
Showing posts from January, 2011

Is there any automated way that will list all dependencies in sql server stored procedures? -

There are approximately 1449 stored procedures in our database. Is there an automated method that will list all dependencies? As we have called C2, S2, S3, S4, S5, CS, S2, S3 in S1 s4 is called in s3 Dependency should look something like s1 - & Gt; S2 - - & gt; S4 - & gt; S3 ---- & gt; S5 In my opinion, you can add all your SP names to a temporary table , Select from . Sysprocedures You can now loop through temp tables and dependencies like DECLARE @ search varchar (255) SET @ search = ' Select 'PROCEDURE_NAME' object_on, o Type. Sys.qql_modules from O-Type_Desk M Inner Join Sys.objects o on m.object_id = o.object_id WHERE m.definition '%' + '%' like search by ORDER 2,1 I do not know whether it will work or not, but you can give it at least one try.

c++ - Not able to set the geometry in QT -

I set the widget to set the coordinates of setGemometry () I am using But when I delete some widget and delete it from the main layout, then it is not fully capable of setting geometry. I am using KeyReleaseEvent () , that is, when I am pressing key D, some widgets should be removed and it should set geometry to a specific location when I first press it The effect is not seen, but the widgets are removed and when I press it for the second time it is set properly. void mywindow :: popupwindow () {If (stack1-> current index () == 0) {stack3-> Hide (); MainLayout-> AddWidget (stack2); Stack2-> Show (); Stack2-> SetFixedSize (400,200); This- & gt; SetGeometry (100,400,900,200); } If (Stack 1-> Current Index () == 1) {stack2-> Hide (); MainLayout-> AddWidget (stack3); Stack3- & gt; Show (); Stack3- & gt; SetFixedSize (400,200); This- & gt; SetGeometry (100,400,900,200); }} Zero mywindow :: deleteWindow () {mainLayout-> RemoveWidget (s...

r - Reducing multi-column xts to single column xts based on provided column indexes -

I have an xts object with multiple columns of the same type. I have an object with another xts object that corresponds to the position of the column in the first object. I would like to generate one-third xts object, in which the value of the column indicated by the respective index in a column is represented. For example: # xts.1: 2003-07-30 17:00:00 0.2015173 0.10159303 0.19244332 0.08138396 2003-08-28 17:00:00 0.1890154 0.06889412 0.12700216 0.04631253 2003-09 - 29 17:00:00 0.1336 947 0.08023267 0.09167604 0.02376319 2003-10-30 16:00:00 0.1713496 0.13324238 0.11427968 0.05946272 # Exts: 2003-07-30 17:00:00 1 2003-08-28 17:00:00 4 2003-09-29 17:00:00 2 2003-10-30 16:00:00 3 # Expected results: 2003-07-30 17:00:00 0.2015173 2003-08-28 17:00:00 0.04631253 2003 -09-29 17:00:00 0.08023267 2003-10-30 16:00:00 0.11427968 I think that this is not something very elementary, but how to do it, If so, this is the only time I have to save. Your data appears monthly, so I strongly ...

c++ - Cppunit for Nucleus RTOS -

In my project, I need to test the unit on my C ++ code using CepuPoint. I problem code real time operating The system is based on "NUCLEUS", do not help me out of the platform window but knowing how to test rtos when using unit cppunit. Create stubs or mock of OS calls and run tests on Windows as you normally would For example, the concept of data size and byte sequence can be a code that works on a platform to fail in the second step, hence it emphasizes portability issues, as well as a static analysis tool Also useful for using. If you target and your test platform shares the shared data size and byte order, then you are in a better position in that respect.

c# - Return image content from controller to view MVC3 -

I allow a controller to control the chart and see it directly to see what I did in the razor & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Img src = "/ test / chart report" /> & Lt; / P & gt; And in the controller I have created an action method such as Public Action Result Chart Report () {var data = new System.Collections.ArrayList { New {X = date time.NEW AddMonths (-2), Y = 200}, New {X = Date Time.Now Adames (-1), y = 300}, new {x = date time.Now, y = 500}}; New system Web. Helps Chart (400, 200, Add-Titital ("Price inquiry"). DatabintTable (data, "X"). Type ("PNG"); Return tap; } Now I want to pass the model as it is in the form of parameter for the action of the controller from the scene, so I can create a chart without any DB queries . how can I do this . My visual model is built on @model MyApp.ViewModels.SampleModel & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Img src = "/ test / chart report...

How to implement REST functionality to basic grails app -

My question might be quite strange for some people, but I'm new to this technology I created a controller with some functionality (It converts some types of files) but ATM is working in "User Interface" which means that the user needs to paste some code, click on the button and the result is that my owner has an API User who needs Ta will operate without interference (I think it is a cool API). He told me that this API should get a URL with some data, after that my functionality occurs and finally the converted data is returned. There is more image that I want to get: Please give me some advice (for example, if I need a plugin or just simple code, just add some code in the controller or domain class, if you can skip it, it would be good. Conversion from FORMAT1 to FORMAT2 Already done) Sorry for my ignorance, but Grails in my first meeting Areas with a Cheers. Read appeal on mural pictures Very thorough and well documented Or, if you just want a simp...

