
Showing posts from February, 2015

github - Delete remote branch displayed on local by 'git branch -a' -

I am using the MathHub, when I git branch -a , it looks like this Is: / P> Master / Remote / Original / Head Remote / Origin / Development / Remote / Origin / Master Remote / Genesis / Feature 001 Remote / Origin / Feature 002 Remotes / Origin To develop / Feature 003 / I removed the feature 2001 ~ 003 on, how do I delete them locally? I mean when i git branch -a common You should just run git fetch -p (or - prune , to run the same meaning), however, a bug (which is being fixed) that ever - Always need to run git remote --prune ; See. (You can delete your name completely by using git update-ref -d or by editing the built-in GIT store files and directories if necessary.)

cordova - PhoneGap 3.3 using Phonegap Facebook Connect plugin, getLoginStatus always returns unknown -

I am trying to implement the PhoneGap Facebook Connect plugin through phonegap build and FBGetLuginStats always "unknown", although I 'am logged in to Facebook and have access to my app. Here is my code: JAVASCRIPT code: document.addEventListener ("Divisoried", OnDiveWeb Read, Incorrect); Function OnDevice Read () {FB.init ({appId: 'xxxxx', Status: true, // check login status cookie: true, // enable cookies to allow sessions to access xfbml session: false, // parse XFBML oauth: True, // Enable OAuth 2.0 useCachedDialogs: false, native interface: cdv.fb}); FB.getLoginStatus {alert ('FB.getLoginStatus'); if (response.status === 'Connect') {Warning ('DUDE: Connect to Facebook');} And if (response.status = == 'not_authorized') {Warning ('DUDE: Not authorized for Facebook');} Other {Alerts ('DUDE: Not logged in Facebook:' + response.status);}}, true); } CONFIG.XML: & lt; Difference: Plugin name ...

playframework 2.0 - how to add messages files recursively in build.scala of Play2.0 framework -

मेरे पास प्रत्येक भाषा के लिए संदेश फ़ाइल है: release / linux / mhome / user / config / languages ​​/ sv / मुझे नीचे दिए गए प्रत्येक कोड का पथ Build.scala में उल्लिखित करना होगा: unmanagedResourceDirectories में संकलन & lt; + = baseDirectory (_ / ".." / ".." / ".. .." / "रिलीज़" / "लिनक्स" / "mhome" / "उपयोगकर्ता" / "कॉन्फ़िग" / "भाषाओं" / " ("/" .. "" / "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "/" "" "" "भाषाएं" / "एन"), संकलन और लेफ्टिनेंट; + = baseDirectory (_ / ".." / ".." / ".." "/" .. "/" linux "/" mhome "/" उपयोगकर्ता "में unmanagedResourceDirectories) लेकिन मुझे Build.scala में सभी भाषा फ़ाइलों में पथ को जोड़ना होगा और सभी संदेश फ़ाइलें क्लासपाथ मे...

javascript - Textarea copy with formatting -

I want a text in my page to get a copy with formatting when copying from my web pages. When I use TinyMCE or CkEditor, it is showing near the toolbar. I do not want to show a text editor toolbar near Textera, it should look like Texteria, but with formatting during paste. Suggest me some tips. You can use div with contenteditable = "True" . In the following example you will find a div first and a textarea next, from a button . If you paste something in div and click on the button , you will see the HTML of the content pasted within textarea . Of course, you can hide this textarea with CSS ( display: none: ) and then use it as a part of an HTML form. The general practice is to submit the form to copy the contents of div in the form of textarea ???? Also, the function applied to the click of the button also is document.myForm.submit (); . can contain a line such as & lt. ; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style type = "...

git branch - What is this git log --graph indicating? -

मेरे पास निम्न शाखाएं हैं: मास्टर से निपटने के अपवाद मैं अपग्रेड करने पर काम कर रहा थातोज्विक्री 1 .4 शाखा और कुछ कमिट बना दिया था मैंने एक और शाखा अपवादों का संचालन बनाया और कुछ बदलाव किए और उन्हें प्रतिबद्ध किया। फिर मैंने मास्टर पर वापस स्विच किया और हैंडलिंग अपवाद शाखा को मिला दिया। हैरानी की बात है कि मुझे लगता है कि अपगर्डटेओक्क्वरी 1.4 शाखा में बदलाव भी विलय हो गया। फिर पुष्टि करने के लिए कि मैंने अपग्रेड टोज्ज़ेयर 1.4 शाखा को मिला दिया और इसे आज तक कहा। क्या कोई सिर्फ समझा सकता है कि ग्राफ़ यहाँ क्या इंगित कर रहा है? git log --online --decorate --graph --all * a54bd6d (हेड, मास्टर) मर्ज करें शाखा 'अपग्रेड TOJquery1.4' | \ | * D4f762c (upgradeToJquery1.4) main.sass को अपडेट किया गया * | बीसीएफ 7 ए 4 एफ मर्ज ब्रांच 'हैंडलिंग एक्सप्स' | \ \ | * | 471c1ad (एक्सपैक्शन) से निपटने के बाद खाते में पोस्ट लॉगिन विधि अपवाद को पकड़ता है और अब prov | | / | * 76145d1 1. सीएसएस / छवियां - Jquerymobile आइकन फ़ाइलें | * 34bc7b9 कस्टम- jq...

objective c - ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues Potential leak of an object -

I am trying to fix "possible leakage of the object". I have a warning on NSArray * phone = (__bridge_transfer NSArray *) ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues ​​(ABRecordCopyValue (person, kabPersonPhoneProperty)); The same NSArray * phone = (__bridge_transfer NSArray *) ABMultiValueCopyArrayOfAllValues ​​(ABRecordCopyValue (person, kABPersonPhoneProperty)) on and ; Xcode is saying: 'Abrcordcopy value' returns a core foundation object with a +1 call to work, which is leaked to a +1 catalog object: object object is not referenced later in this execution path I have been + 1 I understand how it is not right - (bool) peoplePickerNavigationController:. (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *) peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson: (ABRecordRef) person {NSString * firstName = (__bridge NSString *) ABRecordCopyValue (person, kABPersonFirstNameProperty); NSString * Last name = (__breeze NSString *) ABRecordCopyValue (person, kABPersonLastNameProperty); NS...

