
Showing posts from May, 2010

WaterMark in Crystal report VB.NET -

क्रिस्टल रिपोर्ट्स 2012 में वॉटरमार्क टेक्स्ट बॉक्स कैसे तैयार करें? इसके लिए कक्षा बनाने के लिए क्या है? कृपया मुझे एक नमूना कोड या प्रक्रिया कैसे करें कि यह कैसे करें .. कृपया बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद .. इसकी तरह मेरी नमूना छवि में "गोपनीय" शब्द नीचे दिया गया है: वॉटरमार्क जोड़ना बस सेटिंग की आवश्यकता है लेख है।

javascript - check the bounds changes in google map by touch event, in real time -

I want the touch event to change the border in Google map. In particular, I want to make some systems, if I show the Google map to the screen and change the boundary, then some can send a new map to the server by sending something. For the first time, I used the bound_changed event to remove this system. Such as google.maps.event.addListener (map, 'bounds_changed', (function () {var bar = map.getCenter () socket.emit ('center_spe', bar); })); It works in my laptop! If I drag the map with my mouse, Google Maps can send the variable in real time. But if I use a touch device, send Google Map "bar" when my touch ends. Of course I checked the event list in the context of Google Map developer and I know there is no incident about touch event. Such as touch-mode, touchstream etc. () Can magic check the bound change in real time when I use touchscreen? Like below google.maps.event.addListener (map, "touchmov", function) {var bar = event.latL...

Run java weka utility -

I wonder how using a specific weka utility is possible. For Exaple, I want to use the following utility. I tried the following to run it javac package weka.core does not exist and like java /usr/share/java/weka-3.6.6.jar And in this case weka begins and does not have utility. How to run the utility is possible. You must first compile the file. This is done with the javac error message in your case only indicates that you did not tell where to remove the upper classes required for the compilation. You can tell where it can be found by specifying the square (CP): javac -cp /usr/share/java/weka-3.6.6.jar It should make a file TextDirectoryToArff.class in the current directory. To start this feature, you can simply call java-cp .: / Usr / share / java / weka-3.6.6.jar Text DirectoryToAFF Note that you should not use ... - How to hide RadToolBarButton from C# -

In my application I'm using two RadToolBarButtons some time I want to hide a RadToolBarButton from C #. Here I want to hide one first. Save the filter. How to get this RadToolBarButton ID in C # & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Telerik: RadToolBar> C #: Private Zero HideSavefilter () {int CandidatesTableCount = Convert.ToInt32 (. Session ["VendorCandidateListTableCount"] ToString ()); Int candidates RowsCount = Convert.ToInt32 (Sessions ["Seller Code of the list"]. ToString ()); Try {if (CandidatesTableCount & gt; 0 & amp; CandidatesRowsCount> 0) {foreach (bTN in RadToolBarItem CandidatesToolBar.Items) {if (btn.GetType () FullName == "Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton "& Amp; Amp; btn.Text ==" Save Filter ") {btn.Visible = true; }}} Else if (CandidatesTableCount == 0) {foreach (bTN in RadToolBarItem CandidatesToolBar.Items) {if (btn.GetType () FullName == "Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton" & ...

compiler construction - Difference between shareable and non-shareable libraries for linking -

I am currently installing on a cluster. For Configure , a parameter is - enabled - , "MPIH is built when a shared library is created" (page 9). It works as an example only, my question is MPIG is an agnostic: is there any difference between "shareable" and "non-shareable" libraries? By now I have assumed that a library (static), dynamic, late linking), but Are there different library types? If yes, what's the difference, especially the technical differences? Are non-shareable libraries compiled differently or have less functionality? If not, what about MPEEH installation manual entry? Thank you! There is a difference between "shareable" and "non-shareable" libraries Yes: can be shared between different executions using shared libraries. Archive libraries (as opposed to shared) and can be shared only when using multiple instances of that executable, but not between different executives. Edit: There i...

Delete cookies from in PHP -

I have cookies which I want to use PHP. I can read cookies from .domain.tld to the $ _ cookie variable, but I can not remove them. I tried to remove them from domain.tld and subdomain.domain.tld , but did not work. How do I delete cookies from .domain.tld Here's the code I am using: setcookie ( $ K, '', time () - 60 * 60 * 24, '/'); Try it out. $ past = Time () - 86400; Setkey ($ k, '', $ past, "/", ".domain.tld");

android - cannot access /mnt/sdcard/dcim/camera/ -

Hello this question "" I have been defined in both ways, but when the APK file was loaded on mobile I keep receiving messages error! / Mnt / sdcard / DCIM / camera / directory path is not valid! Please set image directory name class public static final string PHOTO_ALBUM = "picture"; Where were some images and this, public static final string PHOTO_ALBUM = Environment Gate Extensive Storage Directory () GetPath () + "/ DCIM" + "/ Camera /"; Then there were some images, so what was wrong ?? 1 more thing .. the permission to read the external source has been added in the manifest. Java ... still getting error. & Lt; Use-sdk android: minSdkVersion = "8" Android: targetSdkVersion = "17" /> & Lt; Android Android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@draubable / IC_Luncher" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" Android: Theme = "@ Style / A...

java - How to replace space with hyphen? -

I want to change space with space Suppose my code is stringbuff tokenr = new stringbuffer (); Tokenstr.append ("The technician education system of the Cabinet has approved the following"); I want output "Technician-education-system-cabinet-approved-has the following" Thanks Like this, stringbuffer tokenstr = new stringbuffer (); Tokenstr.append ("The technician education system of the Cabinet has approved the following"); System.out.println (tokenstr.toString (). ReplaceAll ("", "-")); and also like this system.out.println (tokenstr.toString (). ReplaceAll ("\\ s +", "-" ));

