jquery - Submit Form With Ajax -

This is my form, I only have to submit it in AJAX. I just want to submit to simple HTML with Ajax, my total code is working properly, I do not have to deposit anything with AJAX

   gt; & lt; br / & gt; Gt; & lt; div class = "label" & gt; email & lt; / div & gt; & lt; input type = "text" id = "email" name = "email" /> gt; & lt; br /> 
gt; Lt; br / & gt; & Lt; Div class = "label" & gt; Budget & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "Budget" name = "budget" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; Select & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; 0-100 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt ;! - Value in the first option = "" - & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; 100-200 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; 200-300 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div style = "margin-left: 140px;" & Gt; Input & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt;

This is my form. I will only submit it in Ajax. I just want to submit it to simple HTML with Ajax, my total code is working fine. I do not have to deposit anything with AJAX

You submitHandler Can define ajax call;

  submitHandler: function (form) {$ (form) .ajaxSubmit ({url: "echo / html", type: "GET", success: function (response) {alert (response) )}}); }   

is working here:


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