Java program running out of memory -

I wrote a small program that basically starts the matrix of the rattlespace 1 of a type of object, So that it looks like this: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [0] Then, there will be a large number of random moves (1000, but in my case, even 5 do not work) in the method shuffle () cell 0 is. The program does not cause any errors, but neither (runs infinitely) does not work. If someone can signal an error, then I would be very grateful. Below you can find MCTEER (minimum test and readable examples) of code. Import java.util. *; Public Class Random Promotion 1 {Private Ent [] [] randPerm; Private Ent Row, Cola; Public Randomimmission 1 (Endless row, EIT column) {this.row = line; Col = column; RandPerm = new int [row] [cola]; Int number = 1; For (Int i = 0; I You have to enter your i ++ (I ++ & lt; 5)

hadoop - Spark Streaming: What are things we should monitor to keep the streaming running? -

4 core is a spark project running on 16 GB (both Master / Worker) example, now someone can tell me what is i to monitor things so that my cluster / jobs never go down? I have created a small list that contains the following items, please expand the list if you know more: Network Connectivity Monitor for Master / Employee Monitor Spark Jobs This is a good list but in addition to those people I actually have some of the data for the receiver's status of streaming apps (assuming you -acdifs source) will be monitored, whether they are connected or not. Well, to be honest, it was difficult to do this with previous versions of Spark Streaming because the existence of the devices did not exist in order to obtain the status of the receiver. However, with SPARC 1.0 (to be released soon), you can use the org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingListener interface to get events regarding the status of the receiver. There is a quietly top-to-recorded spark 1.0 docs

php - Display single picture from the webroot folder -

I am trying to display an image from the webroot folder: banner . Putting it in an array but what happens here, it is displaying two images with the same name. My code is here: & lt; Div id = "banner-left-content" & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ ab [] = Array (); Foreach (Globe ('./banner / thumbs /*.*') as $ filename) {$ ab = array ($ filename); Foreign Currency ($ AB $ as $) {$ listImages [] = $ imagename; Echo "& lt; img src = '$ list images [0]' width = '200' height = '300' / & gt;"; }}? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Keep your echo image out of your foreach & lt; Div id = "banner-left-content" & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ ab [] = Array (); Foreach (Globe ('./banner / thumbs /*.*') as $ filename) {$ ab = array ($ filename); Foreign Currency ($ AB $ as $) {$ listImages [] = $ imagename; }} Echo "& lt; img src = '$ list images [0]' width = '200' height =...

jquery - doesn't work incorrect canvas with unity integration -

I try to add an image element to the canvas like an advertisement banner. string injection = "$ (" "& lt; div id =" "upper banner"> But, it does not work. There is no image in the canvas. Any thoughts? After not marking, your string $ (" "). Before InSet (" # UnityPlayerEmbed "); Syntax-highlighting should help you to see that problem :)

javascript - Knockout difference between template binding and control flow binding -

I have seen two ways to use a template in knockout: Using it: & lt; Ul Data-Bind = "Template: {name: 'templateName', foreach: tags}" & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Script id = "templateName" type = "text / html" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "tagItem" & gt; & Lt; Span data-bind = "text: name" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; and: & lt; Ul data-bound = "foreach: tag" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "tagItem" & gt; & Lt; Span data-bind = "text: name" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Both have the same view modal: var viewModel = {tags: ko.observableArray ({{name: 'tag1'}, {name: ' As far as I think the result is the same, but the second write less is not this weird script tag different Easy to understand So wh...

mongodb regex searching issue in meteor -

मेरा कोड है var search_element = सत्र .get ("search_string"); Var एडीसी = "/" + खोज_लेमेंट + "* /"; console.log (एडीसी); वापसी Polls_Coll.find ({प्रश्न: {$ regex: adc}}); } यह काम कर रहा है और अगर मैं मूल्य (खोज_एलिमेंट) के साथ regex का स्थान लेता है, तो यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। मुझे लगता है कि यह इस तरह की जगह है Polls_Coll.find ({प्रश्न: {$ regex: "/ बेस्ट * /"}}) (उद्धरण "/ बेस्ट * /") के साथ क्या यह मुख्य समस्या है? या क्या कोई मूर्खतापूर्ण गलती है I ?? दो प्रकार के वाक्यविन्यास हैं: Polls_Coll.find ({सवाल: / बेस्ट * /}); और Polls_Coll.find ({प्रश्न: {$ regex: "बेस्ट *"}}); आपने प्रत्येक में तत्वों का उपयोग किया है, इसलिए संभवतः वह काम क्यों नहीं कर रहा है इसके बारे में थोड़ा अधिक विवरण mongodb डॉक्स पर है: दोनों रूप उल्काओं में ठीक काम करते हैं, इसलिए आपको उनके साथ कोई समस्या नहीं होनी चाहिए।

sonata admin - how to add ManyToOne property field in configureListfield in sonataAdmin -

I have a phone unit unit that contains many properties for many unit entity classes I An exception is given during the rendering of a template ("You must define a associated_property option or Create a \ __counter __ \ Examens \ ExamensBundle \ unit \ Grade Proxy :: __ toString service examens.examens.admin.fonctionnaire from the field option idGrade to the method is in SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle "): CRUD: Line_ on Fontionnaire.php class: & lt ;? Php namespace exams \ ExamensBundle \ Entity; Use the theory / ORM \ mapping as an ORM; / ** * PhoneNationLayer * / Class Fictionalair {//...//// ** * @VARAEfimens \ Examinations Bundle \ Unit \ Grade * / Private $ IDGed; //...//} FonctionnaireAdmin.php: & lt ;? Php namespace exams ExamensBundle \ Admin; Use Sonata \ AdminBundle \ Admin \ Admin; Sonata \ AdminBundle \ Datagrid \ ListMapper; Sonata \ AdminBundle \ Datagrid \ DatagridMapper; Sonata \ AdminBundle \ Validat...

