php - Display data into textbox in codeigniter -
I'm new to codeigniter I'm stuck somewhere in the value received from the database! How can I display values to remove text from database using Codeigniter?
My view is: PutArtistProfile_v
& lt ;? Php foreach ($ return_name as line $) {echo '& lt; Input type = "text" name = "name" id = "name" /> '; }? & Gt; My Controller is:
Public Function Index ($ return_name) {$ this- & gt; Load-> View ('PutArtistProfile_v', $ return_Name); } $ return_Name - The data received from the database.
& lt ;? Php foreach ($ return_name as the $ key) {$ val = $ key- & gt; Text_name; Echo "& lt; input type = 'text' value = '$ val' / & gt;"; }? & Gt;
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