SQLite Error deny file-write-create -

Help solve the problem when you start the emulator, there is no problem when the app on the device does not work An error occurs if: Sandbox: Mapimage files write / private / var / mobile / applications / 3547CCCF Disclaimer -7 A0D-4C01-AA41-18D72C686314 / / maps / St.sqlite Writing permission works on the database file only if the file is a document directory Be added Holder. Then first create the file in the document folder and then restart - (zero) check and CREATEDATE database {// Check that if the SQL database is already saved in users' phones then Do not copy it on BOOL success; // Create a file manager object, we will use it to check the database status // and if it is necessary to copy it, NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; // Check that the database has already been created in user file system success = [fileManager fileExistsAtPath: _databasePath]; // If the database already exists, if (success) returns, then return with...

jquery - Submit Form With Ajax -

This is my form, I only have to submit it in AJAX. I just want to submit to simple HTML with Ajax, my total code is working properly, I do not have to deposit anything with AJAX gt; & lt; br / & gt; Gt; & lt; div class = "label" & gt; email & lt; / div & gt; & lt; input type = "text" id = "email" name = "email" /> gt; & lt; br /> gt; Lt; br / & gt; & Lt; Div class = "label" & gt; Budget & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "Budget" name = "budget" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; Select & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; 0-100 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt ;! - Value in the first option = "" - & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; 100-200 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; 200-300 & lt; / Optio...

go - Why golang don't iterate correctly in my for loop with range? -

I am confused why the repeated value of the following code is not printed. test: = [] int {0,1,2,3,4} for i, class = test {go func () {fmt.Println (i, v) }} What do I think should print it 0 0 2 2 3 3 4 4 But instead, it was printed 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Post-text "itemprop =" text "> Your Goroutines variables do not capture the current value of i and v , rather they refer to variables themselves In this case, till the end of five, 5 spanded goratin NSA were not fixed, so all i and v The final values ​​were printed on. If you want to obtain the current values ​​of some variables for gorotine, you can modify the code to read some of the following: go Func (i, v int) {fmt.println (I, v)} (i, v) Now each gouroutine has its own copy, which it is at the time it was created Holds the value.

Disable git EOL Conversions -

Edit: Re-written for relevance Unfortunately, for any operation, it seems that there is no point in doing this. I have reduced it in the following test case, to which many different ways to disable this behavior, There are different mechanisms that I could get. Edit: Most accurate commands added. Start with two machines (Windows Computer = A, Linux Computer = B) On both machines: Git config --global core On both machines: Create a new repository from an empty folder at: git init --shared (then created .git directory) Create a new file .gitignore in the repository In a repository with a new file .gitattributes : * -text git add git branch master_recv , then git commit -m "initial commit" Li> Add a remote Create a new file document Command: git add-A , then git commit -m "& lt; some more gt;" .txt Keep in mind that A's document.txt is still CRLF (and it's deleting and - hard Reset with still retu...

ios - What kind of In-App purchase should I use? -

In my app, I want users to purchase a subscription for backup, sync and more. So I came to know that the two types of subscriptions IAP: Non-renewable subscription Auto renewable membership Looking at what I should use, seeing that I do not have a server, and I rely on iCloud for sync? Every time the user returns (or more often) your app to provide new content, -Accountive In-App Purchase is only allowed (like new magazine, make video available ...) If your objective is to subscribe to a premium, which is why such premium functions (No logic of the incomprehensible new material), the apple will reject your app. You will get more clarity on the subject:

c++ - std::collate::transform caused segmentation fault -

When I run the following source code, "Segmentation fault (core dump)" is found on line # 3 char s [] = "helloworld"; Const std :: collate & lt; Char & gt; * PC = & amp; Std :: use_facet & lt; Std :: collate & lt; Char & gt; & Gt; (Std :: location ("en_US")); Std :: string str = pc- & gt; Result (s, s + std :: strlen (s)); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; Str.length () & lt; & Lt; "," & Lt; & Lt; Str & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; If I line # 2 to const std :: collate & lt; Char & gt; * Pc = new std :: collate_byname & lt; Char & gt; ("En_US"); I can get the right result. I think the result of this two line should be the same, they all meet together with the performance environment, so why did one mistake in the past? Did I do something wrong? PS: C ++ Compiler G ++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3). Reading: The references given by this fun...

java - what this method does - interview -

The following is an interview question ... how can you start solving this kind of question? Is there a general algorithm for such questions? The question is what is this method. I know that he gives some inputs that I've tried (and it's okay), but I do not know how to start to solve such questions ... public boolean key (int num) {boolean ans = true; For (int x = 2; (x * x & lt; = num) & amp; ans; x = x + 1) {if ((num% x) == 0) ans = false; } Return ans; } thx! Provide some sample input, and get output by which you can follow the reverse energizing process You can set the result. Choose your input wisely so that it is easy to solve this problem. Currently - Input: 1 Return: Right / Input: 2 Return: True - Input: 3 Returns: True. Input: 4 Returns: False Input: 5 Returns: True ... ... Input: 9 Returns: False // Aha .. This seems to be the major number ... ... Input: 111 Returns: False Then its main number in this case logic.

python - IPython Step by step debugging of the imported module -

I want to set a breakpoint in the imported module and see the debug step in phase from ipython. I call a different function than Ipython, not a complete module, so% run is not an option. View my complete description In summary: IPython.core Debugger import pdb ipdb = pdb () ipdb.runcall (my_imported_function, args ...)