How to convert keyword argument to named argument in python 2.7? -

1 फ़ाइल: वर्ग प्रोफ़ाइल (वस्तु): def __init __ (स्वयं, नाम, 1st_arg = gst (), 2nd_arg = 1, 3rd_arg = AB.parallel): = name self.gain = 1st_arg (i, ओ, पी) = 2nd_arg self.mode = 3rd_arg दूसरी फाइल: वर्ग ए: कुछ_फंक्शन (): 1st_arg = gst (i, o, p) # वर्ग जीएसटी कन्स्ट्रक्टर परिणाम = प्रोफ़ाइल (नाम, प्रथम_अर्ग, 2_आर्ग = 1 , 3rd_arg = चरण) # प्रोफ़ाइल वर्ग निर्माता मुझे कोड से ऊपर है, लेकिन मैं "first_arg" को कीवर्ड तर्क से नामांकित तर्क में बदलना चाहता हूं। यहां 2nd_arg और 3rd_arg तर्क स्पष्ट रूप से निर्दिष्ट करते हैं कि उनके मूल्यों को किस प्रकार आवंटित किया जा रहा है, लेकिन 1st_arg में ही नहीं। मुझे यह परिवर्तन चाहिए ताकि यदि कोई तृतीय पक्ष मेरे कोड को देखे तो वह इसे आसानी से समझ जाएगा। यदि आप एक कीवर्ड तर्क (और यह अंतिम कीवर्ड तर्क) में एक स्थितीय तर्क को परिवर्तित करना चाहते हैं, तो बस उसका नाम निर्दिष्ट करें । उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आपके पास निम्न फ़ॉर्म की कॉल है: f (val1, val2, arg3 = val3, arg4 = val4) और आप एक कीवर्ड तर्क के...

c# - Sqlite epoch datetime conversion -

So I'm trying to replace the Eucll time with a silicon database. I'm using the time column Type Typva The stored value is: 1383928265 (11/8/2013 11:31:05 AM) SQL: var sql = "SELECT session_id , Xml, striptime ('% s', paused), striptime ('% s', time), processed "orig_title"; Result: 119360752804800 (10/13/1973 7 : 45: 52am) My converter: Unicetime (long unixtime) from public fixed date time {var Ugoch = new date time (1970, 1, 1 , 0, 0, 0, DateTime.UTC); Return Combination.Adecandonds (Unixtime) .OolocalTime ();} I Some adjustments were made to the converter: Public static date time uptime (long UNIX) {var epoch = new date time (1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, dateTimekind.UTC ); Var s = unixTime / 86400; Backward era.endendend (s) .OolocalTime ();} But this is the yield: 10/11/2013 6:34:37 AM I can not find the correct date from the SQLite database. Edit: Schema You are using the wrong until you unixepoch modifier: ...

Logging asynchronously in C# WCF -

सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; मायफंक्शन (स्ट्रिंग यूजरिड) {सूची & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; MyUsers = नई सूची & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (); ... ... ... ... लॉग। विलय लॉग ("मेरे फ़ंक्शन विधि को" + UserId "कहा जाता है); माइउजर्स वापस लौटाएं; // उपयोगकर्ता की सूची} लॉग। विलय लॉग (...); मैं अपने लॉगिंग फ़ंक्शन के साथ पहले से ही किया है सार्वजनिक async स्थिर शून्य WriteLog (स्ट्रिंग यूज़रआईडी) {... ...} लेकिन यह लॉगिंग से पहले डेटा नहीं लौटा रहा है। मैं लॉगकाइट विधि की देखभाल के बिना मेरी फ़ंक्शन रिटर्न डेटा कैसे बना सकता हूं ??? जहां तक मैं आपके प्रश्न को समझता हूं, WriteLog (स्ट्रिंग यूजरआईडी) विधि में परिवर्तन करता है। सार्वजनिक async स्थिर कार्य टास्क लिस्ट (स्ट्रिंग यूज़रआईड) {// आपका कोड यहाँ} और फिर इसे myFunction () से कॉल करें। सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; मायफंक्शन (स्ट्रिंग यूजरिड) {सूची & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; MyUsers = नई सूची & lt; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; (); ... ... ... ... // लॉग। ...

php - How to Query database for certain range of dates -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मुझे क्वेरी की ज़रूरत है एक निश्चित श्रेणी के विवरण प्राप्त करने के लिए mysql कहो, मेरे पास '2/1/2013' से '8/1/2013' की सीमा है, जो 7 दिन है। इस श्रेणी को प्राप्त करने के लिए मैं बस "से", "से" mysql क्वेरी में उपयोग कर सकते हैं। लेकिन, मुझे एक ही श्रेणी की निश्चित संख्या के लिए परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए क्वेरी का उपयोग कैसे करना चाहिए। कहें तो मुझे परिणामों के अगले 3 सेट प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है, तो क्वेरी को परिणाम के 3 कॉलम में रेंज में लाना चाहिए, '2/1/2013' से '8/1/2013' '9/1/2013' से '15 / 1/2013 ''16 / 1/2013' से '22 / 1 / 2013'`। मुझे उसी स्थिति के लिए 3 पंक्तियों में 3 परिणामों की आवश्यकता है, क्या यह एक एकल प्रश्न का उपयोग करके संभव है? test_expression [नहीं] शुरू के दौरान- एक्सपेरेशन और एंड_ एक्सप्रेशन

How to read javascript file using HttpWebRequest in c# -

I have a javascript file in the remote server, and when I use httpwebrequest it gives some strange letters. thr url Is this kind of compressed material? Static String GetScriptSource (string _url) {string _retValue = string.Empty; HttpWebRequest hwr = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (_url); Hwr.method = "GET"; HttpWebResponse Res = (HttpWebResponse) hwr.GetResponse (); Streamer sr = new streamrider (res.GetResponsestream ()); Return sr.ReadToEnd (); } My code is very simple to read the contents of that script file. This can be done by looking at the JS source you have linked to, Try saving as you try and use 7zip or something to see if you can open it. There is a GGIP Library in C #, if it has been gipped, you should be able to open it easily. Although it is a Korean web site, so maybe encoding is not correct. Either way it's not a problem with the code you posted.

arrays - How to create scales between min and max value using ranges in javascript? -

