Displaying both slug and ID in URL, but route by ID only in Django -
What I'm trying to achieve: My News app should display a slug, but only the query of the article by ID Unfortunately, I want to get the code (reverse for '')
,) 'And keyword logic' {} 'were not found. When attempting to browse an article, the URL generated in the template looks correct as mentioned above (I can confirm it by searching a search through the hestack, which gives the correct URL).
models.py urls.py views.py < Pre> Template In the template, I which is the fourth number in the list listed above. Shows Krn. Thanks again!
class news (models.model): id = models.IntegerField (primary_key = true, editable = false) Category = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 50L) title = models.CharField (MAX_LENGTH = 200L) rss_summary = models.TextField (MAX_LENGTH = 2000L) body_text = models.TextField (MAX_LENGTH = 5000L) POST_DATE = models.DateTimeField () prettyurl = models .SlugField (MAX_LENGTH = 100 L) Square Meta: db_table = 'news' def __unicode __ (self): return self.title def get_absolute_url (auto): urlresolvers.reverse ('news_detail' kwargs = {'pk': self.id , 'Slug': self.prettyurl}) Return
urlpatterns = Pattern ('', url (R '^ $', visible = view. NewsListView.as _view), name = 'news_index', url (r '? ^ (P & lt; p & gt; \ d +) /' ?, see = views.NewsDetailView.as_view (), name = 'news_detail'), URL (R '^ (P & LT; P & gt; \ d +?) / (P & LT; Slag & gt; [- \ W]) / $', see = views.NewsDetailView.as_view (), name = 'News_detail'), URL (R '^ Collection / $', view = views. NewsArchiveIndexView.as_view (), name = "archive_month"), [... more unrelated URLs ...]
class NewsDetailView (DetailView): # name = 'news_detail'), model = news context_object_name = 'news' #slug_url_kwarg = 'prettyurl' #slug_field = 'prettyurl' TEMPLATE_NAME = 'news / detail.html'
`& lt; P & gt; & Lt; A href = "{% url 'news_detail' news.slug%}" & gt; Permalink & lt; / A & gt; For this article. Thanks Daniel, Rosenman and @UV, with your help, I have defined my problem with URL patterns. By managing it:
r '(? P & lt; pk & gt; \ d +) (?: / (? P
{% url 'news_detail' news.id News.prettyurl%}
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