How to change default settings of sbt-thrift plugin in SBT? -

I am using the plugin 0.6 with the SBT 0.12 And I need to change the resource directory, source directory, output directory and other settings in my build configuration. It does not seem to work as stated in. Would anyone tell me how to do this thing? sbt 0.13 + sbt-thrivate 0.7 note There is a similar configuration for SBT 0.12 and sbt-saving 0.6 I SBT 0.13.1 and therefore it was used from sbt-savings 0.7 . project / plugins.sbt Reserves + = "Big Taste-Jithub" " / "On the AD SBT plugin (" com.github.bigtoast "%" sbt-saving "%" 0.7 ")" build.sbt import com.github.bigtoast.sbtthrift.ThrterPlugin seq (ThriftPlugin.thriftSettinGS: _ *) With the above build configuration, you can potentially work and Can not check settings (I'm completely correct or not). to set source-directory setting "saving Source directory for files Src / main / default...

go - Why Golang cannot generate json from struct with front lowercase character? -

I am trying to print JSON result from the structure created as the following: Type machine structure {m_ip string m_type string m_serial string} and print out m: = & amp; Machine {m_ip: "test", m_type: "test However, the results simply return {} second, type Make Machine Structure {MacIP String MachType string MachSerial string} And it works! Why is the word with lowercase characters in front work anyway? uses case to determine whether a specific identifier is public or private in reference to your package In your first example, the fee You do not have to be visible to json.marshal because it is not part of the package with your code. When you change the fields in the upper case, they can be public so that they can be exported. / P> If you want to use the following case identifier in your JSON output, you can tag the field with the desired identifier. For example: type machine Structure {MachIp string `json:" m_ip "` Ma...

c# - Deserialize json data without using -

I am working in a schedule agent. My schedule agent has data in Jason format. I tried to do in the schedule agent to deserialize json in the list, but it is not working in the schedule agent. Can someone tell me how can I waste Jason data on the list without using Jsonssoft.dll ?? I am using the following code to convert json to the list but it is emptying me to the childlist ... list & lt; ConferenSodel & gt; Childlist = new list & lt; Conference session & gt; (); Memorystream ms = new memorystream (encoding.utf 8. gatbates (Responsecentant)); DataContractJsonSerializer ser = New DataContractJsonSerializer (childlist.GetType ()); As a list of Childlist = ser.ReadObject (MS) & lt; ConferenceSmodel> Here is the conference modal class public class conference {public string id {get; Set; } Public string datetime {get; Set; } Public string updateDateTime {get; Set; } Public intern {duration}; Set; } Public string description {get; Set; } P...

java - How to set the checking of initial values in Spring? -

I am applying my first spring, I got a problem, trying for some better organizing: The application of attributes from the spring value of some spring files gets the initial value. Naturally, I've got to check the values. Where do I put limits, against whom I have to check the initial values? These limitations are also the initial value, therefore, they will be in another Spring File Spring Elements. Obviously, it is foolish to keep prices and to be limited in the same file - they are fragments of different levels of information - the boundaries of values ​​are very unstable. Here comes the problem - I value the limitations code, for each property separately it does not look compatible or convenient for me Is there any device in the spring , To know which borders are automatically related to the price? If I use asset files instead of spring, it would be trivial, but how to do it in the spring? As I see now, I have to tie different boundaries for the value of every ...

bash - Syncing GIT : refspec master does not match any -

I am trying to get many GIT treasures sync-ed with our G. As these projects come and I have decided to create a script, which I call from Kronebab to prepare the script. I tried to do it by hand and he worked, though these other repositories did not have it. My Bash script: external_repos = ("OurName.projectx" "OurName.anotherproject" "OurName.thirdproject" "OurName.stackexchange") for "$ "External_repos [@]}" in "Handling" echo $ i TEMP = `echo $ i | Cut-D "." -f2` TEMP = "$ {TEMP ^}" REPO = "External- REPO- $ Temp" # printf "Temp:% s \ n" $ TEMP # printf "Report:% s \ n" $ REPO If [ D "$ i"]; Then pull $ i git to push external_developer development & amp; GIT Push Original Master Popped and GIT Clone https: // extern_u: $$i.git pushd $ i git Rename Remote Original external_developer Add GIT Remote Original http: // AP...

php - Display data into textbox in codeigniter -

I'm new to codeigniter I'm stuck somewhere in the value received from the database! How can I display values ​​to remove text from database using Codeigniter? My view is: PutArtistProfile_v & lt ;? Php foreach ($ return_name as line $) {echo '& lt; Input type = "text" name = "name" id = "name" /> '; }? & Gt; My Controller is: Public Function Index ($ return_name) {$ this- & gt; Load-> View ('PutArtistProfile_v', $ return_Name); } $ return_Name - The data received from the database. & lt ;? Php foreach ($ return_name as the $ key) {$ val = $ key- & gt; Text_name; Echo "& lt; input type = 'text' value = '$ val' / & gt;"; }? & Gt;

magic methods - PHP implements ArrayAccess -

I have two classes like Foo & amp; Bar class bar extends foo {public $ element = null; Public function __construct () {}} and goes as class foo class foo applies ArrayAccess {Private $ data = [ ]; Private $ elementId = null; Public function __call ($ functionName, $ arguments) {if ($ this-> elementId! == faucet) {echo "function $ functionName called with logic" Print_r ($ logic, true); } Back true; } Public function __ composition ($ id = zero) {$ this- & gt; ElementId = $ id; } Public function offsetset ($ offset, $ value) {if (is_null ($ offset)) {$ this- & gt; Data [] = $ value; } And {$ this- & gt; Data [$ offset] = $ value; }} Public Functions OffsetExists {Return Providers ($ -> - Offset [Data Offset]); } Offset Offset of Public Function {if ($ this-> Offset Axis ($ Offset)} {Without Set ($ this-> Data Offset Offset); }} Public Functions Offset Gate ($ Offset) {If (! $ This-> Offset Axis ($ Offset)) {$ this- & gt; $ Offset...

javascript - Load code from .php file every few seconds -

I am trying to load code from sadrzaj.php every 3 seconds. This is my code: & lt; Body onload = "ima_sta_novo ()" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sadrzaj" & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function ima_sta_novo () {$ ('# sadrzaj') load ('sadrzaj.php'); } SetInterval (function () {ima_sta_novo ()}, 3000); & Lt; / Script & gt; But, it is not loading anything. What am I doing wrong? Solve! I suddenly forgot to include jQuery I'm upset now! : D Try it out and look at the developer JavaScript console (press in F12) Chrome / Chromium) and see if the word is "applicable" or an error message: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sadrzaj" ...

c# - Comparing an entity with array using LINQ -

I have the string array named code I want to compare with batch unit and receive all records that match the unit's bracket field. I am using the Unit Framework 6 . class batch {int batchId {get; Set;} string string {get} Set;} string info {get; Set;} date time date {receive; Right now I am using it in the foreach foreach (in bat items) in batches {{code} var res = Opt.Batch.Where (i => i.batchname == item) .FirstOrDefault (); Batchlist.Add (race); } How do I do with LINQ without foreach You can change the entire forechee loop and keep the line of code by changing i.batchname == item with the following: batches.Contains (i.batchname) Then you can add all the items in your list together because it will return all batches where The name contains the batch array. The variable RES will return a countable that can then be either blocked around to add to your list or you can use a list which allows AddRange (). Hope it helps.

