
Showing posts from March, 2010

python - How does PySerial work? -

To read the serial data from my Arduino, I have the following Python script: Serial ser = serial.Serial Import ("dev / ttyACM1", 9600) ser.timeout = 2 ser.readlines () On the other hand I started my Arduino with a program Which sends each voltage readings in 20 seconds. Arduino starts sending those readings from the moment that it is tilted, then after 20 seconds it closes and does not send anything. Now what I have noticed is that I can read those 20 voltage values ​​using the first script I need. That is, I can hook up Arduino, wait for a few minutes, then read in the values. I think the data is being stored anywhere. I think it is not being stored on Arduino, but somewhere on my laptop. I have come up with a few questions which I hope the community can help me: Where to get data from PySerial (Arduino or some buffer on my laptop) Happening? How much time is there data stored in this place? Is there a way to clear this place before reading the values? ...

javascript - Hover animation fail -

I'm affecting the animation on the button, but it does not work as it should I Take the example Here is jsfiddle: $ ('.buttons'). Hover (function () () (); // on Hover $ (this); (('border border color': '# 2E9ECE', 'background color': '# 2E9ECE'}, 'slow '};}, Function () $ // on hover $ (this). ({' Borderbottom color ':' # FFDF 85 ',' background color ':' #FEFEFE '},' slow ');} ); We can also do this by CSS. Add code in your CSS below .buttons {-webkit-transition: all 0.25s easy-in-out; -Mozy-transition: all 0.25s-in-out; -MMS transition : All 0.25s Easy -O-Infection: All 0.25s easy-in-out; Infection: all 0.25s easily out;} Task examples: jQuery Solution: $ ('.button'). Mouseover (function () (// "$ '' background color: '# 000000', 'color': '# 2E9ECE'}, 'Slow');}) .mouseleave (function () {// Hover $ (this). ({...

java - Display 2D text on screen simply -

For the last hours I have been looking through forum posts, blogs, videos and various other websites to know how it will be done. How to display the text on the screen is not very easy to do with what I've seen (maybe this once you know how to actually do it) I have posted this question here (With some regrets) have decided. I am sorry that if this question has already been asked for a million times, but I do not understand how it works. I've tried so far all the code has not worked. I would like to know just how can display text on the screen. I do not want to use my own fonts or some fancy. I want to know the easiest way to display text on the screen. The easiest way to use clever here is a link to the page, especially your LWJGL About loading and using fonts in the program:

javascript - How to abort a failing Q promise in Node.JS -

Assume that I am creating a registration stream, and I have something that looks like this: / P> Q.nfcall (validateNewRegCallback, email, password) .fail (function (err) {console.log ("bad email / pass:" + err); return null;}) .then Function () {console log ("valid!");}) .done (); If my registration fails, then I want to capture it, and I will die. Instead, I'm seeing both "bad email / pass" and "valid". Why is this, and how can I stop in the first failure call? unsuccessful Handler grabs rejected promises, but then a complete Returns the promise ( null in your code), because the error was already handled.? | So what can you do against this? To revert the error to reject the returning promise it will be the reason for throwing it done . Q.nfcall (validateNewRegCallback, email, password) .file (function (err) {console.log ("bad email / pass:" + mistake); throw away;}). Then (function () {console.log (...

Automatic addoninstall (Hybris 5.1) -

We are using addon support to increase ycommercewebservices. It's a cool and convenient feature, though we have a problem - we need to execute the ant task addoninstall on every machine so that we can add our dependency dependency to the ycommercewebservices template: ant addoninstall -Daddonnames = "someAddon" -DaddonStorefront.ycommercewebservices = "ycommercewebservices" What is the best way to automate this process? You should not have to be made from ycommercewebservices every time. This is a template extension, so starts with 'y' Generate a new extension using yemspacewebservices using extgen. Add your extension to the new extension Do not touch this new extension directly in your repository template so there should be no need to automate it. But how difficult is it to automate only an ant task?

