
Showing posts from January, 2014

SQL: How do you return a record in a conditional statement and return a null value if false? -

I am trying to return the records of people living in Baton Rouge, Connecticut. If any person is also an employee, then his work center ID is also displayed. Otherwise, a zero value is returned. I am using the staff of staff and the person I am stuck, what is the case statement is where I am trying to return the workstation ID if any person employee (if he has an employee ID), otherwise, a vacuum Value should print. SELECT last_name, first_name, birth_date, city, state, employee_id, work_center_id, (case when employee_id = 'no, not so' work_center_id ELSE employee_id = 'NULL', END) , Employee where the city like UPPER ('Bethany') and state = 'Connecticut' order by employee_id ASC; I'm not sure how it can reach a record, if it satisfies the condition or when the situation is not in existence, then can print zero value. I have seen the Oracle i-learning slides and the slides of my teacher and how I did not know how I am using Oracle SQL. ...

c# - Session Available or not -

I am calling a zero function using jquery ajax in mvc3. Even when session comes out in that function, it will also come in Ajax's success function. Controller action: Protected override save zero (query query) I know whether the session is available or not, before sending the request or within the success function of AJAX . , String QueryTitle) {} Why not end the session on the server Hold a HTTP 401 unauthorized return, then check this response in jquery and "Your session has expired, please log in again" page You have the necessary code on the initial server call: Save Secure Zero (Query Query, String QueryTitle) { // This bit may be your own Respect string Better Rifactor in sCookieHeader = Request.Headers [ "Cookie"]; If (context sessions! = Null & amp; amp;; Context.Session.IsNewSession & amp; CookieHeader! = Null & amp; cookieHeader.indexOf ("ASP.NETT_SessionId") & gt; = 0) {// session has expired (R...

sql - Show whole text in query result in mysql -

मैं mysql (mysql Ver 14.14 डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन 5.5.34, डेबियन-लिनक्स-ग्नु (x86_64) के लिए रीडलाइन 6.2 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं) । और मैं external_password नाम के एक कॉलम को external_password | Varchar (200) | शून्य = हाँ | | Default = NULL और सम्मिलित डेटा। जब मैं कमांड लाइन के माध्यम से एक चुनिंदा ऑपरेशन का प्रयास करता हूं, तो मुझे निम्न परिणाम मिला, mysql & gt; Login_user WHERE user_name = 'abc @ 123' से external_password चुनें; + ------------------------------------------------- -------- + | External_password | + ------------------------------------------------- -------- + | $ एस $ DEjrvXeeDgACuXAN0XkyM6FEPTFcHLcNqV..3SBHxQBpwR9wN7Fd | + ------------------------------------------------- -------- + 1 पंक्ति सेट (0.00 सेकंड) लेकिन यह पूर्ण वर्ण नहीं दिखा रहा है। इन सबस्ट्रिंग के बीच (LcNqV..3SBHxQB} बहुत सारे अन्य वर्ण छिपे हुए हैं कैसे मैं कमांड लाइन से पूर्ण पाठ प्राप्त कर सकता हूं ?? कृपया मेरी मदद करें NB: मैं उबुंटू का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ इसके अलावा एक स्थिति में...

reload in play framework 2.2 java giving exceptions when used with spring data jpa and hibernate -

I am using Play Framework 2.2, Hibernate JPA provider (, Spring (4.0.1 .RELEASE) and Spring Data JPA (1.4.3.RELEASE). I am using spring to instantiate the controllers and I am using the context: To load and configure all the necessary dependencies on component-scan (load etc.) on application load time . The way in which I have configured the spring with the game structure The public class extends the Global Global Assets {Personal Application Contaxx App Contains; @ Override Public Wide On Start (App RGR) {String Confidential Labation = Play.Anonymous} Configuration (). GetString ("spring.context.location"); ApplicationContext = New classpath XmlApplicationContext (configLocation); } @ Override Public & lt; A & gt; A getControllerInstance (Class & Lt; A & gt; type) throws exceptions {return applicationContext.getBean (type); }} and related section in application-context.xml Everything works great when the app loads for the first t...

c# - Moles and System.Windows.Forms -

I am trying to mall for the first time when I try to add a mall assembly to the system. It generates code with reference to the system. Colllections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection and IReadOnlyList which do not compile because they are only in the .NET Framework 4.5 and all of my projects are 4.0 VS2010. I have set assembly references for specific editions but no help from this helped? If you are running Moles in Visual Studio 2012, then you must explicitly exclude certain assemblies This works for me: & lt; Assembly name = "System.Windows.Forms" ReflectionOnly = "true" /> & Lt; StubGeneration & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; & Lt; Clear / & gt; & Lt; Add Full Name = "Your. Type.Full.Name!" / & Gt; & Lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; / StubGeneration & gt; & Lt; MoleGeneration & gt; & Lt; Type & gt; & Lt; Clear / & gt; & Lt; Add Full Name = "Your. Type.Full.Name!" / & G...

geolocation - Get current country in Android - traveling -

I'm making an app in which I give different values ​​to each country and some I do Such as: Argentina 3 Australia 7 USA 23 To select the country, I need to use the user's current country, for this Geocoder I am using Google: geocoder.getFromLocation But if I have a lot of users (hopefully) This will be a problem, because the API 2500 usage restriction (with the API key / 2,500 requests over a 24 hour period.) Question 1: Regarding the usage restriction, is the number that is the maximum request request for all users using my map? Edit : I found this GeoCoding limit is per user session, there is no risk that your user can reach the global limit Will reach because your userbase grows. Client side geocoding will not face quota limits, unless you batch geocoding requests within a user session. Therefore, running client-side geocoding, you generally do not have to worry about your quota. Question 2: Let's say I'm geo-code I use. GetFromLoc...