How to specify a default state in AngularJS ui-router module -

I'm trying to get it: When the user enters the URL that matches any of the URL patterns The state of the states configured in $ stateProvider should not be set to the default state, which is named for example 'notFound' . Entry into this situation should leave the URL untouched, so the user has an opportunity to fix it. This is the reason that I $ urlRouterProvider.otherwise () . I'm not using . Currently I am working with the following solution: In my main controller, I check that $ == '' If this is the case, then I set the state 'notFound' . $ state.go ('notFound', {}, {location: wrong}); However, it seems a bit like a hack because I think it's a way of configuring all modules. Config (), but I do not know how. Any thoughts on this? I found a solution of myself: it is possible to use the regular expression for the parameter URL " -Ool "status, as the previous state registered in $ stateP...

converter - How to use Oracle Update Select Statement? -

टेबल ए आइटम BASE_WT BASE_AMT एएए 50 500 BBB 100 6000 टेबल बी आइटम आउटलुक WT AMT एएए 20140105 10 100 BBB 20140106 10 600 एएए 20140107 10 100 एक परिणाम एएए 30 300 बीबीबी 90 5400 MSSQL QUERY एक सेट आधार का अद्यतन करें = WT = BASE_WT - एक्स। वाईटी BASE_AMT = BASE_AMT - X.AMT से A, (SELECT ITEM, SUM (B.WT) WT, SUM (B) .AMT) बी से एएमटी, '20140105' और '20140107' आईटीईएम के माध्यम से बी के बाहर जहां ए। एएमटी = एक्स। आईएएमटी इसे आज़माएं: एक सेट अपडेट करें (BASE_WT, BASE_AMT) = (SELECT A.BASE_WT - SUM (बी.डब्ल्यू.टी.), एएबीएसईएएमटी - एसएम (बीएएमटीटी) बी से WHOE BOUNDY से '20140105' और '20140107' और बीआईटीई = ए.ओ.टी.एम.) ए.ए.एम.ए.एम. में (बी से चयन करें आइटम '20140105' और '20140107 के बीच' ); बाहरी WHERE की स्थिति एसेट में रीसेट (नल के लिए) से बचती है, जिसमें आपके सबक्वेंसी में संबंधित ITEM नहीं है।

calculating days Left between two dates excluding national Holidays in jquery UI datepicker -

I need to hide and exclude weekdays (Saturn, Sun) and calculate between two dates, the jQuery UI Use datepicker. I have been able to calculate the remaining days except weekdays, but it is over now except national holidays. How to exclude these national vacations while calculating the rest of the day Here is the code: var natDays = []; Net Day [0] = [1, 27]; Net Day [1] = [2, 6]; Net Day [2] = [3, 17]; Net Day [3] = [2, 7]; Function National Day (date) {for (i = 0; i & lt; natDays.length; i ++) {if (date.getMonth () == Net day [i] [0] - 1 & amp; amp ; And date.getDate () = = net day [ii] [1]) {return [wrong, net day [i] [2] + 'dd']; }} Return [true, '']; } Function not whitened or holidays (date) {var novakend = $. Noxide (date); If (novicend [0]) {return national day (date); } And {return no. }} Exclude the Work Icons and Holidays (StartDate, End Date) {If (Enddate & lieutenant; Startdate) {Return 0; } // Calculate the days between the dates var ...

c# - @HTML.DisplayFor is displaying unwanted markup -

I'm new to the unit framework when I'm trying to display using @html. DisplayFilm displays additional markup which is empty in the HTML page. Example: "test text" to & lt; Test & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Model Public class third party {public string ProductId {get; & Lt; / Text & gt; set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Option {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Get input bibbles {get; Set; }} Public class validation message {public string insured {get} Set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Get input bibbles {get; Set; }} Public class licensees {public string name {get; Set; } Public String Category {Received; Set; } Public listing & lt; Base module & gt; Basmodules {receive; Set; } Public List & gt; Third party & gt; Third party (m); Set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Get input bibbles {get; Set; } Public listing & lt; Validation message & gt; Validation mes...

etl - DWH import with surrogate keys (and SCD) -

I have a data warehouse which uses the internal surrogate key and gradually changes 2 dimensions. I have the clearing The ARP-system has a business key, such as: In the data warehouse, we want to use the rental keys instead (th Please note: This article prices went changed from $ 500're using $ 1,000 and articles surrogate keys is possible, even only for producers). If we just use the business key It was not a problem, just compare, update old entries, insert new entries, but what is the best way to do this with surrogate keys? Obtaining the current ID (0 or -1 still does not exist) from the data warehouse in the clearing, and then compare the entries? Business in the Data Warehouse Keep the keys, Compare them and update the ID in the data warehouse? article, when you load while referring to a producer, you have natural in DWH The business key must be stored. From my experience, it is always done. But you should only store the source unit's busine...

c - Why there is an error? -

I have written the following code block, I get an error all the time in the function find_brackets and calculation. Can anyone explain to me how to fix it and two functions will work together #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; Finding zero_backets (four characters [], int lane); Zero count (four letter 1); Int main (zero) {int len; Four straw [99]; Four str [99]; // (4/2) printf ("Enter a Math Exercise: \ n"); Gets (STR); Lane = Stellen (str); Find_brackets (STR); Count (str1); } Zero find_brackets (str [], lane) {char str1 [len]; Int i, j; (I = 0; i aPos; -i, ++ K) {str2 [K] = str [ii]; }} Rev = strrev (str2); Printf ("% s \ n", rev); {Strp [i + 1]! = '+') {Str3 [j ++] = for strp (i = 0; i Thanks for helping me function declaration Zero find_brackets (char str [], int len); and the caller is main find_brackets (str); which is wrong. Where is 2 ARG. In addi...

tfs/tf.exe: print currently checked out version -

I used tf.exe to get a special version like a source tree: $ TF $ / [PATH] / [SUBPATH] / r / version: C1234 Now I want to check the previous checkin, but only check the version in the form of. I tried: $ tf history / r / noprompt / stopafter: 1 / version: 1 ~ w However, this tip of the source tree Prints as source control. Change User --------- ---------------- 1555 Domains [User] Has it only given a command option to show the history of the tree because it is checked (except for any changes on the server, but not checked locally), for example, Output should be change user --------- ---------------- 1234 domain \ [user] thanks After retrieving the workspace, all local changes were rejected even according to the above work. In my last attempt, I had two local edits (answered "Keep local version" to resolve the conflict) It seems that the history command is due to returning the latest server version.