How can I do role based access for the pages using AngularJS? -

I want to have a role-based access to AngularJS pages. The user should be shown on the basis of the roll page. Can someone give me an example? Which should be the best solution. The page is very easy to use depending on the role. Let's assume that there are three roles in the Web / Dashboard, like admin, support, employee. Assign the field to users as userrole. Now assign Now the roles for those pages are ng-if = "userrole == 'admin' "Or vice versa html>

multithreading - Synchronized method implementation and wrong behavior in java -

वर्ग prab लागू करता है Runnable {सार्वजनिक सिंक्रनाइज़ रहित toTest () {for (int i = 0; i & lt; 10 ; I ++) {try {थ्रेड.sleep (2 * 1000); } पकड़ (अपवाद ई) {System.out.println ("अपवाद" + ई); } System.out.println ("मैं प्राब से हूं" + I + धागा। खरेंचट्रेड ()। GetName ()); }} @ ओवरराइड पब्लिक वाइड रन () {toTest (); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग के थ्रेड क्लास {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {// टोडो ऑटो-जनरेटेड विधि स्टब System.out.println ("---"); थ्रेड टी = नया थ्रेड (नया प्राब ()); थ्रेड c = नया थ्रेड (नया प्राब ()); t.start (); T.setName ("मैं टी हूँ"); c.start (); C.setName ("मैं सी हूँ"); System.out.println ("मुख्य थ्रेड से"); }} बाहर रखो: --- मैं मुख्य थैले से हूँ प्रब 0 से हूँ मैं टीआई हूं प्रब 0 से हूँ I am मैं प्राब 1 से हूँ I मैं हूँ प्राब 1I से हूँ मैं हूँ Prab 2I से हूँ मैं प्राब 2 से हूँ मैं हूँ TI हूँ प्रब 3 से हूँ मैं हूँ TI हूँ प्रब 3 से हूँ मैं हूँ मैं प्रब 4 से हूँ मैं हूँ TI हूँ प्रब 4 से हू...

How to add Log4j to Eclipse RCP project -

I have created a plug-in project from this, then I will add this plug-in to my project though, I try to use, I found the following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / sel4j / log4j / api / loggerfactory: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Org .apache.sel4j.log4j.api.LoggerFactory What should I do? Do you have the same setup on this screenshot?: Note, you need to add your jar to the screenshot as shown on the screenshot, like That you will not usually do for your Java application: Right click-> Add to create path. In addition, I would like to first suggest logging with Eclipse-RCP, it is more complete and accurate.

Pull date of a file using excel vba -

I have problems with dates in Excel when I try to drag the date of the file inside a file, this hour , Minutes and seconds, though coding did not ask for it. Finally I found out that the data on the right of unusual date alignment in excel cell shows, while the correct data alignment shows data to the left. This will affect the unusual sorting problem. Please help and thank you NextRow = Sheets ("Sheet1"). Room (rows number, "A"). End (xlUp) .0 + sheet in objFolder.files for each objFile ("Sheet1"). Room (NextRow, 1). Value = format (objFile.DateLastModified, "dd / mm / yyyy") NextRow = NextRow + 1 Next objFile sheet ("Sheet1"). Range ("C1") .Sort Key1: = Category ("C2"), Order 1: = xlAscending, Header: = xlYes Excel: Visual Basic: replace with "mm / dd / yyyy" - using the VBA US format internally ! Alternatively, you simply have the date value internally without conversion, exce...

c# - How to generate CSR like it does IIS -

I am working on integration with the Symantap API and using that code to create a CSR Private string GenerateCsr (string domain, string organization, string organization unit, string city, string state, string country) {Create all objects that objPkcs10 = new CX509CertificateRequestPkcs10 () will be required; Var objPrivateKey = New CX509PrivateKey (); Var objCSP = new CSP notification (); Var objCSPs = new CCSPInformations (); Var objDN = new CX500DistinguishedName (); Var objEnroll = New CX50 9Enrollment (); Var objObjectIds = new CObjectIds (); Var objObjectId = new CObjectId (); Var objExtensionKeyUsage = New CX509ExtensionKeyUsage (); Variable var var String strokequest; Try // // Start the CSP object using the desired Cryptoghaike Service Provider (CSP) objCSP.InitializeFromName ("Microsoft RSA Schannel Cryptographic Provider"); // Add this CSP object to the CSP archive object objCSPs.Add (objCSP); // Provide a private key object to key container name, key length...