मुझे इस तरह एक गतिशील स्केल बनाने की आवश्यकता है रेंज 1 = 0 से 100 रेंज 2 = 100 से 200 रेंज 3 = 200 से 300 रेंज 4 = 300 से 400 रेंज 5 = 400 से 500 रेंज 6 = 600 से 700 रेंज 7 = 700 से 800 रेंज 8 = 800 900 रेंज 9 = 900 से 1000 के लिए यहां, श्रेणी 1 से 9 है और न्यूनतम मान 0 है और अधिकतम मूल्य 1000 है। ये श्रेणियां, न्यूनतम और अधिकतम मान गतिशील हैं। उदाहरण के लिए: - फ़ंक्शन getScales (मिनरगेज, मैक्सरेन्ज, मिन वेल्यू, मैक्सवैल्यू) {var तराजू = {}; .......... ............ वापसी स्केल; } // आउटपुट: [{सीमा: 1 मिनट: 0, अधिकतम: 100}, {सीमा: 2 मिनट: 100, अधिकतम: 200}, {श्रेणी: 3 मिनट: 200, अधिकतम: 300}, ....। उपरोक्त परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए, मुझे फ़ंक्शन को इस तरह से कॉल करना होगा getScales (1, 9, 9, 0, 1000) । यह मेरी वास्तविक आवश्यकता क्या है: अगर मैं getScales (1, 5, 4000, 418500) को कॉल करता हूं इस पर एक नज़र डालें: फ़ंक्शन getScales (मिनरेंज, मैक्सरेन्ज, मिन, मैक्स) {var तराजू = [], // कुछ चर रेंज को तैयार करें = मैक्सरेन्ज + 1 - मिनरेंज, // लौटाए जाने वाले त...

Oauth : can json have oauth token? -

I am simulating an app where the JSN request is sent on the back. Now I have to add oyoth support. I do not know how to move forward. Is the same Jenan Token sent with the request? Yes and no .. A top token is sent in the HTTP header, therefore, not in the Ti Jason payload , But it has been sent in the same HTTP request. HOwever, before sending it, you must complete certain steps set by the standard to exchange proper token (access and / or request) This good Watch the tutorial to understand more in depth, there is also an interactive part in it, where you can dynamically change the parameters and see the header and the message that you should generate and exchange.

JSON parse inside jquery -

My collegue is returning for me with a function like this string "A: 11: {s: 7: \" Export \ "key: 43: \"% 3Bbazos% 3Brealityexport% 3Breality% 3Bnehnut \ "Key: 10: \" bazos_date \ "Key: 10: \" 0000-00 - 00 \ "of: 10: \" bazos_idad \ "key: 8: \" 34,432,067 \ "key: 12: \" bazos_status \ "key: 2: \" ok \ "key: 9: \" rexp_date \ " : 10: \ "2013-11-13 \" key: 9: \ "real_date \" key: 0: \ "\" key: 9: \ "real_idad \" key: 0: \ "\" key: 11: \ "Real_status \" key: 0: \ "\" key: 11: \ "nehnut_date \" key: 0: \ "\" key: 11: \ "Nehnut_idad \"; s: 0: \ "\"; s : 13: \ "nehnut_status \"; s: 0: \ "\";} " I need to make Json, or any other As is access to the data, I tried $ $. PRJSANN but it tells that this is not a Jason object ... can anyone help me? Just this...

android - How top set tab icon and label in FragmentTabHost -

I icons and labels together to implement the tab'm using Fragmenttabhost, but the following sentence label only displays mTabHost.addTab (mTabHost.newTabSpec ( "simple"). Setindiketr ( "simple", getResources (). GetDrawable (R.drawable.ic_launcher)), Fragment 1. class, B); I work properly anywhere setIndicator (see); But I do not know the syntax for setting custom view in the setIndicator plz help thanks ... I am creating a custom view and setting it as a set indicator (View V); see chat View = LayoutInflater.from (this). Increased (R.layout.chat_icon, tap); MTabHost.addTab (mTabHost.newTabSpec ("Simple"). SetCentator (chatView), Piece-1 class, B);

android - how to populate a ListView with images from camera -

I am able to populate the list item with the URI images from my camera. I can display the exact images as a list item. The following is a list view that I am using (list item is a text view). I want to do the same thing with an image. ListView listview; ArrayList & LT; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); Private file getOutputMediaFile () {file mediaStorageDir = new file (imgLink); If (MediaStorageDir.exists ()) {if (! MediaStorageDir.mkdirs ()) {Log D. ("MyCameraApp", "The directory has failed to create"); Return tap; }} // Create a Media File Name String Timestamp = New SimpleDateform ("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"). Format (new date ()); File media file; Mediafile = new file (mediaStorageDir.getPath () + file. Separator + "IMG _" + timestamp + ".jpg");} Chitrutut (byte [] data, camera camera) on public zune {file image file = getOutputMediaFile (); If (picturefile == empty) {log d. (Tag, "error ...

mysql - How to delete composite primary key -

मेरे पास टेबल मित्र सूची है I इसे अपनी समग्र प्राथमिक कुंजी ( friend_of_id , Friends_id_is ) और प्राथमिक कुंजी को हटाने के लिए एक नई कम्पोजिट प्राथमिक कुंजी ( friend_of_aid , मित्रों_एड ) बनाना चाहते हैं। ALTER TABLE friends_list DROP प्राथमिक कुंजी लेकिन यह निम्न त्रुटि दिखा रहा है # 1025 - का नाम बदलने में त्रुटि '। \ Xrcwrn_sms \ # sql-14d4_e0' to। \ Xrcwrn_sms \ friends_list '(errno: 150) मैं निम्नलिखित हूँ, लेकिन समग्र प्राथमिक कुंजी के लिए यह काम नहीं कर रहा है मेरा टेबल संरचना चित्र जैसा है उसका अनुसरण करें इस तालिका में विदेशी कुंजी की जाँच करें, उदाहरण के लिए अगली क्वेरी का प्रयोग करें - SELECT * से f_file_free_name_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = 'डीबी नाम' और आर EFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'आपकी तालिका'; आपको इन सभी विदेशी कुंजी को पुनः बनाने की आवश्यकता है: विदेशी कुंजी ड्रॉप करें आरपीएमरी कुंजी को फिर से बनाएं विदेशी कुंजी (एस) बनाएँ

sql server - display in TextBox working with 3 table -

I have 3 tables as: I have a dropdown list and I want to display" LIBEL "(table 'grade') which is the table 'Evolutiongrade' (main Table) according to "PPR" in the 'Agent' table. Working with SQL Server: This is my query, I do not know that this is correct, I have to display it in Table Grade in Libell Text box where grade codeodgrad = EvolutionGrade.codegrade (that Sort sommeting) according to the PPR in the table agent. Thank you Choose the codegread from the grade (where the code grade = (select the codegrain from the agent where PPR = @ PPR) update grade set Libell = @LLGLad = where the codegraad = (from Agent to Codegrad Select, where PPR = @PPR) is inserted into the grade (Libel) values ​​(@lblgrade) Why do you have 2 identical table columns? Primary keys should be different from other columns. No Eval_num?

