sql - MySQL insert into table with a set of values -

I need to insert a table with some values ​​(example: 'NDA' in this case). It seems to work well, if I have only one value, I have almost a dozen equal value, is it that I want to insert this query as 'NDA', 'SDM', 'APM' values I can change this query for Curious to know whether it can be done without any stored procedure or copying similar statements and changing values.

  Select Customer_Favorure (Customer_ID, Feature) Select c.id, NDA 'as Customer from C where c.edition =' FREE_TRIAL ';   


Do you want it?

  Enter customer_feature (customer_id, feature) Cd from customer C cross JOI, F. Select the feature (Select 'NDA' as the feature union Select all 'SDM' Association Select 'APM') where c.edition = 'FREE_TRIAL';    


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