javascript - How to get striped grey background resembling 100% to the barchart? -

This is a follow up question How can I get a gray gray scale in the background which represents 100% And parallel to the Y-axis? Code: var data = [{"age": "less than 18 years" "582.13", "color": "# B3DA29"}, {"age": "18 - 22 "," value ":" 583.98 "," color ":" # 78C0F2 "}, {" age ":" 35 - 60 "," value ":" 607.70 "," color ":" # E54C3C "}, {"Age": "60 - up", "value": "610.00", "color": "# F2519D"}]; Var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, on the left: 40}, width = 400 - margin. Left - margin. Right, height = 400 - margin.Top - margin.bottom; Var x = d3.scale.ordinal () .rangeRoundBands ([0, width], .1); Var y = d3.scale.linear () .ange ([height, 0]); Var xAxis = d3.svg.axis () .scale (x) .orient ("bottom"); Var yAxis = d3.svg.axis ...

javascript - Moving an element inside canvas with Leap Motion Leap.Js - How to save a state? -

I'm trying to create LEAP speeds to zoom in and out with a canvas element and it works fine . Right now when you put your hand in the active area and move vertically or horizontally, then the object moves accordingly. Fine. When you put your hand on the screen, then the element decreases in size, when you pull it toward yourself, then it increases in size is also good. Problems start when you want to take your hand away from the area. Element depends on your peak, which means that it becomes very large (if you pull your hands back yourself). I managed to implement a control, where I remove some fingers (like point it with one finger on one screen), then the image gets accumulated, good. Now, problem and question: How can I make that when I put my hand back in the control area, then the element starts with the situation where I left it? I was struggling with it all night, and it was difficult and I did not manage it. So if you manage to do this, at least I have to give...

ios - CGAffineTransformRotate doesn't work like expect -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 उत्तर मेरा कोड का पालन करें self.view1.layer.anchorPoint = सीजीपीईएक्समेक (1.0, 0.5); CGAffineTransform को बदलने = CGAffineTransformRotate (self.view1.transform, M_PI / 2); Self.view1.transform = transform; मेरा यूआई जैसा है हल्के हरे रंग का पृष्ठभूमि दृश्य 1 है, इसमें एक सबव्यू एक लेबल है। अगर मैं कोड चलाता हूं, तो मेरी राय में दृश्य और लेबल प्रगतिदृश्य के बाएं बिंदु के आसपास M_PI / 2 घुमाएगा। लेकिन सच्चाई का अनुसरण है: जोड़ें NSLog (@ "% @", self.view1); स्वयं की जांच करने के लिए। View1 - एक पृष्ठभूमि दृश्य है, लेबल नहीं। इसके अलावा मुझे लगता है कि आपको एंचपॉइंट बदलना होगा।

Jquery variable use in function -

I need to use the I variable date and time problem function process with jquery, but I do not how to do it Please do someone please help me (work () ($ ('input [name =' "date"] '). Change (function () {var date = $ (' input [name = "date"] ') . Val (); document.getElementById ( "on"). InnerHTML = date;}); $ ( 'input [name = "time"]'). change (function () {Var time = $ ( 'input [name = "Time"] '). Val ();}); function process () {}}); hopefully I think it is right that you want to call the function process () every time a date / time change. $ (document) .ready (function () {var date, time, / / them top $ ( 'input [name = "date"]' declared in) $ ( 'input' [name = 'date'] '). Val (on); document.getElementById ( "date"). InnerHTML = date ; process ();}); $ ( 'input [] = "time"]. change (function () {t = $ (' input [name = "time...

security - is there anyway to know server file directory structure in java? -

I am trying to access a remote file on the server for one study purposes. My server is as simple as the following: This is a basic Spring MVC project This is an index that is "HelloWald" and existing server time What I'm trying to do is down: Login URL (for example, http: //192.168 .0.1: 8080 / test ) Find the absolute path to the index that is somewhere on the server (remote file) "HelloWald" to "Hi, John!" Open and Edit I already tried with HttpUrlConnection, but the methods of that class did not match my objectives The second attempt was with the file class. I have put a URI in the file, but the URI only considers the "file: //" protocol. How do I change that text to a remote server computer? 3 that are not using 2 codes: Use SSH to access the server and change index.html using your worldwide shell text editor (div class = "text-mail" itemprop = "text"> Such as Vi, Nano etc.) U...

sql server - Take Average in sql stored procedure multiple columns -

मेरे पास एक तालिका है: आयु लिंग शूज़िस 1 पुरुष 121 2 महिला 130 2 महिला 138 2 m 147 2 नर 130 2 नर 138 3 महिला 130 3 महिला 138 3 महिला 147 3 महिला 155 3 महिला 164 3 महिला 172 3 पुरुष 130 3 पुरुष 138 3 पुरुष 147 3 पुरुष 155 3 पुरुष 164 3 पुरुष 172 3 पुरुष 181 3 पुरुष 18 9 4 एफ 147 4 एफ 155 4 एफ 164 4 एफ 172 4 एफ 181 4 एफ 281 4 महिला 138 4 महिला 147 4 महिला 155 4 महिला 164 4 महिला 172 4 महिला 181 4 महिला 18 9 4 महिला 1 9 7 4 मी 130 4 M 147 4 मी 155 4 मी 164 4 मी 172 4 मी 181 4 पुरुष 121 4 पुरुष 147 4 पुरुष 155 4 पुरुष 164 4 पुरुष 172 मैं सभी आयु के उदाहरण के लिए प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं = 1, महिलाओं के मामले में उस विशेष जूता आकार के लिए पुरुषों के लिए औसत जूते का आकार एक ही है। नारी मादाओं की उम्र ShoeSize (औसत) ShoeSize (औसत) कृपया एसक्यूएल के लिए नया हूँ। [डीबीओ] से आयु, बालकर्म, शूज़िसिज़, एवीजी (जूते) का चयन करें। [लेनदेन] आयु से ग्रुप, बालकेंद्र, श्री Oesize संपादित करें: इसे बनाया है मैं इन दो प्रश्नों को कैसे जोड़ूं औसत चुनें (शूज़सीज) के रूप में औसत एसो...