css - remove space in bootstrap template -

मेरे पास निम्न मार्कअप है: & lt; div class = "row-fluid" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "span9" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "span3" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; + ----------------------- + --------------- + --- + | Span9 सामग्री यहाँ | स्पैन 3 सामग्री | - & gt;; ----- अंतरिक्ष यहां उपस्थित हो रहा है - ----------------------- + ------------- - + --- + मैं सही पक्ष की रिक्ति कैसे निकाल सकता हूँ मैं पैडिंग और या मार्जिन मान को लागू नहीं देख सकता, लेकिन यह भी दिखाई दे रहा है? अपडेट: मुझे इसका कारण मिला अंतरिक्ष दिखा रहा था! मैंने निम्नलिखित सीएसएस को जोड़ दिया है body, [class * = "span"] {मार्जिन: 0! महत्वपूर्ण; Padding: 0! महत्वपूर्ण;} तो, इस सीएसएस को हटाने के बिना क्या मैं अंतरिक्ष निकाल सकता हूँ? अपना लक्ष्य div एक वर्ग दें: & lt; div class = "row-fluid target" & gt; & Lt; div class = "span9" & gt; टेस्ट 1 ...

xml - How to use JUnit to test the result of SAX parser? -

I have created an XML parser to parse some XML configuration files. The result of parser comes back in a callback listener, looks like this: interface on parasite listener {ending at zero (result result); } ); Parser.parse ("conf.xml", new on purse realtistener () {end on zero (result result) {// get results object here}}); Now I want to write a JUnit code to test whether MyParser is working well or not. But when I put the above code into a test method, the examination method always ended with was implemented. I tried to wait for after calling pars () , and notify () in Parsing () is parsing, but it was always waiting for my guess that JUnit thread is blocked, but SAX XMLReader needs to send event to that thread, so it is not through will get. So I can not block JUnit thread but it ends before my parsing .. What can I do to test the parsing result? MyParser roughly looks like this: public class MyParser {OnParserResultListener listener...

javascript - How can I make the button next/previous to appear outside of the scroller, I use jQuery thumbnail scroller -

If scroller was a way of the next and previous buttons to appear outside of the frame, then I manos.malihu .gr. I try in CSS, to make the orbit of buttons important or visible, but not success. Thank you. You can hide the default button and create your own. The file has jquery.thumbnailScroller.js in these 2 lines var $ scrollerNextButton = $ this.children (".jtscrollerNextButton"); Var $ scrollerPrevButton = $ this.children (".jtscrollerPrevButton"); I do not know anything about the scroller but you can try to edit these lines to use your own buttons. mvc - How can I view my MySQL database created by Entityframework 6 -

I unit structure 6 and am using MySQL 5.5 When I make my SQL Database Use the first code, the database has been created successfully, but when I open mysql workspace, I can not find it in the MySQL workspace. I've used EF 5.0 code before creating the database and can be found in the database MySQL is I can bet a hand and a foot that you have not configured EF correctly, it is using the default database instead of my SQL, look or The easiest way to ensure that your MySQL server is shut down and check if you can still do it Ask your database with EF or not.

iphone - Gap between Navigation bar and view controller content -

I am creating a "no connection" view in the difference between viewing the navigation bar and controller contents. I want to subclass the UINavigationViewController and move the content down a bit of view controllers. The question is how to do it correctly? My current solution is working, but it is quite a hack. I want to make it better. Sub-class of AGNVG controller - (zero) viewDeadapp: (BOOL) animated {[Superodewepper: animated]; Static BOOL firstTime = Yes; If (first time) {contentView = zero; (UIView * v in self.view.subviews) {if ([v isKindOfClass: [NSClassFromString (@ "UINavigationTransitionView") class]]) {contentView = v; break; }} First Time = No; OrigFrame = contentView.frame; NoConnectionView.frame = CGRectMake (0, self.navigationBar.frame.origin.y + self.navigationBar.frame.size.height, 320, 20); } [Self Adjustment Organizer: No With Animation: No]; } - (zero) adjustmentTok Connection: (BOOL) is connection with animation: (BOOL) animation ...

Biztalk SOAP documentation -

Is there a way to include documentation in the WSDL when publishing WCF in the Wiza WCF publishing wizard or by any other way? The wsdl documentation tags are empty by default in wsdl, example: & lt; wsdl: documentation & gt; & lt; creation info = = 2014 -02-17 11: 09: 45Z "/> & lt; / wsdl: Documentation & gt; or & lt; wsdl: Operation Name = "RequestCustomerInfo" & gt; & lt; wsdl: Documentation / & gt; .... Yes, but I'm 95% sure that what you are asking is just a custom Behavior can be done with.

php - Invisible special character -

All Please download the index.php file from this link Please run it function getip () is not working. The reason I found out is an invisible character: Solution: Please look closer, there is some place after "$ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR'];" And it's not even "white space". If we remove that place then everything goes well. Question: I need to know what is the invisible character, and how can I avoid these types of errors in future? Does it depend on the IDE we are using.? If there are thousands of entries in one page in these entries then what can I do? & lt ;? Php function getip () {$ dp = $ _SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; An echo $ dp; } Milan (); ? & Gt; quote: "= C2 = A0 "Bytes represents C2A, however, since it is UTF-8, it translates 00A, which is Unicode for non-breaking space. You have a UTF-8 encoded file in which one. It looks like a space character; But PHP does not see it as a blank space and it will complai...

java - Handle the "no choice" in a radiobutton group -

I have the following problem. I have a radiogram with 3 radio boots. None of them is selected as default. Nearly one button is pressed on the button, my app does something that according to the selection of Radiobutton. If a radio button is selected, my app crashes, I use switch-case Can I override the problem without using a try-holding statement? Thank you. Note: I tried to apply my argument to the "Default:" section of the switch loop without any success Edit below is my switch statement. .. Checked changes to public zeros (radio group arg0, int checkedId) {switch (spot_chooser) {case 0: theString10 = "hello"; break; Case 1: theString10 = "Yo"; break; Case 2: theString10 = "trirano"; break; Default: theString10 = "Choose Me"; break; }} boolean check = false; Button your button; Radiobutan BTN = (radio button) PowerVBIID (RID. Radiabutan); Btn.setOnCheckedChangeListener (New Onk Checked Change Listener) {@Override ch...

javascript - If local storage empty then show message -

I have found the JavaScript code which stores birthdate data in local storage and displays data in a single device. Now do not show anything if the storage is empty. But I need to show a message if the local memory is empty; "Set your birthday first" Here in the lower div display data Thanks for everyone & Lt; Title & gt; Untitled document & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Function storedates (form) {var operation = "A"; // "a" = add; "e" = edit var selected_index = -1; // indicator of selected list item var tbClients = localStorage.getItem ("TbClients "); // Recover stored data tbClients = JSON.parse (tbClients); // if (tbClients == zero) // If there is no data, then start blank array tbClients =...