ios - tableview in normal view controller -

I need to use the storyboard for the project which rewrites the old project. I I do have some problems when using the storyboard I table view controller instead he uses a typical view controller, because the view controller buttons and labels I Problem how it is that I do not know the sequence controller When the user selects the cell from the table view to link between the extension view controller. Just drag a tableview to a general vice chancellor. Ctrl + drag UITableView delegate and his Chancellor to implement data source protocol ( @intrfaes Mayvk: Uivievkantrolr & lt; Uitblaviawdtsurs, Uitblaviawdelegte & gt; ). . mandatory protocols ways: - (NSInteger) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView numberOfRowsInSection: (NSInteger) section {} - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) Tblaviav Kellforrovtindekspat: (Nsindekspat *) Indekspat {}

ios - UIViewControllerContext initalFrameForViewController & finalFrameForViewController show 0 for all values -

I am implementing my own custom UIViewController transition and when I click on the debugger's frame To see the controller output, I get the {{0, 0}, {0}} for both the initial and the final frames. I thought that this method on reference is considered to show the initial frame before the final fracture and infection before the final transition. Is this going to work? - (minus) Prarnbintraktiv Tronnsisn: (ID & lt; UIViewControllerContextTransitioning & gt;) transition Contaks {UIViewController * fromVC = [Transition Content View-View-Controller Foreki: UITransitionContextFromViewControllerKey]; UIViewController * toVC = [Transition Content Visual View Controller Foreiki: UITransitionContextToViewControllerKey]; CGRect initialToFrame = [transitionContext initialFrameForViewController: toVC]; CGRTT Last Topframe = [Transition Consult FinalForForvient Controller: Towisi]; Anselog (@ "initial Tofram:% @, final Tofram:% @", Ansstiingfromsigret (initial Tofr...

swing - Can I listen for all drag & drop events in java? -

I want to listen to all drag and drop events on swing. In a way I was able to hear for drag events: last long mask = AWTEvent.MOUSE_EVENT_MASK + AWTEvent.MOUSE_MOTION_EVENT_MASK; AWTEventListener eventListener = new AWTEventListener () {Public Zero Event Dispaced (Last AWTEvent Event) {}}; Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit () AddAWTEventListener (eventListener, mask); But this drop event is not available, even if not leaving the event with the mouse at the time of quitting. Is not it different on each component but to prevent all drag and drop events? This is your complete requirement (maybe not even one possible ;-) Requires a solution, but you Started As mentioned, during drag, all low-level input events (such as minivants, depending on the built-in OS, may be another) are swallowed by the dend-subsystem. Internally, they are converted to dragseaves, which are alternately removed by draggers. Dragons is a singleton that is used again in all DDD operations. One way to do th...

ios - when I click button in collection view, i I can't pass value to next view controller -

I had a question. I've set more buttons using the archive footage. I need a click button and the index value for "NextViewController" passes but when I click the button it is showing the error message below I try to figure out where the error is. But I do not know. Can someone give me some hint? Thank you very much. ========== Error Message =========== The cause of the application finished not come exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', due to: - '[UIViewController itemsArray:] unrecognized selector example sent to 0x9e78220' ======= ============================ =========== LIST View controller.m == ======== @ interface list view controller () {NSMutableArray * itemsArray; } Finally ... ... // webesrvice from itemsArray ... some data - (UICollectionViewCell *) collectionView: (UICollectionView *) collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {CustomizedCell * cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuse...

iphone - Unable to highlight the segment control properly ios -

I am using a volume control and when not selecting it and the user tries to move to the next screen, Then he should highlight it. / P> My code logic: + (zero) Valid validation controller: (UISegmentedControl *) Segment Control {// Icon Invalid Field Segment. Control. Player CoreRadia = 4.0F; SegmentControl.layer.masksToBounds = Yes; Section control. Layer.Bidder Corner [[UIColor colorWithRed: 175 / 255.0 Green: 14 / 255.0 Blue: 37 / 255.0 alpha: 1] .CG color; SegmentControl.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f; } But the problem is that, red highlight is very less than the segment control, not sure why this is happening. Tried to reduce the corner radius, but no luck. Here's the image: Problems can be there. I came to know that, if you divided the width of the controller with your section, the number of your sections , If it gives an integer, then all your codes work fine, on the other hand, if returns a value with decimal places, then the way you have it now will end, ...

