var url = $ ("# facebook_login_container"). 'A'). Ether ('href'); (url, this. Target); Window.clause ();}); Here, see the URL as Thanks in advance. You can try the following in the popup page, this way I get it to work in my application Gone, nothing worked, and forgetting the rows without comment, they tested me: & lt; Script language = "javascript" type = "text / javascript" & gt; Close the function () {window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href; Document.location.href = document.location.href; //window.opener.location.reload(true); Self.close (); // winOpener = window.self.opener; //winOpener.location.reload (); //window.close (); } & Lt; / Script ...

javascript - Determine image dimensions for image stored in GridFS from meteor -

I'm trying to determine the width of an image stored in the grid on summer so that I can resize a modal dialog Can do I have a helper for the template Template.projectImageModalInner.image = function () {var imageId = Session.get ("selectedImageId"); //console.log ("Plug-in Image Model Inner Image:" + imageId); Var image = imageFS.findOne ({_ id: imageId}); Url = image.fileHandler.default1.url; Console.log (url); Console.log (Imagemagick.identify (url)); Return imageFS.findOne ({_ id: imageId}); } displaying the correct image to display, but I'm really having trouble getting the shape. Call Imagemagick. The identity can not be identified on an undefined method to "blow up" with an error, even though the above line print the correct URL. Console log for image URL shows /cfs/images/i5mSRED6mYgo2vK84_default1.jpg The correct image displayed in the template URL is I want to set a session, eventually make changes in the width of th...

javascript - HTML5 Canvas / Animation Resources -

I run an eCard website and currently about half of the content is made of animations created using Flash, usually valentine There is a very busy time for the site, but this year I found that when I had only one traffic on the site, the number of eCard was sent in less than a year as compared to last year. Seeing the web visit stats, I see that the number of visitors using mobile this year was less than half, which tells why the volume was low because Flash does not work on mobile and tablets. I use, and to use a lot of open source flash. Now I realize that I have to start learning about HTML5 Animation canvas I was surprised to find any useful resources that is a good place to start? In addition, is there any good library / framework / open source content that can be used to create interesting animations? I've found who looks good. I am ready to give time to know things, but when I was using flash and action script it was very ...

c# - How to make a generic delegate EndInvoke? -

After I have the following: personal representative Foo1 GetFooAsync1 (Foo1 foo1); Personal Representative Foo2 GetFooAsync2 (Foo2 foo2); Personal Representative Foo3 GetFooAsync3 (Foo3 foo3); Personal Representative Foo4 GetFooAsync4 (Foo4 foo4); Private FooAsync1 foo1; Private FooAsync2 foo2; Private FooAsync3 foo3; Private FooAsync4 foo4; More lists are started, and then within a method, I do not want to catch an attempt on every and every invoke, because sometimes it throws an exception but it should not be stopped by the system, And continue with the other fuses .. And this method takes a lot of space if everyone tries it around. What is the normal way to call the call from the end? Can I return the expected results? var result1 = foo1.EndInvoke (fooIAsyncResult); To get it in a normal way, you override an extension method EndInvoke like this: Public Static Class DelegateExtensions {public static TResult EndInvoke & LT; TDelegate, TResult & gt; (Th...

Starting Twisted.internet.reactor in python -

I'm trying to run a spider (written in scrap framework) to run with Python script instead of command line tool . Scrap is written on twisted internet framework, which has a reactor, which can not be restarted during the process. Me the spider_cloud signal & amp; reactor has been stopped . This gives me the following error message: twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRestartable My question is "how do i start twisted.internet .reactor ? " I'm still not able to run my spider with the command line tool. Instead of knowing how to reactivate the reactor, stops to the first place.

php - auto-complete in yii using JavaScript -

I'm new to Yii I get values ​​from the controller I have stored it in a variable and display the auto full function Have done If I alert the variable, then this value is showing. But in the actual code, the autocomplete box is empty, please help me fix it. Thanks in advance. My view: & lt ;! - content - & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "padding: 10px;" & Gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php echo $ this-> createUrl ('/ Nimsoft / create') ;? & gt;" Title = "create new host" class = "btn btn-primary circle_ok" style = "text-decoration: none;" & Gt; Add a new host to the customer & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div style = "float: right" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo CHtml :: link ('Client CSV Upload', Array ('/ Nimsoft / uploadCustomers'), array (' onclick '= & gt;' Return HSIIFAPend (this, {object typ...

ruby on rails - Error message in partial rendered twice -

I was practicing with the ROR tutorial, and there is a strange problem where error message was provided twice. new.html.slim - Provide (title, 'sign up') h1 sign div class = " Row "div class =" col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 "= form_for (@ user, html: {role:" form "}) do | F | = 'Shared / error_message' div class = "form-group" = f.label: name = f.text_field: name, class: "form-control" div class = "form-group" = f.label: email = F.text_field: email, class: "form-control" div class = "form-group" = f.label: password = f.password_field: password, category: "form-control" div class = "form-group" = F.label: password_confirmation, "confirmation" = f.password_field: password_confirmation, category: "form-control" = f.submit "create account", category: "btn btn-LG btn-primary" In this code (line 7) I am providing a partial share...