java - How to make a radio button deselected by default in Struts2 -

Can someone tell me how to set the default value of the radio button empty and then get the value from the customer who Update the table accordingly the user chooses. I am using the following code snippet, but there is something wrong: var blnValue4 = false; (Var i = 0; i & lt; document.forms [0] .chkTeam.length; i ++) {if (document.forms [0] .chkTeam [i]. Probe) blnValue4 = document.forms [ 0] .chkTeam [I do it; Return blnValue4; } If (blnValue4 = false) {Warning ("Please answer the question in team participation."); Document.getElementById ("chkTeam") focus () .; return false; } And then how do I assign a default value: & lt; Td colspan = 2 & gt; : & Lt; Html: radio property = "chkTeam" value = "" /> Yes & lt; Html: radio property = "chkTeam" value = "" /> No & lt; / Td> Note that in the form it is set to accept Boolean as return type. Please do not understand your ques...

c# - Enterprise Architect 9: Add Note to Connector -

I want to add notes to connectors in an Enterprise Architect Diagram program program. So far, I have been able to add notes to the elements with the following code: foreach (EA.Element element in the package Elements) {foreach (element.Connector conn in element.Connectors) {EA Element Minute = Package. Elements Edewe ("minote", "note"); NewNote.Notes = "Some String"; NewNote.Update (); // Status calculation EA has been omitted here. DiagramObject k = diagram DiagramObjects.AddNew (status, ""); K.ElementID = newNote.ElementID; K.Sequence = 9; K.Update (); EA.Connector newConn = newNote.Connectors.AddNew ("NewLink", "Notlink"); NewConn.SupplierID = conn.SupplierID; NewConn.Update (); EA Diagram link new link = diagram. Diagram link. Add New ("New Link", "Note Lynch"); NewLink.ConnectorID = newConn.ConnectorID; NewLink.Update (); The image probably illustrates what I really want to do: My questio...

java - Call service method from non controller class -

मैं होम कंट्रोलर में निम्न कर रहा हूं @ नियंत्रक सार्वजनिक वर्ग होम कंट्रोलर {@Autowired निजी यूरोपीय संघ सेवा उपयोगकर्ता; @RequestMapping (मान = "/") सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग सेटअपफॉर्म (मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; नक्शे) {उपयोगकर्ता उपयोगकर्ता = (उपयोगकर्ता) SecurityContextHolder.getContext ()। GetAuthentication ()। GetPrincipal (); EUser currentUser = userDao.findUserByName (user.getUsername ()); Println (currentUser.getUserName ()); }} यह ठीक काम करता है और मुझे आउटपुट को ठीक से दिखाता है अब अगर मैं एक गैर नियंत्रक प्रकार वर्ग में निम्न कार्य करता हूं जैसे सार्वजनिक वर्ग उपयोगिता {@Autowired Private EUserService userDao; सार्वजनिक शून्य getLoggedUser () {उपयोगकर्ता उपयोगकर्ता = (उपयोगकर्ता) SecurityContextHolder.getContext () .getAuthentication ()। GetPrincipal (); EUser currentUser = (EUser) userService.findUserByName (उपयोगकर्ता .getUsername ()); Println (currentUser.getUserName ()); }} यह मुझे निम्न नलपॉइंटर एक्सेप्शन देता है SEVERE: se...

c# - HTTP Hanlder for string return -

I am using the vlc plugin to play RTP links for live streaming. If the code below has the streaming link in the target tag, then it works fine: & lt; Embed type = 'application / x-vlc-plugin' pluginspage = 'http: //www.videolan .org' version = 'VideoLAN.VLCPlugin.2' width = '800' height = '600' id = 'VLC' loop = 'Yes' autoplay = 'yes' target = "RTMP: // 1935 / live / myc001" & gt; & Lt; / Embed & gt; Problem: Then my requirement is to hide the RPM link from the viewer by showing the HTML source code. I used the HTT handler to return links from the database. The Vlc plugin is the target tag: target = "handler1.ashx? ChannelID = 22" & gt; And my Hanlder1.ashx code is: Public class Handler1: IHttpHandler {Public Zero ProcessRequest (HttpContext Reference) {if (context.Request.QueryString ["ChannelID"] == blank) return; String connStr = Conne...

functional programming - Associative binary operation for Option in Scala -

मुझे याद है कि मोनाद एक मोनोइड है यही है, एक सहस्राब्दी बाइनरी ऑपरेशन * है, इसलिए यदि ma और mb है monadic मान तब मा * mb भी एक मौद्रिक मूल्य है यदि ऊपर सही है, तो स्कैला में ऑप्शन के लिए बाइनरी ऑपरेशन क्या है? उदाहरण के लिए, * में कुछ (1) * कुछ (2) ( इस उत्तर से इसकी परिभाषा चुरा ली गई है और केवल किसी न किसी प्रकार का स्पष्टीकरण देने की कोशिश करता है। श्रेणी सिद्धांत का मेरा ज्ञान बल्कि मूल है। ) T = & gt; विकल्प [टी] ) मानते हैं और नहीं मान (जैसे। कुछ (3) या कोई नहीं )। मानों पर एक मोनोइड के लिए एक उदाहरण के रूप में, सूची [टी] । हमारे पास एक द्विआधारी ऑपरेशन है एक ?? ¢: एस Ã ?? एस - & gt; एस : डीईएफ़ एपीएनडी [टी] (सूची 1: सूची [टी], सूची 2: सूची [टी]): सूची [टी] = सूची 1 ऐप लिस्ट 2 और खाली सूची शून्य जाहिर पहचान तत्व है हालांकि हर मोनद में कोई अनुलग्नक नहीं है, इसलिए उपरोक्त सभी मोनादों पर सामान्यीकृत नहीं किया जा सकता है। चलिए, द्विआधारी संचालन की परिभाषा को थोड़ा सा बदलते हैं। अब, उपरोक्त मामले में एक ?? को इनपुट मानो...

