How to change default settings of sbt-thrift plugin in SBT? -

I am using the plugin 0.6 with the SBT 0.12 And I need to change the resource directory, source directory, output directory and other settings in my build configuration.

It does not seem to work as stated in.

Would anyone tell me how to do this thing?

sbt 0.13 + sbt-thrivate 0.7

note There is a similar configuration for SBT 0.12 and sbt-saving 0.6

I SBT 0.13.1 and therefore it was used from sbt-savings 0.7 .

project / plugins.sbt Reserves + = "Big Taste-Jithub" " / "On the AD SBT plugin (" com.github.bigtoast "%" sbt-saving "%" 0.7 ")"

build.sbt import com.github.bigtoast.sbtthrift.ThrterPlugin seq (ThriftPlugin.thriftSettinGS: _ *)

With the above build configuration, you can potentially work and Can not check settings (I'm completely correct or not).

to set source-directory setting "saving Source directory for files Src / main / default of "thrift"

  & gt; Savings: Use the following to change the value: source: [info] C: \ dev \ sandbox \ thrift \ src \ main \ thrift   

 < Code> ThriftPlugin.thriftSourceDir: = sourceDirectory.value / "my-own-source-dir"   

and reload so that changes in settings ( give feedback ) Accordingly:

  & gt; Savings: source-directory [info] C: \ dev \ sandbox \ thrift \ src \ my-own-source-dir \ main \ thrift   

Please note that all settings and tasks < Code> savings config

SBT 0.12 + sbt-thrift 0.6

project / plugins.sbt

  Resolver + = "Bigtoast-github Since "" ADSTT plugin ("com.github.bigtoast"% "sbt-saving"% "0.6") ""   

OP asked about the multi-project creation configuration, below is the definition of two projects configured with custom values ​​for thriftSourceDir .

p Roject / MyBuild .scala

  import sbt._ Import key ._ Import com.github.bigtoast.sbtthrift.ThrterPlugin._Improves creation of MyBuild object {Slow Valve Thrift S = Default DefaultSettings ++ thriftSettings ++ Seq (ThrivitzSOSRIR & lt; = sourceDirectory (_ / "my-own-source-dir")) Slacker Val Thift P = Project ("Thrift Project" With the configuration, the SBT Shell gives you the following:  / P> 
 > SBT-version [information] 0.12.4, file ("."), Settings = Thrift S) & Gt; Projects [information] in the file: / Users / Jacek / Sandbox / SO / Thatti.1.12 / [information] Some other project [knowledgeable D] * Thrift project & gt; Savings: source-directory [info] / user / jacek / sandbox / so / thrift-0.12 / src / my-own-source-dir / main / thrift & gt; Thrift Project / Thrift: Source-Directory [Info] / Users / Jacek / Sandbox / SO / Thruft.0.12 / SRC / MI-Down-SOSR / IMR / Thrift & gt; Some other projects / savings: source-directory [info] / users / jacek / sandbox / so / thrift-0.12 / some-other-project / src    


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