php - Symfony2 and Doctrine - OneToMany returns only one result -

I have towel organizations, submissions and submission history Any ideas why? There are institutions in the IP> // entry submissions / ** * @ORM \ OneToMany (targetEntity = "SubmissionHistory", mapped = "submissions") * / $ $ protected ; Public function __ composition () {$ this- & gt; History = new ArrayCollection (); } / ** * Get History * * @Riton's Principle / Common Collections * / Public Function getHistories () {Return $ this- & gt; History; } After that, // unit submission / ** * @ORM \ ManyToOne (targetEntity = "submission", inverted = "history" ) * @ORM \ JoinColumn (name = "hash_key", referenced columnname = "hash_key") * / protected $ submission; / ** * Receive Submissions * * * Return Cyfrom \ Version 2 Bundle \ Unit \ Submissions * / Public Function getSubmission () {Return $ -> Submit; } I got the problem: I set up the setup ID There must be a hash in the submissions his...

Rails has_many belongs_to foreign_key primary_key confusion -

I was unable to setup my table using the ID field as the primary table (I mean that they are there But they do not mean anything for business) that means both sales and customer tables come from our Microsoft SQL database. In the sales table, I have a field called 'customer_id' which corresponds to 'Customer_ID' (not 'id' field) in the Customer table. My 'customer_id' field is set to datatype integer, but in migration I have never specified whether they were key. I have only indexed them. The sale comes under the customer and the customer has many sales so I am trying to create the association between has_many and belongs_to. sale.rb Classroom Sale & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: Customer Prathamik_ki: "Grahk_aidi" Videshi_ki: "Grahk_aidi" end customer.rb Customer & lt; The ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: sales give the end However, when I console the rail and I'll try to test it so I am not able to ...

javascript - If Else Conditions Redirect -

I want to redirect to the country After finding the country, I should know That user from mobile and then jQuery.getJSON ('', function (location) {if (location.country_code = = 'PH' || location.country_code == 'IN') {top.location.href = 'xxxxxxxxxxx';} if (/ Android | webOS | iPhone | iPad | iPod | BlackBerry | Aiimobi | Opera Mini / I. Test (Navigator. EagerEngent)) {} other {top.location.href = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx';}}}; This work try it, $ (function ( ) {jQuery.getJSON ( '', function (position) {if (location.country_code == 'PH' || location Country_code == 'IN') {if (/ Android | webOS | iPhone | iPad | iPod | BlackBerry | Aiimobi | Opera Mini / Aitest (Navigator. The user agent is)) {top.location.href = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx? Type = mobile '; // mobile} other {top.location.href = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx? Type = desktop '; // desktop}} and {top.locatio...

jquery - How to use sliders in sap ui5 application? -

I want to embed sliders in the shell application. how can I do this? Also I need the menu pavilion in the shell, can I get sample code to do this? You have already seen sap.ui.commons. Slider Example (SAPU5) or (OpenUI5)?

ios - How does initWithCoder work in combination with Interface Builder? -

I have a subclass from UITextField that I use in the interface builder to create my view (So ​​I set the square of this object in MyCustomTextField directly into the interface builder). Now, I was told that when the scene loads, initWithCoder : the method of MyCustomTextField will be applied, so that I do some initial stuff Can I However, I have also come to know that the features set in the interface builder using the feature inspector have not started the way I set them up! Does anybody know why this is the case and how can I manage to set the properties of MyCustomTextField which is set in the attribute inspector in the interface builder? Perhaps you have chosen this code from your custom override to [super initWithCoder: coder] The phone is not calling Data has been loaded from the Nib archive in this highly implemented example in the UIView example. The correct implementation should look like this: - (ID) Init With Coder: (NCCDR *) Aidcoder {Self = [Super ...

sql - Joining tables with and without concatenated columns -

I have a scenario similar to the following question "". But the question is different that I have to choose from the table T1. Make Table T1 ([1] varchar (2), [2] varchar (5)); The value ('C1', 'Zone', 8), ('C2', 'Alex', 10), ('C3', 'Peer', 'T' 10), ('C4', ' Sarah ', 10); Create Table T2 ([1] varchar (2), [2] varchar (8)); Prices include T2 ([1], [2], [2], '' 3 '' '3' ', 1' ',' '1' ',' 'C5, C1, C4 ', 8); In the end result, I need to select values ​​from table T1, and there is a flag that has similar non-empty values ​​in Table T2. Even if joining in [Col3] will also have to be considered. Expected Result --- John, yes --- (Because â ???? R3â ?? ?? exists) --- Alex, not --- --- Pierce, no --- --- Sarah, yes --- (Because "R1A" exists) Question What is the best way to write this question in Oracle 8i? ... mvc - Update object on PUT request using web api -

In my Web API, the PUT request forces the data to be used using an interface like this keep the public null ([FromBody] IPage value) , it works great but what is the best way to update the object and bring it back to my storage? Note that I am using an interface here and posted correctly within the json using the $ type attribute. I am using RavenDB so that the value does not directly work in the document collection because the post object is not connected to the current session. Marcus, Why you just can not call session .store (value); ?

c# - How can a WPF user control be made to scale automatically when the parent Winforms window resizes? -

I need to add a WPF user control on my existing legacy Winforms application, such that the contents of the user control are automatically main Size of application window I think that embedding WPF user controls inside WinForms is possible by using System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ElementHost, but can this container change the size of the content of my user control? ViewBox that will be used by your UserControl Is around .. When the height or width of the parents increases, it will automatically scale on the height or width ... the view box In, it will be proportional to height and width ...

java - REGEXP - how to read " character? -

I am using hasoop pig with regexp (REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL) - this is Java parsing. I have a string: $ Path = \ "/ \" "" Nokia6070 / 2.0 (03.20) Profile / MIDP-2.0 configuration / p> CLDC-1.1 " I am expanding two groups: First: DYN_USER_ID = 32753477; $ Path = \ "/ \"; DYN_USER_CONFIRM = e6d2a0a7b7715cb10d1dca504e3c5e80; $ Path = \ "/ \" Second: Nokia6070 / 2.0 (03.20) profile / MIDP-2.0 configuration / CLDC-1.1 As you can see, the first string "characters" But with escape character. \ The Simulates solution is: ". (. *) "" (. *) " But is this the best one? "(. *) (? & Lt;! \\\\)" " (. *) " Use : (? & Lt;! ???) ??? / code> Where Is there some string, here the character backspace is represented by a regedx-escape and string-escape backslash.

