
Showing posts from July, 2011

Rally Iteration Cumulative Flow Object through WSAPI -

I am trying to get comparator cumulative flow object areas through WSAPI via Java. For some reason, empty values ​​for IterationObjectID are obtained. Do you know how to solve it? It seems that IterationObjectID attribute WSAPI 1.43 or Iteration via cumulative flow object before I However, when querying the cumulative flow object through WSAPI 2.0 you can get this same property. The support of the rally is currently investigating this matter.

Php echo json_encode array into javascript array -

I am trying to send a post to a php script which will use this information from all the accounts from the database. .. var e = document.getElementById ("lstAccounts"); Var Account ID = e.options [e.selectedIndex] .value; Alert ("Account ID:" + Account ID); $ .post ("php / getAccount.php", {ID: accountID}, function (data) {var accountInfo = data;}); In this post, it ... & lt ;? Php $ id = $ _POST ['id']; ('Database_api.php'); $ Db = new database control; $ Db- & gt; Open_connection (); $ Result = $ db- & gt; Db_query ("SELECT * FROM tblAccount WHERE id = $ id"); $ Account_info = array (); // Get the basic information ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {$ account_info ['name'] = $ line ['name']; $ Account_info ['CRN'] = $ line ['CRN']; $ Account_info ['id'] = $ line ['id']; $ Account_info ['type'] = $ line ['type']; $ Account_info ['re...

javascript - Backbone, shall I use sync or JQuery? Can I listen for either? -

Rails the application using the backbone on the foreground, in fact I want the user to input a string and submit a submit button Pressed Two views will be updated after clicking that button I have received some great support from SO users, but have run into another problem, here are the details: I have two models, publications and articles (with related rail models). I am using a gem (feedzira) to parse the user's login RSS URL. So I send urls / publications and can capture the ID using returned data so that I can use it as an input for post / article. Now it's time to re-present both the scenes. First of all I tried to use the backbone. Listen to the SCC function post request and change the scene and update accordingly But, since I need data from a request so I can feed it on next, I have to use $ .post () instead of .sync. This is the main reason why I do not have much information about using it. Is Sysyn possible .sync? Click on '#', Event...

css3 - CSS Box-Shadow clipped/squared -

Hello there is a div at the top of my page Box-shadow The cover has been cut, I tried to give it a z-index, but there is no happiness at all? .titlebox {width: 977px; Background color: RGBA (48, 48, 48, 1); Padding: 10px 5px; Margin: 5px 5px; Font-size: 24px; Border: 3px double RGB (138, 138, 138); -WebKit-box-shadow: 0 pixels 0 px 51px 7px rgba (0,0,0,0,0 0.75); -Moz-box-shadow: 0 pixels by 0 pixels 51 px 7 px rgba (0,0,0,0,01.75); Box-shadow: 0 px 0 px 51 px 7 pi rgba (0, 0, 0, 0, 0.75); } Appreciate the help Your #contentContainer If not, add it to your CSS: #contentContainer {/ code> overflow: visible; } Or just delete overflow: auto announcement from your code. ( Overflow: Auto is asking the content to clip your content to your content.)

javascript - Test lastIndex of two string -

इस फ़ंक्शन को ग्रहण करें: फ़ंक्शन renameDoc () {var newFilename = prompt ("name यह दस्तावेज़: ", फ़ाइल नाम); if (! newFilename == नल) {if (newFilename === "") {changeFilename (); // "untitled.txt"} और {changeFilename (newFilename.lastIndexOf (".txt") == -1; नयाफ़िलनम + ".txt": newFilename); } वापस सच; }} इस फ़ंक्शन का परीक्षण अगर newFilename में .txt है और यह पूरी तरह से कार्य करता है। लेकिन यह देखना है कि अगर newFilename है .txt। या .md मैं यह कोशिश कर रहा हूं फ़ंक्शन renameDoc () {var newFilename = prompt ("इस दस्तावेज़ को नाम दें:", फ़ाइल नाम); if (! newFilename == नल) {if (newFilename === "") {changeFilename (); // "untitled.txt"} और {changeFilename ((newfilename.lastIndexOf (".txt") और amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; नएफ़ाइलनाम .lastइंडएक्स ("। एमडी")) == -1? नयाफ़ाइलनाम + ".txt": newFilename) ; } वापस सच; यह पूरी तरह से काम नहीं कर रहा है। क्या...

sqlite - C# Generics on Auto-Implemented Property Classes -

I have created a property class representing the table schema of my SQLite database, each attribute in the class becomes an attribute in the database. . SQLiteTables {public class tblPerson {[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement] public int PersonID {get; Set; } Public String PersonFirstName {Receive; Set; } Public String PersonMiddleName {get; Set; } Public String PersonListName {get; Set; }} Public class tblSchedule {[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement] Public int ScheduleID {get; Set; } Public string scheduling {received; Set; } Start public date time list {get; Set; } Public Date Time Schedule {get; Set; }} Now, to get some data from a table, public zero GetPersonList () {list & lt; TblPerson & gt; LstTemp = dbConn.Table & lt; TblPerson & gt; (). ToList & lt; TblPerson & gt; (); // some 20 lines code here} I would not want to type type-specific methods, well this is a tedious task. I want to make a reusable method that can retrieve data on any table using generic...