actionscript 3 - AS3: Fullscreen button when SWF is embedded in HTML -

This is the callback function for my fullscreen button. This works if you play SWF in a standalone player, but it does nothing if it is embedded in an HTML. var isFS: boolean; Function ToggleForf (Event: Mouse Event): Zero {isFS =! IsFS; If (isFS) {stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE; } And {stage.displayState = StageDisplayState Normal; }} In the Flash Pro CS6 publish settings, I have the HTML wrapper template setting on "Allow only Flash - Full Screen". HTML has the following code, which should allow SWF to go to fullscreen: & lt; Object ... & gt; & Lt; Param name = "allowFullScreen" value = "true" /> I have tested it in Firefox, Chrome, and IE, and the fullscreen button will not work in any of these. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Never mind, HTML should be & lt; Param name = "allowFullScreenInteractive" value = "true" /> Instead of working with full key...

regex - Remove hyphens and replace with spaces and capitalize in liquid -

Using the liquid, I am using the product tag to use the page title. I want to keep page headings free from hyphens and keep each word in the capital. Example: If the tag (used to generate title) is "potato-chips" I want the title of "potato chips". If I use it: {{current_tags.first}} One of the "potato chips" Prepares the title. If I use it: {{current_tags.first | It produces a title of "potato chips". If I {{Current_tags.first | Replace: '-', '' | Capitalization}} We get the title of "potato chips". If someone knows how I can get the title of "potato chips," it would be good. If this is the case, some tags (used to generate title) are "words"; There are some "word-words"; There are some "word-word" words; And so on Thank you. You loop on each word "capital" on the tag: {% assign word = current_tag.first | Split: '-'%} {%...

SICStus Prolog upgrade in x86 platform -

We currently use SICStus version: 3.12.10 and 32 for patch1 (x86-linux-glibc2.3) for 32 bit platforms. Are using My requirement: As per the new requirement, we have to upgrade the SICStus Prolog version 4.2.3 and the x86 platform have been changed from 32 bits to 64 bits. Can you please tell us what are the code changes to be modified? EDIT: The prediction of Atoms / 2, Number_CODE / 2 are supported by both Systeistas Proole version 3 and 4. Similarly, a generally accepted basic forecast is SICStus Prolog version 3.12.10 and SICStus Prolog version 4.2.3. Can you share please if you have any reference document and link? EDIT: What is commonly accepted in Prol Version 3 and 4 - ISO First, try running your code in 3.12.10. the option. There are several changes in it. I. E., from East-ISO, was a significant change in the ISO. With the help of switch - iso you should be able to get many differences. It can also be helpful. Then, suppose that wait till 4.3 which is curre...

python - How to fix the issue "PyPI-test not found in .pypic" when submit package to PyPI? -

I followed the guide to submit a package. This is the error given below: Traceback (most recent call final): File "", in line 27, 'Programming language :: Python', file "/ usr / lib64 / python2 .6 "/distutils/", line 152, setup the dist.run_commands () file "/usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/", line 975, run_commands self.run_command (cmd) file "/ Usr / lib64 / python2.6 / distutils /" in the line 995, run_command () file "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/setuptools/command/ ", In line 9, run (self) file" /usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/command/ ", line 33, run self._set_config () File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/command/", value increase in line 84, _set_config ('% s .pypirc' is not found in% self.reppository) ValueError: PyPI-test My .pyirc file reference is: [distutils] # It tells distutils what pa...

thymeleaf - Stylesheets in new Spring MVC 4 -

I started a new web project in Spring MVC 4 (Spring Boot) and my question is that I have my CSS files Why should you keep it? I am using my folder structure as tememelif template engine and image As you can see, I am trying to create a CSS folder under the Resources folder, but the link and lt; Any relation is not working from link.html = "stylesheet" href = "/ resources / css / main.css" /> index.html? To: By default the Spring Boot service will be provided in the classpath Or static content from the root of Seltocontext / static (or / public / or / or resources / META-INF / resources). There is a sample or two, e.g.

javascript - Is there a way to check for if certain conditions are true on the second call of a function? -

So I want to call a function myfunction (); I want to be able to call my code once, but okay but if my code says for the second time, then I want to see if some conditions are correct and if they I do not want to run the function, I do not want to run the function. If these terms are not correct, then I want to run the function as always. I just want to know that some specific only for the second call of the function is true and do not allow my function to run again, as long as these conditions are no longer true. If (condition) {// do not run the function code until this is not true. } And {// business normally, run the code} I always want to do this on the second call in the function. So first call the function, no checking. On the second call, check. On the third call check on the third call check etc. In fact, check every other call on the function, to see if some conditions are true and if they are, do not run the function code. I highly appreciate your feedback. ...

