android - Replicate Google Maps Bottom Panel Swipe Up -

I try to repeat the panel below the Google Maps animation:

  1. On the map marker, the small panel shows part of the top panel (header)
  2. Swipe upwards on the header panel and a full size panel with more information is detected.
  3. Swipe on the full size panel to re-open the view
  4. To mark only the header, tap the marker off, and the bottom panel digester < P> Using TranslationAnimation , I'm able to get a bottom panel due to the problem being animate on the marker, at the end of the animation, let me see its view in the Visual> should be set to show the panel, but then show the full panel And only the top header part no.

    viewBottomPane "Android: layout_width =" Match_parent "Android: visibility =" left "android: background =" # 000000 "Android: Layout_height =" Wrap_content "Android: layout_gravity =" center_horizontal | bottom "& gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; Include Android: id = "@ + id / paneHeader" layout = "@ layout / headerpayel" /> & Lt; TextView Android: id = "@ + id / paneFooter" Android: text = "Android: layout_width =" match_parent "Android: layout_height =" wrap_content "/> & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; & Lt; / FrameLayout & gt;

    I just want to show the pane header on the map marker faucet, then swipe upwards to show the full view bottlepan , Swipe down to show pane header and tap the marker to hide

    I have used this library before that whole and have done a great job.

    This code opens with the R13 of Android Support Library Slipping is based on the panlayout component. Thanks Android Team!

    I tried on Android 2.3.6 and it works perfectly. If you are not compatible with this for the back, then you do not know, but if you do this then it will be helpful.

    You have got the xml part

       & Lt; TextView Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: gravity = "center top" Android: text = "The Great Sliding Up Panel" Android: Textism = "16sp" /> & Lt; /com.sothree.slidinguppanel.SlidingUpPanelLayout>   

    and your class listeners

      sliding uppanel layout = (slidinguppanel layout) findViewById (; Layout.setShadowDrawable (getResources () getDrawable (R.drawable.above_shadow)); Layout.setAnchorPoint (0.3f); Layout.cent pencilslide listener (new panelslide listener) {@ PanelSlide override public watch (see panel, float slide offset) {log (i.e., "onslash, offset" + slide offset); if (slide offset & lt; 0.2) {if (see actionbar () ()) {AActionAbout (). (AAAABCbar (.) Show ()) {getActionBar (.) Show ();}}} @PanelExpanded at public Override zero (see panel) {Log.i (TAG, "onPanelExpanded")}} Override public null at @PanelCollapsed (View panel) {Log.i (TAG, "onPanelCollapsed");} Override public null at @PanelAnchored (see panel) {Log.i (TAG, "Onboard Anchored");}});   

    In addition, you can tell with the view that the pen up event will be triggered.

    Hope it helps! :)


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