java - How can I write from the ArrayList to file, each element from the ArraList in a new line? -
What I wanted to do was to convert an ArrayList to a file and after that, use the file line per line.
My code:
list & lt; String & gt; Inserts = New Arrestists & lt; String & gt; (); String file toggle = null; . . . . FileToLoad = (); Println (FileToLoad); Flemwriter Writer = New Flamewriter (File Transfer); For (string s: inserts) {author.write (str); } Author. Close (); String Query NewData = "Load Data Local INFILE" "+ File Tallod +" Table 'defined in the field of companies designated', '(name, address, number u, post, status) "; UpdateDatabase LoadNewData = New update database (); LoadNewData .LoadQuery (QueryNewData); Runs the code, the file is created properly but it is created wholw ArrayLIST in a single row How to bring a new row for each element in ArrayList ?
There are obvious things that c >
Streaming did not stop You should remember that a simple author does not magically engage the line feed, you can print it in printstrik, which has a printline (like) System.out or you Answer as a response (i.e.) manually add a line feed. However, I can suggest this for reasons of cross-platform The front:
writer.write (str + System.getProperty ( "line. Separator "));
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