php - MySQLi prepared insert statement fails -

मैं अपने कोड को mysqli :: के बजाय mysql _ * और मैंने INSERT स्टेटमेंट के साथ एक समस्या में भाग लिया है मेरे पास निम्न कथन है: $ stmt = $ link- & gt; तैयार करें ("तालिका` (`एक`,` बी`, `सी`) मूल्यों (" INSERT INS? ,?) "); $ Stmt- & gt; बाँध_परम ("sss", $ a, $ b, "0"); $ Stmt- & gt; निष्पादित (); मैंने $ stmt की जांच की है और यह एक उचित mysqli_stmt वस्तु है यह ठीक से तैयार है, लेकिन किसी कारण से, बयान निष्पादित नहीं किया जाएगा। संपादित करें मैंने यह निर्धारित किया है कि मैं अपने सर्वर से एक 500 त्रुटि प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। समस्या bind_param विधि से आ रही है। 2 संपादित करें ठीक है, इसलिए मुझे दे रही त्रुटि PHP यह है: घातक त्रुटि: संदर्भ में पैरामीटर 4 से नहीं जा सकता ... यह बिन्दु_परम की रेखा को इंगित करता है आप bind_param के लिए एक निरंतर पास नहीं कर सकते वैरिएबल में मान पहले डालें: $ status = "0"; $ Stmt- & gt; बाइंड_परम ("sss", $ oid, $ cid, $ status); $ Stmt- & gt...

sql - String ending in range of numbers -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना के डेटा वाला कॉलम है: aaa5644988 aaa4898494 aaa5642185 aaa5482312 aaa4648848 मेरी कोई सीमा है जो कुछ भी हो सकती है, जैसे 100-30000 या उदाहरण। मैं उन सभी मानों को प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं जो उस सीमा के बीच की संख्याओं में समा जाता है। मैंने कोशिश की जैसे '% [100-30000]' लेकिन यह जाहिरा तौर पर काम नहीं करता है। मैंने बहुत सारे समान प्रश्नों को देखा है, लेकिन मेरी कोई समस्या हल नहीं संपादित करें मैं SQL सर्वर 2008 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं उदाहरण: मूल्य aaa45645695 aaa28568720 aaa65818450 8789212 6566700 सीमा के लिए 600-1200, मैं पंक्ति 1,2 प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, 5 क्योंकि वे सीमा के साथ समाप्त होता है। एसक्यूएल में, जैसा सामान्य रूप से केवल समर्थन % और _ ये दो ऑपरेटर्स इसलिए जैसे '% [100-30000]' काम नहीं करता। आपके उपयोग के मामले पर निर्भर करता है, इस समस्या के दो समाधान हो सकते हैं: यदि आपको केवल दो या तीन बार इस क्वेरी को करने की ज़रूरत है (ध्यान नहीं दिया कि यह कितना समय लेता है), या डेटासेट बहुत बड़ा नहीं है। आ...

c++ - Missing template argument before start -

I am trying to compare the time taken to populate the vector against the linked list # include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Sstream & gt; # Include & lt; List & gt; #include & lt; Vector & gt; # Include & lt; Ctime & gt; # Include & lt; Time.h> using namespace std; Int main () {List & lt; Int & gt; My list; Of vector & lt; Int & gt; Myvector; Srand (time (zero)); Int num; Clock_t list_start; Watch_list list_end; Start list = clock (); For (Int i = 0; I I get the following error Before the missing template logic starts; Be expected ; How do I correct these errors? change start list = clock (); to list & lt; Int & gt; Start = clock (); This will fix an error, but perhaps you wanted to write list_start = clock (); Thanks for @ Reset Ninja

Ruby on Rails SQL Logging -

Is SQL command possible to log in Ruby on Rail Is> Generate and save it on a separate file? I am still in development mode and want to save all the SQL commands on all different logs. I have examined the development .log files, but they can also start "for / Gate" / Gate " on 12701.0.0.1 To save data such as 2014-02-17 16:41:47 +0800, etc. I'm either creating a separate log file for SQL or just this SQL command Leaving these other lines. Is it possible? Thanks. If you use an active record, you can activate the records Can overwrite the logger are: ActiveRecord :: Base.logger = ( "# {Rails.root} /log/sql_log.log")

c# - Animating rectangle position in code using storyboard -

I am making C # / XAMML puzzle games on Windows Phone 8. I have a grid with rows and columns where there is a rectangle on each grid (I've added these rectangles on runtime) I already have a code that is a rectangular in the second column or row Will move if I tap it. I'm trying to make it a smooth animation transition using the storyboard. Here is a code that does not work, but shows what I want to do. Private Zero AnimateRectangle (rectangle rectangle, int sourceColumn, int.sorawarrow, int target column, int targetrope) {storyboard s = new storyboard (); Double animation double analogue = new double animation (); = sourceColumn; DoubleClick column To = target column; Double Annie Column Period = new duration (timespace from milliseconds (500)); Storyboard सर्टगेट (Double Annie Column, Rectangle); Storyboard CertificateProperties (Double Annie Column, New Property Path ("(Grid Set Column)")); Double animation double anneiro = new double a...

Laravel X AngularJS - prefix/trailing slash -

As you know, Laravel4 leaves the indexed slash with all URLs. I have Laravel4 X AngularJS SPA (single page application), and just my current URL looks like this: http: // localhost / en # / nglink What I want to achieve is to make the link look like this: http: // localhost / en / # / nglink As you can see, I need a trailing slash before the AngularJS link (# / englink) followed by a prefix slash, or Laravel's link (http: // localhost / en). What is there anyway to get it using the Angies? How to get it without editing the main files of Laravel? Well, although it is possible to achieve AngularJS or Laravel or http server side, but it is better Is & amp; Without touching primarily and without touching the main code (primarily the URLGenerator) can override, and keeping the code (server agnostic), it can be simplified through the leverage, so it's Apache / NGNX or Can work behind slash with any other server (so I do not like to work with htaccess). Upd...