hitcounter - Grails Page Counter -

I need to create a counter for some pages, so I create a domain named Counter: square counter {java.sql.Date date; Member member; integer number; Int submit; // Setter and Greater ...} Counts how often this page opens, and how many times the form is submitted (type of contact form). And I created a service called Counter Service: class counter service {list counter; Def load () {counter = counter.findlist (new (System.currentTimeMillis ())); } Def increaseCount (member member) {counters.each {if ( = it.setCount (it.count + 1); }} // Rest of code ...} I will save the counter in the hourly database using the quartz job. Do you think this counter variable is multilingual-protected? Since the CounterService will be called in many controllers I need to load before the server starts and I do not know where to call it. Do I have any suggestions on where to load ()? Or perhaps, a better solution for the page counter? Why are you usi...

ant - To call a build.xml and run there from a target in another build.xml file -

I have the Build.xml file. Using that file, I want to run another build.xml file which is in second place using ant. How can I get it? In the rescue Examples of its use are as follows:


मेरे पास मेरे डीबी MySQL पर यह स्थिति है: TABLE_A कॉड | मान 1 | मान 2 | मान 3 TABLE_B कॉड | मान 4 | मान 5 TABLE_C कॉड | मान 6 और मैं इस क्वेरी का उपयोग करता हूं: SELECT table_a.value1 AS संख्या, table_a.value2 AS दिनांक, AS नाम, table_b.age के रूप में उम्र table_a बाएं से शामिल हों table_c पर table_a.cod = table_c.cod और table_c.value5 = 1 बायाँ शामिल हों table_b पर table_c.cod = table_b.cod कहां value3 = 'MY_SEARCH_VALUE' द्वारा table_a.cod एएससी आदेश सभी महान काम करता है, लेकिन अब मुझे टेबल_ए (TABLE_B और TABLE_C के साथ जुड़ने के लिए) टैबले_ए पर एक तत्व से कनेक्ट करना होगा। उदाहरण के लिए जब TABLE_A.Cod = 'X ' इसके विपरीत जब TABLE_A.Cod =' ALL_OTHERS_CODE 'पर भी TABLE_A.Cod =' Y ' और TABLE_A.Cod =' Z ' चुनें। > मेरी क्वेरी के परिणामों TABLE_A.Value1 चयन के रूप में संख्या, TABLE_A.Value2 के रूप में दिनांक, के रूप में नाम, TABLE_B.age के रूप में TABLE_A बाएं से उम्र में शामिल हो...

Separate Rails Admin Interface for Super Admin -

Target: I want to create a separate railway admin interface for Super Admin to manage admin Current Position: I currently setup my general railway administration where an administrator logs to make things. I am leaving the situation: I want a single user, which is called super admin which is Admin You can create this Super Admin with the option: Create Remove Edit Any Administrator User Just another controller and check for ideas Whether the current administrator is a super admin and if they Is not transmitted.

javascript - Angular.js unit test "inject()" fires before a "run" phase block -

I have a scenario where I am trying to load the HTML5 audio for mobile devices and this is only for user interaction Can be obtained through the medium (eg ontouchstart). I have implemented this argument in an angular move, because it is to be sure that it is first engage on the spot. I can not attach it to the config phase because it is dependent on factories of other fingers: Angular Module ('MyModule'). ([ 'Device', 'resource manager' exception Factoretik ', function (device, resource manager, exceptions Factory) {if device! Brosr. Ficharskvebudio) {var Prfrst user interaction = function () {var sound = Resources The Manager. Gatesounds (); If (sounds.length & gt; 1) {ExceptionFactory .create ( 'Html5AudioLimitReachedException', 'Html5 audio device can only load a sound resource');} if (sounds.length === 1) {sounds [0] .createBrowserAudioObject ();} document.documentElement.removeEventListener (device. 'click...

operating system - Are so many keyboard controller wait calls needed when enabling the A20 gate -

The code has been given to enable A20 from A20 line: a20wait2 on output buffer a20wait The Classroom. Command / Status Register and buffer registers by typing / reading from 0x64 access. Then why are you waiting so many on the input / output buffers? After writing the status command byte, there should be no one on the output buffer before reading the status register on the input buffer? I tried to disable the other two waiting calls, in which I mentioned the last paragraph and it worked fine. But I'm curious why they are there. Is there any other reason? A20 gate control signal is provided by another processor. Traditionally 8042 Micro-Controller drives its output port pin signal. This was intended to handle the Micro Controller keyboard interface, there was an unused output pin, so IBM engineers decided to cut the cost of hardware for the design of AT and control the A20 gate signal with AT. The interface between the main processor and that microcontroll...

php - How to use pear FILE package example -

Does anyone give me examples of how to use established pear package, especially file package I'm starting php And I have never worked with pears, so I'm interested in how to use any package, I only call classes and tasks by package myself? The other thing that interests me, can I include only the downloaded package where I need anytime in my files and use it? Thanks Some very good examples are related, and yes, you The phone calls those functions and methods very much in that package. Your answer is the second question "yes" :-) You can include that code in your code where you need it.

