
Showing posts from July, 2015

How to model party relationship data in ofbiz? -

मैं ofbiz डेटा मॉडल से भ्रमित हूँ। पार्टि रिलेशनशिप एक पार्टी से एक पक्ष पार्टी भूमिका s के लिए एक रिश्ते से संबंध है। इकाई पार्टी रिश्ते PARTY_ID_FROM , PARTY_ID_TO , ROLE_TYPE_ID_FROM , ROLE_TYPE_ID_TO और PARTY_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID जो पार्टि रिलेशनशिप प्रकार इकाई में संग्रहीत है। लेकिन उस इकाई में ROLE_TYPE_ID_VALID_FROM और ROLE_TYPE_ID_VALID_TO संग्रहीत है । इसमें डुप्लिकेट डेटा हो सकता है? और PARTY_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID पार्टि रिलेशनशिप इकाई की कुंजी का हिस्सा होगा ? एक पार्टी रिलेशनशिप केवल दो अन्य संस्थाओं में शामिल होती है: 1) एक पार्टी रिलेशनशिप टाइप जो दो भूमिका प्रकारों को जोड़ती है: उदा। ग्राहक या कर्मचारी को विभाग के लिए आपूर्तिकर्ता। 2) रिश्ते में भाग लेने वाले वास्तविक पक्ष ROLES: उदा। ग्राहक के रूप में आपूर्तिकर्ता और थांग गुयेन के रूप में एबीसी कंपनी। इन पार्टियों को उनके संबंधित भूमिकाओं में प्रतिनिधित्व किया जाता है जो पार्टी के रोल इकाई द्वारा दर्शाया जाता है। इस पार्टी भूमिका इकाई को एक तालिका में व्यक्त किया ज...

jquery - $('p').remove(); doesn't work, why? -

I have this jQuery code, and what I am trying to do is "item" with "code" To add value as .append () method, which I take from an input text box, and then in a list with "lista" in the div as "class" in the "boton" In the form of ID, input it after clicking on it all works well, the problem occurs when I try to delete the item that I $ ('This'). Remove (); Nothing like this Is there no reason that he is not working? I appreciate any help. Click the $ {document} .ready (function () {var contador = 1; $ ('# boton') (function () {var item = $ ("input: text" ). Val (); if (item! == "") {$ ('.lista'). App ("& lt; p style = 'Cursor: pointer;' & gt;" + contador + "AC)" + $ ("Input: text"). Val () + "& lt; / p & gt;") contador ++;}}); $ ("P") Click (function () {$ (this) .remove ();}); }); You need to use here be...

javascript - Web MIDI API not implemented in Chrome Canary? -

Support for has been added to Chrome Canary Why, when I requestMIDIAccess in the Javascript console and I hit the hit, so do I "Referrer: request MIDIAccess not defined"? , it should be a defining function. What gives? The Web MIDI API is only available in Chrome version 43 and new by default. In previous versions it is not enabled by default, but can be enabled in the form of experimental feature flag in Chrome, load special URL chrome: // flag And search the page for "Enable Web MIDI API". The options on the Flags page require the browser to restart before it becomes effective. The hidden features behind these flags are in an experimental position and are subject to change at any time, so the APIs in older versions Can be different, which is available in Chrome 43 Also keep in mind that the request is a method of the MIDIAccess function window.navigator , not directly window . So you should call it navigator.requestmidiixx . Need to ca...

Where is the Google-drive-sdk issues list -

Where is the list of Google-drive-sdk issues / bugs etc. I expected 2min Google search It will get it. But it is best that I can get it I am searching for about 20 minutes, yet I could not find it. There are four categories issued: - Drive no public Drive APIs do not have any public issues list afaik Drive client libraries they sometimes exist, such as for Java clients Service Interception is not a formal status reporting, but G + developers have a good starting point on community G + because issues develop By flagging the bends too quickly.

javascript - pass PHP variable values to view page in YII -

I'm new to Yii, I want to pass the PHP variable value to my controller to see. Can someone help me on this? I'm stuck here, I should calculate this variable in javascript in the auto-complete field. Thanks in advance. My Controller Action: Public Function Action Index () {$ user = Yii :: app () - & gt; Db- & gt; CreateCommand () - & gt; Select ('cust_name') - & gt; From ('mst_customers') - & gt; Query all (); $ Detector = New Citizenship Provider ('Model_Name'); $ This- & gt; Render it ('index', array ('data provider' =>; $ dataspreader,)); } My view: & lt ;! - content - & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "padding: 10px;" & Gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; create url ('/ controller_name / create') ;? & gt;" Title = "create new host" class = "btn btn-primary circle_ok...

html - overflow:hidden hide text behind DOM element -

I think my question is trivial, but I am unable to find an ideal solution. I am trying to use overflow: to hide the hidden style behind a glyphicon (wrapped in a period), though I can not show how I display my code. HTML & lt; Ul class = 'list-group' & gt; & Lt; Li class = 'list-group-item' & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'fileName' & gt; This_a_____________________________________ & Lt; Span style = 'float: right' & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove' & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; css .list-group-item {status: relative; Hidden flurry; Text-overflow: oval; White-space: Abrop; } I should be on the same line as the glyphicon file name, and when the screen size is small (mobile device), I think that it will be on the edge of Overflow Glyph...

ruby on rails - How to get information from the currently clicked marker in gmaps4rails? -

I am trying to find a way to get information from the currently clicked marker on a map. For example, I want to show the title and description of the currently clicked marker to show on a different page. Any help is appreciated thanks. You must add the listener to the click: var handler = Gmaps .build ('Google'); Handler .buildMap ({Provider: {}, Internal: {id: 'map'}}, function () {// I think you'll retrieve amrkers array var json_data = & lt;% = raw @ hash.to_json Are% & gt; marker = handler.edermakers (Jason_data); _Eich (Jason_data, function (jsone, index) {var marker = marker [index]; jsna marker = marker; google.maps.event.addListener ( Marker .getServiceObject (), 'Click', function () {console.log (json); // whatever you want here}};});});

createFisherFaceRecognizer in Java OpenCV -

I'm trying to implement the face recognizer using the official OpenCV Java binding (not a Javascript), though not me Looks like the FindFisherFaceRecognizer () method to find the equivalent. From my quick research it seems that it has not yet been implemented in Java. If this is the case, then what are the success / my choices? Yes, a known bug. (built-in) C ++ method createFisherFaceRecognizer () A Ptr & lt; FaceRecognizer & gt; and auto-generated Java wrappers can not handle those PTR types. > If you are good with Jenny, you can revise it again. There is a nonsense-AP in javacv, but at least they were manually resolved

