java - Root certifcate from an CA company which can be encrpyted by SoftHSM -

3 questions:

1. Does anyone know me CA company who bought me SOFTHSM (A Is similar to HSM but without any hardware, is this pure software?)

2.Is it hard to work with the PKASS11 interface? I have a Java application that will sign documents. But I need to communicate through the PKCS11 interface. Has anyone had any experience before this? Is there any tutorial on this?

3. If I buy a reliable certifier, why do not they give it. Crt? I have a test certificate, but my browser only imports it for not downloading this certificate, so I can store it my HSM.

Please help to clean my mind

late reply, before My radar was not on:

  1. Any company should do this you generate a major pair and make a certificate request. Then they sign your request and give you a certificate. Where you store a private key, they are not usually concerned about them. Although your identity is for high end certificates.

  2. If you just have to sign in and you have RSA or ECDSA private key, then you can use the Java PKCS # 11 provider. You just use the standard signature class after the configuration to configure HSM authority, though it is an art in itself.

  3. You can usually export your certificate again, otherwise click OK and download it. The way it is operated is due to the mime type. You can also use the example Wget, which will only download using the link provided by you.


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