nuget restore fails on build but works manually -

VS 2013 fails to restore the package - the contents of the package are not processed - although VS / Nugget feels that it was restored to the package successfully

If I manually installed that package Uninstalling and restoring the same version of it, it works just as much as you want.

One bare bone may be repro

  • File, "packages.config",

  • Specifying a single package, "breeze.edmbuilder -version 1.0.4", which contains a file, Edmbuilder.cs

  • Single folder, "App_Start", there is nothing in it

  • .sproj says "Edmbuilder.cs" Should be "edmbuilder.cs" when the package is restored.

  • When I Build, VS It reports that the "Adulleer CCS" is missing ... and in fact it is missing.

    However, the package was downloaded; I know this because the build produces "package" folder "" in "Breeze.EdmBuilder.1.0.4" in which I see that "edmbuilder.cs" exists and is in the right place.

    When I issue the order install-package breeze.edmbuilder -version 1.0.4 , the newsletter report

    'Breeze Edmbuilder 1.0.4 'is already installed. NugetRestoreFail is already in reference to 'Breeze.Edmbuilder 1.0.4'.

    There is nothing wrong with this package AFAIK when I uninstall-package breeze.edmbuilder and then install-package breeze.edmbuilder Replace with -version 1.0.4 , the task that is installed and unavailable edmbuilder cs appears in the "App_Start" folder where it is related.

    Failure again place

    • Close the solution.
    • Delete edmbuilder.cs from "App_Start"
    • Delete the "Package" folder
    • Alternatively remove .suo and bin and Obj Directory
    • Reopen the solution and rebuild

      You will get the same ability of failed behavior ... and manually uninstall and restore.

      There is no effect of removing references to FWIW, edmbuilder.cs from .csproj.

      Whatever I do, I need to manually uninstall and reinstall the package.


      PS: I am using VS 2013 Update 2 RC. I suspect that as a problem "RC" came to my attention from a customer, you never know.

      p.p.s: This build is not about failing and I do not care that this solution never runs. What you see here is a small version of a real app that would have worked. The only question is "Why not file a file?"

      Package Restore No What are you looking at to install a package? It is by design that it only downloads any unavailable packages in the package folder no more. There is no one less.

      Package restore was added so that you will not need to place package folders in source control.

      It is expected that you will install a package, then make any changes to your project files along with your edmbuilder.cs files inside your project folder If present, you will exclude the package folder.

      Now when you receive the source from source control, all but the package files will be present. The package restore will download them and your copy of your work is now complete.


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