Best way to store profile property type data in SQL Server -

I am coming to a new project and would like some advice to stop the future rumor. I will use a user profile for an example and will keep each method in basic form for clarification. An approach: Creating a table with multiple columns: approach two: Creating Relationship Based System: Table 1: ProfileItimes (ProfileId, ProfileName, Datatype) Table 2: User Profile (UserID, ProfileId, ProfileVal) Approach is clear in its use approach two scenarios: Users go to edit their profile Receive and have not already addressed now. if not (select UserID from userproof userID = @userID and profilevalue = 'address') in INSERT ... etc ... Finally update ... end Which method would be more efficient for scalability? Method Two I can create an admin application that allows a user to create profile types without changing the table in SQL. Will future queries of this data be more intense? Like to display the user's profile page and ask each other? Or maybe I'll...

python - How to force os.system() to use bash instead of shell -

मैंने कोशिश की है os.system ( 'GREPDB = "मेरा आदेश"') os.system ( '/ bin / bash -c \' $ GREPDB \ '') हालांकि कोई भाग्य, दुर्भाग्य से मैं की जरूरत है इस कमांड को bash और subp के साथ चलाने के लिए इस वातावरण में एक विकल्प नहीं है, मैं अजगर 2.4 तक सीमित हूं। सही दिशा में मुझे पाने के लिए कोई भी सुझाव? दोनों कमांड विभिन्न subshells में निष्पादित हैं। पहले सिस्टम कॉल में चर को सेट करना दूसरे सिस्टम कॉल को प्रभावित नहीं करता है। आपको एक कमांड को एक स्ट्रिंग ( ; के साथ संयोजन करके) डालनी होगी। & gt; & gt; & gt; आयात ओएस & gt; & gt; & gt; 123 0 नोट आप उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता "$ GREPDB" के बजाय '$ GREPDBS' के बजाय अन्यथा इसे विस्तारित होने के बजाय शब्दशः व्याख्या की जाती है। यदि आप उपप्रोसेस : > gt; & gt; & gt; आयात उपप्रक्रिया & gt; & gt; & gt; 123 0

iphone - UISearchBar ios 7 crash on cancel -

I am using UITableViewController, the search bar has been added in the header view of the table, searching for and canceling me in iOS 6 The button is fine but iOS 7 is working fine in search and when I tap the cancel button app crash under the message. Exceptions to 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', without exception: 'Auto-layoutSubviews required after automatic layout still executing. Implementation of UITableView - LayoutSubviews need super call. '*** First Throw Call Stack: (0 Core Forwardation 0x021f05e4 __exceptionPreprocess + 180 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x01f738b6 objc_exception_throw + 44 2 Core Forwarding 0x021f0448 + [NSE Expansion Lifting: Format: Logic] + 136 3 Foundation 0x01b53fee - [NSAserthi Handler Handlefiluarind Method: File: Line Number: Description:] + 116 4 UIKit 0x00b1f33b - [UIView (CALayerDelegate) layoutSublierApplier:] + 567 5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x01f8581f - [NSBJT executable: with realistic] + 70 6 quartzakor 0x01a392ea - [ Caller layout ] + 14...

jquery - Google Map Marker Is not in center -

I am implementing Google Maps API and I'm displaying a map in the jQuery dialog box. The map looks fine but the position of the marker not being interrupted, please guide me. Code for the map: var myCenter = new google.maps.LatLng ('@ model Lightside ',' @model.Longtud '); Function initialize () {var mapProp = {center: myCenter, Zoom: 15, map type EID: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}; Var map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ("googleMap"), mapProp); Var marker = new google.maps.marker ({status: myCenter, dragable: incorrect, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,}); Marker.setMap (map); } The code to open the code: $ ("# google map"). Dialog ({autoOpen: false (Height: 600), width: 1000, resize: work (event, UI) {google.maps.event.trigger (googleMap, 'resize')}, open: tasks (events, UI) {google.maps.event.trigger (GoogleMap, 'resize');},}); $ ("#btn location"). Click (function () {$ (...

c# - calculations in dynamically generated controls in windows form applications -

I am creating a program to learn how to generate dynamically control inside the loop at the Button_Click event , Now I'm trying to multiply two fields and their output in the third text box code: for (int i = 0; i & lt; Ds.Tables [0] .Rows.Count; i ++) {Unit.Location = New System. Drawing Point (Unit Startup, Unit Startup V); Unit. Size = new system Drawing. Size (100, 30); Unit. Text = ""; Unit. Name = "Unit" + Eye. Toasting (); rate. Location = new system Drawing. Points (Rastestat position, Rastestat position V); Unit. Size = new system Drawing. Size (100, 30); rate. Text = ""; rate. Name = "rate" + i.ToString (); Amt.Location = New system. Drawing.Point (AMT Startup, AMTTartPision V); Amt.Size = New System Dropping Size (100, 30); Amt.Text = ""; Amt.Name = "amt" + i.ToString (); Panel1.Controls.Add (unit); Panel1.Controls.Add (rate); Panel1.Controls.Add (AMT); UnitstartpositionV + = 30; RatestartpositionV ...

playframework 1.x - Play Framework 1.2.4 Scheduled Jobs -

The question may look very silly but here it is, whether the game structure is set to work Automatically or do they need to call from somewhere, say that the application can start or be done again? Or does it require any kind of configuration, which can be done except for a set time, in my case "@ (" 0 40 12? MON-FRI ")" Please return. Jobs are automatically turned on. You can also call them manually, for example For example, look at the job example using the () method for more information.

javascript - Retrieve contents from a php file using json data type and ajax -

I used Ajax Post with a php file and Datatype Jason to fetch content from the display. But I'm new to Jasonson and I'm unable to get content from php file. Only numeric value is fetched here is the code I am using var jqxhr = $ .ajax ({type: 'POST', url: 'events_fetch.php', Data: {eventID:, action: 'LOAD_SINGLE_EVENT_BASED_ON_EVENT_ID'}, datatype: 'Jason'}) .Down (function (AD) {warning (AD);}); I used the above mentioned task to get content from php file and alerted me. But alertness is not working. Guide me to what I am doing wrong. Here is my PHP code events_fetch.php $ eventID = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _REQUEST ["eventID"]); $ Qry = "select 'from' event 'where' id` = '$ eventID'"; $ Race = mysql_query ($ qry); $ = Bringing mysql_fetch_array ($ resolution); $ Strtdate = $ fetch ['start date']; $ Strttime = $ fetch ['start-time']; $ RetValue = array ($ ...