Date and Calender (input string) conversion and manipulation in Java -

I am trying to solve this problem in Nepal as we use Bikram Sambat (BS) in our calendar And also use the Georgian calendar (AD). What I am trying to do is to convert ED and AD from BS to BS. BS is ahead of 56 years and 8 months ed. For example today: February 17, 2013 is 4 (day) 11 (month) 2070 (year) in BS. Package day 10; Import java.util.Date; / ** * This is my driver class * / public class driver {public static zero major (string [] args) {dateUtils dateUtils = new dateUtils (); // Object creation date date = dateUtils.getCurrentDate (); // current date dateUtils.getAd ("10 21 2070"); // Laws invite you from BS to AD. (This is mm / dd / yyyy bs)}} package 1010; Import java.text.DateFormat; Import java.text.ParseException; Import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; Import java.util.Calendar; Import java.util.Date; / ** * To change date values, this is my service class I * / Last Public Category DateUtils {public date getCurrentDate () {Simple date format date format = new s...

statistics - Splitting a population into sample and rest and perform distribution test (SPSS) -

In my data file I select a random sample of a certain size, select cases by. Say that I have 400 cases, I randomly take 150. In all cases there is an age and sex value. Now I want to check the Edge and SEX distribution test (150 cases) against the remaining (250 cases) of Edge and SEX distribution and check that my sample is representative of the population. My solution is to calculate two new variables where I put the value on the sample or the rest. For ages here: if (filter_ $ EQ 1) sample_age = era (filter_ $ EQ 0) rest_age = execute the era. How do I do a test at sample_age and rest_age? Which test would be appropriate? The data looks like this: sample of person_or_ rest_age 1 2 9 2 56 3 34 4 12 5 65 You should not make new variables with missing values. Assuming that you have calculated the filter_ $ variable that identifies different samples for continuous age variables, you can guess an independent sample T-test. T-test group = Filter_ $ (1 0) / verb...

iphone - how to expand UITextview automatically based on displaying string in ios -

I have two text views whose data dynamically populates when the data pops up, I want to resize the shape so that I do not see a vertical book nor the text has been cut. I want to do this work programmatically. tViewhobbies = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (10, 330, 300, strSize.height + 20)]; TViewhobbies.backgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; TViewhobbies.layer.cornerRadius = 5; [T Weihoshobei set user interaction enabled: no]; TViewhobbies.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 12.0]; TViewhobbies.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 0.662745 green: 0.662745 blue: 0.662745 alpha: 0.5]; TViewhobbies.delegate = self; TViewhobbies.scrollEnabled = Yes; [ScrollView Adsview: TVHobbies]; LblInterests = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (10, 410, 300, strSize.height + 0)]; LblInterests.text = @ "Interests"; LblInterests.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 16.0]; LblInterests.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed: 153.0F / 255.0f Green: 153.0F / 255.0F blue:...

c++ - How to have a matrix as paramater when working with CUDA and Matlab -

I'm trying to explain that the matrix from matlux should be used to separate the C ++ queue file (* I want to process in different threads! I definitely do not want to divide the matrix in different threads! I want each thread to have the same matrix! I Something tried to do this: _global_ zero radial average (int * image [] []) {...} However It does not work. I am getting the following error: (8): Error: In the compilation of "C: / User / Admin ~" in an array like this 1 error There are no elements 1 / AppData / Loca / Temp / tmpxft_00000c44_00000000-8_kernel.cpp1.ii ". Can you think of any way to do this? Or is it possible? BTW: I am not using any libraries for C ++, only CUDA-AP Matlab The correct way to define a kernel to pass the matrix is ​​clearly shown on the page (sometimes) linked to your question. In summary, define such a kernel (matlab gpuArray is automatically passed as a device pointer in the kernel): __ glob...

objective c - iOS : Swipe Gesture Push in one ViewController? -

I want to add two swipe gestures. When I touch the screen, I look at the code, and it's running, my text changes to the view controller. But, when the user wants to add "effect" to the next (or later) I want to add last, because at present, I am just changing the text. I tried to add action to the storyboard, to add a push to the swipe with the scene It is running, but there are two problems: Push is a problem because, when I want to slide to the previous news, the push effect is left to the right (and not left - right) I touch the navigation bar Can not change the content without it? (Because when I slide, the navigation bar loses its title, etc.) If you understand correctly I would like to use UIScrollView. This will give you a good animation, you need UIScrollView and add two ViewControllers as SubViews. Here are links to some Schwal-V tutorials:

c - Cannot find -lpthread? -

I'm new to C programming. I was trying to use the pthread API to write some concurrent programs. I downloaded Eclipse IDE for C / C ++ developers, minijwe. I've put all the libraries, header files in the respective location of the minidiww file. When I tried to make this project, there is always an error "Can not get - lpthread", what happened? I have added "-Pathread" to the GCC compiler. I have searched a lot in Google but it seems like there is no problem like me. The answer given by any person should be missing the MinGW pthread library too! Essentially the issue is that Mingad installer script can not download the Lpithread library during installation. Quoted from the link: Just run and open the Mingadu installation manager, which should be pre-installed with Mingu, select "All packages" on the left panel, and on the right panel, "Mingw32- Pthreads-w32 "package and install them.