Continuous rotation of image on button click using Javascript -

I want to rotate the image after every one second. I have used the following code but it does not work. My code is: - & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; .Rated-Image {-webkit-transform: rotate (2deg); Consequently: rotate (2deg); } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Section id = "medium" & gt; & Lt; Img id = "image" src = "1.png" & gt; & Lt; Button onclick = "myfunction ()" & gt; Click me & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Function myFunction () {var img = document.getElementById ("image"); Img.setAttribute ("square", "rotation-image"); SetTimeout ("myfunction ()", 1000); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; You can do it with pure CSS. Try it out: & lt; Style & gt; @ -webk...

ios - Uniquely identify two diffrent views -

I have two buttons / the same name, the same tag and the same event when pressed any buttons With the main focus was seen keeping. Again, what button is to be separated? Please do not suggest to change the name of the name or button, because your application is changing by the hard working name or tag in the whole application so large. Is there any other way to separate two buttons / views? Define your custom properties like this # define kCustomProperty @ "CustomProperty" Add your object with a kind of down that custom properties objc_setAssociatedObject (myObj, kCustomProperty, MyData, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) ; Get your data using the same property and the object like NSObject * aObj = objc_getAssociatedObject (myObj, kCustomProperty); A type of its custom property can make you want to coding the tag you do not want to use or change the name of the scene.

jquery - Cannot remove a class hidden by JavaScript -

I would like to hide a div when it is loaded and when a button is clicked, what do I get Div only shows for a short time and then hides it whether I am doing it correctly with the CSS class or what display: none; ? HTML & Lt; Div id = "message" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hide item-user" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Some & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; One class = "btn-user" href = "" & gt; Button & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS .hid {display: none; } JS & lt; Script & gt; // jquery has already been loaded $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# message .btn-user') click (function () {$ ('# message .item-user') RemoveClass ('hidden');});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; You need to use the default action of your anchor to stop: $ ('# message .btn-user'). Click (function (...

Google forms: Assign questions to Page Break and go to page -

In relation to this, when more questions are added, on the same or different page, only the last question is displayed correctly is. Other questions just show the structure (eg multiple options, lists) The following code shows the problem: function vs () {var title = 'Multipage Form Test'; Var details = 'Stackoverflow question 17083500'; Var form = formApseSket ('questionnaire') .Sat Description ('questionnaire') .setConfirmationMessage ('Thanks for the response!'); Var page 1 = form.addPageBreakItem () .setTitle ('first page'); Var item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem (); Var items = form.addListItem (); Var item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem (); Var page 2 = form.addPageBreakItem () .setTitle ('second page'); Var item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem (); Var page 3 = form.addPageBreakItem () .setTitle ('third page'); Item.setTitle ('question') .setChoices ([item.createChoice ('yes'), item.createChoice (...

c# - unable to open the default mail client -

I am using the following code to open the default mail client using Tax (Process Mail Process = New Process ()) {ProcessStartInfo processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo (); ProcessInfo.FileName = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "mailto: {0}? Subject = {1} & body = {2}", sendToAddress.Address, subject, message); ProcessInfo.UseShellExecute = True; ProcessInfo.WindowStyle = Process WindowStyle.Normal; MailProcess.StartInfo = processInfo; Process.Start (processInfo); } It starts the process but does not show mail to the client. In reality, when I am using only local host, this mail does not open to the client, although this process begins When I am using Localhost: It works. Can I solve anyway? According to you, it is necessary to ensure that you change the name of the file to URL encode. It can not contain spaces or other special characters, which are not available in the URL. Do you suspect that your subject and body includes at least spaces ...

Displaying both slug and ID in URL, but route by ID only in Django -

What I'm trying to achieve: My News app should display a slug, but only the query of the article by ID Unfortunately, I want to get the code (reverse for '') ,) 'And keyword logic' {} 'were not found. When attempting to browse an article, the URL generated in the template looks correct as mentioned above (I can confirm it by searching a search through the hestack, which gives the correct URL). class news (models.model): id = models.IntegerField (primary_key = true, editable = false) Category = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 50L) title = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 200L) rss_summary = models.TextField (MAX_LENGTH = 2000L) body_text = models.TextField (MAX_LENGTH = 5000L) POST_DATE = models.DateTimeField () prettyurl = models .SlugField (MAX_LENGTH = 100 L) Square Meta: db_table = 'news' def __unicode __ (self): return self.title def get_absolute_url (auto): urlresolvers.reverse ('news_detail' kwargs = {'pk...

vba - Excel 2013 - How to copy data from one sheet to another based on formatting -

I have an Excel sheet with prices, and I want to automatically copy the values ​​that are highlighted (Formatted with background color) for any other sheet, I have no problem using macros or function in the second sheet cells if possible. I have tried to keep some suggestions together and to color the cell and to filter it by following macro color value: sub sample () less uniform sheet As the slow stroke search string dims lRow as long set, ws = Sheets ("Sheet1") ws lRow =. ("One" & amp; .Rows.Count) End (xlUp) .ro '~~ & gt; Remove any filter. AutoFilterMode = Incorrect '~~ & gt; Set filters, offset (to exclude headers) and source space. Range ("J2: J" & amp; lRow). Autofilter Field: = 1, Criterion 1: = "6" Set Copy = .Offset (1, 0). Special Seals (XLSil Type Voicable). '~ ~ & Gt; Remove any filter. AutoFilterMode = '~~ & gt; Set the destination sheet to ws2 = Sheets ("Sheet 2") with ws2...

