arrays - Comparaison of two list with NaN python -
I took this as a simple question and searched for related topics but I did not find the right thing here:
I have two naphpari arrays for which I need to do some statistical analysis by calculating certain criteria, for example for correlation coefficients and Nash criterion (which are familiar with Nash). Since the first array has observational data (second simulation result), I have some nan. I would like my program to calculate the criteria in ignoring value pairs, where the value in the first ARR is not known, I tried the mask method. Works well if I only need to deal with the first arrays (its average example for calculation), but two array values based on value Did not work to compare.
Can someone help? Thanks!
Just answered a similar question. You can turn the NAN values into an array with the Adnan festival of Nampi, which is a common way of dealing with the NAN values.
import np as np replace_NaN = np.isnan (array_name) array_name [replace_NaN] = 0
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