php - Not getting connected to Sql Server 2012 -

I'm getting the error when connecting SQL Server 2012 to Laravel 4

PDOException SQLSTATE [IMSSP]: This extension requires the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client ODBC Driver to communicate with SQL Server.

According to this link

I have downloaded and installed these two files in the x86: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client to Download the ODBC Driver Access the following URL for > Xampp / php / etc / folder



and both of them In the added Php.ini file but still I'm seeing the same error.

I am using Windows 7 and XMP Please help me.

I removed the expression on my Windows 7 and installed the Wamp (32 bit) server because After almost every tutorial my xampp installation got unstable.

The following steps are a result of successful connection of SEL Server 2012.

  • Download Microsoft SQL Driver for PHP

    / Li>

  • Click on exe to make a copy below it two DLS. After that I have downloaded and installed this Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Feature Pack

    After restarting it on your computer. You should see these two blocks in your phpinof () output

    Enter image details here

    Enter image details here

    sit that. Hope this will help anyone.


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