python - Why am I getting 500 errors when serving web font files in my CSS? -
Starting on a Django app and serving some still pages Everything is working, but I have some web fonts Attempting to load my CSS file which is receiving 500 HTTP responses for the assets.
I am referring to using my CSS file: That works fine, but there are links to web fonts inside the CSS, which is following the standard format generated by Font Skiral. For example: Here is a traceback for one of these: Thanks for any help! After some trial and error, it seems that the problem is with webfonts files itself, I saw that the fontquire A set of webfund generated does not work, so I tried to change the other using another tool ( and now they are loading all right. To verify this search, I convert another test font by using both the generator tool, and of course, did not do one thing with fontscroll and the people of web-font-generator Did. Bizarre!
@ font-face {font-family: 'allerbold'; Src: url ("../fonts / aller_bd-webfont.eot"); Src: url ("../fonts/aller_bd-webfont.eot? #imix") format ("embedded-opentype"), url ("../fonts/") format ("woff") , Url ("../fonts/aller_bd-webfont.ttf") format ("truetype"), url ("../fonts / aller_bd-webfont.svg # allerbold") format ("svg"); Font weight: normal; Font style: normal; } The CSS is referenced to the correct folder ('CSS' and 'fonts' folders are at the same level in the stable folder) but both the terminal and the browser console (chrome) are an HTTP 500 response signal .
traceback (the most recent call last): The file "C: \ Server \ Python34 \ lib \ Wsgiref \ handlers" ".py", line 137, in the self-running = application (self.enuvre, self.start_response) file, "C: \ Server \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ contrib \ staticfiles \ handlers .py", line 68, __call__ return super (StaticFilesHandler, self) .__ call __ (environment, start_procal) file "C: \ server \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ core \ handlers \", line 206, __call__ response = Self.get_response (request) in the file "C: \ server \ Python34 \ lib \ site-pack Ages " , Line 51, service return service (request, self.file_path (request.path), unsafe = true) file "C: \ server \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ contrib \ staticfiles \" Static.serve (request, path, document_root = document_root, ** kwargs) file "C: \ server \ Python34 \ lib \ site-packages \ django \ views \", Line 65, Answer: Service ["Last-Modified"] = http_date (statobj.st_mtime) File "C: \ server \ Python 34 \ lib \ Http_date rfcdate = formatdate (epoch_seconds) file in the site-packages \ django \ utils \ ", line 109," C: \ Server \ Python34 \ lib \ email \ ", line 181, formatdate now = time .gmtime (time) OSError: [Error 22] Invalid argument [25 / Apr / 2014 13:19:09] "GET / static /fonts/aller_bd-webfont.svg HTTP / 1.1" 500 59
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