java - Getting EditText value from ListView works... Sometimes -
Then I have a list view with a custom list in which it has an edit text. I put together a function which is called on request, which brings out a good list of all the values of each edited texts. All cells are made from a stable list, and these are all exactly the same. The problem is, the first 7 cells work well with the code below , and then it crashes: This is my error log: I tried to clean my project 10 times, there is no use. Edit: It turns out that it only works for the number of items displayed on the screen when you flip it in the landscape and 3 items are shown, this is only for the first 3 Works.)
ListView l = (ListView) CartPage.this FindViewById (R) .id.cartItems); // total_item_count int is equal to 11, which is how many cells are. For (int i = 0; i & lt; total_item_count-1; i ++) {View View = l.getChildAt (i); Println ("(" + I + "/" + total_item_count + ")"); Edit tagtext = (edit text) view.findViewById (; String string = editText.getText (). ToString (); System.out.println (i + ":" + string); }
02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): Quite Exception: Main 02 - 17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Randomime (29086): java.lang.IllegalStateException: The method of activity could not be executed 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / AndroDenment (29086): On Android. $ ViewView $ 1 .onClick (see .Java 3617) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): Android. View.View.performClick (see. Java 222) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Rendime (29086): For Android. View. Click Display $. See (java 17397) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): Callback on Handheld Android (Handler Java: 725) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Time (29086): Android.OS Handler Dispatch Message (Handler. Java) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Time (29086): At android.os.Looper.loop ( 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Rendime (29086): Android. App ActivateTrade.Mine (ActivityTrad.Java TSI 167) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): Kinetic (native methode) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invo 02-17 06: 44: 17.540 : E / Android Random (29086): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Method.Java T-1111) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / AndroDreamtime (29086): .ZygoteInit $ ( 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Time (29086): at Zeigoteint.mine ( image 60) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): Dlvic. System NetStart.main (Basic method) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android timeTime (29086): Reason by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / AndroDerman (29086): at Java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative (basic method) 02-17 06:44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (method Java 1111) 02-17 06 : 44: 17.540: E / Android Rendime (29086): For Android. View. See $ 1 .onClick (see. Java 3612) 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Android Random (29086): ... 11 and 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Androendime (29086): of Reason: Java .lang.NullPointerException 02-17 06:44:17 .540: E / Android Random (29086): at ( 02-17 06: 44: 17.540: E / Androordantum (29086): ... 14 more
list view l = (list view) cart Page. this. Edit tagtext = (edit text) view.findViewById (; String string; // total_item_count int is equal to 11, which is how many cells are. For (int i = 0; i & lt; total_item_count-1; i ++) {View View = l.getChildAt (i); Println ("(" + I + "/" + total_item_count + ")"); . String = editText.getText () toString (); System.out.println (i + ":" + string); }
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