javascript - Embed JS into Xamarin -

My app depends on web scrapping, for which there does not seem to be a great library in the .net world. As in the example J. S. What is the best way to embed JM in the XMarin project, if there is any way? The best with minimal effort to work in these platforms. Look at WebHybrid Classes: For iOS, Android and WP8 They are using web ideas but you can use them as JS Containers and they can execute JS. There are many JSON serializers to choose for serialization / deserialization.

java - DatagramChannel, blocking mode and cpu -

मुझे निम्नलिखित कोड स्निपेट मिलता है: डेटाग्राम चैनल = डेटाग्राम चैनल। ओपन (मानकप्रोटोकॉफिल। INET ) .सेटऑप (मानक सॉकेट विकल्प। SO_UUSEADDR, सच है) .सेटऑप (मानक सॉकेटऑप्शन। IP_MULTICAST_IF, नेटवर्क इंटरफेस); datagramChannel.configureBlocking (सही); डेटाग्राम चैनल.बिंद (नया इनसेट सॉकेट अटैडर (फिल्टर.टाटाइप ()। GetPort (filter.getTimeFrameType ()))); डाटाग्राम। चैनल (समूह, नेटवर्क इंटरफेस); datagramChannel.receive (बफर); यह कोड एक कॉल करने योग्य में स्थित है और मैं मल्टिकास्ट पैकेट को पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए 12 से बना कोलाबल s (12 सूत्र) बना सकता हूं 12 विभिन्न बंदरगाहों से अलग डेटा यह केवल सूचना से पढ़ता है जो नेटवर्क पर हर 3-8 सेकंड में ब्रोकेस्ट किया जाता है। जब 12 बंदरगाहों को निरंतर ( जानकारी की प्रतीक्षा करें, सूचना प्राप्त करें, और इतने पर ), यह मेरे सीपीयू में से एक का 100% खाता है। JVisualVM के साथ निष्पादन की रूपरेखा, मुझे लगता है कि निष्पादन समय का 90% java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel # के लिए समर्पित है () , और अधिक सटीक

java - how to skip some junit tests at the build time -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 उत्तर कुछ मामलों में, मैं कुछ समय में एटलसियन बांस पर बिल्ड समय पर कुछ जूनिट परीक्षणों को छोड़ना चाहता हूं। क्या यह संभव है? बिल्ड समय पर कुछ जूनिट परीक्षण कैसे छोड़ें? क्या आपके पास एक और सुझाव है? एटलसियन बांस संस्करण 5.3 क्या यह हमेशा उन परीक्षणों का एक ही सेट होता है जिन्हें आप छोड़ना चाहते हैं? यदि ऐसा है तो आप मैवेन प्रोफाइल के माध्यम से उस पर नियंत्रण कर सकते हैं और केवल /

animation - Android. Extending FrameLayout. Couldn't find setter/getter for property xFraction exception -

I raised the framelayout class to create slide-in slide-ani animation on piece transition. I want to get xFraction value programmatically. & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; RelativeLayout xmlns: Android = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; ImageView Android: layout_width = "70dp" Android: Layout_heat = "70dp" Android: Layout_centerHoriginal = "True" Android: Layout_margintop = "15 DP" Android: src = "@ + Drawable / Logo" /> & Lt; Com.example.helpers.CustomFrameLayoutAndroid: id = "@ + id / fragment" Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" /> & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; looks like a custom frame layout ...

neo4j - How to use "MATCH.. CREATE UNIQUE.." with neography -

I am trying to write an Importer script which will take for a MySQL result and in my Neo4J DB nodes and Will link the relationship. To make things easier, my results have the following fields: application_id amount application_date account_id I with the application_id , amount , application_date application I want to create a node field and the account_id field with the label account and another node with a relationship between them. My SQL query is from the application table, so I'm not afraid of dups there, but one account_ can appear more than once and I obviously do not want to create several nodes for it. I am using neogography (but if something simple). What would be the best (easiest) way to achieve this? Should I first create an index and use create_unique_node ? I think what I can do I want to use "match .. crate uniuk .. .." in cipher, which is equal to that in nigoshi? I do not understand how the index_name comes in the equatio...

php - Proper way to break pages -

My PHP script generates variable size text (restart) in HTML and breaks pages using CSS or PHP I need to break several A4 size pages if content is longer than 1 page. The problem is, I can not understand the solution because even if I count the contents of the material then it is not possible to calculate the height with padding margin etc. Any suggestions? Provides some features for CSS (i.e. printing). Specifically, you might want to look at page-break-post , of course, it definitely depends on your page, but a general use can look like this: .page {Page-break-post: always; } .page.last {page-break-after: Avoid; } This will always pause one page after every .page except when it has .last class ( Otherwise you should be more corrective in such a way that you Or, You can use the control: .section {page-break-inside: avoid;} This will avoid breaking into a section . You can use @page to set the margin for each page: @page {margin: 1cm;} ...

cordova - External links don't open in the inAppBrowser on iOS on phonegap 2.9.0 -

If I click on IOS, then PDF opens, but there are no controls or buttons to return to the previous page Note that this is fine on Android Works. Here's my code: $ ('# overlay-background'). ('Click', 'a', function (event) {var href = $ (this) .attr ('href'); if (typefra! == 'undefined' & amp; href.substr (0, 7) === 'http: //') {event.preventDefault (); (this.href, '_system');}}); If someone can help me then I would be most grateful. So far it has been a real pain, getting simple stuff to work on PhoneGrap. First of all, the _system is used to call system browser to call _blank to InAppBrowser Is used for Then you can provide a third parameter. There you can set the captions for close buttons and many more. Try it like: {closebuttoncaption: 'close'} like this: window .open (this.href, '_blank', { Closebuttoncaption: 'close', toolbar: 'yes...