php - mysql select with 3 conditions issue -

Hello my problem, that if I change my IP but I have only one cookie which it says on the second statement. Goes and executes the query when it should fail I do not know why it takes the $ cookie parameter in the calculation. & lt ;? Php require_once ('../ core / dbconfig.php'); $ Dbc = mysqli_connect (DB_SERVER, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); $ Ip_adress = $ _ server ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ Cookie = $ _ cookie ['cookie']; $ Id_user = $ _ post ['id_user']; $ Query = "IP_Cookie_Verify * Select * ID_User = '$ id_user' and cookie = '$ cookie' and IP = '$ ip_adress'"; $ Result = mysqli_query ($ dbc, $ query) or die ("query failed:". Mysqli_error ($ dbc)); If ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {echo'fail '; } And {$ query = "IP_Cookie_Verify (IP, ID_User, Cookie) VALUES ('$ ip_adress', '$ id_user', '$ cookie')"; $ Result = mysqli_query ($ dbc, $ query) or die (...

java - How does resultSet store values -

I am running a query that is loaded in a ResultSet. When I am creating my object from ResultSet, I use different method of result result. As a result, all the values ​​are stored as strings, whether they are defined in DB or not? So if the result of a query is 1 number, can I call rs.getString ("Result"); And rs.getInt ("Result"); ? Or should the result be a true type of suit? What is important here is the type of variable that will get the value obtained. For example, , you come back without any problems RskgetString () can be used in a column that numbers valid string values ​​that ( "1234", "23.45", etc.) Are there. But you can not use rs.getInt () in the column with string values, because the returned value will not be valid for a full variable. MySQL Help More information: In general, can be converted to java.lang.String any MySQL data type, and any numeric types can be converted these Mais SQL data types can always...

sql - Group BY with multiple selects (Oracle) -

I'm having trouble using the group with multiple selections. I want to choose the minimum bid offer price for each auction. But I have to get the name of the user who made that bid. As you can see in the results, I get many results for each auction, and if I remove elements from group statements then I get an error message how I can group by ID_Auction and even then the user's Can I show the name? Thanks for the help select A.ID_AUCTION, Min Price (B.PRICE), one of the U.NAME auctions, Bids B, Users U, Product P Where P. TYPE = 'Coca Cola' --Joins and A.ID_AUCTION = B.ID_AUCTION and BID.ID_USER = U.ID_USER and A.ID_AUCTION, U.NAME by A.ID_PRODUCT = P.ID_PRODUCT Group; ID_AUCTION PRICE NAME ---------- ---------- -------------- ------------- ----------------------------- 27 25 Andrew 28 40 John 27 30 Michael 28 35 Peter Output I wish: ID_AUNAP PRICE NAME ---------- ---------- ---------- - --- ------------------------------------------ 27 25 Andrew 28 35 Peter...

java - Finding the min max and average of an array -

I need to find the minimum, maximum and average of balance. I have done this before using for loops, but Ever with a late loop Is there a way to pull the maximum max and average without interfering with the minimum loop? 10 Helen 1000 Jordan 755 EV 2500 Ken 80 Andrew 99 9 17 17 David 1743 Amy 12 Shaun 98 Patrick 7 Joy 14 Where the 10 accounts of The number is import java.util. *; Import * *; Import java.util.Arrays; Public square bank countmen {public static zero main (string [] args) filenotfound exception {scanner infix = faucet; {InFile = Try New Scanner (New File ("account.txt")); ; } Hold (FileNotFoundException e) {System.out.println ("File not found!"); System.exit (0); } Int count = 0; Int accounts = inFile.nextInt (); String [] name = new string [accounts]; Int [] Balance = new int [accounts]; While (inFile.hasNextInt ()) { (); Name [count] = (); InFile.nextInt (); Balance [count] = inFile.nextInt (); Count ++; } Syst...

django crispy forms - how to group the fields? -

मेरा फ़ॉर्म यहां है: वर्ग SortFieldsForm (forms.Form): नवीनतमइयर मॉडेल = फॉर्म .BooleanField (लेबल = "नवीनतम वर्ष") LowestPrice = forms.BooleanField (लेबल = "सबसे कम कीमत") HighestPrice = forms.BooleanField (लेबल = "उच्चतम मूल्य") Newest_Entry = forms.BooleanField (लेबल = "नवीनतम तिथि") डीईएफ़ __init __ (स्वयं, * args, ** kwargs): self.helper = FormHelper () self.helper.form_id = 'आईडी-exampleForm' self.helper.form_class = 'फार्म इनलाइन' = 'पोस्ट' self.helper.form_method Self.helper.form_action = 'sort_posting' # self.helper.add_input (सबमिट करें ('सबमिट करें', 'सबमिट करें')) सुपर (सॉर्टेफ़िल्ड फ़ार्म, स्वयं) .__ init__ (* args, ** kwargs) self.helper.layout = layout (#Fieldset (# 'मूल्य', # 'LowestPrice', # 'HighestPrice',), PrependedText ( 'LowestPrice', ''), PrependedText ( 'HighestPrice', ''), PrependedText ( 'Newest_Entry', ...

How does a child controller access its parent controller in ember.js -

I have some properties on my parents' controller that my children want to access the controller. I want to use it like this: app App Controller = Amber Object Controller Extension ({prop1: "someProp", prop2: "someotherprrop", is needed: ["children"]}); App.ChildController = Ember.ObjectController.extend ({prop1: Ember.computed.alias ("parentController.prop1"), prop 2: amber dotput alias ("parentController.prop2"),}); How can I use those properties? - Edit --- Does it assume that I always need a frequency of controller? You need to use something in the array. Use this ('controller.' Some 'controller'). I think the above is slightly behind because you want the child to have access to the App Controller. App.ChildController = Ember.ObjectController.extend ({needs: ['application'] prop1: Ember.computed.alias ("controllers.application.prop1"), prop2: Ember.computed .alias ("co...

ruby on rails - Application Controller with before_filters that execute first and last -

I before_filter to all before all before_filters, and before all other before_filters one before_filter to your application controller Want to install how can I do this? Application controller in Rail is executed first, then another controller is executed. So I can either be first, or last authorize more_info, but not both .... I have tried various prepend_before_filters, with no luck append_before_filters (the main issue, to be that append_before_filter before_filter If it seems to be a nickname then it does not actually enclose more enimo) Example given below: class ApplicationController & lt; ActionController :: Base before_filter: Authorized # should be preceded by: some_ index_filter_filter: another_action append_before_filter: more_info # end should end other administrators & lt; ApplicationController #Approximately 30 other controllers before_filter: various_action before_filter: different_action before_filter: mas_acciones before_filter: must be between get_o...