image processing - OCR on antialiased text -

I have an OCR table from a PDF document. I wrote simple Python + OpenCV script to get personalized cells. After that new problem was born. Text is antialiase and not good quality. Tesert recognition rate is very low I have tried to preprocess images with adaptive thresholding but the results were not very good I have tried the trial version of ABVY Finner, and in fact this is exactly the output But I do not want to use non-free software I wonder if a preprocessing problem Or it is prohibited to write and learn other OCR systems. If you look closely at your antialiase text samples, you will see that the edges There are many red and blue ones: It indicates that your computer is being antialiasing inside, which is used to optimize the results for your LCD monitor If so, at high resolution Removing At should be fairly easy. For example, you can use imagemagic to extract pictures from PDF files on 300 dpi like a command line: convert-density 300 source.pdf output.png ...

virtualization - Why are many "bare kernel+app" solutions targetting xen? -

There are several such projects that produce complete images from your app to boot on XN as a machine. For example, and others. Why is Xen the default Hypervisor for them? Does it provide some interface that makes these projects easy (as opposed to KVM, VmWare, etc.), or is it the only project developers' choice? gives the following answer: Xenâ in the cloud € ™ s Footprint: AWS, Racspace Folk Cloud and many others are running Xen, first means Xen means. Zen Paravribilization offers guests a very easy and ideal interface for I / O. On the contrary, the KVM VIRTIO interface looks like the underlying hardware, as a result, Xen is easy to turn off the language runtime.

javascript - Regex - match a certain number of numeric when followed by letter -

I want to match a string where it is numbered 1-4, followed by a special letter. For example, if my string 'The hardness of this rubber is 90A, hardness for another 120A' I want to catch the value '90A' and '120A' I tried ^ [0- 9] {0,4} [a] $ and ^ ([0- 9] {0,4}) [g] $ bonus points if you can match it with the space after numbers. For example, 'rubber number was 98a, the number of rubber 2 was 89' ' will match '98 A ' and '89 a' no problem: \ b \ d {1,4} * a \ b Explanation: \ b # start the number (or if you are not on JavaScript then use (? & Lt;! \ D) D {1,4} # match 1-4 points [] * # match the # optional location (fairs) ## "A" \ b # match match match Please make sure that any letters / digits thus

sql - PLSQL Script is waiting for user input -

I am trying to run a PL SQL script, but when I run the script it waits for the user input If I only press enter then the script will continue and the log will be printed but there is no such order to wait for the user input in the SQL file. I have heard that there are some special characters in the pc SQL that are used by the user Waiting for inputs. What can be the reason for this? In your code, & amp; Find which is turned on.

How do I find out how my git repository is configured? -

I have a running git folder, where I can push my commute to remote stores, but I manually configure it Did not How can I find out how it is configured? Which user name and method does this push? For example for example .git / config To list your remote treasure, git remote -v or have a look in the simpler To see all the information available: git config -l git remote --help / div>

php - Laravel develop Blade template Engine -

I want to use custom code in the blade template engine such as the use for custom functions My Function: Public Function ViewDate ($ Arg = 0) {Return 'date is'.date (' y '); } Blade templates with this code in use @ P> Add to filter.fp file blade :: extension (function ($ view) {return str_replace ("@ dateY", 'date is'.date (' y '), $ view) ;}); In the template: & lt; H1 & gt; @ DateY & lt; / H1> Full tutorial about blade extensions here:

How can restrict my EditText input to some special character like backslash(/),tild(~) etc by soft keyboard in android programmatically -

I'm developing an application for the keyboard, but I'm getting an issue. I want to restrict / block some special character in the Android programmatic format using soft keyboard in AdTeText. So, can I restrict any special character input in the edit text in Android? If someone has ideas, please answer. Thanks in advance. Try it can work for you public class Expansion of MainActivity Activity (Private EditingText EditingText; Private String BlockCareEactorSet = "~ # ^ | $% & amp;!!"; Private Input Filter Filter = New Input Filters () {@ Override Public ChessCensing Filtrated (Source Source, Int Start, Int. End, space distance, int durst, intend) {if (source! = Null and blocks character And support (return "" source)) {return "";} return null;}}; @ override protected form to zero (bundle saved instenstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); setContentView (R.layout EditText = (edit text) SearchVBIID (RID Edit Text); EditText.set...

jquery - How to set cookie and refresh page after radio button is clicked? -

I am trying to pass a radio button value in the cookie and refresh my page on click my code: Inheritance line: & lt; Label & gt; & Lt; Input name = 'inheracline' type = 'radio' value = "father" checked & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; Father & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; & Lt; Input name = 'inheritacline' type = 'radio' value = "mother" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; Mother & lt; / Label & gt; $ ("Input: Radio [name = BarSenne]"). Change (function () {if ($ (this) .attr ("checked") == "checked") {$ .cookie ('inheritaceline', $ (this) .val ());} window.location .reload ();}); But that does not work because the page does not refresh after the click. How should I change my code to work properly? I think that's probably an old JQuery version. Try using version 1.8 plus buddy and then check it out. Try the Bela, use the ur...

R : Path separator issues when invoking a command with system() -

मैं इन आदेशों को आर path1 & lt; - "C : / फ़ोल्डर 1 "पथ 2" - "सी: / फ़ोल्डर 2" कमांड & lt; - paste ("xcopy", path1, path2, "/ e / i / h", sep = "") कमांड सिस्टम (कमांड) समस्या का उपयोग / पथ विभाजक के रूप में / के बजाय आर है और मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: मापदंडों की अमान्य संख्या अगर मैं मैन्युअल रूप से इस कमांड को / द्वारा बदलकर कमांड करता हूं तो यह काम करता है मैं इस समस्या को प्रबंधित करने के लिए कैसे कर सकता हूं? धन्यवाद इसे मेरे लिए काम करने का प्रयास करें पथ 1 & lt; - "एफ: \\ folder1" पथ 2 & lt; - "एफ: \\ folder2" कमांड & lt; - paste ("xcopy", path1, path2, "/ e / i / h", sep = "") कमांड सिस्टम (पेस्ट ('xcopy', path1 , पथ 2, '/ ई / आई / एच', सेप = ""))

jquery - JavaScript add new row and populate new rows inputs with data from dropdown value -

