Linqpad can table with column same name as table name -

Hello everyone I have a small issue with Linqpad with poor setup

First of all, The database where the tables with the column in the Creator are given the same name as the table, which is using it as a enabled field.

These tables also have column contents and value.

After using this table, there is a named column similar to the column in the table, which replaces it with the name of the content in the column and then the value if the column name has the same name.

If I try again (below) then I cover the column with the same column name as column. Does anyone know any way to know about this? As it uses linqpad impossible, because it is currently in all database tables using

example below

if I have

Test Layout

  Make Table [DBO]. [TEST TABLE] ([test televide] [int] not tap, [test table] [varchar] (max) tap, [content] [varchar] (max) tap, [value] [varchar] (maximum) / Code>  

Enter image details here

As You can see that

This is going to me for a better part of an hour, but I Looks like I've got a work solution for you.

The problem is the Linq-to-Sql provider in Linqpad. If you open Visual Studio and create a reference category based on your database, then you TestTable Code> TestTable1 will be named.

So what have I done to take advantage of it, "Class Library" - A new project of Goal Framework 4.0 has been created.

  1. In this I added a new Linq-to-Sql class and pulled it into the test. Enter image details here

  2. In your class1.cs Go and Insert: (I do not know that this is necessary)

    // I have given my reference L2S name Change

    Public L2SDataContext Reference = New L2SDataContext ();

  3. Enter image details here
  4. Connect to your server

  5. Question! result


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