android - Replicate Google Maps Bottom Panel Swipe Up -

I try to repeat the panel below the Google Maps animation: On the map marker, the small panel shows part of the top panel (header) Swipe upwards on the header panel and a full size panel with more information is detected. Swipe on the full size panel to re-open the view To mark only the header, tap the marker off, and the bottom panel digester Using TranslationAnimation , I'm able to get a bottom panel due to the problem being animate on the marker, at the end of the animation, let me see its view in the Visual> should be set to show the panel, but then show the full panel And only the top header part no. viewBottomPane "Android: layout_width =" Match_parent "Android: visibility =" left "android: background =" # 000000 "Android: Layout_height =" Wrap_content "Android: layout_gravity =" center_horizontal | bottom "& gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "match_parent" ...

actionscript 3 - GPU vs CPU render mode Adobe AIR -

I had the following question: Now, facing that problem, about render mode Reading, M is very confused about how simple a script is in failing in GPU mode, but very fast on CPU mode. So the question is, how does the GPU mode work and how does CPU mode work for Adobe Air? And why do most of the work better on the GPU but not the script Note: Base bitmap size should be larger than 1400x1400 GPU There are some limitations on render mode. Adobe recommends direct render mode. See the following lines with Adobe help, Note: To take advantage of the GPU acceleration of Flash content with AIR for mobile platforms, Adobe recommends that you renderMode = "direct" (i.e., stage 3 D) = "GPU" For more information, see

php - How to make use of both Zend_Action_Controller and REST controller in Zend 1.11 -

I have a Zend project that uses both the Zend_Action_Controller and the rest controller . But I'm not able to use the default Zend_Action_Controller I use the rest controller.Could someone please help me in my project.Thanks in advance I am able to use both controllers. Bootstrap.php class bootstrap Zend_Application_Bootstrap_bootstrap {protected function_initActionHelpers () {$ contextSwitch = new REST_Controller_Action_Helper_ContextSwitch () is extensively; Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker :: addHelper ($ contextSwitch); $ RestContexts = new REST_Controller_Action_Helper_RestContexts (); Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker :: addHelper ($ restContexts); }} application.ini = Zend_Rest_Route = "REST_ "Resourcesprint.fontcroller.plugins [] =" REST_Controller_Plugin_RestHandler " I have Is trying to implement a Zend project If this is a new project? I strongly recomm...

html - IE8 before element with absolute child -

I found a div, a: first element and internal element. Everything is fine, except for an internal element, works fine, complete . Using z-index, it is possible to position the full element behind the first element. It does not work in IE8, as has been posted. As mentioned in that post, anybody can use the status: relative to fix the problem. But as my element is already posted in complete , there is no way I can do this. So what can I do to fix it? I'm making a bela to show my problem (for IE8, go here because JSFDial no longer supports IE8). Edit: has changed the link, as Paul ED said that my fleet was wrong + photo see the difference Normally, the Z-index is low, but if IE8 refuses to do so, then normal browsers should be : first- The element gets the yellow full element behind the . Post-text "itemprop =" text "> I understood it when the yellow element is given a negative z-index, then this parent has a positive z-index and : First-element ...

javascript - how to zoom in and out a part of the screen on mouse move on jQuery? -

I have some pictures whenever the mouse gets out and when I release the mouse, I want to zoom in. I have two 'div' on each other, each has a canvas and some dragable / droppable images. Whenever the mouse moves out and when I release the mouse, I want to zoom in. I would really appreciate any help. Hello . Like Yahoo is looking big in search Have you considered a third party jquery plugin like this:

html5 - jQuery Mobile collapsable menu -

I need to work on the mobil version of a website and with the support for the submenus, the navigation menu must also be designed. Have done something but have not done it properly I can convert it to a good navigation menu with support for the sub menu. I have a Setup Belt Example. Or what I am using the following latest libraries & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" /> & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "page" id = "pageon" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "header" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Welcome to your homepage & lt; / H1> & Lt; Div data-role = "compressed-set" & gt; ...

ruby on rails - Routes only for selected group of Resource -

I have models of pages in my project. In this model, I have the following methods to recover the objects from the database: Where ('published_t & lt; =', .where ('publication_end' = ('Publish' 'or' condition '= or publication_and & quot; def self.published Lt; = ', dated date,' unpublished ', date.)) Finally And my question is, to determine the route in the railroad tracks New possible that only published pages or so? I do not know that I undestand you, but you might be somenthing like that: Resource: Get the 'publish' collection of pages unpublished 'end' In this way you will have pages / published and pages / unpublished routes. If you want to see the page is 'published', you can do it in your show action: @page = Page.find (param [: Id]) if @Page.States! = 'Published' redirect_to .... end However, a better way to put the code above "Before filter...

python - Server doesn't follow TEMPLATE_DIRS path -

TEMPLATE_DIRS में मेरे टेम्पलेट फोल्डर का पथ इस तरह दिखता है: os.path.abspath (os.path.join (os.path.dirname (__ फ़ाइल__), os.pardir)) + '/ static / templates /' जब मैं स्थानीय रूप से अपना सर्वर चलाएं और पृष्ठ को खोलें सबकुछ ठीक काम करता है और यह ~ / documents / projects / clupus / static / templates पर टेम्पलेट का पता लगाता है। जब भी मैं अपने सर्वर पर सब कुछ खींचता हूं और यूआरएल का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: Django इन टेम्पलेट्स को लोड करने का प्रयास करता है: लोडर django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader का उपयोग करना: / घर / ubuntu / public_html / / clupus / templates / clupus / index.html (फ़ाइल मौजूद नहीं है) यह TEMPLATE_DIRS का पालन नहीं कर रहा है और देख रहा है गलत निर्देशिका में मैंने सर्वर पर मौजूद TEMPLATE_DIRS मान की जांच की है और यह उस स्थान से मेल खाता है जो मेरे पास स्थानीय रूप से है क्या समस्या है? संपादित करें बल्कि शर्मिंदगी से मेरे कोड में कुछ भी गलत नहीं था और मैं बस sudo service apache2 करके अपाचे को ...

