java - Cannot lookup JNDI resource on redeployment -
My web app listens to JMS messages in queue and processes messages . I have written some test cases which are for running on CI, to confirm whether messages have been received and processed properly
Spring Config At CI for the first time when I re-deploy the war using the Maven targets exception This code is JNDI lookup code < / P> I suspect that due to a leak or inappropriate undeployment in an old context the application is unchanged without . By using Why is the I solved a similar problem where my database pool was open but I was unable to use JNDI after my war review. I closed the issue with the connection and closed it with JDDI when the war was not lowered. You need to add a block to your web, which is entering your class as a listener:
& lt ;! - JMS message listener - & gt; & Lt; Bean id = "Some message listener" category = "com.whatever.MyListener" /> & Lt ;! - Cached Connection Factory - & gt; & Lt; Bean id = "Cached Connectional" category = "org.springframework.jms.connection.CachingConnectionFactory" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "targetConnectionFactory" ref = "ActiveMakuConnection Factory" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "sessionCacheSize" value = "10" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "ReconnectOpenExpression" value = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt ;! - Spring message listener - & gt; & Lt; JMS: Audience Container Container-Type = "Default" Connection-Factory = "Cached Connection Factory" Accept = "Client" & gt; & Lt; JMS: listeners destination = "DESTINATION" riff = "some message listener" method = "on message" id = "jmsSomeMessageListener" /> & Lt; / Jms: listener-container & gt;
MyListener sees a JNDI database resource to get code inside the class to get an SDL
connection . The resource next to the JMS message depends on obtaining a valid SQL connection. JNDDI resource constraints to
resources definition
context.xml .
tomcat: undeploy and
tomcat: deploy , my message listener now obtains a database connection Not able to. I get the following exception
java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: name [comp / env / jdbc / Postgrace] is not bound in this context. [Comp] Unable to find
reference ctx = new initial concerts (); Datasource DS = (Datasource) CTX. Lookup ("java: comp / env / jdbc / postgres");
I have tried to solve this problem:
onDestroy () to stop message listener (jmsSomeMessageListener) from a
ServletContextListener by method No effort has been made.
Prevent the message listener before making a tomcat call: undeploy did not help either I was hoping that restarting the listener would force it to use a new reference
context after revision becoming stale? It is only on the listener and not on the other code that looks at the same
context What can I do to fix the problem? (I'm opening to restart the server for every CI construct, temporarily crush the problem)
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent; Import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener; Public Class Meals implemented ServletContextListener {Private string DB = "EFU"; @ Override Public Reconnaissance Recession (PCT); PGPoolingDataSource connectionPool = (PGPoolingDataSource) New InitialContext (). Lookup (db); If (connectionpool = null) {connectionPool.close (); New initial contact () Unbind (db); }}}
& lt ; Listener & gt; & Lt; Audience category & gt; & lt; / Listener Category & gt; & Lt; / Listener & gt;
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