php - How to make use of both Zend_Action_Controller and REST controller in Zend 1.11 -
I have a Zend project that uses both the Bootstrap.php application.ini I have Is trying to implement a Zend project If this is a new project? I strongly recommend using ZF2 ZF1 is no longer supported . Even ZF3 is being planned at this time. ZF2 has so many advantages over ZF1, so you will be able to do this very easily in V2. *. Zend_Action_Controller and the
rest controller . But I'm not able to use the default
Zend_Action_Controller I use the rest controller.Could someone please help me in my project.Thanks in advance I am able to use both controllers.
class bootstrap Zend_Application_Bootstrap_bootstrap {protected function_initActionHelpers () {$ contextSwitch = new REST_Controller_Action_Helper_ContextSwitch () is extensively; Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker :: addHelper ($ contextSwitch); $ RestContexts = new REST_Controller_Action_Helper_RestContexts (); Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker :: addHelper ($ restContexts); }} = Zend_Rest_Route = "REST_ "Resourcesprint.fontcroller.plugins [] =" REST_Controller_Plugin_RestHandler "
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