sonarqube - Configure Sonar sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria through maven -

I am using a local example of sonar without centralized infrastructure. To keep the configuration of my project in Pom.xml, I want to configure the project via Maven and not through the sonar UI. For me, this is the advantage of keeping things in one place and other developers do not have to configure their local sonar instances, just unpack and run. How to configure sonar.exclusions The property is easily available from Maven, but sonar.ICURE Format of How can you configure sonar.issue.ignore .multicriteria / P> The format followed by the code is: & lt ; Properties & gt; & Lt; Sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria & gt; E1, E2 & lt; /sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria> & Lt; Sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria.e1.ruleKey & gt; Satire: S00100 & LT; /sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria.e1.ruleKey> & Lt; Sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria.e1.resourceKey & gt; ** / * & lt; /sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria.e1.resou...

angularjs - Angular routes and views and controllers -

I am trying to create a very simple app with routes and ideas, which clicked a click "button I have an index.html file with a ng-view with a test html. This view is going to use testCtrl.js with a simple model. But when it loads, the scene is called, but there is a problem with the radius, or the controller when I click on a button The test of the word is considered to be "click" but nothing happens. here index.html body ng-app = "simtoolbelt" & Gt; & lt; div ng-view & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; script src = "js / modules / angular-route.min.js" & gt; & lt; / script & gt; ; & Lt; script src = "js / controller / testctrl.js">

php - Facebook ignores Open Graph meta data of my page -

I am getting mad on it, like running brown hair instantly. I hope someone can help me I am currently developing a website that has a place to live in. Before placing the browser out of the document, I have all the meta data for Open Graph with PHP I gather and output all the documents in the head. With the use of og meta tags For example, there is a strange thing on all these pages Because when I use Facebook Debugger on that URL, then it comes with different results Browser me Gives in source code. What I did was to eliminate any problem in my part: Checks HTML with the W3C verifier, checks it out No error. An additional parameter is used to ensure that meta data has not been cached on Facebook, like adding test = 1234 to the URL Stack overflow (and for the rest of the same problem), any Sector OG wrong could tell what meta tags? Or why have they been ignored / changed in Facebook (Facebook uses an opaate meta data 1 step high -> gt;) Note: Please remain d...

c# - T-SQL Hamming distance function capable of decimal / string / UInt64 -

I need to convert this C # function to T-SQL UDF Let me all return csharp function for this 2 hash while return of T-SQL function 52 P> 14714557628763197901 15383788748848265778 public static ulong csharp_hamming_distance (ulone hash1, ulone hash2) {ulong x = hash1 ^ hash2; Consta Vaughan M1 = 0x5555555555555555UL; Constant Woolong M2 = 0x3333333333333333UL; Const ulong h01 = 0x0101010101010101UL; Ulhone M4 = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0fUL; X - = (X & gt; 1) & amp; M1; X = (x and amp; m2) + ((x> 2) & amp; m2); X = (x + (x >> 4)) & amp; M4; Return (x * h01)> & gt; 56; } I have a sample but it does not give me similar results. , @ I = 1, @ lan = case when lane (@ value1) & gt; When the LAN (@Value2) returns the lane (@ value1) the other lane (@Value2) end if (@well1 is zero) or (@ value2 is empty) returns (@ and & lt; = @ LAN) Select @Distance = @Distance + when substring (@ value1, @ i, 1) = substrings (@ value2, @i, 1) then w...

c# - VC# 2010Express print open file -

I am new here and my english is not the best, but i have a question. Is there any possibility in VC # 2010 Express to print the file opened through open file deletion? The open file is visible in the web browser element and it can be edited but now, whenever I try to "start" / debug my application, an error message is displayed. Error Message: There is no constructor in "System.IO.StreamReader" that contains 0 arguments. This is the line where I need to specify the file path for the file that I want to print. What do I need to enter in the web browser element to classify brackets? filetipprint; System.Drawing.Font PrintFont; Private Zero printButton_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {string printPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); FileToPrint = New System. IO.StreamReader (printPath + @ "\ myFile.txt"); Printfonts = new system Drawing.fonts ("aerial", 10); PrintDocumen...

c - Posix Pthread mutual exclusion -

I have written my problem in the comments in the code. I am trying to make my code parallel using pthreads. First of all, I want to write a lot of data in memory from multiple threads in parallel. After writing the data, I want to execute this data with the same thread. And after executing the data, I want to read it. And after these three tasks, I want to send this data to other files. And I want to repeat this process several times. I appreciate any help you have. Thank you. #include & lt; Pthread.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #define ARRAYSIZE 100 # defined NUMTHREADS 7 straight threads {int start, stop, id; Int * array; }; / * Task * / Zero * CAL (Zero * TD) {Straight Thread Data * Data = (Straight ThreadData *) TD to write, execute and read data; Int start = data-> Start; Int stop = data-> Stop; Int thread_id = Data - & gt; Id; Int i, s, counter; Counter = 0; (I = start; i & lt; stop; i ++) {printf ("Threads want to write data ...