cuda - Is it possible to handle GPU priority between processes -

I know from CUDA 5.5 that it is possible to have a higher priority kernel, but I think it's only for calls GPU But by the same reference, i.e. this other process does not affect the priority for kernel launch, as long as they have enough CPU time released. Is it possible to have GPUs on high priority applications, so how can you set the OS to give priority to specific threads? Heinrich Andresen operation kernel in a higher priority stream to determine the lower priority currents in the competition. The kernel can be launched in it, the device can contain copy operations and events. I do not believe that, however, after expanding any differences in performance priority, the kernel has been launched on the device, it is completely a driver side-stream scheduling estimator control. This is present in concurrent kernel execution when increasing the range of kernels running on low priority streams on the device. To do the best of my knowledge, there is currently no single ...

ios - Error when performing batch update on UICollectionView -

I get this error every time I reload UICollectionview and I do not think this is an error indicator because the archive view should not be updated before this call - (zero) load Gallery: (Zero (^) ()) Completed ({self indeminateAssetsWithCompletion: ^ (BOOL breakthrough, NSMutableArray * property) {if (success) { = [property volatile coop]; @ attempt {[self.collectionView PerformBatchUpdates: ^ {[self.collectionView reloaddata];} Closing: ^ (BOOL Finish) {complete ();}};} @chitch (NSE exp Exceptions) {} {} "}}};} - (zero) enumerate assets termination: (zero (^) (Bell's success, NSMUtABEL * Assets) * Lock complete {ALSATS Library * al = [[Self-class] Shared library; __block NSMutableArray * mutableAssets = [NSMutableArray new]; [Al-Enumerate Groups Waste Type: Use the Elassette Group L.Loc: ^ (ALSATT Group * Group, Ball * stop) {if (Group == Sh NY) {//self.groups = [Mutiv Group Copy]; If (period) {full ball (yes, mutuishet); }} And {{Group Set Assets Filler: [All ...

javascript - Auto width widget -

I'm writing a small add-on on firefox, in which I use the widget I'm surprised that the auto-width To set which is suited for that content For example, I want my widget to display numbers, which will have a different length. I can set my widget width but how do I know how much my number of pixels takes is one way to get width, choose automatically? Here are some of my codes: My widget (my add-on uses other widgets), // ROBOTS meta var robots_meta = widgets.Widget ({id: "robots_meta", label : "Robot displays information about meta", content: "meta-robots n / a", width: 100}); This is the function that updates the contents of my widget: function meta_ robots_checker (tab) {var meta_robots_w = robots_meta.getView (tab.window) ); Meta_robots_w.content = 'Meta-robots N / A'; Worker = tab.attach ({contentScriptFile: data.url ("js / meta-checker.js")}); Worker.port.emit ("check_noindex"); Worker.port.on ('conte...

c++ - why does this code produce a runtime error? -

contains # lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, conio.h & gt; #to & lt include, windows.h & gt; Structure node {int a; Structure node * next; }; Zero constructivist (Structure node ** head) {struct node * p, * temp; Int n; Printf ("Enter number \ n"); Scanf ("% d", & amp; n); P = (straight node *) maulok (psychophag (strip node)); P-> = N; If (* head == 0) {* head = p; P-> Next = 0; Temporary = p; } And {temp-> next = p; Temporary = p; P-> Next = 0; }} Void frontbacksplit (Structure node ** head, Structure node ** Head1, Structure node ** Head 2) {int counter = 0, i; Structure node * temporary, * p; Temporary = * head; While (temporary! = 0) {counter ++; Temporary = temp-> Next; } Int n; If (counter% 2 == 0) {n = counter / 2; } And {n = (counter + 1) / 2; } Temp = * head; (I = 0; i & lt; n-1; i ++) for {if (* head1 == 0) {* head1 = temp; } Temp = temp- & gt; next; } P = temp; Temporary = temp-> Next; P-> Next ...