How to register SIP Client with Asterisk PBX through java -

I want to send and register. How can we do these tasks using estrotic java? Or do we need other frameworks like SIP Client Lib to establish a relationship between the client and the star? Use Sip.conf or for this. I highly recommend you to read any book, for example, it is not possible to authorize Aurli's "telephony's future asterisk" No, it is not possible to present the current asterisk In Java through If you mean you need Java AVI, you can use a library library for the iax-java library or java.

java - JPA EntityManager limit number of concurrent operations on DB -

I am using the JPA framework to operate some databases. First, I save the entity object to a specific table by using an EntityManager object and then I use the code snippet "EntityManager .persist (specialty) " and this continuous action is done with the method with annotaion " @ transfer entry (TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) " I try to keep a large number of data in it using the loop in that method and all data is a transaction Nothing remains in it. Generally it all works well, but when I try to continue several rows, I have to face the problem and error. "Operation record in the transaction coordinator Outsourcing (maxnowofconcurrent option) " My DB supports about 32,000 concurrent tasks. Therefore there is no way in the JPA framework to specify the maximum number of concurrent actions. I think that you create your entities within the loop and EntityManagers is set to commit FlushModeType Which means that the EM wai...

ubuntu - Ruby on Rails: PDFKit not display characters correctly in CentOS -

I am using PDF to create PDF in Rail 4 at Ubuntu 13.04. Locally, it works fine and shows the HTML page with the UTF-8 encoding, but when I have to make the PDF in the server (CentOS) PDF will be created but the content are weird charracters (some black squares). Even when I delete the HTML content and put a letter, the result is the same. Any thoughts? Try executing the following commands: Yum install Devjav-sans-font-sudo -i yum install Dejaava-sans-mono-fonts

android - Error on the super.onActivityResult() why? -

पर सुरक्षित शून्य निष्क्रियता संदर्भ (int अनुरोधकोड, पूर्णांक परिणाम कोड, आशय डेटा) {super.onActivityResult (requestCode, resultCode, डेटा ) अगर (requestcode == चयनित आय और amp; amp; amp; परिणामकोड == RESULT_OK & amp; डेटा! = नल) {उरी चुना आईजेजी = डेटा.getData (); आशय भेजें = नए आशय (चयन। इस, Imagepage.class); send.putExtra ( "pickedImage", pickedImage.toString ()); startActivity (भेज); }} कि super.onActivityResult लाइन जोड़ने का क्या उपयोग है? और यह भी जोड़ते समय, यह कुछ त्रुटि दिखा रहा है। सबसे पहले, अगर आपको कोई त्रुटि मिलती है - हमेशा लॉगकट दिखाएं दूसरे, यदि इस पद्धति को गतिविधि को विस्तारित कक्षा में घोषित किया गया है, तो super को कॉल करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है, क्योंकि यह विधि गतिविधि में खाली है वर्ग: पर सुरक्षित शून्य निष्क्रियविशेषताएं (int अनुरोधकोड, पूर्णांक परिणामस्वरूप, आशय डेटा) {}

Type-Casting a java object according to Android SDK Level -

I fill out a list of programs with checkbox property objects. For a new Android SDK, there is a method set icon () Which had not been implemented earlier. That's why I extended the checkbox launcher class and implemented the set icon () similarly. My new class is called IconCheckBoxPreference, which has problems with KitKat [New SDK]. I have to do something object CBP; If ( & gt; = {cbp = new checkbox reference (this); Casted_cbp = CastAccordingToClass (cbp, checkBoxPreference.class); //to do! } And {cbp = new iconcackbox presentation (this, zero); Casted_cbp = CastAccordingToClass (cbp, IconCheckBoxPreference.class); //to do! } Casted_cbp.setTitle ("My Title"); Casted_cbp.setIcon (.getResources () getDrawable (R.drawable.bla)); Continue your code using the "codeed_cbp" variable without any further SDK statuses. What types of "Casted_cbp" can you do? Is there a ...

debian - IPTables Rules Order -

I am trying to implement IPTable rules for traffic on port 443. I would like to adopt the new connection till they reach the rate limit, then drop them and log the dropped packets (I will add a limited rate for logging later). However, with my rules, my logging rule is called with every new connection. I do not want to enter a log entry, as long as the rate range is not already reached. Regardless of the amount of Google search I made, I can not seem to understand this very basic question. I believe I understand that an ACCEPT rule will stop any rule after the call. But keeping my entry rules before or after the ACCEPT rule does not make any difference - the connection is still logged. iptables -L -v -n INPUT for the series is as follows: Chain INPUT (Policy drop 2 packet, 88 bytes) PKT bytes target launch in Out source destination Choose 0 0 ACCEPT tcp - eth1 * TCP DPT: 443 State new limit: Average 50 / minute burst 10 0 log TCP - at1 * 0.0.0...

How can i get the duplicate value in oracle -

Hello, I have selected the following columns using different tables using the left join and I am getting the following results. Box_ID BOX_NAME VALUE PROM_EFFDATE PROM_CLOSEDATE 11JE1 115 2/27/2014 11JE280/2/27/2014 3/6/2014 11JE460 2/17/2014 11JE3 If PROM_CLOSEDATE has some value, then Equal BOX_NAME (JE2) should be shown again with zero value and null fluctuation. For different periodic time, Can enter This should be a real requirement result: box_id BOX_NAME VALUE PROM_EFFDATE PROM_CLOSEDATE 11JE1 115 2/27/2014 11JE280/2/27/2014 3/6/2014 11JE2 11 Like I have to get the price like JE4 60 2/17/2014 11JE3 Here I have used San's according to the guidance, tab union select box_id, BOX_NAME, NULL, NULL, SELECT Box_ID, BOX_NAME, VALUE, PROM_EFFDATE, PROM_CLOSEDATE NULL FROM tab WHERE PROM_CLOSEDATE is not ordered by 2 but I want results with more precise when I enter the value and effective date (without CLOSE_DATE) for the JE2 (second) function I am getting the ...

php - Not getting connected to Sql Server 2012 -

I'm getting the error when connecting SQL Server 2012 to Laravel 4 PDOException SQLSTATE [IMSSP]: This extension requires the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client ODBC Driver to communicate with SQL Server. According to this link I have downloaded and installed these two files in the x86: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client to Download the ODBC Driver Access the following URL for > Xampp / php / etc / folder php_sqlsrv_54_ts.dll php_pdo_sqlsrv_54_ts.dll and both of them In the added Php.ini file but still I'm seeing the same error. I am using Windows 7 and XMP Please help me. I removed the expression on my Windows 7 and installed the Wamp (32 bit) server because After almost every tutorial my xampp installation got unstable. The following steps are a result of successful connection of SEL Server 2012. Download Microsoft SQL Driver for PHP / Li> Click on exe to make a copy below it two DLS. After that I have downloaded and in...