javascript - Append elements in a variable instead of a temporary DOM -

Is it possible to create something like "DOM" in a variable? Right now I am making a temporary divi container, so I can add my results to the right elements. After this I remove the temporary container. But is this really necessary? Firstly I parse an HTML-string. After that, I create a section-box (if the content matches a keyword-array) and insert some content into that section-box, how the code is working. var element = $ .parse HTML (input_string); Var keyword = ['keyword1', 'keyword2']; Var current = 0; $ ("Body"). Endend (' ';); // & lt; - $ .each (Element, Function (index, element) {var z = element.innerHTML.trim (); if ($ .inArray (z, keyword)! == -1) {$ ("(* * & Lt; Section class = "box"> '+ z +' ;); existing = 1;} and (existing)? Add ('& lt; p & gt;' + z + '&' & lt; p & gt; + + z + '& lt; / p & gt;'): $ ("# temp") Lt; / p ...

objective c - How to detect BPM of audio file in iOS app -

I tried to find a BPM using the AVFoundation frame but 0 As a result and not able to get BPM. This is my code, MP3 MPIDITEM * MediaItem = [[archive items] ObjectTyndex: 0]; NSSTING * Album IDK == [MPMDITIM continuous IPProtforforcing type: MPMedia grouping album]; NSLog (@ "MPMDIT:% @", ALBIDK); Int BPM = [[Mediimetam ManfourProperty: MPMDITIMProperty BeatsPerminute] Intuue]; NSSTING * BPM = [MediaItem ManForProperty: MPMDITIMPropertyBitsPerminate]; NSLog (@ "BPM:% @", BPM); NSDRAEL * URL = [Media Itam Value Property: MP MPITM PropertyAsset URL]; Am I missing anything here? BPM extracted with metadata with audio file that is often not present, it is not calculated from audio Also keep in mind that any BPM metadata is present, it is faulty with the assumption that there is constant speed in one track. Not always a safe assumption quality audio-metadata can be obtained from

css - how to set specific color to javafx -

I'm trying to change my data opacity in each series of my javafx scatter chart, meaning that only one seri Different CSS code for each data in I do not want to make every data as a serial, because I already have several series. Can anyone help me? After a few hours of code, I got the solution without passing the CSS. XYChart.Data.dt = new XYChart.Data (x, y); Rectangle rect1 = new rectangle (5, 5); Rect1.setFill (Color.RED); Dt.setNode (rect1); . Dt.getNode () setOpacity (my_changing_opacity); . Chain.getData () (dt) add; - How to Compare two rows in excel sheet? -

I am getting excel sheet in which I need to compare two adjacent lines? How to compare it? If I correctly understand: rows are considered equal Tax? Because every cell equals. int equalCount = 0; {If (row1 [i] == row2 [i]) {equalCount ++; for int i = 0; i This compares every line 1 cell with the same line 2 cell. Side note: I'm not sure that your code uses Field / Columns / .mail so it is quite clear.

How do I generate and parse JSON in Ruby? -

I need to create and parse a JSON in Ruby. In my case, JSON should have a string value in the form of a key, and an array of strings should be in the form of its value. Something like this ... JSON: key1 - & gt; {A, b, c} key2 - & gt; {D, e, f} My question: 1.) How can we do this? Is there a JSON parsing library in Ruby or do I have to apply it myself? 2.) I'm coming from Java domain. In Java, we have a map, hash map, hamp, lidapap etc. Do we have the same facility in Ruby? The JSON you are describing when you create it, will look like this: " key1 ": [" a1 ": [" a "," b "," c "]," key2 "You can call it in Ruby using JSON Library and by calling #to_json On a ruby ​​hash: requires 'json': ["d", "e", "f"]} Data_hash = {key1: ['a', 'b', 'c'], key 2: ['d', 'e', ​​'f']} json_data_string = data_hash.to_json... - How to check for prime numbers -

The following code lists all the major numbers from 1 to 10: Dim primeN As integer prime prime minister, Prime Minister as Prime Minister = Prime Minister = 1 to 10 = Prime Minister = Prime Minister = 2 Prime Minister = 2 Prime Minister / 2 If PrimeNen Prime Minister = 0 then Prime Falg = wrong ends if the next The prime flags then the console. These (PM) is next Kansolkridlain () How can I change my order to user input reads and checks that it is a prime number is finished? Instead of a loop you are almost there, just get user input and put it in that variable again Change your message in a little while. code: Integer as the prime prime minister Boolean PrimeN = int 32. Perse (Console.Readline ()) as Prime Prime Primelight = True Prime Minister = PrimeN / 2 for PM 2 = prime = prime then = primeflag = wrong end if the next primeflag is then console.lightline ("prime") is the als console. Light line ("not prime") end if console.readline ( ) oth...

java - Cannot lookup JNDI resource on redeployment -

Problem: My web app listens to JMS messages in queue and processes messages . I have written some test cases which are for running on CI, to confirm whether messages have been received and processed properly Spring Config & lt ;! - JMS message listener - & gt; & Lt; Bean id = "Some message listener" category = "com.whatever.MyListener" /> & Lt ;! - Cached Connection Factory - & gt; & Lt; Bean id = "Cached Connectional" category = "org.springframework.jms.connection.CachingConnectionFactory" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "targetConnectionFactory" ref = "ActiveMakuConnection Factory" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "sessionCacheSize" value = "10" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "ReconnectOpenExpression" value = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / B...

