cmd - Direct the command to a newly opened separate command prompt using bat file -
I have a command prompt shortcut that runs a bit file, when it launches. Once I started it, I will issue another order, my_command, which is added as the doskey macro in login.bat To the extent that this is so. I have a CMD shortcut with the target set: C: \ Windows \ System32 \ cmd.exe / k "D: \\ login.bat" / Code> where login.bat sets the environment. Once the cmd prompt is active, I should issue another command, say my_command (which should be run in the currently open CMD prompt) Inside login.bat I have the following lines ... doskey my_command = another_login.bat I was trying to write a bat file to do the whole thing. I have tried that which is: Start C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Cmd.exe / k "D: \\ login.bat" my_command command my_command goes to the command prompt of the bat file. How do I my_commnad move to the new open command prompt and not in the CMD prompt of the bat file? Try it: Start C: \ Window...