Run java weka utility -

I wonder how using a specific weka utility is possible.

For Exaple, I want to use the following utility.

I tried the following to run it

  javac package weka.core does not exist   

and like

  java /usr/share/java/weka-3.6.6.jar   

And in this case weka begins and does not have utility.

How to run the utility is possible.

You must first compile the file. This is done with the javac error message in your case only indicates that you did not tell where to remove the upper classes required for the compilation. You can tell where it can be found by specifying the square (CP):

  javac -cp /usr/share/java/weka-3.6.6.jar < / Code>  

It should make a file TextDirectoryToArff.class in the current directory.

To start this feature, you can simply call

  java-cp .: / Usr / share / java / weka-3.6.6.jar Text DirectoryToAFF   

Note that you should not use the No -or parameter, because you do not want to run inside JAR, But the Text DirectoryToAFF class directly, so you have to specify the classpath again. In this case, the current directory in the classpath (given by . ) (because it contains the TextDirectoryToArff.class file), and, from that to: : , Path of Junk Jar

You must also specify a directory name, so there should be a complete command line

  Java-cp .: / Usr / share / java / weka-3.6.6 .jar text directory / directory / name of your    


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