objective c - invalid conversion specifier '+' -

I have seen it above but the answer is always specific to this problem

I use JSON Trying to request information from the web server and coming to the information table view. The code below is giving me trouble:

CalendarCommunicator.m :

  #import "CalendarCommunicator.h" #import "CalendarCommDelegate . h "@implementation CalendarCommunicator - (minus) searchGroupsAtCoordinate: (CLLocationCoordinate2D) coordinate {NSString * urlAsString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" http://medpak.costarica.com/api/content/render/false/type/json/query / + Strukturenme: Klendrevent% 20+ (Kyonhost: 9fe93d82-1cd8-46b1-9dda-8b940e407d23% 20fonhost: Sistm_host)% 20 + Languageid: 1 ", Koardinetkltitude, Koardinetklongitude]; NSDRL * URL = [[NSRL Alok] InitwithString: URLSstring]; NSLog (@ "% @", URLSstring); [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest: [[NSURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: url] line: [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init] Smapanhandlr: ^ (Ansrlararspons * reaction, Ansdita * data, Ansiarar * error) {if (error) {[self. Delegate fetchingGroupsFailedwith error: error]; } And {{self. Delegate recievedGroupsJSON: data]; }}]; } I get a warning with the url in the @end   

NSString * urlAsString section. This is called "invalid conversion specifier" '' '. What does this actually mean? Look at several '+' URLs to indicate or am I missing something?

This is the % means the percentage of URL-encoding and It is also for formatting stars. In this case, + stringWithFormat sees % 20 + in your string, and thinks that you are ordering it as a format. The literal % in your URL format string, to make them %% , achieving that %% string formatting methods / functions However, in your special case, I am not sure that you are trying to choose the location of those places and about whom you are standing percent-migration


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