How to get details from another table using comma operator in mysql -

मेरे पास 2 टेबल ग्राहक, श्रेणी श्रेणी: Category_id category_name vendor_id 1 लैपटॉप 10 2 बाइक 10 3 कारें 10 ग्राहक: user_name पासवर्ड assigned_categories vendor_id ng 12345 1,2,3 10 जब मैं user_name और पासवर्ड के साथ लॉगिन करता हूं ... मुझे सभी श्रेणी_आईडी, श्रेणी_नाम की श्रेणी से प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। लेकिन केवल प्रथम श्रेणी के विवरण जैसे category_id = 1 प्राप्त हो रहा है , श्रेणी_नाव = लापतो आपकी ग्राहक तालिका का पालन नहीं करती क्योंकि आप एकाधिक संग्रह कर रहे हैं assigned_categories विशेषता में मान यदि आप एक नया टेबल ग्राहक_सैग्मेंटमेंट बनाते हैं, तो यह सब आसानी से बुनियादी एसक्यूएल कमांड के साथ किया जा सकता है। यहां बताया गया है कि कैसे नई तालिका customer_assignments देखेंगे: user_name (FK) category_id (एफके) प्राथमिक कुंजी (user_name, category_id) इस तरह से संभाला जाना चाहिए, एकाधिक गुणों को एक विशेषता में जोड़कर नहीं। फिर आप अपनी आवश्यक जानकारी को एक क्वेरी के साथ निकाल सकते हैं: SELECT category_id, category_name FROM ( श्रे...

How to apply JSON on Spring MVC 4.0 app by using JavaConfig? -

"itemprop =" text "> I want to use JSON (Jackson Library) with my existing application by using JavaConfig (Spring MVC 4.0) I have my configuration: @Configuration @EnableWebMvc @ComponentScan ({"my.package.controller"}) Public class WebConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {@Bean (name = "viewResolver ") Public Internal Resourcevolverroller Viewroller () {Internal Resourcevivalroll Viewer = New Internal ResourceWizardSolar (); ViewResolver.setPrefix ("/ web-INF / pages /"); ViewResolver.setSuffix ("jsp."); Return visitorolver; }} I want to implement JSON configuration but I do not get any solution I think I have to expand the webmc config adapter. And in other detail, I use Spring Security. Can you help me? Thanks @Bean Public ViewResolver contentNegotiatingViewResolver {ContentNegotiationManager Manager} {list From & lt ;: = "text"> Try this one ViewResolver & gt; Reserves ...

sql server - How to use pivot in this table -

वास्तविक तालिका संरचना ==================== =============== slno ParnetID ParnetName संवर्धन मार्केटर 1 SLM1010S SKR.RAJASHEGARAN 2 43640 2 40049 M.KANNAN 3 43640 3 40018 M.PRABU 6 43,640 4 SLM1010S SKR.RAJASHEGARAN 2 43641 5 40042 M.KANNAN 3 43,641 6 40011 M.PRABU 6 43,641 मैं अपने प्रश्न हैं: अस्थायी रूप (slno, parentid, parentname, parentpromotionid, marketerid, (चयन गणना (*) parentmaster कहां t1.marketerid = marketerid और t1.parentid से चयन युक्त = parentid और t1.parentname = parentname और slno & lt; = t1.slno) ROWNUM के रूप में parentmaster t1 रूप से) का चयन करें marketerid, [2], [6], [3] अस्थायी धुरी से (न्यूनतम (parentid) के लिए parentpromotionid में ( [2], [6], [3])) के रूप में टी लेकिन मैं इस तालिका संरचना चाहते हैं MarketerID 2 से 6 3 43,640 SLM1010S 40,018 40049 43641 SLM1010S 40011 40042 यह आपकी मदद कर सकता है .. बाज़ार का चयन करें, [2], [3], [6] से ( मार्केटर का चयन करें, संवर्धन, ParnetID parentmaster) घ धुरी (न्यूनतम (ParnetID) ([2], [3], [6])) के ...

android - Is it possible to save the state of a button in one activity and then pass it on to a new activity? -

My question tells too much what I have to do My view is that if we say (Activity 1 is pressed from button 1) and activity b loads, so I want to move into button 1 (pressure or not) in Activity B and I want to do something with it. For example: if after (button1.isChecked ()) {// do something} In the first activity, you can use it: intent = intent (new, this is your second activity category); Intent.putExtra ("button position", "you position button or right"); StartActivity; And in the second activity inside increate, you will use it: boolean getButtonStatus = getIntent (). GetBooleanExtra ("buttonStatus", incorrect);

sql - Query relations within the same table -

I have a table of entities , which relate to multiple relationships from each other You can keep the second, using the junction table. At first glance, the design may look faulty and suggests a separate table for each type of unit. The thing is, the institutions are normal, and fully user-defined. They can be completely linked to the ad hoc and each unit can have unlimited connections. Here is a simple example of my tables: institutions ------------ unit | ID | Type ------------------- Events | 1 | Request String | 2 | Activity Dinner | 3 | Activity Angela | 4 | Person enders | 5 | Person Michael | 6 | Person junction ---------------- Left | Correct ---------------- 1 | 2 / Connect Request - & gt; Stall 2 4 / Connect Stall - & gt; Angela 1 | 3 / Connect Request - & gt; Dinner 3 5 // Connect Dinner - & gt; Enders 3 | 6 // Connect Dinner - & gt; Michael For my question now: I want to inquire from the perspective of various institutions. It is said that ...

