reload in play framework 2.2 java giving exceptions when used with spring data jpa and hibernate -

I am using Play Framework 2.2, Hibernate JPA provider (, Spring (4.0.1 .RELEASE) and Spring Data JPA (1.4.3.RELEASE).

I am using spring to instantiate the controllers and I am using the context: To load and configure all the necessary dependencies on component-scan (load etc.) on application load time .

The way in which I have configured the spring with the game structure

  The public class extends the Global Global Assets {Personal Application Contaxx App Contains; @ Override Public Wide On Start (App RGR) {String Confidential Labation = Play.Anonymous} Configuration (). GetString ("spring.context.location"); ApplicationContext = New classpath XmlApplicationContext (configLocation); } @ Override Public & lt; A & gt; A getControllerInstance (Class & Lt; A & gt; type) throws exceptions {return applicationContext.getBean (type); }}   

and related section in application-context.xml

Everything works great when the app loads for the first time Until I make any changes to the scene or controller and the application reload, Spring Data Jeppa breaks down and complains that my models are not of the type of managed type.

  Reason by: java.lang Invalid orientation exception: No managed type: Class model. User   

Although there is no problem in general, resumption works fine, I really appreciate it if someone is completely reloading applicationContext Can provide an input on the play reload.

I have the same problem Spring Data is replacing JPA 1.4.3. 1.4.2.RELEASE resolved it from Rallys. I did not have time to look forward to the problem, so I do not know what the reason for it is.

This project is a good starting point: But this spring data uses the 1.3 version of JAPA.


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