statistics - Splitting a population into sample and rest and perform distribution test (SPSS) -
In my data file I select a random sample of a certain size, select cases by. Say that I have 400 cases, I randomly take 150. In all cases there is an age and sex value. Now I want to check the Edge and SEX distribution test (150 cases) against the remaining (250 cases) of Edge and SEX distribution and check that my sample is representative of the population.
My solution is to calculate two new variables where I put the value on the sample or the rest. For ages here:
if (filter_ $ EQ 1) sample_age = era (filter_ $ EQ 0) rest_age = execute the era. How do I do a test at sample_age and rest_age? Which test would be appropriate?
The data looks like this:
sample of person_or_ rest_age 1 2 9 2 56 3 34 4 12 5 65
You should not make new variables with missing values. Assuming that you have calculated the filter_ $ variable that identifies different samples for continuous age variables, you can guess an independent sample T-test. T-test group = Filter_ $ (1 0) / verbaseb = age For sex, which is clear, you have a CROSSTABS < / Code> and calculate the Chi-square statistics. CROSTSTABS / TABLES = Filter_ $ by Sex / Statistics = CHISQ
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