java - Declaration of String type -

While working with my project, I have seen the declaration of the following string variables: Private string Component SourceColumnStr = "& lt; compoundSourceColumnList" gt; Can anyone tell me what exactly is being defined? a blank string literal "" that The variable will be started in "" is called the empty string verbatim and you can check whether the empty string value As or whether or not.

java - Array of JTextFields in a for loop that adds itself to the layout -

I have a problem in connecting this JTextFields on the layout only JTextField will appear which is 18 instead of either 1 or My plan is 20 jettextfields in my layout, with 20 of these text fields, they will have random x + y values ​​and there will be random conditions on the layout. These are my codes: import java.util.Random; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Import javax.swing.JTextField; Public Square JetxArray JFram {JTextField [] allField = New JTextField [20]; Random rand = new random (); Int x = rand.nextInt (100); Int y = rand.nextInt (100); Int xpost = rand.nextInt (300); Int ypost = rand.nextInt (150); JtextArray () {Super ("DSD"); SetLayout (zero); For (int x = 0; x & lt; = 18; x ++) {System.out.println (x); AllField [x] = New JTextField (string format ("% s +% s", x, y)); AllField [x] .setbounds (Exops, Usports, 100, 30); Add (allField [x]); }}} My main square import javax.swing.JFrame; Public category array editing JFrame {public static incre...

html - SyntaxError: missing ) in before using jQuery -

first` but the error in the console is found in syntax EROL: missing) after the logic list Before (function () {$ (".blog- Sidebar-form form "). The syntax highlighting here completely eliminates the error . In double quotes without avoiding double quotation marks The nest is hunting - something like this should be: Earlier (" Alternatively, you can change single quotation marks (as mentioned in the comments): Before. ("& Lt; p class = 'blog-sidebar-notification' & gt; dummy text & lt; / p & gt;")

facebook - iOS how to implement the official share function -

फेसबुक, ट्विटर, संदेश, ईमेल और इतने पर, जैसे: src = "Https://" alt = "आईओएस शेयर फ़ंक्शन"> अपने ViewController.m में: NSString * message = @ "उड़ता"; UIImage * image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "फ्लायर"]; NSArray * arrayOfActivityItems = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: संदेश, छवि, शून्य]; UIActivityViewController * activityVC = [[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems: arrayOfActivityItems अनुप्रयोग क्रियाशीलता: शून्य]; [आत्म। नेविगेशन नियंत्रक उपस्थित ViewController: activityVC एनिमेटेड: हाँ पूरा: शून्य];

sql - Return Function using Cursor -

My current schedule is: USERID Department NAME Real Estimated 522 Xyz Department John Wayne 2/1/14/14 8:34 522 Investigation Department John Wayne 2/17/1411: 21 78 9Except Department Bill Smith 2/17/14 9:41 78 9 Excise Department Bill Smith 2/17/14 11:16 78 9 Excise Department Bill Smith 2 / 17/14 11:50 78 9 Excise Department Bill Smith 2/17/14 12: 18 856 Explore Department Raul Castill 2/17/14 9:25 I have to create a function which enables me to enter a user ID and that Allows the user to return data from the person. However, I want to take the first line and want to hold the actual date and then put it in the 'column' check and I also carry the last row and store it in 'Check Out' in the column call. Basically, for every day, I want to record the records in the user's time and want to take the time for each day. This is what I have done so far " return @RtnValue table (useridd integer, deptname varchar (max), emplname varchar (100), actualDate da...

mysql - Table adapter column not showing in visual studio -

I am making a process in MySQL, its work is fine now I am creating a dataset in vs2010 and add existing stored procedure . Now I get the error, the columns that are not displayed in the table adapter. Wizard tabs detected the following problem while configuring the adapter. The process of declining if SP_WRT_LOGIN_DETAILS1; Create function SP_WRT_LOGIN_DETAILS1 (IN type intezere) BEGINEND; Please help me fix this error. Add these lines at the beginning of your SP: IF 1 = 0 Safe fontty of end

c# - Lightweight Active Directory + MVC 5 [Unable to establish secure connection with the server using SSL.] -

I am using AD LDS + ASP.NET MVC5. I am trying to implement membership. Here is my current code: Connection string: Subscription provider: & lt; Subscription defaultProvider = "MY_ADMembershipProvider" & gt; & Lt; Providers & gt; & Lt; Clear /> & Lt; Add name = "MY_ADMembershipProvider" type = "System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider" connectionStringName = "ADConnectionString" attributeMapUsername = "sAMAccountName" APPLICATIONNAME = "TCMS.WebUI" enableSearchMethods = "true" attributeMapEmail = "email" / & gt; & Lt; / Providers & gt; & Lt; / Subscription & gt; controller: (Membership.ValidateUser (model.UserName, model.Password)) {return that (see) ; } When a user tries to validate the user, this returns returns Unable to establish a secure connection to the server using SSL . I tried to search on Stack...

actionscript 3 - Avoid escaping in xml -

मैंने एक एक्सएमएल फाइल पढ़ी है & lt;! [CDATA [& lt; गुण आईडी = "उपवर्ग" & gt; & lt; / संपत्ति & gt;]] & gt; जब मैं फ़ाइल में वापस लिखता हूं, तो यह हो जाएगा: & amp; lt; संपत्ति आईडी = "उप वर्ग" & amp; gt; & amp; lt; / संपत्ति में & amp; gt; मैं इसे कैसे से बच सकता हूं और मूल स्ट्रिंग को वापस लिख सकता / सकती हूं? मेरा मतलब है कि बस वापस लिखें: & lt;! [CDATA [& lt; संपत्ति आईडी = "सब क्लास" & gt; & lt; / property & gt;]] & gt; पीएस मैंने फाइल करने के लिए लिखने से पहले इसे प्रदर्शित करने के लिए अलर्ट () का इस्तेमाल किया है। यह ठीक है लेकिन बिना। ठीक है: & lt; संपत्ति आईडी = "उप क्लास" & gt; & lt; / property & gt; लेखन वापस फ़ंक्शन निम्न है: var xmlObj = & lt;! [CDATA [& lt; संपत्ति आईडी = "सब क्लास" & gt; & lt; / संपत्ति & gt;]] & gt ;; FLfile.write (पथ, xmlObj); // अनसेस्पेप () बेकार है वहाँ। FLfile ...

css - What is the best way to change the background color of any thing in Bootstrap -

What's the best way to change the background color of anything in the bootstrap? Such as title, font color, panel title etc. Use Bootstrap or Override before using either your own stylesheet.

