overloading - Overload an event handler in C++ Builder XE5 -

I want to create a rectangular button field (using the list). "Cells" are basically buttons in this area, there is only one thing to change that is the OnClick event handler (I want to check some button properties and want to take some action accordingly). I did something like this before using C ++ / CLR in MSVS 2013, I wanted to work as a method handler, added event handler variable for the "cell" maker, and it was introduced as a new event handler Specified, while the "filling" list was seen in this way:


  cell (  

. Cpp

list ^ list = gcnew list (& lt; ... & gt; gcnew system :: EventHandler (^ Form 1, and Form 1 :: CellClick)) ;

Mr. Google has told me that the C ++ builder of managed objects is not writing only one colon after the class declaration, it is a process called "Creating Component".

Since I do not need to redo this small piece of code, if I do not want to make any package or use existing, then I will create a unit.

The questions are:

  1. Where to write event handler declaration?
  2. Where to write the event controller implementation?
  3. How do I actually use the written unit in the project? I mean, can I just declare a variable type of custom legacy type in project files?

    C ++ builder uses C ++ as its language, " Managed C ++ "no. There is no ^ pointer type and not gcnew , or "managed object".

    To easily create an event handler, select the control in the form editor and press F11 to bring that object inspector to the "Events" tab and then double-click the handler that you want to make. This will make you the necessary code, you have to fill the function body.

    If you double-click the control, then it is a shortcut to create the most common event handler for that object (which is actually onclick for a button, so that you can double your button again

    (In older versions of C ++ builder, if you save your project before typing something in the function body, it would be very helpful to remove the headler, which was quite annoying - XE5 does not do this now)

    I do not know enough why you are talking in some of your posts - why are you button? I started with your initial paragraph that you just want to make a bunch of buttons on the runtime, and want to implement the OnClick handler.

    If you mean that you just want to create a lot of buttons on the runtime, you can do it like this:

      Tibbon * b = new Tibbon (this) ; // will be responsible for deleting 'this' button b- & gt; Mother = this; // will be responsible for displaying this 'button' b-> caption = "hello"; B-> Onclick = Button 1- & gt; OnClick; // Set other properties   

    AFAIK There is no easy way to clone a button. You will need to create a new button like this, and then you copy the desired values ​​from the other buttons. The properties you set will not have their default values.

    If you use this method (such as make button 1 in the form editor and then copy your OnClick to your other buttons) In order to automatically generate OnClick handlers, you can remove your Button1 after using it and you can sign the correct function.

    You can also store pointers in each button, such as a std :: list & lt; TButton * & gt; . Keep the buttons in mind while doing this: The fact is that the owner of the button means that the form will remove them during the destruction. You should not try to remove these points yourself, and you should not use them during or after the destruction of the form.

    Inside the OnClick handler, you can get an indicator on its button: Tibbon * b = Dynamic_Cast & lt; Teabton * & gt; (Sender);

    Then you click the button to change the b-> Tag, or or some other property.


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