java - Spring get current ApplicationContext -

I'm using Spring MVC for my web application my beans " spring-servlet.xml "The file is written Now I have a class MyClass and I want to use this class using Spring Beans I have written the following in spring-servlet.xml bean id = "miracles" category = "comm. MyClass" /> Now let me get this ApplicationContext ApplicationContext context = ?? I need to use so that I can MyClass myClass = (MyClass) context.getBean ("myClass"); How to do this ?? Just inject it. @Autowired Private ApplicationContext appContext; Or apply this interface:

Back to Javascript from Coffeescript default on yeoman webapp -

Default is for I want to go back to working with JS file ie scripts / main.js to return to some javascript mode Gruntfile Some things like js I do not know about a simple solution, but here's mine: Make two identical scoflolds with men: one with a sauce / coffee script support, without the other. Next, make reversal comparisons of construction projects (I recommend using the meld / code>). You will know that only the actual difference comes in Grantfile - apply them to your original project. mvc - how to deploy a mvc4+EntityFrame6 applicatin to iis? -

I have a web application that uses mvc4 + Entityframework 6. It works fine on the local machine However, when I am creating a website on the production iis, all the files have been published, the site does not appear, it shows a 500 error. If I enter a simple index.html file, give web.config something else, index.html Shows. It shows that the IIS is working. Do I need to set any sequence on production? Thanks It has been found that the machine is a new machine and nobody Does not install 4.5 on that. Once it is installed and the MVC runtime (not sure it is necessary), it works fine.

javascript - Add empty image tag with jQuery -

I have a menu with the sub menu and one + and _ About sub menu: The menu in which the sub-alignment is not different, it is different from the other and to fix it, it should add an image to li , Which does not have any image and here it means what I mean. This means that JS is making a code of mass destruction, I can not fix it with CSS Use this code because it will affect the whole menu here by using the menu id $ ('. DaymanicPageMenu') code to get, hide and hide sub menu from this menu $ (function ( ) {//}. Representative ("img", "click", function () {var checkshumenmenfood = $ (this) .Parent (". DaymanicPageSubMenu") children; (checksquenFuf! = 0) {// This div shows fast "Children" ("day"), "child" (".", "Fasting", ceremony () {$ (this). Parent () children (" Img "). Attr ('src', 'http: // local host: 53188 / content / imag es / collectionImages /

expression - How can i trace related entities in debugging time in Visual Studio? -

How can I see related organizations like the expression tree? for example; I have the Fu () method. Call this method and pass various parameters in the DoIt () method. After example, my question may be of help. Foo (): Return Type: Zero | + --- & gt; DoIt (Ultimate: String): Return Type: Zero Trace function call with parameter and return value.

javascript - X axis title cutting off -

I tried to play with SVG dimensions but the text is cutting the code for X-X: .attr ("transform", "translate (0," + " Height + ").) .Append (" text ") .attr (" x ", width / 2) .attr (" y ", margin.bottom + 5). Style ("text-anchor", "medium"). Style ("font size", "150%"). Text ("Age in years"); How can I fix this? Define the margin down variable but that does not work. When I added +10 in this line + .attr ("height", height + + margin.bottom + 10) . It's just displaying well.

java - Selenium PageObject pattern: get objects list -

I have an application page that provides some kind of search and it gives the user a list of search results items. . So my test logs on the application, and starts searching on home page like this: homepage homepage = login page. Login (); HomePage.searchFor (item); What would be the best way to test for search results, including the expected list items from the design side? I can add method to return results to page items and then I can do anything with them on the exam square. Public Zero Certain Tests (List & gt; Items & gt; Expected Result Items) {... Homepage Home Page = Login Page. Log In (); HomePage.searchFor (item); & Lt; Item & gt; Results item = homePage.getItems (); Utility Commerce Items (as a result, expected candidates); } I can add comparison method for page object. Public Zero Certain Tests (List & lt; Items & Required Reissent Items) {... Homepage Homepage = loginPage.login (); HomePage.searchFor (item); HomePage.compar...

java - Marker To Open Google MAPS Direction -

There are 3 markers in my store location, each with its status (latitude and longitude), I would like to click on the marker So that it opens the standard Google MAPS direction from where the current user is for the destination of the clicked marker, now the user's position is okay, it is okay to click the marker to display snapet, but how do I click on it? Snapat pop out ("Click here for directions") to get Google Maps to come standard for navigating with an Android phone? Fixed final lettuce ARCADIA = new letting (-25.746318, 28.221322999999984); Fixed final letting hatfield = new wave long (-25.7487333, 28.23804319999993); Static Last Letting Sentin = New Wave Long (-25.8602778, 28.18944439 99 99957); Private Google Maps map; @ Override protected void saved create (bundled Instansstet) {Suprknkret (saved Instensstet); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_locate_store); LocationManager lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService (context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Lm.requestLoc...

java - Android: Showing Spanish (among other) characters read from file -

I know that many such questions are similar, but they provide either a very specific case-specific solution I do not agree with my problem or just do not work. I have a multi-language app that downloads some information from the internet and stores it later in the file. How it is stored: Public Static zero throws stringsofofile (string string, file file) IOException {if (! File.exists ()) {file.createNewFile (); } FileOutputStream outputStream = New FileOutputStream (file); OutputStream.write (string.getBytes ("UTF-8")); OutputStream.close (); } But later, when the Spanish version of the file is read, the app shows special characters, such as ±, as I-ve has a black diamond with a question mark It was tried: Download the information in your computer to check that the file is OK and put it manually in the app so that it can be read instead of downloading itself. The file is fine, but no changes are shown in the app. Replace the argument given by "ISO 8859-...

