jquery - Hide Background on moving Li to Top -

I need a help, I'm working on top of it, right here you can see it right

  var theLis = lis.get (); // if it is to be sorted (li.is (": animated")); // Stop Double Click! Saranimov (The Lilies, Lee.Inx (), 0);   

In my application, I have a white background but what is happening when I take it that the background comes in the background because my app's white background is what should I do when most of my li li is on If so, then backgragh should be adjusted in this way.

  $ ('li.method-item'). Function () {var $ this = $ (this), callback = function () {$ this.insertBefore ($ this.siblings (': eq (o)'));}; $ This.slideUp (500, callback) .slideDown (500);});   

Note: But the first link should be taken as approach OI.

Thanks in advance

here is the one that I have put together

You may have to change to check whether this is the first item, though clicked

  $ ('li.method-item'). Click (function () {var item = $ (this); var al = item.parent (); item.css ({condition: 'full', top: item.position (). Top, width: item.width () + 'Px', background: '#fff'}); item.animate ({top}, {speed}: 200}, complete: function () {var itemclone = item.detach (); itemclone.css ({Status: 'relative, top:' 0 pixels', background: 'none'}); ul.prepend (itemclone);}});});   

Use one in Bela below
I updated it to update One is always on top and also to check that the first item is clicked on.


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