sql server - Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" -

I have a dynamic sql statement when I am performing that statement, I am getting the error Collation conflict "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" I used the match SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS or the equivalent of DATABASE_DEFAULT but still got the error Here my SQL becomes easy Announced as ALTER PROC SearchByJID (@JID VARCHAR), @TrackNo VARCHAR (maximum), @PageSize INT, @PageNumber INT) @SQL VARCHAR (Max) declared @Count_SQL VARCHAR (MAX) @ROWS Tart announcement announces INT announcement @RowEnd INT @PageNumber = @PageNumber - 1 set @RowStart = @PageSize * @PageNumber + 1 set @RowEnd = @RowStart + @PageSize - 1 set @ SQL = 'set @ Count_SQL =' set Start (@bbajobs) order .JID) as the RowNumber, [BBAJobs]. [JID], [AccountReference] [ACC ref], as the starting @ SQL = 'Select * (Selection ROW_NUMBER) [BERA] , [JobDescription], [CallRem]. [RAM], [CallRem]. [CallStatus], [CallRem] [ShopRemarks], CustomerNotes, ShopNotes, RecievedDate, dbo.BBAJobs Get username...

android null excpetion when starts the activity -

first I am using support libraries I have BrowseFoods activity & lt; Activity Android: name = "BrowseFoods" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / MyCustomTheme" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "com.Syriatel.BROWSEFOODS" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "" Android: resource = "@xml / searchable" /> & Lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "" Android: value = ". MainCustomerMenu2" /> & Lt; / Activity & gt; And the code for that is: Public category BrowseFoods ActionBarActivity Expanded {Public Boolean Submissions Menu (menu menu) {MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater (); Int currentTab = mViewPager.getCurrentItem (); If (c...

arrays - Comparaison of two list with NaN python -

I took this as a simple question and searched for related topics but I did not find the right thing here: I have two naphpari arrays for which I need to do some statistical analysis by calculating certain criteria, for example for correlation coefficients and Nash criterion (which are familiar with Nash). Since the first array has observational data (second simulation result), I have some nan. I would like my program to calculate the criteria in ignoring value pairs, where the value in the first ARR is not known, I tried the mask method. Works well if I only need to deal with the first arrays (its average example for calculation), but two array values ​​based on value Did not work to compare. Can someone help? Thanks! Just answered a similar question. You can turn the NAN values ​​into an array with the Adnan festival of Nampi, which is a common way of dealing with the NAN values. import np as np replace_NaN = np.isnan (array_name) array_name [replace_NaN] = 0

multithreading - Example using fork() in Gnu-Octave -

The fork () function is not as comprehensive as the help text, I would be interested Work in an example of this function. Full examples can be seen in the source of some numerical packages. For example, and (from the parallel package), (from the favorable package), (from the PDB package), or (from the database package)

javascript - php autocomplete return checkbox -

I want to return the data to the checkbox if the value data is checked equal to the check box. Data Returns is Json and Script checkbox is not working Please help me !!!! East. If the return com_cate = 1 checkbox is checked this code itself is complete.

java - Convert StringBuffer into Json Object -

I have to create a web service on which an Ajax request has been called, an array of Jason from the third party Application should be obtained using classes. Now I am able to get data from third party and can store it in a string buffer, but I have to return this data to the page as JSN object from which the AJAX call was made. Can someone help me understand how to convert a stringbuff into a JSON object? To make the problem easier to understand, I will write it again. I need to convert an array of JSON objects that are stored in the JSON object as a string buffer. help please. A stringbuffer and no objects, so you can Just return the stringbuffer content or wrap it in an additional JSON markup.

ios - Using navigationBarHidden as getter property is not giving error -

में UINavigationController.h हमारे पास घोषित संपत्ति है @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, गेटर = हैन्यूविंगबारहिदद) बुल नेविगेशनबारहार्ड; यह स्पष्ट रूप से कहता है कि इसके प्राप्तकर्ता हैनविगेशनबारहैड है लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं इसे नेविगेशनबारहार्ड / P> - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडअपेर: (BOOL) एनिमेटेड {[सुपर व्यूडडपिपर: एनिमेटेड]; Self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = हाँ; // यहाँ एक त्रुटि फेंक दिया, लेकिन यह BOOL मान संकलित करता है = self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden; } कोई भी विचार क्यों हो रहा है? या मैं इसे गलत तरीके से व्याख्या कर रहा हूं संपादित करें मुझे इसके बारे में कुछ संदर्भ पर मिल गया है, लेकिन सेब के refernces की तलाश में। समस्या यह है कि आप संपत्ति और उसके गेटर्स और सेटर्स को भ्रमित कर रहे हैं। जब आप उपयोग करते हैं: self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden आप सीधे संपत्ति का जिक्र कर रहे हैं, जिसका अर्थ है कि कंपाइलर "=" चिह्न की स्थिति के आधार पर प्राप्तकर्ता या सेटर को कॉल करने वाला तरीका देखेंगे। लेकिन जब आ...

controller - Control motor and servo over serial (Arduino) -

I would like to establish two arduino which will talk to each other on the serial. As a receiver, the other will act as the receiver. I already have two buttons which are working but I am having problems with the servo and the motor. val = analogRead (potPin1); If (val1! = Val) {val = map (val, 0, 1023, 5, 150); Serial. Printline ("3/2/10" / +); // Write steering val val1 = val; This is the code that is working, it prints letters continuously instead of letters, and only when the vessel changes, if possible, to control two with a joystick. But I thought it would be better to work differently than before. Remote Code = Receiver Code = Thanks in advance. What do you mean with "acting"? I'm not sure what you mean, but maybe you have to try the serial.printLN (analog value, DEC); This prints the line as an ASCII-encoded decimal. For more information Or maybe print () better your needs (). In addition to this, there is a chance that you wil...