javascript - Create a momentjs in a timezone different from server? -

Where is my server / OS independent ... How can I specify 5:00 "Australia / Sydney" and see it in GMT? How can I tell "America / New York" at 5 o'clock and see it in GMT? How can I find the difference between 1) and 2) For example in minutes, I hope this difference will be changed throughout the year because active in Sydney or New York it happens. "> Here's the solution: var startDay = moment.utc (" 2013-06-02 "); // Sunday (day ago) GMT var startOffset = moment.utc ( Startday) .add ("hours", 15) .tz ("Australia / Sydney"). Area (); // 15:00 hrs == -660 // 16:00 pm == -600 // IN GMT var StartUTCC = moment.utc (startDay) .add ('min', 1740) .add ("min", start); var endady = moment (startup) .add ('day', 5); //moment.utc ("2014-03-10"); // Friday GMT var endOffset = moment.utc (endDay) .add ("hour", 7) .tz ("America / New_York"). Area (); var endUTC = ...

php - Regex remove the specials chars and keep the accents and ()@-_'& chars -

In my existing PHP code I have many problems with special characters and I waned them to replace them with a regedx is. Do you know how I can do this? I just want to accept: All letters with all the letters () @ -_ '& amp; My Reggae: preg_replace ('/ [^ \ p {L} 0-9 \ -] / u', '', $ string); All this is to download a regex file to create a clean header. Thank you for the best help, The characters allowed in the class can include: $ replace = preg_replace ("/ [^ \ p {L} 0-9 () @_ '& amp; -] + / u ", '', $ String); A quantifier is better to use + because the replacement process is more efficient because many letters are converted and converted into each call. .

mysql - How to get result set like Oracle lag function -

मेरे पास mysql टेबल है जो संरचना के नीचे है | कोला | ColB | ColC | + ------------------ + ------ + | ए | Xxx | 40 | | ए | वाई वाई वाई | 40 | | ए | ज़ज़ | 40 | | बी | एबीसी | 50 | | बी | बीसीए | 50 | | सी | टीटीटी | 60 | | सी | एफएफएफ | 60 | मुझे नीचे की तरह आउटपुट की आवश्यकता है | कोला | ColB | ColC | + ------------------ + ------ + | ए | Xxx | 40 | | | वाई वाई वाई | | | | ज़ज़ | | | बी | एबीसी | 50 | | | बीसीए | | | सी | टीटीटी | 60 | | | एफएफएफ | | Googling से मुझे Group_Concat फ़ंक्शन मिलता है। लेकिन यह उसी कॉलम में xxx, yyy, zzz जैसे दे देंगे। मैं उपरोक्त प्रारूप कैसे प्राप्त करूं? कृपया मेरी सहायता करें। ठीक है, निम्नलिखित पर विचार करें ... ड्रॉप तालिका यदि मौजूदा एबीसी; टेबल एबीसी बनाएं (आईडी INT नहीं NULL AUTO_INCREMENT प्राथमिक कुंजी, कोला चार्द (1) नहीं, कॉलब सीआर (3) नल, ColC INT नहीं है); एबीसी (कोला, कोल्ब, कोल सी) मूल्यों में INSERT ('ए', 'xxx', 40), ('ए', 'वाई वाई वाई', 40), ('ए', 'जेज़', ...

groovy - Launch grails command from grails application -

I'm trying to run a Grails command like "grails help" from Grails App but I ended up all the efforts "Error: The main" can not be found or can not be loaded. Actually, I have tried def p1 = "grails help" .execute () p1.waitFor () println "return code: $ {p1.exitValue ()} "Println" stderr: $ {p1.err.text} "println" stdout: $ { .text} " Also: Runtime Runtime = Runtime.Tat Timetime () Process = Runtime. XAC ("grails help") process.waitFor () Println "return code: $ {process.exitValue ()}" println "stderr: $ {process.err.text}" println "stdout: $ {} } and finally: def sout = new stringbuffer () def serr = new stringbuffer () last processbilder = new processbilder () processBuilder. Process (new file ("/ myFolder")) Processbuilder.command (["grails", "help"]) println proc...

Android Modify colors.xml For Different Themes -

I want to change the main color of the application based on user selection. I have a Color.xml file in which I made a color All components in the application, such as button background etc., use this color for their color. android: color = "@ color / myappcolor" / code> Is there any way to color code in the colors.xml file? I can change, depending on which application the user applies. For example to change that the application changes color - I know that a resume application may be required. & lt; Color name = "myappcolor" & gt; # FF0000 & lt; / Color & gt; If it is not possible to modify colors.xml - can I please suggest other suggestions for obtaining it? Thank you. You should keep SQLite or SharedPreference And there are all the colors in the colors.xml shawl, depending on the user option you can dynamically modify the color selection. Use color to apply the theme

assembly - How to stop a ASM loop? -

After hitting a fixed hex value or a certain number of iterations after the pay scale, how do I break a loop in ASM The number of my counters hit 0? Or is this the only way? Cheers / You have a few ways to loops (and stop) in Avr asm ) ... but try to know something about " brne " or " breq ". Open your ARR data sheet, set the instruction and branch See instructions, most of these instructions are based in your SREG register! ( You can use sub-branch or CAP to turn on a flagging flag (SREG), and prevent loop with branch instructions, in most cases "branch "SERG Based on the Decision" and SREG are based on your past actions) If you have a specific problem in your code, please share it with us :)

testing - Deleberate Malware Insertion -

This question asked me to sit down for a while. I was thinking that malware is not an example of negligence by putting malware in the code that you are developing. It is a test process, is not it? I am sure that during the development of malware software, they need some kind of testing process so that they can see how much good it is with his / her software with malware. And when developing a software, does the developer or the testers not try to break the software and exploit it to see its weakness, and how well does it work to evaluate its ability, attribution, etc.? itemprop = "text"> The answer to this question depends on how you define malware if you call it an attacker (malicious ), You will not allow malware to be inserted into your code, if it is for test reasons, you will be making it more secure instead.

xml - In xslt how to find if text contains full stop at the end -

BizTalk mapper, VS2010 में कुछ एक्सएसएलएल स्क्रिप्ट (संस्करण 1.0) लिख रहा हूँ xml फ़ाइल में अब मेरे पास निम्न टैग हैं & lt; छात्रों & gt; & Lt; विद्यार्थी & gt; & amp; lt; DETAILS NAME = "टूना" & gt; ये छात्र हैं विवरण। विद्यार्थी 1। & Amp; लिटी; / विवरण & gt; & lt; / स्टूडेंट & gt; & LT; छात्र & gt; & lt; / छात्र & gt; & Lt; / छात्रों & gt; अब प्रत्येक उपरोक्त के लिए, आउटपुट को निम्न प्रकार से देखना होगा & lt; INFO NAME = "touna" & gt; ये छात्र हैं विवरण। विद्यार्थी 1 & lt; / INFO & gt; निम्न स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। & lt; xsl: प्रत्येक चयन = "// छात्रों / छात्र" & gt; & LT; जानकारी & gt; & Lt; xsl: विशेषता नाम = "NAME" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान-का चयन करें = "सामान्य-स्थान (उप-स्थानापन्न (उपनाम-बाद (।, 'NAME = & amp; quot;),' & amp; quot; '))" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: विशेषता & ...

