geolocation - Get current country in Android - traveling -
I'm making an app in which I give different values to each country and some I do Such as:
Argentina 3 Australia 7 USA 23 To select the country, I need to use the user's current country, for this Geocoder I am using Google:
But if I have a lot of users (hopefully) This will be a problem, because the API 2500 usage restriction (with the API key / 2,500 requests over a 24 hour period.)
Question 1: Regarding the usage restriction, is the number that is the maximum request request for all users using my map? Edit : I found this GeoCoding limit is per user session, there is no risk that your user can reach the global limit Will reach because your userbase grows. Client side geocoding will not face quota limits, unless you batch geocoding requests within a user session. Therefore, running client-side geocoding, you generally do not have to worry about your quota.
Question 2: Let's say I'm geo-code I use. GetFromLocation (), is the list of country names that Google uses? For example, they may be "USA", "US" or "United States" or even "United States". I need it to reach the value of the country in the table given above. I'm thinking about receiving the country in specific ways initially : telephonyManager.getSimCountryIso (); or
context.getResources (). Getconfiguration () Locale.getCountry (); Adding and refresh button where the user can update it when Travel ( using GeoCoder ). Question 3 : Do you have any other suggestions? the option?
# 2- Its country code is an ISO standard. This 2 letter code will be found here
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