How to monitor file change on iOS platform? -

I think there are some libraries for monitoring file changes on the Mac, for example: but I want to monitor Failed to find a library file change on iOS platform. Can anyone tell me how to monitor file changes in the objc wrapper? Thank you File monitoring on iOS GCD monitor any file or folder you want When you create a dispatch source, you provide three interesting things: A file descriptor that points to a file or folder What kinds of incidents do you want to describe the flag To send notifications of these events (main queue, a background line, etc) to After creating a sending source, you then set the block of code to be executed when an event occurs or when the source is canceled (deleted). When you set the block set for an event, you can determine which event has happened (if you are registered for more than one type), and if ... and ... Then or switch ... case statement. / P> I am in the process of creating a portable purpose-class which will make the pr...

wordpress query, how to query a numeric range -

I currently have a custom field with numeric values, my goal is to query these numerical values ​​among a number. What do I have: 'meta_query' = & gt; Array ('key' = & gt; 'score', 'value' =>; 1.8 ',' type '= & gt;' DECIMAL ',' compare '=>) =' / Code> This does not return the score corresponding to the above example 1.8000 .. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? thank you in advanced. change decimal to CHAR and compare Used between methods .. the CHAR parameter should not have worked but it did.

Downloading fails from ftp server using TMS Webcopy software in Delphi xe3 -

Hi I'm trying to download a file using TMS software. But the file may not seem to be downloading. I use the following code, and wrote it in an exception handler which tells me that the URL is not found. Any help would be appreciated. Main. Webcopy 1. ITEMS. Clear; With the main. Webcopy 1. ITEM Add FTPHost Start: = fHost; FTPUserID: = fusername; FTPPassword: = fPass; URL: = '\ Setup \ libmysql.dll'; Protocol: = wpFTP; CopyNewer only: = true; TargetDir: = 'c: \ Program Files \ myfolder \'; End; Main.WebCopy1.Execute; I will just add, I have tested the same code and url in another project which I wrote and it worked. Thanks I will try: Use the debugger and check the code that connects and sends the HTTP request to see what resource has been requested An HTTP proxy (Fidler) To access, check your HTTP server log file and remove the related part of your Delphi application and your HTTP two projects, then separate their sources (Both Working...

javascript - JWPlayer No suitable players found error with youtube link -

I have a problem with JWPlayer, which was recently (i.e. working with this exact code) Using the YouTube link, I'm getting "no suitable player found". My setup is as follows: jwplayer ("mediaplayer2") setup ({Flash Player: "php / jwplayer / player. Swf ", file:" ", autostart: true, control: wrong, logo:" http: // ... "," ":" "True", "true", image: "php / jwplayer / preview.jpg": "tracker2.php", "logo.hide": wrong, controlbar: "over", "controlbar, adelehead": "true", "controlbar." , Screen color: "000000", width: "500", height: "300", drag: "fill", skin: "php / jwplayer / skins / bekle "Http: // ...", event: {onPause: function () {If (success! = 1) (true);}, about " Interactive: function () {//this.stop... mvc - Steps to be taken to implement JQgrid in MVC4 Razor,using Entity Framework -

I'm new to this MVC and JQuery, I started to build small applications using these, I'm MVC4 Using razor, with unit framework I got some online tutorials stuck for this but not working properly. I am able to get my Jason data from my controller, but java script is printing data on my view as array, jqgrid is not displaying, I think my jackgram is not called itself, or It is not being properly referenced please let me know what all things have to do, and directory structures have to be frustrated. In advance thanks You can easily jqGrid and Other grids like Telerik can be obtained from Nuget Package Manager . Each of them should use their inbuilt functions to handle events. You have to learn how to implement it. You can see the demo with the link below: jqGid: [link] Telerk: [link] [link]

ios - How to run Chart Boost demo on Xcode in unity3d? -

I have run a charts promotion demo, which is provided on the site promoting charts. It shows an error message like below, ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/jeganselvaraj/Unity3D/SlotMachine_IOS/Libraries/libChartboost.a, missing the essential architecture for file i386 / users / jeganselvaraj / Unity3D / SlotMachine_IOS / library / libChartboost.a (2 slices) undefined architecture i386 symbols: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CBAnalytics", refer to: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ Chartboost" ChartBoostBinding.o referee ObjC category, referred to in: ObjC- class referee ChartBoostBinding.o ObjC- class ChartBoostManagerko Ld-ref: symbol (s) architecture i386 ring Sector not found error: failed with out linker command exit code 1 (access to view -v invocation) I can do for this issue? It is not libChartboost such as a your Xcode project in the library folder You must ensure that the file libChartboost.a is the directory Property / plugins / iOS . All files from Propert...

ios - Charles Map Local not working for JSON data? -

I am trying to simulate a server using Charles, I came to know that Charles is "Map Local .. . ", Which allows me to respond to a client using locally stored files. Select the list of Charles Sequences and select "Save Response ..." that are pointing to files that are right-clicked. However, when I test this with my iOS app, I get the following error message: Failed to retrieve the fields: error domain = AFNetworking erroMine code = - 1016 "Expected Content Type {(" Text / Jason "," App / Jason "," Text / Javascript ")}, found text / plain" I am not sending feedback with the correct header information. Is there a way to tell Charles that the response is JSON? One potential problem is that the archived files contain only JSON data and no title. You The map will give local only a text / plain content-type. To do this, add a rewrite rule to Charles to change the content-type header in Charles. Tools & g...