c++ - What is the use of the nested pointer type in iterator_traits? -

std :: iterator_traits वर्ग टेम्पलेट 5 नेस्टेड प्रकार को परिभाषित करता है: iterator_category , मूल्य_प्रकार , अंतर_प्रकार , सूचक और संदर्भ । & lt; एल्गोरिथ्म & gt; दोनों लाइब्रेक + + और लिबस्टडीसी + + के शीर्ष लेखों को ब्राउज करना, कोई भी value_type , अंतर_प्रकार और के कई उपयोग देख सकता है Iterator_category , लेकिन केवल संदर्भ के लिए ( std :: iter_swap के अंदर) और pointer के लिए कोई नहीं। मेरा अनुप्रयोग एक हाथ से निर्मित प्रॉक्सी इटरेटर / प्रॉक्सी संदर्भ जोड़ी का उपयोग करता है। मैं बूस्ट iterator_facade का उपयोग करने के लिए संक्रमण करना चाहता हूं, जिससे मुझे संदर्भ प्रकार को डिफ़ॉल्ट T & amp; से एक मनमाना प्रकार से कॉन्फ़िगर किया जा सकता है, लेकिन सूचक प्रकार के लिए ऐसा नहीं है जो T * डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से मैं नीडिंत सूचक प्रकार के कुछ गहराई से छिपी उपयोग द्वारा काट नहीं पा रहा हूं। ध्यान दें : इटरेटर बिना एक अंतर्निहित प्रकार के प्रॉक्सी है नेस्टेड सदस्य हैं, इसलिए मुझे operator-> (जिसके लिए वापसी का प्रकार pointer होगा) के साथ संगतता ...

mysql - duplicate table in sql with add new Columns -

I can duplicate the table like this: ABC select * forms of selection Create the table abc_new in Can I duplicate the table and new columns in the same sentence as the date? add it to date select table * as Create abc_new, sysdate as a date from ABC .

c - Keypad scan for microcontroller -

I have developed a C driver for the microprocessor for the keypad. I want to change it so that when I press 1, for example, it displays 1 until I press another number till now, the number changes only when I press the number which means that This time I will go away after releasing the button on the keypad. Please give me a general idea of ​​how I will go about implementing my desired change. Store the last pressed key in a variable that you "display" (or whatever You want) until the next key is pressed, when you change the variable to the new key value

Android camera native access : startPreview() vs startRecording() -

Android is trying to bring the camera to work with the original code in the ICS: refer to most manual startPreview () startRecording () ' to browse the AOSP code & lt; Camera.h & gt; Method found in . Said that this interface allows the recorder to get video frames during the recording of the ICAM arraying proxy " " "then the question is - 'startRecording' More efficient 'startPreview' than approach? The only goal to go to the original code is to display, the Java camera is very slow, and OpenCV does not even provide the required FPS level. / P> Edit: The target platform is: API Level = 17, Device Allwinner A31 Development Board, 1280x720x30 FPS. Work is to capture the frame from camera, modify it, encode (H.264) and store it on SD card. Write the mp4 file with pure Java MediaRecorder 1280x720x30. Displaying a live preview on the screen is not necessary. OpenCV-demo1 returns 1920x1080x2 in native mode (in Java mode), with ...