I hope you can help me with the JavaScript problem, I'm staring at it for the day and I just do not understand it! I have found a script that splits the price of an option's dropdown and populates some fields with filled values. Then I got a 'Add Order Line' hyperlink to add a new row to the table, but I want to do the above facility on any new line but nothing happens I have rebuilt it $ (window). Load (function () {var select EL = document.getElementById ('part_selection'); selectEl.onchange = function () {// var input1 = document.getElementsByName ('PART_NO'); var input2 = document.getElementById ('PART_DESCRIPTION '); Var input3 = document. GetElementById (' PART_PRICE '); var input4 = document.getElementById (' UNIT_MEAS '); var Valv = this.value; var parts = Val.split ("_"); / * input1 .value = parts [0]; * / input2.value = parts [1]; input 3. Value = parts [2]; input4.value = parts [3];}}); $ (Functio...

"error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat" when installing Fabric (Python library) on Windows -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 38 जवाब मैंने अपने विंडोज़ में स्थापित करने की कोशिश की 7 64-बिट मशीन और मुझे मिला यह सबसे खराब त्रुटि संदेश था: बिल्डिंग 'क्रिप्टो। रैंडम। OSRNG.winrandom' एक्सटेंशन चेतावनी: जीएमपी या एमपीआईआर लाइब्रेरी नहीं मिल गया; Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath का निर्माण नहीं। त्रुटि: vcvarsall.bat को खोजने में असमर्थ इस समान प्रश्न त्रुटि में कोई जवाब नहीं: मेरे लिए काम किया मेरा मानना ​​है कि मूल कारण बताए अनुसार है: कुछ विंडोज प्रयोक्ता जिनके पायथन 64-बिट ने पाया है कि PyCrypto निर्भरता winrandom ठीक से स्थापित नहीं हो सकता है, जिससे आयात ईर्रॉर्स हो सकते हैं। इस परिदृश्य में, आपको संभवत: जरूर WinRandom को संकलित करने की आवश्यकता होगी एमएस विज़ुअल स्टूडियो जानकारी के लिए # 1 9 4 देखें। मैं एक PyCrypto बाइनरी को डाउनलोड करके और स्थापित करके समस्या को हल करने में सक्षम हूं और उसके बाद फिर से फेब्रिक पुनः स्थापित कर रहा हूं। बहुत धन्यवाद माइकल!

c# - Opening a file in windows store app, with default app -

I have 2 functions to save and read files on a Windows Store app project: Public ASINCC Task GravaFicheiro (string URL, String Nome) {HTTP Client Client = New HTTP Client (); HttpResponseMessage Message = Wait client.GetAsync (url); StorageFuller MyFolder = Windows Storage.Application DETA Current.localfolder; Storage file sample file = myfolder.CreateFileAsync is awaiting (Phon, CreationColisionOption.ReplaceExisting); Byte [] file = awaits the message. Content ReedAbitereasy (); Wait for FileIO.WriteBytesAsync (sampleFile, file); Var file = myfolder.GetFilesAsync (); } Public async Tasks & lt; Archive file & gt; Leficheiro (String Nom) {StorageFolder MyFolder = Windows. Storage. Application dta Current.localfolder; Storage file sample file = myfolder.CreateFileAsync (Phon, CreationColisionOption.OpenIfExists) awaiting; Return sample file; } Now I am trying to get a file and trying to open it with the default app, in this special case I am trying to open a PDF. pu...

ios - What is the difference between stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: and stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: -

What impresses difference between the two methods stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: and stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: ? I have read many times and still have not found it. In addition, is there a way to force those methods to "sign" the signals? ? I have a base64 encoded (ie letters, numbers, plus slash) menu to urlencode and Using ended CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes instead of the method of the above methods ... - (NSString *) urlencode: (NSString *) str {return (NSString *) CFBridgingRelease (CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes (zero, (CFStringRef __bridge) str, zero, CFSTR ( "+ / "), KCFStringEncodingUTF8)); } Stringbraidlingprsapapsupingincoding Unicode * will change the character percent Escape format. stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding will work in the opposite, save the percentage save in Unicode *. * Actually there is no Unicode, but the encoding you have selected. Example: ...

flash - Android: How to display animation with transparent BG? -

मैं एक पारदर्शी गतिविधि पर पारदर्शी पृष्ठभूमि के साथ एक एनीमेशन प्रदर्शित करना चाहते हैं। एंड्रॉइड के साथ मैं इसे कैसे समझ सकता हूँ? मैंने फ्लैश के बारे में सोचा, लेकिन उपयोगकर्ता को फ्लैश इंस्टॉल करना होगा, है ना? उदाहरण: सबसे अच्छा एनीमेशन दिखाने का तरीका उन्हें पीएनजी के रूप में संग्रहित करना है और एनीमेशन के लिए ऐसा कुछ करना है, इसे अपने डूवरबल फ़ोल्डर में रखें। & lt; एनीमेशन-सूची xmlns: android = "http: // "android: oneshot =" false "& gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: ड्रॉएबल = "@ ड्रॉएबल / एंट 1" एंड्रॉइड: अवधि = "100" / & gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: ड्रॉबल = "@ ड्रॉएबल / एंट 2" एंड्रॉइड: अवधि = "100" / & gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: ड्रॉबल = "@ ड्रॉएबल / एंट 3" एंड्रॉइड: अवधि = "100" / & gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: ड्रॉबल = "@ ड्रॉएबल / एंट 2" एंड्रॉइड: अवधि = "100" / & gt; & Lt; / एनीमेशन-सूची & gt;...

