c++ - Error on Xcode "No matching function for call to 'max'" -
This is the statement I am using but it says that no match for 'Max' There is no function
Maximum (used_minet-included_command) * Extra_charges, 0) Any help would be appreciated.
Edit Code int used_minutes; Const int = 300; Double total_charges, extra_charges; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter the number of minutes in the phone call:"; Cin & gt; & Gt; Used_minutes; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Number of minutes used phone calls - Included in the original plan:" & lt; & Lt; Minimum (used_minets, included_mits) & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Number of minutes of phone calls to use - not included in the original plan:" & lt; & Lt; Maximum (used_minet-included_in, 0) & lt; & Lt; Endl; Extra_charge = 0.10; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Additional phone calls cost minutes: $" & lt; & Lt; Fixed & lt; & Lt; Setcrison (2) & lt; & Lt; Maximum (used_minet-included_in) * Extra-charge, 0) & lt; & Lt; Endl;
maximum () requires that the first and second Arguments are of the same type Extra_charge is a double, resulting in the first and second arguments of different types. Try: Maximum (used_minutes-included_Minutes) * Extra-charging, 0.0)
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