multithreading - How are Atoms implemented in Clojurescript? -

लिखने के लिए मुद्दों में: user = & gt; (Def my-atom (atom 0)) # 'user / my-atom user = & gt; @ माइ-एटम 0 उपयोगकर्ता = & gt; (स्वैप! माइ-एटॉम इंक) 1 उपयोगकर्ता = & gt; @ माइ-एटम 1 उपयोगकर्ता = & gt; (स्वैप! माइ-एटॉम (एफ एन [एन] (* (+ एन एन) 2)) 4) हम जानते हैं कि यह (क्लोज़र कार्यान्वयन में) है दिलचस्प रूप से पर्याप्त, परमाणु, एक सिंटैक्टिक स्तर पर - भले ही जावास्क्रिप्ट रनटायम्स में कोई परमाणु संदर्भ नहीं है मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि, कैसे क्लॉजस्क्रिप्ट में एटम का कार्यान्वयन किया जाता है? क्या वे सिर्फ एक वस्तु आवरण हैं? स्रोत में (deftype एटम [ राज्य मेटा सत्यापनकर्ता घड़ियों] ... IDeref (-deref [_] राज्य) ... और (defn atom "बनाता है और रिटर्न एटम ... "([x] (एटम। शून्य शून्य शून्य)) ([एक्स एंड चाबी [मेटा वैदिकेटर]}] (एटम। मेटा मान्यकर्ता शून्य))) स्वैप! और रीसेट! के कार्यान्वयन की जांच करें आपको पता चल जाएगा: (सेट! (.- राज्य ए ) नया फिर, सेट पर जाएं! , आप पाएंगे कि संकलक सिर्फ एक असाइनमेंट कथन का उत्सर्जन क...

android - Continuous speech recognition with phonegap -

I want to create an app in Phonegap with constant speech recognition in Android and iOS. My app should wait for the user's voice and when he says "next", the app will update the screen and take some actions. I get this plugin: And it works really fast but the voice has started after a few seconds of recognition and there is no sound, speech identifier is closed. Is there any way or flag like SpeechRecognizerAlive or any other solution? Or is it possible to run as a service? I also think that there is a similar plugin on iOS and how to manage it :) This plugin is based on the Web Speech API located here () Example 3 & amp; 4 cards let you issue with accreditation. Kothir = true & lt; Textarea id = "textarea" rows = 10 cols = 80> & lt; / Text field & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "Button" onclick = "Toggle Startstop ()" & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript...

How copy the data from one column to another column in the same table with different data type in oracle -

I want to copy from Visitors vistorARised VARCHAR2 (11) column to Visitor number (data) 5) What pillar can someone help? change table & lt; Table & gt; Add visitor numbers (5); Update & lt; Table & gt; Set visitors = visited; Table & lt; Table & gt; Visited the drop column; Of course, this approach fails if visit authorizes non-numeric values. Alternatively, you want to use, but clearly, my experience with it was very positive, at least 11i (see for example)

node.js - Sending array via javascript to nodejs -

OK, I have two working scripts that I'm trying to use in conjunction with each other First is my javascript & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function textareaToArray (t) {return t.value.split (/ [\ n \ r] + /); } Function showArray (msg) {for (i = 0; i & lt; msg.length; i ++) {// some item alerts (msg [i]); } // old code document. GetElementById ("message"). InnerHTML = msg.join ("& amp; # 013;"); } & Lt; / Script & gt; And then I have a node JS script that accepts post data The basics where it says warning (message [i]); I have the postcard in my JavaScript msg [i] & lt; & Lt; This is an example of what I want to do. var url = require ('url'); Var http = Required ('http'); Var Server = http.createServer (function (request, response) {var queryData = url.parse (request.url, true) .query; response.writeHead (200, {...

ios - Device orientation towards iBeacon -

I take Bluetooth on iOS7 and start working with iBeacons. I have downloaded a small fragment of RFDs from Open SourceRF dot com to get the relative RSI Power of Beacon. This allows me to get the best idea of ​​proximity between the sender and the receiver, then the default proximity callback. I wonder if the device orientation (the left is on the left) uses the IBeacons core loading. Thank you for your help. uses the iOS Corlection Bus RSI measurement to estimate distance how it works See an explanation. A directional estimate of this technique is not allowed , because the signal strength usually decreases in the proportion of distance from beacons in any direction. Unless you have multiple iBeacons in the same place with unidirectional antennas, I do not think there is any way to estimate the direction. I do not make any unidirectional Bluetooth antenna for my information.