javascript - in Safari, jquery not found when query.min.js is called -

मेरे पास एक सरल HTML पृष्ठ है जो jquery.min.js पेज पर जावास्क्रिप्ट (जिसमें जे jQuery फ़ंक्शंस भी शामिल है) ठीक चलता है। हालांकि, अगर मैं सफारी के वेब इंस्पेक्टर कंसोल को देखता हूं, तो निम्न त्रुटि की सूचना दी जाती है: http : // संसाधन लोड करने में विफल: सर्वर ने 404 की स्थिति के साथ जवाब दिया (नहीं मिला) अगर मैं एक JQuery के गैर-न्यूनतम संस्करण और इसे jquery-1.10.2.js के रूप में सहेजते हैं, तो त्रुटि संदेश दूर हो जाता है। क्या jquery.min.js को un-minified की आवश्यकता है एक ही फ़ोल्डर में रहने के लिए jQuery का संस्करण? अपडेट यहां HTML पूरी तरह से है जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं यह बहुत आसान है: & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; मेरे मुखपृष्ठ & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; script src = "/ js / jquery.min.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ('body')। स...

rest - How to integrate batch requests in a Rails API? -

I am building an API with Rail 4 and I really want to create a batch request method when I The app should not load a bunch of AJAX requests. Railscats show how to do this in a simple way but many things are unavailable. I also tried the Batch_AP gem but I do not any thoughts? Apparently the batch_api gem does not work with 4 rail, but there is a fork 4 and Ruby 2.0 was started to update.

mybatis configuration file error -

I get the following error when I run a configuration xml file from the command line as I mentioned on a JavaScript I'm running, which is my-generator-core-1.3.2. Configfile mbg.xml is an overwrite? Verbose is ???? Error: Any help would be appreciated. Most likely you have copied commands from your website. The problem is that they use a strange character for "-". As a proof, go to the website and insert the "-" character from your website command and click on "Show ASCII Key Code". It will show a window where the decimal key of that character is 8211. If you enter a "-" character from your keyboard, the displayed decimal key is 45, which is the correct character. So, you need to type the command by hand, or you can copy-paste the following command: java -jar mybatis-generator-core- 1.3.2.jar -configfile mbg.xml -overwrite -verbose

dictionary - Mapping (key, value) (key, value) to (key, (value1, value2)) in Python -

I have a list of Tupe's forms (user, page): Tulips = [(Tim, Papufu), (Jane, Pager), (Tim, PageBaz), ...] I should loop in this list and a new list or vowel pages per page : newlist = [(Tim, [pagefu, pagebuzz]), (Jane, [pager]), ...] It is coming that this page is not in user order - as I loop, let me see this New new list will check the exact user already exists or not, and if you update it, the list. Can someone help me to get through my mental barrier? @ AVIVinee is fast, but here defaultdict is the solution: Importing from Import default default Tippers = [('Tim', 'Papufu'), ('Jane', 'Pager'), ('Tim', 'PageBaz')] Results = defaultdict (List) key, in tuples value: result [key] .append (value) result # out [8]: defaultdict (& lt; type 'list' & gt ;, '' Tim ': [' page photo ## [9]: {'Jane': ['Pager'], 'Tim': ['PageFoo', 'O', 'Pbz...

PayPal Payments Advanced Transaction Types -

This is probably a stupid question but I have to ask ... In the Payflow Gateway Guide it says That the PayPal payment does not support API sales or authorization with advanced . Certainly can not be true if you can not make sales or authorizations, so what is a PayPal advanced account for it? Additional information: I am testing using Payflow_net Net DLL which is the paymentflow SDK. Works fine in test mode. Thank you I think you mean these lines: note : PayPal payments advanced and PayFlow link user authorization transactions can not be submitted unless they receive Payflow SDK. and PayPal payments advanced and paylow link users can not submit sales flow transactions unless they receive Payflow SDK. / Strong> I believe that verbatim is quite secret but it is talking about non-hosted pages. If you are using advanced, then you should not use the API to deposit credit card purchases. If you need to do this, you will need to upgrade to Payments Pro. With advanc...

javascript - Check if variable is not undefined because it's === true or has a value assigned -

Sometimes I see that it is normal to do this on javascript For whether the variable is not undefined because it is assigned a value : if (variable) ) {/ * Not undefined However, I was asking myself how can I check that if variable is not undefined is not in the following / Status: Live demo: $ (f Urection () {var person = create ('John'); var isMarried = person hemorrhoid; console.log ('smile is:' + smile is); if (has been) {console.log ('do something!' )}}}); Create function (name) {var person = {}; person. Name = name; Person.isMarried = getRandom (); Return person; }; Function getRandom () {var arr = [true, 'no', undefined]; Var Rand = ARR [Math. Floor (Math.Random * * arr.length); Return Rand;}; In this case Harried Variables true , 'no' , or undefined . So, my questions are ... 1) How can I check if harried variable no undefined because it is === true (equals true) or because its value...

micro optimization - php syntax for set variable by existing or new -

एक अन्य सूक्ष्म-अनुकूल प्रश्न जावास्क्रिप्ट मौजूदा या नए मान var a = a में वैरिएबल सेट करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? झूठी का उपयोग कर $ a = $ a || झूठे; हमें त्रुटि नोटिस मिलता है अनिवार्य चर $ a यह चर पिछले प्रोग्राम भाग में सेट हो सकता है या नहीं। (कारण प्लग-इन।) यह अतिरिक्त स्थिति से पहले किया जा सकता है। if isset (... प्रश्न सुरुचिपूर्ण 1 पंक्ति समाधान मौजूद है? $ a = जारी ($ a)? $ A: false यह सबसे अच्छा तरीका है ऐसा चेतावनी के बिना करने के लिए

python - JSON schema validation with arbitrary keys -

I am using validation to validate attached JSON data and schemas. Working till now However the data dictionary may contain arbitrary string keys (other than 'BP'). The key 'BP' in the schema is worked hard here ... This can be a string from the given list (the number of strings). How do I add definition to "first level" of dict? Import json import valid data = {'bp': [{'category': 'bp', 'created': '2013-03-08T09: 14: 48.148000', 'day': '2013-03-11T00: 00 : 00 ',' Id ':' DC 049CD-D1991-4E3-93-A646438A239712 ',' Unit ':' MMHG ',' Value ': 147.0, '' Value '': 43.0}] {"type": "object", "property": {"bp": {"type": "array", "required": wrong, "item": {"type": {"Type": "string", "default": "bp", "required": wrong}...

