c# - Lightweight Active Directory + Asp.net MVC 5 [Unable to establish secure connection with the server using SSL.] -
I am using AD LDS + ASP.NET MVC5. I am trying to implement asp.net membership. Here is my current code:
Connection string: Subscription provider: controller: When a user tries to validate the user, this returns returns Unable to establish a secure connection to the server using SSL . I tried to search on StackOverflow and other resources for fine but I can not find any solution so far which is not working for me. After the "div class =" text "itemprop =" text "> the username and password were lost in the subscription tag.
& lt; Subscription defaultProvider = "MY_ADMembershipProvider" & gt; & Lt; Providers & gt; & Lt; Clear /> & Lt; Add name = "MY_ADMembershipProvider" type = "System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider" connectionStringName = "ADConnectionString" attributeMapUsername = "sAMAccountName" APPLICATIONNAME = "TCMS.WebUI" enableSearchMethods = "true" attributeMapEmail = "email" / & gt; & Lt; / Providers & gt; & Lt; / Subscription & gt;
(Membership.ValidateUser (model.UserName, model.Password)) {return that (see) ; }
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