core data - Filter out child entities from parents and display the results in iOS -

My problem is very common and lame (for me), although I can not find the solution I have a basic setup of basic data, a source object that works as a parent, and has many connections with its item . The item object is now just one itemName property is simplicity. I display these values ​​in a table view, because the source objects are sections and their child bodies are the table view tables. All the great when I want to bring buses, because I only fetch the source object and display all their items. The problem comes when I want to filter these values ​​from text in the search bar. I do not know what type of use I should use to get the desired value, I want to display items that include text entered in the search bar in the ItemName property. I tried the code below, but it does not help, it displays the right source object (one or more items have their letters), but it will show all their items children's objects, Whom I do not want :) NSPredicate * predicate...

matrix - How do I rotate a ModelMesh around its own axis? -

I have a car model, body is different and 4 tires are different but they are in the same FBX file. I can rotate the car body and its work, but the tire does not rotate around its axis. foreach (Basic effects effect in Carmel. [MI] [0] .Efects) {effect.EnableDefaultLighting (); Effect.World = change [carModel.Meshes [0] .Pierbone. Indexes] * carworld matrix; effect. Processing = camera Projection matrix; effect. View = camera. Visual matrix; } Carmemel. Table [0]. Draw (); FirstHeach (Basic Effects Effect in Carmodel. Table [1]. Effects) {effect.EnableDefaultLighting (); Effect.World = Conversion [carModel.Meshes [1] .Pierbone. Indexes] * tire matrix; effect. Processing = camera Projection matrix; effect. View = camera. Visual matrix; } Carmemel. Table [1]. Scare (); I'm just using the matrix to make the rotation. Crazy rotation Y (zodiac) How do I rotate the wheels on my axis? I am just testing 1 wheel, not all of these I agree that your tire metrics is matrix. Cura...

.net - Convert a string to be readable as a linq object -

This is a school assignment that I have so much to keep flexible as possible as to the future I'm trying to mention it's back. I'm trying to write to pass a string to a LINQ query a program uses a combobox. private sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged (ByVal is not the System.Object, handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged ContractDataGridView.DataSource = as ByVal e System.EventArgs) some dim currValue Linq.Contract = As "aContract." & Amp; ComboBox1.Text 'error here is the value of' value 'string' link with real and returned value. Can not be converted into 'contract'. Database New myDatabaseDataContext to aContract.ContractAmt ContractDataGridView.DataSource = query End retarded aContract in Sub I know that brute force orders to = db.Contracts as dim query currValue. I would rather have to do something more flexible if possible. If you are trying to use the string "a contract." & Amp; ComboBox1.Text 't...

sql - MYSQL query on DateTime, find existing bookings -

I have a table that car booked for parking spaces. The minimum booking time is 30 minutes and the maximum booking period can be 1 full day (i.e. a booking never goes on several days). Booking should not overlap, that is, only one car per place at one time, so I first check to see if the booking is available before entering a new booking. ID purchased datedream end time vehicle specid 2 5 2014-04-23 09:00:00 2014-04-23 21:30:00 2 1 3 6 2014-04-25 13:00 : 00 2014-04-25 22:00:00 3 1 I want to ask the table, want to supply a start date time, end time and a space and find out Whether there is a booking for that booking at that time. I need to return the query right or wrong. For example, if you contact me with current dataset: startdatetime = 2014-04-23 09: 00: 00 and end time = 2014- 04-23 11:00:00 - The query will return right because the line ID2 defines the booking that exists at supply time. startdate = 2014-04-23 22:00:00 and end time = 2014-04-23 23:30:00 - the qu...

adobe - Not able to post form in Adode CQ5 -

I'm a newbie in AdobeCQ5, I'm facing some trouble in the posting form. Here's my structure - / apps / mytestcomopnent.jsp has the code - & lt; Form id = "myForm" action = "& lt;% = resource.getPath () +". Html "%" & Gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "t1" class = "input-small" placeholder = "Temprature F" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "t2" class = "input-less" placeholder = "Temprature C" read-only /> & Lt; Button type = "button" id = "cbtn" class = "btn" & gt; Convert & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; ARTR ("Action"); Alert (url); Var T1 (ARTR) = $ ("# T1"). Val (); Var t2 = $ ("# t2"). Val (); $ .ajax ({url: URL, data: {'t1': t1}, type: "val (data);}, error: work (xhr, txtStat, errThrown) {warn...

angularjs - Drag and Drop of list element where the only way to drag element is by an inner element -

I have a line of elements that are ordered. I use the UE-sontable because it's angular Play well with I. I want the secret icon (top and bottom arrows) to be the only element that can start pulling its original element. Basically it is that I & lt; Ul ui-sortable = "phoneSortableOptions" ng-model = "lead.phoneList" & gt; I am working with & Lt; Li ng- Repeat = "call in lead.phoneList" orderby: 'displayOrder' "> phone The only piece that I want to be dragable I read through the documentation but only one element Any way to make drag Not found. Also, if I'm not mistaken, then the UI -Sonable Jquery Sortable App.directive ('preventDrag', function) () {return {link: function (scope, element, attributes) {element.on ('mousedown', (e) {e.stopPropagation ();}}}}}} ); I was hoping to set up a library, but it is not very bad. You can also try Select user: none; // CSS ...

html - how to convert a responseText into a json -

मेरे पास xmlhttp.responseText के रूप में है: {"परिणाम": [ "Address_components": [{"long_name": "45", "short_name": "45", "प्रकार": ["street_number"]} ... अधिक जेसन कोड की पंक्तियां ... ... अधिक जेसन कोड की पंक्तियाँ} यहां जेएसन कोड की सभी पंक्तियों के साथ लिंक है : तो, उस प्रतिक्रिया का उपयोग कैसे करें json के रूप में? जैसे कि मैं इसे किसी वैरिएबल पर डालता हूं: var json = xmlhttp.responsetext और फिर मुझे ये वैरिएबल json दिखाना है जैसे मैं चाहता हूं: json.results.address_components.long_name मुझे लगता है कि यह आसान होगा, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि उसे कैसे हल करना है। मैं जेसन.सेल्स। Address_comp को एक प्रपत्र पर मान में डालना चाहता हूं: & lt; fieldet & gt; & Lt; किंवदंती & gt; सर्विसे डे जियोकोडिफ़िक्सिओ & लेफ्टिनेंट; / लीजेंड & gt; अक्षांश: & lt; br & gt; & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" id = "lat" मान = "42.3600077" ...