WPF ToolTip and text wrapping for expander -

मेरे पास एक विस्तारक है: & lt; विस्तारक हेडर = "{बाध्यकारी नाम}" IsExpanded = "False" & gt; मैं इसके लिए टूलटिप कैसे जोड़ूं? और एक और प्रश्न, शीर्षक का नाम लंबा है और कुछ कारणों से विस्तारक नाम के मध्य में वर्णों में से एक को छोड़ा है। उदाहरण के लिए: नाम है - कुछ_सेकंड प्रदर्शन से पता चलता है: कुछ सेकेंड यह क्या हो सकता है? मैंने ऐसा सोचा था कि पाठ को लपेटने के बारे में सोचा, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं कर सकता था। संपादित करें: ठीक है मैं एक टूलटिप बनाने में कामयाब रहा, I उपयोगकर्ता को एक स्थिर संसाधन। लेकिन अभी भी पाठ कुछ अनुचित कारणों के लिए कट जाता है जब कोई लेबल में एक अंडरस्कोर होता है, तो WPF की व्याख्या यह एक्सेस कुंजी के रूप में है इसका एक तरीका यह है कि डबल-अंडरस्कोर का उपयोग करें, जो एक्सेस वर्ण से बच निकलता है: सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get {return _name; } सेट {_name = (मान ?? "")। बदलें ("_", "__"); } निजी स्ट्रिंग _name; वैकल्पिक रूप से: अलग-अलग नियंत्रणों के लिए एक्सेस वर्ण को बंद ...

perl - string compare failing while fetching a line from a file. -

मेरा कोड, #! / Usr / bin / perl -w सख्त का उपयोग करें; चेतावनियों का उपयोग करें; मेरे $ कोड = ""; मेरी $ गणना = 0; मेरी $ str1 = "code1"; खुली (फ़ाइल, '/होम / वीपीएनयूजर / टेस्टफाइल। टी। टी। टी। ") या मरना (" फ़ाइल खोलना नहीं जा सका "); जबकि ($ कोड = & lt; FILE & gt;) {प्रिंट ($ कोड); यदि ($ codes eq $ str1) {$ count ++; }} प्रिंट "$ count"; तुलना हमेशा विफल रहता है मेरे testFile.txt में एक सरल लाइन - कोड 1 है जब मैंने एक अलग पर्ल लिपि लिखी है जहां मेरे पास स्क्रिप्ट में दो स्ट्रिंग हैं जो इसे फ़ाइल से प्राप्त करने के बजाय स्वयं की गई है, तो eq ऑपरेटर ठीक काम करता है लेकिन जब मैं इसे फाइल से प्राप्त कर रहा हूं, तो एक समस्या है। अग्रिम धन्यवाद! अगर आप नहीं चाहते हैं तो अपने फ़ाइल इनपुट को मत भूलना यह एक रिटर्न कैरेक्टर में समाप्त होता है। जबकि (मेरे $ कोड = & lt; FILE & gt;) {chomp $ codes; यही कारण है कि आपकी स्ट्रिंग की तुलना असफल रहने का कारण हो सकता है। अतिरिक्त के रूप में, आपकी स्क्रिप्ट के शीर्...

c# - Change AudioContext device but keep the OpenAL state -

In general, in OpenTK or OpenAL, I need to change the output device without having to redo all AL work for my resources. I Is it possible to change the output device in the audioconnect without messing with the open state? Example: I am replacing AudioContext: context = new audioContext device name, 0, 0, wrong, incorrect); Context.MakeCurrent (); But with this I have to do things again: buffers = AL.GenBuffers (3); For every resource. I want to change all the output devices, and I need to do this while maintaining an Opal State or doing it in a way to store and reload the OpenGL state in the new audio converter. for. If I am getting all the wrong views of audioContacts, please Looking at the discussion in Gr.Viller Should we disconnect after buffer data? RESOLVED: NO. AL currently does not make sense to recover buffer data, and sharing all references Buffers should be on the same device as if all buffer data is lost in the disconnected state. After o...

java - Tree that sorts classes hierarchicly -

I need a tree structure which gradually adds all sections. I have to get all those sections which are the successors of a particular class. Example: I add the following sections. Public Static Class Event Event {} Public Static Class PlayerEvent Event {} Public Static Class PlayerMoveEvent Extended PlayerEvent {} Public Stable Class WorldEvent Program Extended {} It should sort sections like this: is a node class Which represents a node in your tree. It stores the class that shows it and its direct children. square node {set Then you can build the tree, and you can get your root node. list & lt; Class & gt; ClassList = ... l Maps & lt; Class, node & gt; Class mark = ... one of the all the classrooms in the nodes made from them; Node routerode = null; For (class C: classlist) {node parentonode = clamsap.gate (cgs supercarclass ()); If (parentNode! = Null) parentNode.children.add (classMap.get (c)); Else Route Node = classMap.get (c); }

android - Explain file_get_contents('php://input') -

Writing Android app to connect to PHP Web Service and through my searches on the Internet, send me the file_get_contents ('php: // input'); and I understand some parts of its functionality but I still do not get it php: // input or php: // stdin or like stuff What are you I have read and I am very confused. Please understand it completely. The information comes from: When a POST request, then it is saved in the temporary file Command file_get_contents ('php: // input') sent to PHP Reads raw information - never $ _ POST or $ _ request super globals. This technique is often used when a file uploads, such as an image. Edit: Deleted $ _ Received

jQuery "on" with "hover" being executed on mouse out -

I have a function that is executed on the hover, but on the mouse, it runs again. Can it do this for any reason? $ (element) .on ('hover', '.item', function () {}) The jQuery hover event is designed for information on both the start and end of the hover. When you are using it, it calls your contact handler for both mousecenter and mouseleave . You can either check the event in the Hyndor to see which event is being fired if there is a fire or you $ (element) .hover (fn1, Fn2) can switch to both function and pass both functions. > From: Deprecated in jQuery 1.8, was deleted in 1.9: The name "Hover" is used as a cloak for string "MouseSent Mouseleave" is. It connects a single event handler to those two events, and the handler should check the event. To determine if the event is a mouse center or mouseover , basically, you should not use the $ (Element) .on ('hover', ...); Instead, use .hover () and pass both ...