django 1.6 url tag error -

"itemprop =" text "> I have this problem with my APP1 application: 'app1.views.add_content Tried to do the pattern (s) with the reverse 'logic' ('', ')' and the keyword argument '{}' did not get found: ['/ ad-content' (\\ d +) / $ '] @login_requireddef add_content (request, category_id): form = contentForm () category = get_object_or_404 (category, p = category_id) if Request.method == 'Post': Form = ContentForm (request.POST) if form.is_valid (): content = content () content content_code = form.cleaned_data [ 'Content_code'] content.product_versions = form.cleaned_data ['product_versions'] content.category = category content.creator = request.user () returned HttpResponseRedirect (reverse ('category-extension', arg = ( URL > url (r '^ / ad-content / (\ d +) / $', 'app1.views.add_content', name = 'add_content'), ... - Recording the audio( under website development) in visual studio isn't working -

I'm developing code that records audio in the client side OK, I stopped the code for recording , Which is working fine in Visual Studio under the development of the project, but the website in the visual studio is not working in the app development // recording (_) mciSendString ("Open New Type Yvette Alias ​​Ricocund", None, 0, 0) MCAsendString ("Recsound c: \ record.wav") for , "0", 0) 0 mciSendString ("close recsound", "", 0, 0) This does not work, nobody can say Vats wrong in this code : I read some thread related to this question in Stackevelopeflow, but it does not help me a lot. Unfortunately Calling mciSendString will not affect the client on the server, this will not work. You can not call the Windows API command from the server to the client. To see how this is possible with techniques like HTML5 (this is not at all easy): I think your best bet is through a flash applet .

mysql - Now in UNIX time -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मैंने दिनांक फ़ील्ड को बदल दिया है मैं अपनी एक साइट में उपयोग कर रहा हूं नया फ़ील्ड यूनिक्स समय प्रारूप में तिथियों को संग्रहीत करने के लिए प्रतीत होता है। मैं इसका उपयोग कर रहा था: और मैट्रिक्स.col_id_3 & gt; (DATE_FORMAT (NOW (), '% Y% m% d')) यह जांचने के लिए कि क्या matrix.col_id_3 में संग्रहीत तिथि आज की तारीख से अधिक थी। मैं UNIX समय प्रारूप के साथ यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? दिनांक इस तरह दिखते हैं: 1412736180 कोशिश करें DATE_FORMAT (FROM_UNIXTIME (मैट्रिक्स.col_id_r), '% Y% m% d') & gt; DATE_FORMAT (NOW (), '% Y% m% d');

image - .jpg to .pdf conversion in windows phone 8 app -

I started making a Windows Phone 8 app and captured an image (.jpg) file, now I I want to change it in the .jpg file in the .pdf file. Please, "text"> As you know Winrt .winmd files that support apps of windows does not work in only and normal DLL window apps. You will need a PDF SDK to provide a PDF and add an image for it. Aspnet Application Itextsharp dll has a free SDK to support it but there are so many paid SDKs available. But there are free SDKs in it, like. Or try to create a new one or you can expand the service (Post API) with the image encoded in the byte array in the web API service and use it for free, as if you were using it as a PSF You can generate and return it to the Windows app. / P>

ios - Neither keyboard nor cursor are appearing when a UITextField is tapped -

I'm testing a simple application on Xcode 5.0.2 Using the I storyboard, I have two visual controllers Which is connected by segments. First there is a button on the View Controller, after pressing the button shows the next controller which has two text fields. When I tap textfile, the keyboard is not visible and the text cursor is unavailable. textFieldViewController.h file @property (weak, notatomic) IBotlet UIFIFFField = NamedField; @property (weak, nonetomatic) ibotatlet uitfestfield * number field; - (IBAction) textFieldDoneEditing: (ID) sender; - (IBAction) PageImage: (ID) sender; textFieldViewController.m file - (IBAction) textFieldDoneEditing: (ID) sender {[Sender resigns FirstResponder]; } - (IBAction) PageImage: (ID) sender {[self. NameField Resignation First Responder]; [Self. Numberfield's Resignation First Responder]; } Screenshot Make sure your UserInteraction is UITextfield is enabled and you did not have any views on your textfie...

Linqpad can table with column same name as table name -

Hello everyone I have a small issue with Linqpad with poor setup First of all, The database where the tables with the column in the Creator are given the same name as the table, which is using it as a enabled field. These tables also have column contents and value. After using this table, there is a named column similar to the column in the table, which replaces it with the name of the content in the column and then the value if the column name has the same name. If I try again (below) then I cover the column with the same column name as column. Does anyone know any way to know about this? As it uses linqpad impossible, because it is currently in all database tables using example below if I have Make Table [DBO]. [TEST TABLE] ([test televide] [int] not tap, [test table] [varchar] (max) tap, [content] [varchar] (max) tap, [value] [varchar] (maximum) / Code> As You can see that This is going to me for a better part of an hour, but I Looks like I've ...

java - Possible Lossy conversion from long to int -

I want to enter a int and other long ex: 1 I'm 100,000,000, and now I want to make an array of 1000000000 size. And then on each index of array, store int well, ex: arr [100000000] = 4 . When I'm trying to do this Netbeans shows me an error in this line: arr = new long [y + 1] `and` arr [J] = 0` "Long probable potential loss conversion" here is my code: - public Fixed zero master throws IOException (string [] args {BufferedReader s = new BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (; String [] xe = s.readLine (). the division (""); Int x = (xe [0]); Long y = long.moreover (xi [1]); Long [] arr; Arr = new tall [y + 1]; For (long jm = 0; j and lt; = y; j ++) arr [j] = 4; The ARA Index is an integer in Java and the compiler will advise you. then the maximum array size (approx.) integer.mx_arran Is. For large arrays, you should use the arrialists. To get around this mess and quick arr = new long [(int) y + 1...