download excel sheet from mysql database in php -

To fill the sheet, mysql dominates me to download the database when I try to download, I get the following errors Notice: Unchanging Variables: C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ admissions excel excel2.php 27 in the data: Undefined variables: Header C: \ Xampp \ htdocs \ admissions \ excel \ excel2.php On Line 12 There is a code here and where I need to define headers and data " select from a single entry "; $ result = mysql_query ($ Query) or die ('Please select any one field to export'); // headers ('content -Web: Annex; Title ("Content-Type: Text / CSV '); Title (" Content-Properties: ("Content-nature: filename =". $ Filename. "Csv"); $ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result); if ($ line) {}; Echocsv (array ($ title); echo "e rocs"; echocsv (array_keys ($ line));} while ($ line) {hokolv ($ line); $ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result);} function Acolove ($ field) {$ Separator = ''; Foreign currency ($ field $ f...

Eclipse Wizard does not close on "finish" in a production environment -

I have an eclipse plugin which is running fine in the eclipse version which I am using to develop it. It basically runs fine even if I export it and install it in a Kappular version. My plugin has a new project wizard that can be used with plugins. Now if I have used this wizard in my development, then if I click on end then everything is fine that the project is created and the dialog is closed it happens. If I install the fresh Kappler installation, the project will also be prepared and looks correct anytime, but until I hit cancel the dialogue will not be closed. Now I actually know more information but there is no exception in the development environment. Also, when I start the fresh Kepler with the option of -debug , I will not get an exception if I Any idea which might be the cause of this problem or how can I get more information on this? This is always worth seeing in the .log file workspace The .metadata directory when something goes blank, it happ...

Infinispan 5.3.0 - Change cluster configuration -

I have a cluster, this cluster has four nodes. If I stop a node, and edit the configuration file (add a new copy cache), when I start the node, Whether the new repeated cache in the cluster Will happen? In the other three nodes, is it necessary to change this configuration file? Relationship. a) Yes, new duplicated cache will be created on the node. However, if you have the same cache (name) with different configurations, then you are asking for trouble. b) No, the configuration on other nodes will not change. You have to manually change it manually, either have to stop the nodes or upgrade the rolling. You can also look at the Jmx action to start / stop the cache, but this does not allow the configuration to change (I'm not 100% sure to start a cache with the unknown name After the default configuration, a new cache will not start). If you have programmatic access to CacheManager, you can start the program with the configuration cache.

sql server - Display a list of users with maximum to minimum no of rows sql -

हमारा चयन करें। MxitId AS TransactionCreated By, CONCAT (t.ChildName, '', t.ChildSurname) ChildName, T.ChildFathersName, t.Age, t.shareize [Transaction] t INNER JOIN [उपयोगकर्ता] पर हम पर टी। तैयार किए गए हैं = us.UserId ग्रुप हमें us.MxitId, ChildName, ChildGender, ChildFathersName, ChildGender, ChildSurname, Age, Shoesize ORDER लेन-देन द्वारा संतोखित करके मेरे पास यह संग्रहीत कार्यविधि है कि उपयोगकर्ता ( TransactionCreatedBy ) को प्रदर्शित करना चाहते हैं जिनके पास कम से कम सबसे अधिक पंक्ति गिनती है। मैं एसक्यूएल में कैसे कर सकता हूं? लेनदेनक्रियाकृत बच्चे के नाम से बालधारक नाम आयु शूज़िसिज 0jakim0 एएसए dsad दास 5 130 0jakim0 राम चरण चिरू 6 21 9 0jakim0 वैष्णवी रवि 6 164 27786421424; llkj hkh kjhkj 18 236 27786421424 डी एस एसडीएसडी 34 241 27786421424 6unhes पार्कर पिता 13 211 27786421424 दित्ये गजगर चेतन 15 18 9 सरल प्रारंभ करें आपको उनकी लेनदेन की संख्या के साथ उपयोगकर्ताओं की ज़रूरत है, है ना? हमें चुनें। लेनदेन के अनुसार लेन-देन किया गया, गणना (टी। द्वा...