python - Inheriting from "str" class -

I'm exercising this little bit ... I want to reorder a string based on some weird dictionaries . For example, according to my dictionary, the letters come in order: "A", "B", "D", "C", "F", "E" So I thought that I Should just & lt; The operator and the call sorted for the wire () goes here: class MyString (str): new_dict = dict ((x, i) for i Enumerate in X (["A", "b", "d", "c", "f", "e"])) DEF __lt __ (self, others): return self. NY_act [self] & lt; Self [ND] [Other] DEF __int __ (self, X): str .__ init __ (self, x) and then [59]: Sorted (Mysterrine (Ex)) for X in (ABCDF) [59]: ['A', 'B', 'D', 'C', 'F', 'E' ] [64]: [64]: "abdcfe" in [64]: MyString (included in "". (Sorted (Mycring (x) "abcdef" In x)) [64]: 'abdcfe' But why can not I just sort (Mysterr...

ios - Translucent , setStatusBarStyle, UIWebView -

मैं UIWebView पर काम कर रहा हूं और मैं क्या चाहता हूं वेबव्यू के लिए दृश्य को रैप करने से अधिक नहीं है तो यहां सवाल है मैं UIWebView सेट करता हूं, और स्टेटस बार सामग्री पर मढ़ा होता है। इससे मैं किस तरह निपट सकता हूं? मैंने कोडित किया था जब मैंने UIImage दृश्य बनाया था, लेकिन उस समय वहाँ नेविगेशन बार था, और यह अच्छी तरह से काम किया। इसके अलावा मैंने सेट फ़्रेम: सीजीआरएक्टमेक (0, 20) .... लेकिन यह भी काम नहीं कर रहा है क्यों [सेटफ्रेम]; विधि काम नहीं करता है? किसी भी विचार कृपया। #import "ViewController.h" @ इंटरफेस देखें नियंत्रक () @ प्रॉपर्टी (कमजोर, नॉनैटॉमिक) IBOutlet UIWebView * webView; @end @implementation ViewController - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {[सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; // दृश्य लोड करने के बाद कोई अतिरिक्त सेटअप करें, आमतौर पर एक निब से। [[UIApplication साझाअनुप्रयोग] setStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyleDefault]; [Self.webView setFrame: सीजीआरएक्टमेक (0,0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)]; NSURL * myURL = [NSURL URLWithString: @ "http:...

algorithm - PHP CUSIP Check num -

I should be able to validate CUSIP numbers based on my check digits. I have a psudocode for Wikipedia Thanksgiving process, but I am unable to repeat it in PHP yet. Psudocode can be found. My PHP: & lt ;? Php / ** * Function to return the check digits value of a Cuisine * @Unimum $ cusip * cusip for processing. * @Ratn Int * Cusip Check Digit * / Function cusip_checksum ($ cusip) {$ sum = 0; $ Rebuiltcusip = ''; {$ C = substr ($ cusip, ($ i - 1), 1) for ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = 8; $ i ++); // $ i needs to be 0, so as we start with 1, take away from 1 $ rebillectus = $ c; Switch (true) {case $ c == '0': // ctype_digit (0) wrong, so checking for 0. $ V = $ c; Watchdog ("Case 0:", $ V); break; Case ctype_digit ($ c): // check numeric $ v = $ c; Watchdog ("case ctype_digit:", $ v); break; Case $ c == '*': $ v = 36; Watchdog ("Case *:", $ V); break; Case $ c == '@': $ v = 37; Watchdog ("Case @:", $ V); b...

improve analyzer -

मैं एक अनुप्रयोग में और स्नोबॉल विश्लेषक का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। एक विशिष्ट भाषा जिसका उपयोग मैं कर रहा हूं मेरे पास निम्न मुद्दा है: दो विशिष्ट शब्द के परिणामस्वरूप, परिणाम के उपरांत होने के बाद अलग अर्थों के लिए समान है, इसलिए उनमें से किसी के लिए खोज दोनों चीजों के लिए परिणाम उत्पन्न करेगी। > मैं यह कैसे विश्लेषक को सिखा सकता हूं, या तो इन दोनों शब्दों को न डालने के लिए या उन्हें उपजी कर सकता हूं, हालांकि पता है कि उनके पास अलग-अलग अर्थ हैं। मैं यहां मेमोरी से काम कर रहा हूं, लेकिन जैसा कि मुझे एक कंस्ट्रक्टर में याद है, आप स्ट्रेड्सज़ की एक सरणी पारित कर सकते हैं, जो शब्दों में उत्तीर्ण होने से रोकी जा सकती है।

javascript - Weird positioning elements -

I have something very weird, I create a simple parallax scrolling rotating infobox. I made a square in the center and made the elements in position with a very strange situation. But when I change the size of my window, everything gets slipped into the right position. I do not know exactly why this is happening or how it is happening. Link: (Scroll it for rotation view) Object: The scrolling element does not work there. / P> Status: fixed; Maybe the situation with JS can be fixed? code in CSS> margin-left you # textveld_2 Problems can be there. Try to change it from -250px to -249px, right when I try this place for me.

c# - How to distribute collection of values to dynamic list? -

I am developing a TCP client-server console application. I have the number of customers connected to the server. The record needs to be shared and every record should be sent to the customer only once. Each record should only be received by 1 customer. For example records number of N = 4 and number of subscribers should be M = 10 and result: record1 â ???? Client1 for Client1 Record2 Client 3 for Record 3 Client4 in record 4 in Client4 record 5 for Client1 record6 ???? Client 5 for Client3 Record 7 Client3 for record 9 Client 5 for record 10 Client 5 The problem is that the number of record M is fixed, but the number client N is not fixed (Sometimes N = 3, sometimes N = 5, etc.) Can you please suggest a solution to adjust the flow control of this type? I will try to implement something like this: You will need a list or all customers will be gathered to connect. You will need random access, i.e. you have to add the client front or back and you will have to be able ...

ios - Fails to distribute my app: "Your app contains non-public API usage." -

After failing to deliver some bugs and restoring my project to the app store, it fails to deliver is. Xcode shows the following error message: Your app contains non-public API uses. Please review errors, fix them, and resubmit your application. App Pelload / / XXX refers to non-public symbols: UICreateCGImageFromIOSurface is the name of the XXX app. I have searched the entire project, and I have not received any keyword (UICRATIMIFIFI IOFface). How can I fix this? Reveal with your project. It should not be linked to your binary's release mode.