java - Root certifcate from an CA company which can be encrpyted by SoftHSM -

3 questions: 1. Does anyone know me CA company who bought me SOFTHSM (A Is similar to HSM but without any hardware, is this pure software?) 2.Is it hard to work with the PKASS11 interface? I have a Java application that will sign documents. But I need to communicate through the PKCS11 interface. Has anyone had any experience before this? Is there any tutorial on this? 3. If I buy a reliable certifier, why do not they give it. Crt? I have a test certificate, but my browser only imports it for not downloading this certificate, so I can store it my HSM. Please help to clean my mind late reply, before My radar was not on: Any company should do this you generate a major pair and make a certificate request. Then they sign your request and give you a certificate. Where you store a private key, they are not usually concerned about them. Although your identity is for high end certificates. If you just have to sign in and you have RSA or ECDSA private key, then you c...

Quirk while debugging Javascript app in Webstorm 8 -

I'm trying to debug an Angular JS app in Chrome in WebStorm 8. It's just working fine. But the only negation thing is that there is a breakpoint in the actual file that does not get debugged , but is a copy of the read only which reads as the full URL of the file (see screenshot). It works, but I can not edit the readable file while going from line to line. Edit: Plus, IDE usually shows an older version of my JS file and I have to manually refresh to see it right. webstream run / debug config cheers Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The answer is briefly: You can not reply longer, the computer is not running the code that you are seeing screen, this is the debugger that is showing you the computer actually. In fact, running non-human-readable Javascript bytecodes, which is your JS Program is created when starting, after testing the syntax, the namespace is created and the variable is allocated for the charge. You can not edit that ...

java - ListView Adapter with many different Views -

This question is more about efficiency than any error, because I have created it in many different ways And as every strategy I have not enabled has its own drawbacks. So my requirement is that I have a ListView with an unknown, but possibly very large (tens of tens), the amount of data. As I have drawn in the data, I need to sort the incoming items according to the two days of that day, as well as a part of the game's diversity. E.g. List items 1 day Header games 1 items Games 2 items items items list items 2 date header games x etc ... Since each Each game can contain different games per item in the list item, I use the adapter to create a smooth scrolling effect (or no way yet) to reuse the sequences efficiently can do. So whatever I have tried, it is: Increasing one container layout, and then increasing the game within the adapter / The getView () method is called evolving clearly, every time it is called, it is heavy on the system and does not allow a smooth e...

tsql - WebRequest via SQL Azure -

मैं एक HTTP webrequest से एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि जारी करना चाहूंगा एसक्यूएल एज़ुर में मुझे पता है कि ऐसा सामान्य एसक्यूएल सर्वर पर करने के तरीके हैं, लेकिन क्या यह नीला पर भी काम करता है? मुझे लगता है कि आप ओएलई स्वचालन प्रक्रियाओं का उल्लेख करते हैं एसक्यूएल एज़्यूर के साथ संभव नहीं है एसक्यूएल एज़ूर आपको सर्वर संसाधनों को कॉल करने से रोकता है, यह केवल लेनदेन प्रसंस्करण तक ही सीमित है।

Getting document with max size of inner array in MongoDB -

नमूना मोंगो दस्तावेज़: {" _id ":" 128374 "," x ": [{" i ":" 83847575 "," y ": [{" i ":" 938 9 48 9 283 "," टी ":" 2014-04-11 टी 20: 46: 57+ 0000 "}" {"i": "938948 9 284", "t": "2014-04-11T20: 47: 57 + 0000"}]}, {"i": "83847576", "y": [ I ":" 238234 9 385 "," t ":" 2014-01-15T23: 43: 29 + 0000 "}, {" i ":" 9389489286 "," टी ":" 2014-04-11T20: 47: 57+ 0000 "}, {" i ":" 9389489286 "," t ":" 2014-04-11T20: 49: 57 + 0000 "}]}]} आप कैसे प्राप्त करें प्रति सरणी 'y' दस्तावेज़ की अधिकतम संख्या? मैं जिस समस्या को हल करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं वह रिकॉर्ड प्राप्त करना है जिसमें अधिकतम संख्या है 'वाई' धन्यवाद! निम्नलिखित मुझे 'वाई' की कुल संख्या देता है यदि आप संग्रह में दस्...

javascript - why is my form not submiting using ajax -

is a bit of a selfish question but I'm actually starling with Ajax, so I need some help. Basically I'm trying to update and using the database using the 'onblur' function using SQL database. My code heres: code at index.php function saveStatus () {var status = document.getElementById ("statusForm") value; $ Ajax ({url: 'saveStatus.php', type: 'post', data: 'feed_id =' + status, success: function (result) {}} form id = "statusUpdate" action = "whosout php" Method = "post"> Input type = "text" id = "statusForm" onblur = "saveStatus ()" placeholder = " and the code at SaveStatus.php & # 39; & lt;? Required 'core.php'; 'connect.php' is required; $ status = $ _POST ['feed_id'] ; $ IdPerson = $ _SESSION ['user_id']; $ query = "Update person SET status = '" .mysql_real_escape_string ($ sn '' IdPerson ...