d3.js TSV to Javascript variable -

I'm working on a graph with d3.js library. 3D JS SSV Parser 'D' creates the variable as follows: TSV: Value of the day 01-01 50 01-02 45 01-03 60 code: d3.tsv ("data.tsv", function (error, data) {...} And now you use '' and 'd.value' to create your graphs - scaterplots, line graphs, etc. ... I use a tsv file I'm not using, but a javascript variable instead. Which javascript variables are the most accurate (if possible) So it is used to use and d.value in 3d.js and to parse it as ' (data)' traditionally? If you are not reading from a file, you can still use the JSON format (which is what you are talking about). The format of the Json variable is as follows: var myVariable = {"indexA": "valueA", "indexB": "valueB"} Can also make an array in the form of value (even if you are not asked) and it is very similar "IndexA": ["indexA1": ...

git - Purpose of .netrc file -

जब मैं Google क्लाउड Push-to-Deploy का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करता हूं सुविधा, उन्होंने मुझे .netrc फ़ाइल में कुछ क्रेडेंशियल जोड़ने के लिए कहा। .netrc फ़ाइल क्या है? इसका उद्देश्य क्या है? यह एक ऐसी फाइल है जिसका उपयोग अक्सर यूनिक्स प्रोग्राम द्वारा उपयोग के लिए पहुंच के विवरण को रखने के लिए किया जाता है रिमोट साइटें मूल रूप से एफ़टीपी के साथ उपयोग के लिए बनाया गया विशेष रूप से विंडोज़ पर जीआईटी के साथ इसके उपयोग के लिए देखें।

visual studio - How to create branch on TFS with attaching pending changes to new branch -

I was working on the main branch and I made many changes to the files. I did not check in those changes, how to make a hair branch from the main branch, but all the local pending changes related to the main branch, the change related to the newly created hair branch. So basically: How to make the hair branch with attached all pending changes, from the original branch to the hair branch? You can adjust your changes, then fail to use the TMS power tools. In separate branch This is a special feature of electrical appliance (tfpt unshelve / migrate). This change will redirect the server path to migrate to a second branch. For more information, check out this blog post:

javascript - How to prevent browserify-shim from requiring all shims? -

I am using a browser and browser-sim in a project, run through the pulp-browser. gulp.src (['./source/js/main.js']) .Pipe (Browsers ({shim: {angular: {path:' ./node_modules / angular / angular .js', export: 'angular'}, 'angular-conscious': {path:' ./node_modules/angular-animate/angular-animate.js', export: 'ngenet', depends: {angular: Angular ', jquery:' jquery '}}, [...]}}) .pip (concat (' app.js')) .pipe (gulp.dest ('./web / js')); This setup works fine and for the most part, as intended, however, always all shimmed libraries in the browser will be included in the build, even if they are From No is required () Documentation is not present on this subject. Is there any way to stop it? It seems very intuitive for me - build (Update: I have installed angular and other labs using NPM / NPM) When you roam with browser fi rst, it is available for those libraries ( And especially the items you...

php - Laravel4 Validator and nullable fields -

I have a question about Laravel 4 and validation concept. I have my mysql table and my models are Calass .. We can assume that we have a field blank ... If this field is not empty then how do I Can i validate (For example, I will have an integer value of my maximum value & lt;) The 'required' rule, Verification will always control the field as an alternative, if the rule is zero or empty string, then numeric. A rule like maximum: 9000 will be valid, but if it is provided, then it should be a number less than 9000. To prevent the empty or empty string from being saved in the database (MySQL will convert it to 0 for the integer field), you can set a mutator for the attribute. In your model: public function setumber attribute ($ value) {if ($ value! == blank & number_number ($ value)) {$ this-> Attributes ['number'] = (int) $ value; }}

Survey website with angularjs -

I have a survey website project without deadlines. Also, I want to learn angular framework, that is why I Using this on the building website, it seems the best way to know angular. Are you using the Angularase on the survey website? If yes ; Why? If No ; Why? Thank you very much Here are some helpful information about Kangar and SEO Can get. I hope it will be helpful.

java - How can I write from the ArrayList to file, each element from the ArraList in a new line? -

What I wanted to do was to convert an ArrayList to a file and after that, use the file line per line. My code: list & lt; String & gt; Inserts = New Arrestists & lt; String & gt; (); String file toggle = null; . . . . FileToLoad = (); Println (FileToLoad); Flemwriter Writer = New Flamewriter (File Transfer); For (string s: inserts) {author.write (str); } Author. Close (); String Query NewData = "Load Data Local INFILE" "+ File Tallod +" Table 'defined in the field of companies designated', '(name, address, number u, post, status) "; UpdateDatabase LoadNewData = New update database (); LoadNewData .LoadQuery (QueryNewData); Runs the code, the file is created properly but it is created wholw ArrayLIST in a single row How to bring a new row for each element in ArrayList ? There are obvious things that c Streaming did not stop You should remember that a simple author does not magically e...