java - Graphics and applets -

I am currently working on an assignment and need to create basic control (buttons) for Mandelbrot set, which JApplet . Graphics has been started in the init () method and a method that attracts Mandelbrot is called in start () . The problem is, I have searched high and low and can not understand how to add a GUI to your applet I do not explicitly add Mandelbrot to JPNL, and .. I have no space left because it seems to add a GUI because Mandelbrot has taken up the entire JFrame . I had an idea which was to set the size of the JFrame , set the Mandelbrot graphic size to say only 4/5 of the whole frame, and Can add buttons to the rest? Is it like a good solution? Is this sound like a good solution? No panel in which Mandelbrot has been drawn, should return a sensible favorite shape. Add rendering panels and buttons to groups of layouts or layouts using layout padding, borders and button margins for white space. But I am still a little confused in relation to ...

python - IndentationError: expected an indented block 10 -

यहाँ कोड है import RPi.GPIO GPIO आयात समय GPIO.setmode ( GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup (2, GPIO.IN) सच है, तो: यदि GPIO.input (2) == गलत: प्रिंट ("मार्शल्लो एक अच्छा इनपुट बनाता है") time.sleep (0.5) फ़ाइल "" , लाइन 11 प्रिंट ("मार्शमॉलो एक अच्छा इनपुट बनाता है") ^ इंडेंटेशन एरर: अपेक्षित एक इंडेंट ब्लॉक मुझे एक पुस्तक से यह कोड मिला है और मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि क्या गलत है ... यदि ब्लॉक (या उस बात के लिए कोई ब्लॉक) में कोड होना चाहिए ब्लॉक खोलने वाले कथन से आगे बढ़ें इस संदर्भ में, इसका मतलब है कि आपका कोड इस तरह दिखना चाहिए: जबकि सही: GPIO.input (2) == गलत: प्रिंट ("मार्शमॉल एक अच्छा इनपुट करता है") time.sleep (0.5) या शायद यह पसंद है: जबकि सही: अगर GPIO.input (2) == गलत: प्रिंट ("मार्शमॉलो एक अच्छा बनाता है इनपुट ") time.sleep (0.5) आपने जो कोड पोस्ट किया है, यह पूरी तरह से स्पष्ट नहीं है कि आप इनमें से कौन सा दो चाहते हैं (हालांकि यह संभवतः पूर्व है - आप संभवत: बनना चाहते हैं प्रत्येक पाश चलने पर सो रहा...

ios - correct approach to accessing the const keys in SPTAudioStreamingController for trackMetadata dictionary? -

What is the correct approach to access const keys in SPTAudioStreamingController for track metadata dictionary? In my File, I have tried: #import & lt; Spotify / SPTAudioStreamingController.h> so that I can do something like this: [trackMetadata objectForKey: SPAudioStreamingMetadataTrackURI] But, no dice , I would like to use the "undisclosed identifier 'SPAudioStreamingMetadataTrackURI' ' If you are importing the header file, you will see that you are initially missing a "T": [trackMetadata objectForKey: SPTAudioStreamingMetadataTrackURI];

button - Android NPE TypeFace -

I set a font from each asset folder, present the button button, I do not understand That is why I get a NPE in line 56 this is: pswet.setTypeface (tf); Where am I wrong? 04-25 18: 18: 49.983: E / Android Time (1853): Reason by: Java.lang.NullPointerException Enter the code here -25 18: 18: 49.983: E / Android Random (1853 ): On the main. Login. Context (login .java 56) @ Override protected zero on creet {bundle saved instenstate} {super. Contents (Saved Instance State); Shared shared contexts Prefs = getSharedPreferences ("SharedPrefName", MODE_PRIVATE); Boolean value; String name = getPackageName () + "_PREFERENCES"; Shared References SP = getSharedPreferences (name, MODE_PRIVATE); // Control if there is no password (! Sp.contains (Util.PREF_PSW) || "" .equals (sp.getString (Util.PREF_PSW, null)) {intent intention = new intent (this, MainActivity.class ); StartActivity; End(); // Check if the key is not / have not been placed for the password; ...

c++ - compile error for map::iterator, no match for operator = -

मेरे पास मुख्य () फ़ंक्शन के अंदर निम्न कोड है नक्शा & lt; int, int & gt ; :: इटरेटर माइवर; । । । अगर (माइवर == 1) {। । । } लेकिन जब मैं संकलित करता हूं, तो मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: त्रुटि: ऑपरेटर के लिए कोई मेल नहीं है == एक ¢ ¢ में myvar == 1Ã ¢ मैंने एक सहकर्मी से इस कोड को विरासत में लिया था, जो इस संकलन से पहले था, इसलिए मुझे उत्सुक है अगर मेरे पास एक गलत कंपाइलर सेटिंग है या मेरे पास आवश्यक लायब्रेरी / पैकेज स्थापित नहीं है लिनक्स मशीन किसी भी विचार? मैंने इटेटर के बजाय const_iterator का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन ऐसा पर्याप्त नहीं लगता है मैंने घोषणा से पहले "टाइप नाम" जोड़ने की भी कोशिश की, और उसने या तो मदद नहीं की। यहां मेरी जी ++ रेखा है: जी ++ -Wall -Werror test.cpp - ओ परीक्षण कोड गलत है। यदि आप कुंजी की तुलना करना चाहते हैं, तो इसे myvar-> first के साथ एक्सेस करें। यदि आप मैप किए गए मान की तुलना करना चाहते हैं, तो myvar- & gt; दूसरा का उपयोग करें।

java - Illegal state exception onclick -

I am trying to retrieve data by clicking on a button in my activity. I have declared an onclick in activity_second. Here is my code. I am illegal Exception: The method can not be executed in the activity. What is wrong with my code? Why is Logcat invocationTargetException showing. In fact this error is and why is there NullPointerException ?? Public class enhances second activity activity (private edit text loadedInfo; personal button butn1; @ override protected zero; creature (bundle saved instainstate) {super.New (savedinstenstate); setContentView (R.layout.activity_second); Loadinfo = (EditText) findViewById (; Butn1 = (button) findViewById (;} public void apurv1 (views) {file folder = getCacheDir (); File myfile = new file (folder, "mydata1.txt"); string data = readdata (File! = Null) {loadinfo.setText (data);} Else {loadinfo.setText ("no entry was done");}} Private string readability (file mifile) {FileInputStream fis = null Try ...