CSS3 - HTML Navlist background issue -

I am currently in my last year of high school and I need to create an original website. Although I've hit the wall with my drop-down making shavings, it works very well, but I do not know how to make it that if you scroll to a sub-theme, the hole-opper The whole item is covered in the background of the item. This sentence was very strange, I am quite new to it. I have used this whole thing to sketch the problem. On the second list item, you can see that the first two lists check the jsfiddle link for the best example of my problem. This is HTML: & lt; Div class = "navlist" & gt; & Lt; Ul id = "menu" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Subtitle 1 & lt; /...

database - Using return query in Postgres 9.0 function with composite type -

I have a function in Postgres that returns a set of the entire set when I return only with I am able to return to next; but with return query command, why is create type return_type? AS (Paramayam characters vary, value character is different); - This returning rows two rows can make r.paramname just works fine or the function test replaces (i_param1 character separately, i_param2 character different) SETOF returns_type: = 'ROW1'; R.value: = 'myvalue1'; Go ahead r; R.paramname: = 'ROW1'; R.value: = 'myvalue1'; Go ahead r; Return; - With this command I get the same line of the resultet return query, select 'ROW1' as the paraName value unions do not get all the 'line 2' as 'myvalue1' in the form of paraName, the value of 'Myvalue2' in the form; Return; "Text" itemprop = "text"> This works for me, also in Postgres 8.4: You can create pre> or change function function (i_param1 varchar...

java - Found code to extract text from PDF, but it is not written for Android, can I still add it to my project? -

I have received simple code for extracting text from PDF files, and I am thinking that there is an easy way to add it What is my current app to add this functionality? Yes, this is possible because code is written in C. If you are starting then it will be complicated Because you have to use the C code for interface using Java

html - PHP Code Not Entering Data Into Database -

I'm having trouble sending my format to my database I tried one hour to fix this issue is; I called my code "echoIscier ();" But no error was found, just due to the lack of new data in my database (it seems that the submission form does not have to send the information to reload the page) database, config.php, connectDB.php and header.php Works for the rest of my pages, so the problem is not in the database setup. I believe the error is within the "isset ($ _ POST ['submit']), because it returns from the page header Does not load, but I have all my code Only in the case I am providing (I know that this code is not protected from SQL injection, form validation is the next step after deciding it): ready ($ quo ); $ Statement- & gt; bind_param ('sss', $ name, $ email, $ content); Header ('location: /index.php'); $ Statement- & gt; Execute () $ statement- & gt; Store_salt (); SetuKiki ("name arrow", "", time...

html - How do I get the text and not the value of an Option? -

I have a form that is generated by the ticket system, but I have to customize it. This form is divided into a select with different options, each option got a value with a number and a text (between the tags). I can not change the value because the ticket system needs this when you send it to the form. Now I have a function that collects some inputs and puts it in a text field (which is also in the form), but I do not need the text from the option tag: & Lt; Id = "selectfield" bla bla bla> Select & lt; Option value = "1" & gt; Some & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; Some different & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; Other text & lt; / Option & gt; Complete & Lt; / Select & gt; So when I try with selectfield.value, I get the value parameter, but I need text, is there any way that I can get this lesson and what value Can still be a number?...

recursion - Check whether prime or not in Prolog -

I am trying to learn Prolog and I have found an example where I need to implement a program, The argument I am attempting to follow is that to create an iterative rule, divide all the numbers against that number until it reaches the base case, or that So X> 2 because 0 and 1 are not yourself My code is up to now: isPrime (2) IsPrime (X): - X> 2,% 0,1 are not primes 1 mod (X, 2), Can anyone help? It is very easy that you do not care about efficiency. IceReim (X): - X & gt; 1, Suk (X, X), + (between (2, x0, n), 0x mode is N). :)

audio - actionscript 3, SoundChannel, and SoundChannel.position -

The soundchannel has an element called "position", and unless I completely forget everything I am doing it, it is believed that where you are currently finding the place to be played in milliseconds. I am finding FlashDaywell through this, and that number is always zero! I am checking the address of the voice channel assigned, and it is correct. But the situation always remains at zero. Am I missing something? Yes, I can use a timer, but it certainly seemed like a quick way of making a pause with an easy way to restart playback ... It was the case of the organization, before checking for the location I was changing the track in the second part of the track.

Replacing File if Exist in a Directory using C# -

I want to upload a file in C # GUI and check whether it exists in that particular folder. But why is it that the first file already exists, even if another file is changed? I have two upload buttons. Two buttons. Private Zero Upload_1_ Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog (); File.Title = "Browse the file"; File.Filter = "PDF files (* .pdf) | * .pdf |" + "Images (* .ppm; * .jpg; * .jpg; * .gif; * .png * * .tif) * * .mpp; *. Jpeg; * .jpg; * .gif; * .png; * .TIFF | "+" All Files (*. *) | *. * "; If (file.ShowDialog () == DialogResult.OK) {string file_path = path.gate directoryname (file.FileName.ToString ()); String file_obj = path. GetFileName (file.FileName.ToString ()); String file_itself = file_path + "\\" + file_obj; Upload_label1.Text = file_itself; }} Private Zero Upload_2_ Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {OpenFileDialog file1 = New OpenFileDialog (); File1.Title = "Browse Fi...