SPSS creating table with multipe variables down, and the variables values horizontally -

Let's assume that I have two variables in both variables "like ice" and "like coffee" in both variables " Do not like "," likes "," love ". I want to create a table that displays it: | Do not like Liked Love | | Like ice 8 | 3 | 15 | Like coffees 13. 7 | 6 | Below the variable, and their values ​​are horizontally, display the number of options. Thank you! Very easy with CTB, enter the variable in the rows and specify the figures in the opposite dimension. This is called a compatibility table.

mysql - Pass object to python SQL -

I have a panda DF pulled from the ODBC connection: Import pandas Psxl handle = pyodbc.connect ('...') as the .oq df1 = psql.frame_query ("Select from Table 1, where ... [some questions on the column]") # below is a Punds DF The above SQL query is generated from Df1 = pd.DataFrame ([[1] 'F', 11111, 500, 60], [2, 'M', 22222, 400, 30], [3, 'M', 33333 , 'Id', 'gender', 'zipcode', [54], 78], [4, 'F', 44444, 5400, 45], [5, 'M', 55555, 8914, 66]], column = [' 'Expenditure', 'age']) Now I'm the only one Want to run a different query on a separate table in the database? And as one of the criteria, remove rows that match the id with df1 (below example, which does not work). df2 = psql.frame_query ("Select 'from table 2 where id =? And in static' ('104', '106', '112', '115')", df1 [ 'Id']) # ID variable is a common uniqu...

java - ContentProvider vs Activity -

I have a question, currently a group of friends are developing an Android app. When we access data handling between apps, then we choose a ContentProvider . But a man told us that it is better to use the intent to open an activity and then return the data to the activity. setData (bundle) ; way. I do not have any idea that this is a good practice, but I would like to know what do you think? Is it really a startActivityForResult ContentProvider .?. Thank you very much Edit I'm going to add a little example on this: We have a scenario where the main app needs to use data from other apps to do some processing and on the main app and then show information in the main app view The content of each app Instead of using it, God has started a startActi VityForResult () and then set the result on setResult (bundle)) Each activity was triggered. Instead of using each of the ContentProviders, the app is required to process data To start another application, to ...

java - Get all the questions from database at a time or one ques at a time? -

I am using Spring, Hibernate, JSP and ISLL on the Java Quiz web application. I am confused whether: To get all the queries in the database at one time and send it to jsp file as jsn, where do questions use javascript? or Get a question while using AJX? One of the results of having a very large result to fit on one page The concept is that most frameworks, including JSP, will be JSP tags for rendering large frames. Calling a different AJAX call for each user is probably too much because you will have a network round trip. Another approach may be client-side (or even server-side) caching. If you are using HTML5 on local storage, your choice on the server appears on the matchmacht.

android - How to set a few imeOptions programmatically -

I FrameLayout container in which I want to add dynamic EditText . I have two imeOptions needs to be set in the same time IME_ACTION_DONE and IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI but the problem program to do it. My solution is my imeOptions override (I now treat :) But I tried everything) And my secound question: how as EditText program after focus To make sure? This method is editText.requestFocus (); I did not work for me. I want to open the keyboard after postCardContainer.addView (editText); postCardContainer.setOnTouchListener (New View.OnTouchListener () {@Override see public boolean onTouch (V, MotionEvent event) {FrameLayout.LayoutParams parameter = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams (ViewGroup. LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); params.topMargin = (int) event.getY () - 50; params.leftMargin = (int) event .getX () - 50; editText editText = new editText (NewPostcardActivity.this ); editText.setSingleLine (); editText.setBackgroundResource (R.col...

subprocess - Calling BCP from python throws timeout exception, then immediately completes -

I'm running a dragon script which makes a subprocess call. It's time out, and then immediately I see sub-process (in this case a BCP call) finish. Actually, I can see that it is full in the database. In addition, I can run the BCP command directly on the command line, and it works just fine. Here's how my dragon script goes to the command prompt: C: \ FaceIAPS \ StudyDataFiles & gt; PE. \ 80 Syncing Topics Topic 11 Initial Copy ... Traceback (Most Recent Call End): File ".", line 261, & lt; Module & gt; bulk_import (upload_file, 'Facet_Data') file ". \", line 171, bulk_import subprocess.check_call (the "BCP BehaviorResearch .." + table_to_upload_to + + filename_to_be_uploaded + "-T -c S PBB-" in "C202B -2 \ BEHAVIORRESEARCH -e bulk_copy_errors.log ", open = true, timeout = 5) file" C: \ Python34 \ lib \ ", line 554, check_call retcode = ...

bash - Suppressing Vimdiff message -

I tried to look online and it seems that there is no straightforward answer. Bash script in me, I use vimdiff for two files, but when I close vimdiff it "2 files to edit" whenever the file It is different I It seems that there is no solution for it I was thinking that there was no short way to suppress that message in my Bash script. Vimrc edits is seeing, there is no way to hold% d files to edit The message is being emitted for the terminal (and so it is showing after exit when coming in the form of vimdiff . I think That you can always submit a patch to press this message with a switch. Update I knew that to get your desired result Call a file argument with vim and then call the second file. But the command From the line: vim / path / to / first_file-cdiffsplit / path / to / second_file '

symfony - Why use FormFactory in an event subscriber event? -

Why do people use the form factor in an Event Subscriber event? I currently have an Event Subscriber ... Public Stabilized Jobs Received Subscribed Avents () {Return Form (FormEvent :: PRE_SET_DATA = Gt; 'doSomething',); } Public Function doSomething (FormEvent $ Event) {$ form = $ event- & gt; GetForm (); ... /// Other stuff, see below /// ...} Currently I'm using it .. $ Form- & gt; Add ('Field', 'Type', Options); But many other developers use a form factory. $ form-> Add ($ formFactory- & gt; createNamed ('field', 'type', blank, option); If both work, then what is the reason for using additional form factory object you -> add (name, type ...) can be used only since then. Therefore, code written for older versions should use the $ formFactory to create examples of FormInterface

visual c++ - How do I get updated themes for CTreeCtrl -

I have a C + + MFC application that uses CTreeCtrl, I am running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2008 . I'm trying to get +/- instead of arrows to control my tree / arrows to expand- One of the good things I see is good Examples are tree controls that you see when you edit the properties of your project. Visual Studio. It does not matter whether I have an old XP style to style or try to modify topics +/- I think I can remember some simple Having any help would be appreciated. Add this function to get vista style LRESULT EnableVistaTheme (HNWHWND, LPCWWoost ClassList, LPCWSUSSSEs, LPCWebustImmediist) {Elrasselt LRSilit = S_Files; HRESULT (__stdcall * pSetWindowTheme) (HWND HWND, LPCWSSTS PSSSBPPNM, LPCWSTSSSSIBlist); Handle (__stdcall * pOpenThemeData) (hwnh hwd, lpcwstssss class list); HRESULT (__stdcall * pCloseThemeData) (Handle H Theme); HMODULE hinstDll = :: Load Library (_T ("UxTheme.dll")); If (hinstDll) {(FARPROC & amp;) pOpenThemeData = :: GetP...

