javascript - Create a momentjs in a timezone different from server? -
Where is my server / OS independent ...
- How can I specify 5:00 "Australia / Sydney" and see it in GMT?
- How can I tell "America / New York" at 5 o'clock and see it in GMT?
How can I find the difference between 1) and 2) For example in minutes, I hope this difference will be changed throughout the year because active in Sydney or New York it happens. ">
Here's the solution:
var startDay = moment.utc (" 2013-06-02 "); // Sunday (day ago) GMT var startOffset = moment.utc ( Startday) .add ("hours", 15) .tz ("Australia / Sydney"). Area (); // 15:00 hrs == -660 // 16:00 pm == -600 // IN GMT var StartUTCC = moment.utc (startDay) .add ('min', 1740) .add ("min", start); var endady = moment (startup) .add ('day', 5); //moment.utc ("2014-03-10"); // Friday GMT var endOffset = moment.utc (endDay) .add ("hour", 7) .tz ("America / New_York"). Area (); var endUTC = moment .utc (and day) .add ('min', 1020) .add ("min", endoffet);
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