python - Find multiple words with regex in Beautifulsoup4 -

मैं उन div को beautifulsoup4 से निकालने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं और find_all में regex अभिव्यक्ति () विधि & lt; div class = "prod rounded बॉक्स" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "राउंडेड बॉक्स अंतिम" & gt; मैंने अलग-अलग संभावनाओं की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मुझे केवल प्रॉड राउंडबेक्स शब्दों का उपयोग करके टैग को निकालने के लिए एक काम नहीं मिल सकता है। मैं दोनों शब्दों का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं! अगर मैं उनमें से एक का उपयोग करता हूं तो मैं अन्य अवांछित टैग लेता हूं। recompile ("prod.roundedbox") recompile ("prod \ sroundedbox। *") कोई भी विचार! आप बस अपने परिणामों को खोजने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं। आयात bs4 html = '' '& lt; div class = "example" & gt; उदाहरण & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "prod rounded बॉक्स" & gt; foo & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "प्रोड राउंडबेक बॉक्स" & gt; बार & lt; / div & gt; '' 'सूप = बीएस 4...

arm - QEMU installation on Windows 8.1 -

It's been a lot of time to install qemu and try to work on my Windows 8.1 machine. I know that this works best on Linux, but I want to try it first on Windows. I have tried more than a build. I tried to install several versions from this site: The versions I have tried are 1.5.3 and 1.6.0 (all zip files). It's working a little bit, but its behavior seems weird though. I have tried to run Hello World program using the Qmu-System-Arm with the following command: qemu-system-arm -m versatilepb -m 128M -nographic-kernel test.bin When I run this command, qemu starts (you can see that the process takes care of the task manager from the processor, because qemu emulator takes 30% processing power) does not end !! It seems that it is trapped inside an infinite loop. Test.bin is another test on qemu (on Linux Ubuntu) and it is working just fine. By working fine, I mean "Hello World" is displayed on the terminal. Note I found the stdout.txt file generated after ...

Not getting any output. First time using filestream in C++ -

I am writing a program that uses the flystream and when I run it I am not getting any output Here's the code: Add # & lt; Iostream & gt; #include & lt; string & gt; #to & lt include, fstream & gt; #to & lt include, cctype & gt; using namespace std; Int main () {string word, search, inputfilename, outputfilename; Easiest stream; Int wordcount = 0; Int charcount = 0; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter input filename" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cin & gt; & Gt; Inputfilename; (inputfilename.c_str ()); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter search string" & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cin & gt; & Gt; Search; Inf & gt; & Gt; word; While (inf) {wordcount ++; } Inf.close (); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Word:" & lt; & Lt; Password & lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 0; } The input file I am using is just a paragraph, in which there are some sentences. I'm not sure what is wrong in my code so...

c++ - linked list causes program to crash -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: गॉसेर :: गॉसेसर (इंट वर्ड लैंबिक, कॉन्स्ट चार * वर्ड लिस्टफ़ाइलनाम) {for (int i = 0; i & lt ; 26; ++ आई) वर्णित [i] = गलत; स्ट्रिंग शब्द; Ifstream में (wordListFilename); जबकि (में & gt; & gt; शब्द) {if (word.size () == wordLength) {// शब्द वांछित लंबाई का है यदि (word.find_first_not_of (वर्णमाला) == string :: npos) {// शब्द में केवल लोअरकेस वर्णमालाएँ // cerr & lt; & lt; "संभवतः पहले डेटा:। PossibleSolutions- & gt; डेटा = शब्द; // cerr & lt; & lt; "संभव के बाद डेटा:। संभव सॉल्यूशन = संभावित सॉल्यूशन - & gt; आगामी; }}} In.close (); } यह अनुमानक के लिए कन्स्ट्रक्टर है। यह विचार यह है कि आप शब्दावली से एक infile से पढ़ रहे हैं और यदि और यदि शब्द मानदंडों में फिट होता है तो उसे संभावित समाधान सूची में जोड़ दिया जाएगा। मुझे पूरी तरह से आश्वस्त नहीं है कि मैंने यह सही समझाया है। कार्यक्रम संकलित होता है लेकिन जब उपयोगकर्ता शब्दरेखा में प्रवेश करता है तो यह "संभावित सॉल्यूशन - & gt; डेटा = ...

mysql - having trouble with update syntax for a mysql_query -

$ sql = "UPDATE 'load' SET 'graphe' ="। $ Graphe। "',' प्रतिच्छेदन '=' "। $ प्रतिच्छेदन।" ',' विले '=' "। $ विले।" 'जहां आईडी =' "। $ Id।" '"; मैं खोज के बाद उपरोक्त का उपयोग कर रहा हूं व्यक्ति ने कहा कि यह वाक्यविन्यास को सही किया। जब मैं इसे चलाता हूँ तो मैं असफल हो जाता हूं। धन्यवाद पीट बदलें 'और ` डालें "पहले"। $ Graphe $ sql = "UPDATE` load` SET `graphe` = '"। $ Graphe।' ',' प्रतिच्छेदन '=' "। $ प्रतिच्छेदन।" ', `विले` ='"। $ Ville। "'जहां आईडी ='"। $ Id। "'";

C# and Matlab differences in reading video frame rgb values -

I am trying to convert a matlab script to c #. Matlab script reads an .avi video file and for each frame in the video it calculates the mean value of red, green, and blue pixels and then puts them in the matrix. So im is prepared in a red color. Pisces, green color Pisces, and blue colors. A matrix value for each frame in the video value. To use it in the Effore framework, in C # im, in which there is an AVIreader class, as well as an Image Static class which provides RGB mean value for a given image. The problem I have run is the mean value, calculates matlab for one frame and the C # calculations for one frame do not mean the match. They are the same and like within 5 or I think they should be the same. C # was using 15 sigfigs for the purpose, so I asked to remove the possibility of rounding matlab errors and it did not really improve the results. So here's the kicker ..... I have decided that we take a random jpeg image from Google and load it into matlab. And separ...