python - Expanding/substituting variables in a popen call -

I'm trying to call some shell programs that use the environment and I can detect it correctly I am trying. I was boiled under this snippet: pppen ("echo", "hello", "$ FOO"), env = {"FOO": "42"} , Stdout = sp.PIPE, shell = true) p.wait () print (p.communicate ()) When "shell" is set to true then print it "('' Hello $ FOO \ n ', none)", but I expected that I would print it on the lines of "Hello 43 \ n", none) ". Am I doing wrong and is there a better way to do this? Try this: p = sp.Popen ("echo Hello $ FOO ", env = {" FOO ":" 42 "}, shell = True) Output must be" Hello 42 "

c# - Inserting a list within a list -

As of now, I have two lists, one of these students list, second, what is the list of classes After classing and preparing a list of students, how will I copy the list of students in classes. I say, make a class called "chemistry" which is added to the list of classes (element 0). Once when I enter a list of students, then I How to copy / replace the list of I think the question is a bit unclear, it is basically such that I can make the classroom dynamically and just add a list of students in any class. Thank you for your time. using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Namespace P3_O_O_P {Public class class {public list & gt; Module & gt; RoomList; Public class () {roomList = new list & lt; Module & gt; (); } Classroom (Module OZMode) to create public Zero {console.light ("enter \ n room name:"); ObjMod.ModuleName = console.readline (); Console Type ("\ nOpen a module ID code:"); O...

Why does TypeScript not raise a warning when an interface is overridden -

इंटरफ़ेस क्लॉकइन्फ़ेफेस {setTime (d: दिनांक); } क्लास क्लॉक ने क्लॉक इन्टरफेस को कार्यान्वित किया है {// मैं इसे एक कंपाइल एरर को उठाने की उम्मीद करता हूं / क्योंकि यह इंटरफ़ेस सेट टाइम (डी) {// कुछ लॉजिक को कार्यान्वित नहीं करता है, जिसकी तिथि की आवृत्ति की आवश्यकता है}} var cc = new Clock (); // अन्यथा यह आपको किसी भी बुरी चीजें करने के लिए अनुमति देता है जो आप चाहते हैं cc.setTime (234); cc.setTime ( '234'); cc.setTime ([]); निश्चित रूप से setTime (d) { से setTime (d: date) { ) को बदलते हुए चेतावनी का कारण बनता है setTime के अंतिम 3 आविष्कार। एक सरल उदाहरण बस है: वर्ग घड़ी ClockInterface लागू {setTime () {// कुछ तर्क जिसे तिथि की एक आवृत्ति की जरूरत है}} इंटरफ़ेस के लिए वर्ग प्रतिस्थापन योग्य है, इसलिए यह कार्यान्वयन करता है। जब आप लागू करता है "निर्दिष्ट अंतरफलक के लिए असाइन किया गया वर्ग है?" इस मामले पर विचार करें: इंटरफ़ेस कैटविटेरिनरीयन {चेकअप (ए: कैट): शून्य; } इंटरफ़ेस मानवडॉक्टर {चेकअप (ए: मानव): शून्य; } वर्ग UniversalDoc...

html - How to use jQuery for hover effects -

I am trying to keep a hover effect on many images when I have two problems: 1) My alignment is off, when the divisions are currently visible. 2) I can not create a smooth effect after the second (there are four pictures). HTML: & lt; Div class = "col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-md-offset-2" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "beach1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "layer 3" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "layer4" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "magnifyingglass" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Img src = "images / magnify.png" class = "img-responsive" id = "enlarge" alt = "magnificent glass" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "layer 5" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "label" & gt; & Lt; P class = "title" & gt; Household ad file & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class ...

excel - How to make new copy a worksheet with Spreadsheet::ParseExcel -

I have a template.xls with only one sheet. I have a new XL template, as many sheets, each sheet, template. Using the Sheet in XLS I think that with just one sheet it can create a new axle and modify it, how can I make a new copy in the new xls sheet ? I tried the following code but with no luck my $ parser = new spreadsheet :: ParseExcel :: SaveParser; My $ template = $ parse- & gt; Parse ('template.xls'); My $ workbook = $ template- & gt; SaveAs ('new.xls'); Push @ {$ workbook-> Worksheets ()}, $ workbook-> Sheet (0); $ Workbook- & gt; near (); I had the same problem. If you are on windows then you can use wet If not, then I did not find a suitable Pearl solution besides parsing the pars and creating repeated letters with perced data. If you are familiar with Java, you can use Apache Poie Library

list - Python - Adding unique tv characters to txt file -

मेरा names.txt में निम्न वर्ण नाम हैं: पीटर लोइस मेग क्रिस लेकिन इसमें निम्नलिखित वर्ण गायब हैं: क्रिस स्टीवी ब्रायन मैं कैसे कर सकता हूँ इन नामों को names.txt फ़ाइल में जोड़ें? मुझे यह भी सुनिश्चित करने की आवश्यकता है कि सूची में केवल अनोखे नाम जोड़े जा रहे हैं (यदि फ़ाइल पहले से ही मौजूद है, तो "यह नाम पहले से ही इनपुट किया गया है" वापस करें)। मैं फ़ाइल नाम को रेखा से जोड़कर यह तय करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि क्या नाम जोड़ना है (यदि फ़ाइल में मौजूद नहीं है) या "यह नाम पहले से ही इनपुट किया गया है" वापस लौटाएं। यहां तक ​​कि मेरे पास अभी तक है : अक्षरों में नामों के लिए: वर्णों के लिए अक्षर (अक्षर)। (=) नाम से खोलें ('names.txt', 'r'): उपयोगकर्ता = इनपुट ('इनपुट चरित्र का नाम:'): names = Names.strip अगर नाम = उपयोगकर्ता प्रिंट ('यह नाम पहले से ही इनपुट किया गया है') अन्य: user.append () कोई भी विचार कैसे मैं अपना कोड काम कर सकता हूं? मुझे नहीं पता कि आप क्या करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं लेकिन आप ऐसा कर सकत...

C Programming outputting bytes into a file -

I am trying to write a compression program, and when I print bits on the screen the argument works fine It is, although I am trying to put these bits in a file, I do this by storing them in four and outputting four. This method works for all characters other than things like space (0010 0000) or tab (0000 1001). Is there a way to output a location or tab to a file? Zero instrument (four bytes, file * comp) {fputc (byte, vibration); } // write byte to write a zero bit (integer bit, file * comp) {if (ind> = 0) {byte | = (Bit I did a thing of this string I needed to add an empty character to give the signal.

javascript - Freezing Gif using JS at last frame -

I am trying to run a GIi animation on my website and I want to freeze it on the last frame. I'm using this code to get it working elsewhere, but it will first go back to the frame or completely disappear. Any help would be greatly appreciated. & lt; Img src = "" id = "img1" style = "float: left" /> ATR ('src'))}, 1)}, 1000) And here is jsfiddle: Currently there is no JavaScript, provide an interface to handle frames within an animated GIF, you have to do this for a hack The method must be found ... but I'm disappointed to use that script See if you want to execute every millisecond CPU Saying, meaning 1000 times per second: Element "img1" Change its attribute "src" to .... ... again Read the source for its same node Assign the element found in 1 Then, in the browser cache And find the image Depending on the browser, the image can be de...