Pivoting out Datetimes and then calling an operation in Pandas/Python -

I have seen many articles about using datetime and datetime to convert to datetime objects. However, I can not find a column to convert to a datetime object, so I can pivot that column and act against it. I have dataframe like: Col1 colonel 2 one 1/1/2013 1/12/2013 b 1/5/2013 b 4/3/2013 What do I need: pivott = pivot_table (df, rows = 'col1', values ​​= 'col2', etc.) And then I want to get the boundaries of dates, each value in Col1) I'm not sure how to contact this properly df Even after using ['col2'] = pd.to_datetime (df ['col2']) I could not take action against it since the date and String ... Any advice? Use Data Time Datetime pd.read_csv ('somedata.csv') Convert Data Time Convert = DF ['DATE_TIME_IN_STRING'] Convert [ConvertDateTime] Convert [: 10] # You should get DTP: datetime64 [lambda D: datetime.strptime (d, '% d /% m /%) Y' Ns]

Two Separate SharePoint Instances in one domain? -

I currently have SharePoint Foundations 2010 installed in our network. I have been instructed to bring SharePoint Foundations 2013 to a different project. Then we will gradually migrate all data to SharePoint 2013. Are there two separate SharePoint instances in a domain? Assuming that they will be on each their own front end server and SQL database server. Yes, you can be in any number of SharePoint in the same domain. This will not be an issue JD

c# - Connection to a Microsoft Access database using Microsoft Visual Studio? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर इस कोड के साथ मेरी बड़ी समस्या यह है कि जब मैं अपने डेटाबेस से कनेक्ट करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो कार्यक्रम फिट को फेंकता है मैं अपने btnSubmit_Click बटन को धक्का देता हूं, और यह मुझे यह त्रुटि बताता है: "'माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। एएसीई। ओएलईडीबी .12.0' प्रदाता स्थानीय मशीन पर पंजीकृत नहीं है।" मैंने अपना कोड नीचे रख दिया क्या कोई मेरी मदद कर सकता है यह समझने में कि क्या गलत है? नामस्थान WindowsFormsApplication5 {सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग} फॉर्म 1: फ़ॉर्म {सार्वजनिक फॉर्म 1 () {InitializeComponent (); } निजी शून्य btnSubmit_Click (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {OleDbConnection कनेक्ट; ऑलेडब कॉमांड कमांड; कनेक्ट = नया OleDbConnection (@ "प्रदाता = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; डेटा स्रोत =" + @ "सी: \ उपयोगकर्ता \ drwi \ डेस्कटॉप \ डेटाबेस \ Javadata1.accdb"); Connect.Open (); Command = Connect.CreateCommand (); Command.CommandText = "सम्मिलित करें" + txtFirstName.Text + "," + txtLastName +...

javascript - Loop video with media fragments? -

I stopped trying to loop when a video URL (with pieces of media) But I have set up a listener to call a Loop Video () function: function loop video () {var video = document.getElementById ('Video1'); Var video file = 'file1.mp4 # t = 10,10'; Video src = videoFile; (); }; Document.getElementById ('Video1'). AddEventListener ('Paused', Loop Video (), Incorrect); So far the piece of the video plays once, but when it breaks, it does not loop. Is there any error in my code or is there a piece of media problem? It is 2 years later but I am going to post it because I recently got this issue Was just over Basically what I did, I used to get values ​​in the pieces of media dynamically and then checked in my timeupdate video event listener that the current time was more than the upper bound of the media segment or No. If it exceeds the upper limit, then I set the current time to the lower limit and play the video. Here's...

javascript - google maps infowindow shows first infowindow only even for other markers -

I have seen other questions related to this and none of the solutions I have seen have probably been helpful I'm looking for something. Any help would be appreciated. I have a map which I am loading over 1000 markers. When a user performs a mouse over the marker, I need infowindow to display for that marker for the marker. The problem I am facing is that same Infinite is seen on the same marker, it does not matter if the marker is the mouseover. I had provided a screenshot below which shows a map with markers and an infondova. So, no matter what marker I got mouseover, the same Infondondo was shown. This is the code (GM is an immediate Google.maps object): for (var I = 0; i & lt; opts.LocationsData.length; i ++) {var data = opts.LocationsData [i]; Var icon = new gm.MarkerImage (datum.map_pin_loc + datum.map_marker + '.svg', null, null, null, new google.maps.size (31,51)); Var loc = new gm.LatLng (datum.latitude, datum.longitude); Var zi = 500; If (i>...

python - classification using sklearn RandomForestClassifier -

I am using Scikit RandomForestClassifier to classify unbalanced data. Target class data is either '1' or '0' (99% of value is 0). I want to specify a weight. How can i do it I found it in ductionation: sample_weight: array-like, size = [n_semple] or none sample weight. If none, the samples are weighted evenly. When looking for split in each node, the child nodes with pure zero or negative weight for the partition is ignored. In the case of classification, division is also ignored, if any class takes negative weight in the node, then the result will be ignored too. I need to increase the effect of '1' Is it supposed to have done this: s_weight = np. Array ([100 If I i_train for i = 1 1]) or this way: s_weight = y_train [,, 1 : 100] .T.ravel () . (X_train, y_train, sample_weight = s_weights) As I have not received the expected results, can anyone confirm ? technically s_weight = np.array ([100 If I am in y_train f...