mysql - How can I use group, inner join and sum? -

मेरे पास दो टेबल्स हैं: उत्पाद & amp; बिक्री । उत्पाद आईडी- उत्पादनाम - जीआरपी 11 बीएमडब्ल्यूब्ल्यूएम बीएमडब्ल्यू 12 बीएमबीएच बीएमडब्ल्यू 13 ऑडबैलैक ऑडी 14 ऑडिविइट ऑडी बिक्री आईडी उत्पादकता राशि 1 11 2 2 12 1 x 13 5 x 14 3 मैं कैसे दिखा सकता हूं; ऑडी 8, बीएमडब्ल्यू 3? SELECT GRP, sum (राशि) AS कुल_ग्रीपी_माउंट AS उत्पादों से पी जोन बिक्री एस एस पीएआईडी = s.product_id GROUP BY GRP मुझे लगता है कि आप देख रहे हैं इसके लिए।

c# - changing a role with html select box mvc4 -

I am using the web application template and trying to play a role while registering a user I am & lt; Fieldet class = "col-lg-> 5. Cole-MD-5" & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; Registration Form & lt; / Legend & gt; & Lt; P & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (M = & gt; m.UserName) @ Html.TextBoxFor (M => m.UserName, new {@class = "Form Control"}) & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; @HTMLLabelFor (M = & gt; m password) @HTMLPasswordFor (M => M. password, new {@ class = "form-control"}) & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; @ Html.LabelFor (M = & gt; m.ConfirmPassword) @ Html.PasswordFor (M => m.ConfirmPassword, new {@class = "Form Control"}) & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; @ Html.DropDownListFor (model = & gt; model.Type, model. Type list) & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "register" class = "btn btn-default...

knockout.js - convert array to observable array -

Is there any way to change an observable array? I am asking this because one acts in my code which expects the observational array because the function ko.utils.arils.array.array.array.arrayForEach , but I could not find anything. Update I have checked that I am using var test = isObservable (item) . It has no observation that I am passing because I get its actual array in variable test . So I want to convert the array to an observable array The question does not give me the price of a ton, but here goes - A viewable array of an array, do this - var general all = ['1' , '2'] General More = CO. ObservableEre (normal); // GeneralArray now is an observational ARRA

reference class - Why are inheritance relationships of R5 classes not defined during R package .onLoad()? -

I am trying to initialize and store some package specific information when the package is first loaded and I am very good Information is found on the way to do this, and however, a package that wants to call during the package load, affirms the relationship of inheritance of many classes defined in the package, but this results in the different results of what I expect There arise. I can come in different ways to solve this problem, but I am trying to understand what I am doing and hopefully someone can explain it to me. prototype = prototype (value = 42)) setClass ("myderivedclass", in = "myclass ") Package # Load Function. Download & lt; - .onLoad , extension ("myderivedclass", "myclass") ("something") during the function (lib, pkg) {if (! ("Myderivedclass", "myclass" Is not ")}} evaluates FALSE (to trigger the warning), but of course, when the package is loaded Evaluates TRUE , which I...

How to disable temporary tables recreation in hibernate 4? -

Every time I connect to the database, creating temporary tables, Hibernate: HT to create table. Is there a way to make them only once? I am searching for the same day, but not the success, but I came to know Why this explains why being in hibernation is essential for instant tales, which we know very well, but after reading it it is clear that it will not happen. Whenever wholesale operation is removed, the ORM framework will make it. I do not think there is a better solution than Hibernate's offer, but I think this is a wrong problem, clever way. - how to hide links in a aspx repeater and get dataitem -

I'm trimming the dealer to enter the repeater to hide the button based on the status column, but that data Iteem.dealstatus comparison is having trouble obtaining Check here for what I code protected mine myrepeater_ItemCreated (Object Sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) {if (e Item.DataItem.DealStatus = is in = "Pending Sale") {e.item.FindControl ("LinksDownloads"). Visible = false; } If (E.Eight.Detitam.Delstats == "quote") (EITMFundControl ("link downloads)" visible = false; E.Item.FindControl ("LinkPurchase") .Visible = false ;}} And here is my repeater code & lt; ASP: repeater id = "SearchRepeater" runat = "server" OnItemCreated = "myrepeater_ItemCreated"> gt; ItemTemplate & gt; LT; tr & gt; td class = "sorting_1" & gt; ASP: linkbutton runat = "server" command agreement = '& lt;% # Eval ("DealId")% & gt;' onclic = '...

objective c - invalid conversion specifier '+' -

I have seen it above but the answer is always specific to this problem I use JSON Trying to request information from the web server and coming to the information table view. The code below is giving me trouble: CalendarCommunicator.m : #import "CalendarCommunicator.h" #import "CalendarCommDelegate . h "@implementation CalendarCommunicator - (minus) searchGroupsAtCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate {NSString * urlAsString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" / + Strukturenme: Klendrevent% 20+ (Kyonhost: 9fe93d82-1cd8-46b1-9dda-8b940e407d23% 20fonhost: Sistm_host)% 20 + Languageid: 1 ", Koardinetkltitude, Koardinetklongitude]; NSDRL * URL = [[NSRL Alok] InitwithString: URLSstring]; NSLog (@ "% @", URLSstring); [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest: [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: url] line: [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init] Smapanhandlr: ^ (Ansrlararspons *...