ios - How does initWithCoder work in combination with Interface Builder? -
I have a subclass from Now, I was told that when the scene loads, Does anybody know why this is the case and how can I manage to set the properties of MyCustomTextField which is set in the attribute inspector in the interface builder? Perhaps you have chosen this code from your custom override to UITextField that I use in the interface builder to create my view (So I set the square of this object in MyCustomTextField directly into the interface builder).
initWithCoder :
the method of MyCustomTextField will be applied, so that I do some initial stuff Can I However, I have also come to know that the features set in the interface builder using the feature inspector have not started the way I set them up!
[super initWithCoder: coder] The phone is not calling Data has been loaded from the Nib archive in this highly implemented example in the
UIView example. The correct implementation should look like this:
- (ID) Init With Coder: (NCCDR *) Aidcoder {Self = [Super Init With Codec: ADCoder]; If (zero! = Self) {// additional initial code} back self; }
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