python - Why am I getting 500 errors when serving web font files in my CSS? -

Starting on a Django app and serving some still pages Everything is working, but I have some web fonts Attempting to load my CSS file which is receiving 500 HTTP responses for the assets. I am referring to using my CSS file: That works fine, but there are links to web fonts inside the CSS, which is following the standard format generated by Font Skiral. For example: @ font-face {font-family: 'allerbold'; Src: url ("../fonts / aller_bd-webfont.eot"); Src: url ("../fonts/aller_bd-webfont.eot? #imix") format ("embedded-opentype"), url ("../fonts/") format ("woff") , Url ("../fonts/aller_bd-webfont.ttf") format ("truetype"), url ("../fonts / aller_bd-webfont.svg # allerbold") format ("svg"); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } The CSS is referenced to the correct folder ('CSS' and 'fonts' folders are at the same level in the stable folde...

angularjs - is it possible to have a full url route to a anchored element on the same page? -

I have html5mode (true) set in my code and all my contents are in the same See. Users will have to click About this and scroll over the #about element, it works very well with jquery because you can easily You can animate the scrolling and make it good and fluid. However, I am struggling to see how I can use these routes, and even without reloading that jquery slide interaction, the template / view defined in my routes. Ideally, I like URLs like , and just behind those scenes, scroll them over that element Any help? Edit: Here I have tried so far and it does some work without animation .. In my navigation controller I have the following .. $ scope.scrollTo = $ root scope. $ ('$ LocationChangeStart', function (e, n, c) {e.preventDefault (); $ location.hash ('about'); $ anchor scroll ();}); However, it works only when a user clicks the button on the page, and does not eat the URL at all. Does this...

javascript - Is there a JQuery function to handle all mouse events at once? -

What is a JQuery function (or plugin) to handle at once? For example, to handle all click events on a page, I $ ("*"). Click () , but I'm thinking that there is such a function: $ ("*"). Mouse Event ("event type", function () {// handle all events based on their event type in an event list}); Delegate event handling to hear you for all mouse events through event propaganda You can use. You can pass multiple event names in the same event handler. You can see the event parameter, when there is a fire to look at the incident, in which the event occurred, where the DOM object $ (document) .on ("mouseup mousedown click mousemove", function (e) {// e.type is the type of event / / element originally happened}} is;); The advantage of this is that it works for all the elements of the page, even the dynamic objects are included, you have been added after installing the event handler. The only way to do this is to preven...

java - JDBC: Connection returning NULL, what to do? -

This is the output of the program given below: The connection has been created! Schema Name: The blank is successfully linked to all open resources leakage ... Within the established connection (), conn is started as zero. The first statement inside the try block is considered to establish a connection with the database, and the third statement is then printing the name of the current schema of conn. According to GetSchema () names the current schema or if none, then zero Does this mean that any schema (I think schema name is similar to database name) is connected to conn? Can someone suggest that I am right in my anticipation, and it is also suggesting that there is no schema or null associated with Kan? public class connectivity {private connection established connection () SQLException throws {connection conn = null; Try {conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / test_final1", "root", "password"); Syst...

MFC application title -

I am applying a simple watch using MFC. My app title looks like this: "Clock - [CLOCK1]". How do I reset it to just "clock"? FYI, I have enabled document-visual architecture. Place this override in MFC heading: Zero CMainFrame :: Onupdate Frames (BOOL bAddToTitle) {Set Windotext (L "Clock"); }

How know state of connection in app -

I use the next guide: but the associated property does not exist var Red = windows Networking Connectivity.Network Environments, Internet = RedZet Internet Connection (PROFILE); Console.log (internet.connected); That MSDN page is in error - the connected property does not exist (I I'll file a bug on the subject!). If you do not have any connectivity, connect to the Internet will be an empty refund to start with the profile. You can see the correct code of the information in sample sample 1. This is where the code was originally taken in that subject, and clearly both are not in sync.

binary data - BinData::Record with Array read fails while write works -

In the example below, I can create a new BinData :: record containing a BinData :: array element , And am able to create a binary string from that new type of new object, however, when I try to instantiate a new object from that binary string, the new object is not well-formed. 'bindata' class IntegerArray & lt; BinData :: Ara UIT 16L Initial_Value: 0 and Class Test & lt; BinData :: record round_array: end of field obj = obj [: area] [15]} str.inspect # "\ x0F \ x00" puts str.unpack ("S & lt; *") # 15 newobj = Test read (ARR) newobj.inspect # # puts "#" "field" = & Gt; []} I have tried to remove the initial_man of the array from the same result, thanks in advance for your help. After a little experimentation, the following solution works: requires 'bundda' class number here & lt; BinData :: Ara UIT 16L Initial_Value: 0 and Class Test & lt; BinData :: record number_are: area, read...

Using Ruby Webrick HTTPAuth with LDAP -

The app I am writing has the ability to display a login popup and it has a strict coded username / password Authentic with constant pair. I want to certify against our central LDAP server. We do not have a base, but we have a binary_dn string of "cn = USERFOO, ou = it, o = corporate", the user / pass variables are passed through the original login box. I'm trying to do this through ActiveLdap, but I would not mind using any other library, unless I have the credentials via a single signal HTTPAuth from our LDAP server , Because Webrik is fully written in Ruby. Below I am calling a sample of the function. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? Thanks in advance. Def prizezap_lap (rik, race) authlabel = "LDAP authentication" HTTPAuth.basic_auth (Rick, Race, Athleteb) {| User, pass. ActiveLdap :: Base.setup_connection (: host => '' ,: port => 389,: bind_dn = & gt; "cn = # {user}, ou = it, o = corporate "...

