java - How does resultSet store values -
I am running a query that is loaded in a ResultSet. When I am creating my object from ResultSet, I use different method of result result. As a result, all the values are stored as strings, whether they are defined in DB or not? So if the result of a query is 1 number, can I call
rs.getString ("Result"); And rs.getInt ("Result"); ?
Or should the result be a true type of suit?
What is important here is the type of variable that will get the value obtained. For example,
, you come back without any problems RskgetString () can be used in a column that numbers valid string values that ( "1234", "23.45", etc.) Are there.
But you can not use rs.getInt () in the column with string values, because the returned value will not be valid for a full variable.
MySQL Help More information:
In general, can be converted to java.lang.String any MySQL data type, and any numeric types can be converted
these Mais SQL data types can always be converted to these Java types:
Li> CHAR, VARCHAR, BLOB, text, ENUM, and SET : java.lang.String,,, java.sql.blob, java .sql .lob -
Float, real, double exact, numeric, d Simal, Tininet, Smalling, Medimum, Intepr, begin : java.lang string, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Double, java.math.bigDecimal -
dATE, TIME, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP : Jawaklangkstring, Jawaksklkdet, Jawaksklktimstmp
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