excel - Extract values from cell and copy entire row with each individual value -

I have a column in which there is 3 digit code giving reference to a branch if someone is working in several departments , Then he will have many codes in that column. What will be the following. names | Branch ABC | 423 Mno 367325 XYZ | 414426429 I want to see it this way. names | Branch ABC | 423 Mno 367 MNOs | 325 xyz. 414 xyz | 426 XYZ | 429 I want to remove the value of the cell, suppose that the length of the string is 9, then that person works for 3 branches. I want to remove those 3 values ​​and duplicate the entire row with each row with one line number. Some indications: No one can work for more than 3 branches (This will be the maximum string length 9 ). There are approximately 20 columns columns containing branch codes, they are always the same. I.e. Columns . Columns have empty cells and other string values ​​such as ' BIKCJHGT ' entire columns are formatted as text. Can anyone give me VBA code to complete this? Here is the code I use...

How to control timing of the commands (MATLAB) -

I have a loop in which there is a command that I want to execute at a particular time, say 3 seconds from now . But I do not want to add delay because I want to execute my remaining statements and loops without any delay. In any way can I make a statement to execute at a time required in buffer? You have to set up one. "Display a message using a timer" - Example shows what you want.

javascript - Issue with multipart/form-data, ajax and textarea with TinyMCE -

I am working with HTML / php / ajax / jquery and today I have pointed out a small problem which is driving me crazy I have an html form: & lt; Form method = "POST" enctype = "multipart / form-data" name = "myForm" id = "MyForm" action = "" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "form-label" & gt; No & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input name = "noam" type = "text" class = "form-control" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Label class = "form-label" & gt; Descriptzon & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Textarea name = "descrizione" id = "text-editor" placeholder = "class =" form-control "rows =" 10 "& gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; Label class = "form-label" & gt; Stato & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Select name = "stato" id = "source" style = "width: 30%"...

ruby on rails - undefined method `update_attributes' for nil:NilClass when updating object -

I get the error "undefined method" update_attributes' for zero: when I try to update my page object I know I have confirmed that @page is empty, but I can not know why? def new @ page = page. News @ topic = topic Order ('Status ASC') @ Page_count = Page.count + 1 end Make DEF @ Page = Page.New (page_ups) if @ Page. Think flash [: notice] = 'New page added!' Redirect_to Action: 'Index' and @subjects = Subject.order ('Status ASC') @page_count = Page.count + 1Render 'New' End and Edit Edit @page = Page.find_by (id: params [: id] ) @subjects = Subject.order ('Status ASC') @page_count = Page.count End Def Update @page = Page.find_by (id: params [: id]) If @page.update_attributes (page_params) flash [: notice] = 'The page has been updated!' Redirect_to Action: 'Show', ID: @ other @ thematic = subject. Order ('Status AS') @page_count = Page.count 'Edit' End-End Personal DF Page on Para...

How do you make a static function/method in c++? -

I'm just learning C ++ I already know C and Java what will anyone show me how I For example, I'm writing a student class with standard information (name, student number, GPA, etc.) for practice, for example, I can create a static method / function like C ++. I want to create a static method / function that will return the total number of student object created in Java I know that it will be: Public Stable Ent Nom students () {Total students To return; // global variable} thanks :) here C ++ Student of the class {Private: Stable Entry Total Students Prepared; Public: stable intermediates (); }; Int student :: Total students = 0; Int Student :: Match Points () {Return to Total Students; } should be included in your C ++ text book

regex - JavaScript: Custom Function For Path's "d" attribute -

I am trying to create a function so that I can edit the "D" attribute of SVG Javascript can be reused in the path. At this time, I am capable of attaining the attribute and changing it, although it is on an ad-hoc basis. I want to make a reusable function. For example, if I have a SVG: & Lt; / Svg & gt; I do this to edit the "D" attribute with javascript: var element = document.query selector ("MyPath" ); Element.setAttribute ("D", "M475.385 ..."); How do I change this kind of workflow into a reusable function? The function should do the following: Perform a SVG query by class name. Query the path element of SVG by class name. "D" is the attribute of that path. Change the "d" attribute. I want to be able to set it so that I can call only one function and this is what I need to do, finally sets the "D" attribute I believe That the best way to do this would be through so...

python 3.x - Bullet to Enemy Collision Detection -

After a few hours of searching the code for reference. I failed, I tried to write the collision code again but it failed. Now my question is How can I decide to remove the enemy ship in my code when bullet kills it Note: I am not telling you to do this , I need this to explain further what the problem is or where IM is making code segment for bullet bullet: Hit_list = pygame.sprite.Group () If pygame.sprite .collide_rect (Bullet, Enemy_list): Hit_list.add (hit) Hit for hit_list in: Bullets.remove (bullet) All.remove (bullet) All.remove (hit) Enemy_list.remove T) # If the bullet closes, then removes the screen if bullet.rect.y & lt; 0: bullet. Remove (Bullet) All.remove (bullet) error traceback (most recent call final): File "C: \" user \ Jb127996 \ Desktop \ Invaders Space in space \ ", line 92, If pygame.sprite.collide_rect (bullet, Enemy_list):" C: \ Python32 \ lib \ site-package \ pygame \ AttributeError: in the 'group' ...