How to add multiple relations in one operation in neo4j? -

मेरे पास ऐसा फ़ंक्शन है: शून्य addRelation (स्ट्रिंग यूजरआईडी, लिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt ; दोस्तों) {} मैं दोस्तों में उपयोगकर्ता आईडी और तत्व के बीच संबंध जोड़ना चाहता हूं। अब मेरा समाधान प्रत्येक जोड़ी के लिए संबंध जोड़ता है, लेकिन मुझे इसे कम दक्षता के साथ मिला। बैच प्रसंस्करण जैसे एक ऑपरेशन में मैं कई संबंध कैसे जोड़ सकता हूं? निम्नलिखित उत्तर सी # पर आधारित नहीं है और यह धारणा है कि आप Neo4j 2.x पर चल रहे हैं। हल करने का सबसे आसान तरीका शायद पैरामीटर के साथ एक सिंगल साइफर स्टेटमेंट का उपयोग कर रहा है: MERGE ( यू: उपयोगकर्ता {userId: {userId}}) FOREACH (एफ {दोस्तों} | MERGE (यू) - [: FRIEND_OF] - & gt; (: उपयोगकर्ता {userId: f})) पैरामीटर (JSON नोटेशन में) हैं: {"userId": "u1", "मित्र": ["friend1", "friend2"]}}] पहले मिर्ज करें का उपयोग करके आप सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके उपयोगकर्ता के लिए नोड मौजूद है (यदि आप सुनिश्चित हैं कि आप merge को मैच )। दूसरी लाइन अपने मित्र पैरामीटर से अधिक चलती ह...

python - Retrieving .loc index values in pandas dataframe -

मेरे पास डेटाफ्रेम है जो कि प्रत्येक पंक्ति के दिनांक कॉलम को .loc अनुक्रमणिका के रूप में उपयोग करता है नीचे देखें & gt; & gt; & gt; एपीएल.हेड () ओपन हाई लो क्लोज़ वॉल्यूम एडीजे क्लोज डेट 1980-12-12 28.75 28.88 28.75 28.75 16751200 3.15 1980-12-15 27.38 27.38 27.25 27.25 6281600 2. 99 1980-12-16 25.38 25.38 25.25 25.25 3776000 2.77 1980-12- 12 17 25.88 26.00 25.88 25.88 3087200 2.84 1980-12-18 26.62 26.75 26.62 26.62 2623200 2. 9 5 [5 पंक्तियां x 6 कॉलम] मैं पहली पंक्ति की तारीख को पुनः प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, हालांकि मुझे लगता है कि यह दिनांक सूचकांक के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है), अच्छा राजभाषा '' दिनांक = एपीएल.लिओक [0] ['तिथि'] काम नहीं करता ... हालांकि यह किसी भी अन्य के लिए काम करता है कॉलम। मेरा सवाल है, विशेष रूप से, मैं पहली पंक्ति के लिए दिनांक मान कैसे प्राप्त करूं? यह कहने के लिए है, सामान्य तौर पर, मैं डेटाफ्रेम की पहली पंक्ति के .loc इंडेक्स को कैसे प्राप्त करूं? अग्रिम धन्यवाद; बहुत सराहना कीजिए। आपको डेटा फ्रेम ...

html - div scrollbar doesn't work when contenteditable is true -

I'm trying to create something like a Google Docs page, but when I enter some text, scroll bar Does not work I just want to add some text and be able to scroll with the scroll bar. Here is the code: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; Body {margin: 0; Background color: #EEE; Hidden flurry; #contentBox {padding-top: 20px; Padding-bottom: 20px; Background color: #EEE; Width: Auto; Overflow-y: scroll up; } # Text box {width: 60%; Min height: 982px; Range: 1px #c9c9c9 solid; Padding: 12px; Margin-left: 20%; Background-color: #FFFFFF; Outline-style: none; White-space: pre-line; Word-wrap: break-word; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentbox" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "textbox" contenteditable = "true" spellcheck = "false" & gt; & Lt; ...

c - Runtime error due to free() function -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdlib.h & gt; Int * पृथक डायगेट्स (इंट एन) {इंट * अंक, संख्याऑफ़डिगेट्स = 0, टेम्पप = एन; जबकि (अस्थायी) {temp / = 10; numberOfDigits ++; } अंक = (इंट *) मॉलोक (साइज़फ (इंट) * (नंबर ओफ़ डिजीज + 1)); अंकों [numberOfDigits] = -1; जबकि (numberOfDigits & gt; = 0) {अंक [- संख्याऑफ़डेटाट] = n% 10; N / = 10; } वापसी अंक; } Int main (शून्य) {int n, * na; Scanf ("% d", & amp; n); ना = अलग डायगेट्स (एन); If (! Na) {printf ("स्मृति को आवंटित नहीं किया जा सकता! \ N"); वापसी 1; } जबकि (* ना! = -1) printf ("% d", * na ++); नि: शुल्क (ना); वापसी 0; } मैंने एक संख्या को अपने अंकों में अलग करने के लिए एक फ़ंक्शन लिखी है। जब भी मैं स्मृति को डीलोकेट नहीं करता, तब भी कुछ ठीक काम करता है; लेकिन जब मैं स्मृति को निरूपित करने की कोशिश करता हूं, जो गतिशील रूप से आवंटित किया जाता है, तो नि: शुल्क () फ़ंक्शन के साथ मुझे एक रनटाइम त्रुटि मिलती है। क्या मैं गलत कर रहा हूं? आप na को बढ़ाना है, टी ...

java - regular expression for string " a123ab-lift(admin-hat)" -

मैं regex को जानना चाहता हूं जो a123ab-lift (व्यवस्थापक-हैट ) मेरी स्ट्रिंग में वर्णमाला, संख्याएं और वर्ण हो सकते हैं "(", ")", "-" निम्न कार्य करेगा। [a-zA-Z0-9 () -] * उदाहरण: स्ट्रिंग s = "a123ab-lift (व्यवस्थापक-टोपी)"; पैटर्न p = Pattern.compile ("[a-zA-Z0- 9 () -] *"); मैचर एम = पी। मेटचर (एस); Println (m.matches ()); // True