excel - PHP create a report send with email -

I have a page with dynamic content and it likes the user to send the result as an email attachment Creates Report (PDF & Amp; Excel) What would be the best way to do this? For email: PHPMailer () For Excel: PHPExcel () For PDF: DomPDF or Prince Use Google to search each of these This is a very complicated process, but if you move it step by step then you should be able to understand it. Prince is not free, but looks better than domPDF. Create an Excel version of the report on the server. Create a PDF version of the report on the server. Email the two attached files to the reports. Delete files from the server.

autosys - Scheduling a job or box based on a recurring external event -

We need to start a processing pipeline, whenever an external event (say, "update" notification) More often happens one day. For the estimated or fixed number of events, we can set the trigger or watch jobs to capture the event and can use them to kick the box dependent on processing jobs. But what if the event can happen in a variable number of days? In fact, we need to automatically trigger the trigger / watch job every time dependent processing, and thus the next time the external event occurs then it remains ready. Can it be done in Autosys? The 'continuous' attribute does not appear to be useful on file trigger work: it only writes alerts to the scheduler log when we would like to introduce it to a dependent box. A simple loop will probably suffice insert_job: flag-file-watcher insert_job: flag-reset status: s (flag-file-viewer) insert_job: main process status: s (flag-reset) update_job: Flag-file-viewer status: S (main process)

c# - Trello.Net: How to get the Actions data? -

I am able to get a list of actions for a card. However, the action card has only limited information, so how do I get the actual content of the action? var actionList = trello.Actions.ForCard (card); In the form of foreach (Trailonnet action action in action list) I go through every action in the list, I can only see the member who has act, date, member and verb Type (such as Tralonate .UpdateCardAction). How do I get the actual context of the action, e.g. Was this card transferred to the board? If this is not the right way to get information about actual action, please tell me about the correct logical path. Thanks, each The type of action is a sub class of action class is a property of subclasses called data , which contains specific information for that type of action. For example, if you want to print, create card actions for the board, you can do this like this: var board = trello.Boards WithId ("A Board ID"); Various verbs in forehack (trell...

Security: Preventing Unauthorized Loading/Calls into C++ DLL -

I have C ++ DLL, foo.dll, which provides API methods that give the clayetext answer of encrypted data Are there. I want to come up with a strong solution to allow this DLL to load and use its functions only to manelies (such as user.dll). This is not the problem of DLL spoofing, but a question of how to hobble a DLL to work only in some contexts I am potentially in non-network context on many platforms, There is no possibility of calling or relying on system calls. Whatever I have considered, it is a house that uses 'magic key' security, 'do your own roll' is often bad. Any advice of acceptable methods for this kind of DLL level security? secret The key is required.The security decryption does not come from obscuring the method, but the key can not prevent you from calling anyone in your DLL, but the DLL requires that the caller be a parameter. In this way, a decryption key will be available in such a way that only the client who knows the secret key will...

c# - "Circular Reference" exception when serializing database object -

I get an error stating that circular references were detected while serializing the type of object I believe that I have something with the database and I have a set of PK and FK. Public string GetSongs (int playlistId) {var songs = (_db.Songs by song where song.PlaylistId == playlistlist select song). List (); Var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer (); Var json = serializer.Serialize (song); // error message here json back; } Here is a picture of my DB schema: If you are using the code first playlist model and playlist to song in the user keyword by keyword . Because playlist load your user model automatically and your playlist is user and loop is turned on .

objective c - create animated circle and rectangle in uiview -

I have to create some animated shapes in my iPhone app (with encoded), like this (,) first a circle Should increase and its radius should be low; 0 to X and Visevas; Second, the length of a rectangle 0 to X is increased and the vixors. The shapes should be animated infinitely ... unless the user taps some buttons to stop animation at some point. How can I get those special draws and animations? What is the best way to achieve that? And how to stop them? Many thanks for any advice. In my case I had to alert the movement of the SubViews of my UIView object and I completed it like this Did: Configure continuous animation to break into logical parts, animate animate and animate the animation to start another animation. Below you see my code (What is it that is placed across a circle on a circle with the circle that takes the lesson subviews). - (zero) Animate Part: (NSString *) Animation Ended: (NSN * *) End Context: (Zero *) Reference {// There is a NSN reference in which the ...

R - cross-referencing variables in functions -

मेरे पास एक फ्रेम डीबी है & gt; ए & lt; - c (0,1,2,3,0,1) & gt; बी एंड एलटी; -सी ('एनए', 'एनए', 'एनए', 'एनए', 'एनए', 'एनए') & gt; सी & lt; - c ('फर्नॉर्ड', 'फर्नॉर्ड', 'एप्पलबीस', 'कद्दू', 'एप्पलबीस', 'कद्दू') & gt; डीबी एंड एलटी; - डेटा.फ्रेम (ए, बी, सी) संपत्ति के साथ जो डीबी $ सी [जे] = डीबी $ सी [के] जे के लिए! = कश्मीर बिल्कुल एक बार अर्थात्, प्रत्येक पंक्ति में सी वैल्यू के साथ एक अलग पंक्ति होती है - प्रत्येक पंक्ति में एक अद्वितीय "सी-पार्टनर" होता है। मैं एक ऐसा फ़ंक्शन बनाना चाहूंगा जो डीबी $ बी की जगह अपने "सी-पार्टनर" के डीबी $ ए वैल्यू को बदल देता है। आदर्श रूप से, अंतिम परिणाम दिखना चाहिए & gt; डीबी ए बी सी 1 0 1 फ़र्नॉर्ड 2 1 0 फ़र्नॉर्ड 3 2 0 एप्पल बीस 4 3 1 कद्दू 5 0 2 एपलबीस 6 1 3 कद्दू । । अब तक मेरा प्रयास विफल हो गया है। मेरे खोज फू मुझे कोई उत्तर दिया मैं क्या कोशिश की है का एक उदाहरण है db $ डी & ...