ios - How does initWithCoder work in combination with Interface Builder? -

I have a subclass from UITextField that I use in the interface builder to create my view (So ​​I set the square of this object in MyCustomTextField directly into the interface builder).

Now, I was told that when the scene loads, initWithCoder : the method of MyCustomTextField will be applied, so that I do some initial stuff Can I However, I have also come to know that the features set in the interface builder using the feature inspector have not started the way I set them up!

Does anybody know why this is the case and how can I manage to set the properties of MyCustomTextField which is set in the attribute inspector in the interface builder?

Perhaps you have chosen this code from your custom override to [super initWithCoder: coder] The phone is not calling Data has been loaded from the Nib archive in this highly implemented example in the UIView example. The correct implementation should look like this:

  - (ID) Init With Coder: (NCCDR *) Aidcoder {Self = [Super Init With Codec: ADCoder]; If (zero! = Self) {// additional initial code} back self; }    


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