pointers - Modify a char * in C++ -

I am doing a project for school and I have to use str * intead of Strong. I need to revise some parts of four ways, but every time I try to do that I have memory problems. The format in the name is "1.1.2" and what I have to do is AC back up "1.1.3" so I need to get the last character by name and +1. This is part of the code: struct ve {char * name; }; Char * modificar (ve * v) {char * c = new char (strlen (v- & gt; name) +1); // I do not know what I should do here to get the results; } There is a very basic approach to doing the same way that you mentioned Done: four * c = strdup (v- & gt; name); C [strlen (c) -1] ++; Return c; However, there are problems for things like 1.1.9, for which a little more complex logic is required.

unix - How to daemonize process? -

On my hosting account, I run a chat in node. All work is fine but my hosting time is limited every 12 hours. Clearly, when this process is deamonized, this time will not end and therefore I tried to demonize with this: using Forever.js - Running Always start chat.js . Running Always List Confirms this run and shows the ps -ef command? In the TTI column Tryed NoHoop node chat.js - Running ps -ef TTY column Pts / 0 and PPID 1 I tried to disconnect stdin, stdout, and stderr, and hangup it Ignored the signal (SIGHUP) then the nohup ./mycript 0 & lt; & Amp; - & amp; & Gt; My.admin.log.file & amp; There is no luck with ps -ef TTY column pts / 0 and pid is anything but 1 I tried (nohup. / Myscript 0 & lt; & amp; gt; my.admin.log.file & amp;) There is no luck with ps -ef TTY column pts / 0 and PPID 1 After this all the process is always timeout in approximately 12 hours. I now tried (nohup. / Myscript 0 ...

overloading - Overload an event handler in C++ Builder XE5 -

I want to create a rectangular button field (using the list). "Cells" are basically buttons in this area, there is only one thing to change that is the OnClick event handler (I want to check some button properties and want to take some action accordingly). I did something like this before using C ++ / CLR in MSVS 2013, I wanted to work as a method handler, added event handler variable for the "cell" maker, and it was introduced as a new event handler Specified, while the "filling" list was seen in this way: .h cell ( . Cpp list ^ list = gcnew list (& lt; ... & gt; gcnew system :: EventHandler (^ Form 1, and Form 1 :: CellClick)) ; Mr. Google has told me that the C ++ builder of managed objects is not writing only one colon after the class declaration, it is a process called "Creating Component". Since I do not need to redo this small piece of code, if I do not want to make any package or use existing, then I will cr...

ios - I need to add a integer and the number 1 every time a button is pressed -

- (IBAction) छींकपट्टी: (आईडी) प्रेषक {int n = 1; इंटेंस sneezes = [पीएफयूएसआईआर चालू यूज़र] [@ "स्नीज़"] + एन; } मुझे 'एरिथमेटिक ऑन पॉइंटर ऑन इंटरफेस' आईडी 'बताते हुए एक त्रुटि आ रही है, जो इस आर्किटेक्चर और प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के लिए एक स्थिर आकार नहीं है। " क्या मुझे आईडी को बदलना है इसके अलावा, मैं हर बार बटन को दबाया जाना चाहता हूं, इसलिए यदि मैं पूरी तरह से कृपया मदद करता हूं छींक पार्स डेटाबेस से है भी, मुझे पता है कि कैसे छींक स्ट्रिंग को अद्यतन करने के लिए बदलें [PFUser currentUser] [@ "sneezes"] से [[पीएफयूसर चालू उपयोगकर्ता] [["@" छींक "] इंटीवल्यूस] ।

java - Is the "api" part of a Web API route considered by Android's Uri.Builder as part of the authority or a path? -

मैंने इन दोनों की कोशिश की है: builder.scheme ("http") .authority ( "")। appendPath ( "API")। appendPath ( "DeliveryItems")। appendPath ( "PostArgsAndXMLFileAsStr")। builder.scheme ( "http")। प्राधिकारी ( "")। appendPath ( "DeliveryItems")। appendPath ( "PostArgsAndXMLFileAsStr")। ... और यद्यपि अन्य कारणों से कोड अभी तक काम नहीं कर रहा है, मैं सोच रहा हूं कि किस तरह से सही है: .authority ("10.0 .2.2: 28642 "।) appendPath (" API ")। - या: प्राधिकरण (" / एपीआई")। ? एक यूआरआई का "प्राधिकरण" भाग पहचानता है पथ भाग के शब्दों को निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए कौन जिम्मेदार है यह आमतौर पर एक मेजबान / पोर्ट संयोजन होता है और वैकल्पिक रूप से उपयोगकर्ता नाम / पासवर्ड (जैसा कि http: // user: pass @ host: port / somepage में शामिल है)।

objective c - iOS UITableView selection hides subview button background color -

I have a button in the form of subserves of the table view cell, I want a table view to show selection when tape The color of selection overrides the background color in the color button. For example, if I have a red background button with a title, then the title is only one thing on the selection, the color will not appear as a color only selection color. When the selection is over, I can see the button again, but is there any way to override this behavior? Try this: - (UITableViewCell *) Table View: ( UITableView *) Table View CellForAind Pound: (NSIndexPath *) Index Path {Fixed NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "CountryCell"; UITableViewCell * cell = [tableview] dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier: CellIdentifier]; Cell = zero; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[[UTTViewjell Alok] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: cell identifier] AutoExes]; } [UIColor clearColor]; Cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray; // This is the code that fi...

javascript - jQuery submit form AFTER validating it with ajax -

I have a difficult field for which verification must be passed on the server side. So I need to send a Ajax request with this field, to get the results to capture, if the result is valid for submission of form, other intelligent closure and showing the message. How do I do this? I've lost a bit of "big picture" with events and callbacks. Even so far I have. $ ("form"). Submit (function (event) {event.preventDefault (); return check ();}); Function check () {var field = $ ('# myFiled'). Val (); If (! Field) {show.error ('Please enter the VIN number and retry'.); return false; } $ .getJSON ('MyURL', function) {if (! Data.valid) show. Panic ('invalid entry, please try again.');})} Update Please read the question. In case of successful verification, I will have to submit the routine form. Not by AJX $ ("form"). Submit (function (event) {Event.preventDefault (); check and submits ();}); Function chec...