c# - Get struct within a struct using reflection -

I'm having trouble reaching a strait within the struct namespace something. Name Space ToAccess {public structure howto {public key string} some_Static_Strings = "redudantString"; Public const string SomeOtherStatic_Strings = "someOtherRedundantString"; Public Control String Option 3 = Some Options "; Public Structure Access ME {Public Static Readonly String Open 1 = 1 Towstring; Public Static Readonly String OPTION2 = 2.toString; Public Static Reidonline String Opin 3 = 4.toastring; Public Static Readonly String OPTION0 = 0 toasting; Fixed AccessMe () {}}}} I have seen other similar questions, but I also have to Instead of using Tibimb, I am loading the assembly on the runtime, the content of a particular straight at runtime, so I have no reference to the library to retrace which I am repeating before the runtime. This is similar to my problem, although I can not do fieldInfo FI = typeof (HowTo) .GetType (.) GetField ("archive", Bindi...

php - Youtube DataAPI's publishedAt property giving the date the video was uploaded, not gone public -

I have been working with the Youtube API for the last two days and now I stumbled over a problem that I solved can not do. / P> I am making the video 'leaking' video from channels and trying to insert some data into my SQL database, the problem is playlist item 'property is published . This gives me the date of the video when the video was uploaded - as you know that some channels keep their video private on the release date - I want the release date only because it is simple The user shows up. Any way to get it? If I'm not mistaken, then publish et attribute you are discussing in the playlist on upload time Instead of being added to the video it is represented - which is definitely understandable, given that you are watching playlist item objects. Instead, you mean that you can have videos-> List objects are visible, then yes ... publishedAt attribute represents the upload date. As far as I know, there is no way to get that date to make the v...

sockets - PHP to receive data being sent to a port -

I have a device that is sending data to a port on my local computer (for now, it is a site later ) The following code receives the data from the port using PHP. I have to enter (my filename) in the URL to work. This will be a problem when I'm alive after all, even when I get my data, the socket is closed. Received from any advice, I have a VB background and PHP and Web is very new to me! Thanks This is my current PHP error_reporting (E_ALL); / * Allow hang around waiting for script connection * / Set_time_limit (0); / * Turn on the built-in output flush so we can see what we're getting *. * / Ob_implicit_flush (); $ Address = ''; $ Ports = 10000; If (($ sock = socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) === Incorrect) {Echo "socket_cent () failed: reason:". Socket_strerror (socket_last_error ()). "\ N"; } If (socket_bind ($ sock, $ address, $ port) === incorrect) {echo "socket_bind () failed: reason:...

Why Spring bean is singleton scope? -

I'm working with hibernate and spring. It's been good .. but I have some doubts 1) Why is the spring scope singleton by default? Is there any reason for that? 2) Can I write the last variable in the hibernate unit? Example: @Entity Public Class Emp {@ ID Private Long ID; Last private string pan; } Can I write as above? 3) Can the static varibles be searlizable? Stateless Beans Rule :) If you are not holding state data in beans, then only one of each bean Example is enough for you. You should also remember that this is not JVM singletons - just Spring Singlatan, therefore, you do not need to provide only personal constructors and any sense () methods. Excerpt from Spring Documents: When a bean is a singleton, only a shared bean instance will be managed and the id that matches the definition of bean or All beans with IDs will be requested that a specific Bean example is being returned. Only when you have to keep some details of the session that you shou...

java - GWT finished Projct, how to bind it into Website -

So I have terminated my GWT web project, but how can I bind it to my website at I saved but did not get it right. Any good tutorial If you want to give your page some area on your page, then you have There are two opportunities: You can use an iframe in your favor and load your GWT app with src-attribute. & lt; Iframe src = "TheGwtHTMLPage.html" width = "90%" height = "400px" /> Or you can use a div tag with the id. & lt; Div id = "yourDivId" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; In this case, you must load your * .nocache.js (always with the script-tag) and RootLayoutPanel.get ("yourDivId" ) Add (...). is different between the two, if you use an iframe, your GWT app can not get any information from your HTML page.

c# - Entity Framework multiple search with empty variables? -

I want to find many and want to get results. I send this function devicename user alarm When these variables are filled, then it works. But when they are empty, it is not so. I can only fill the devicename variable for example; devicename = "test"; Alarm = ""; User = ""; Sometimes I can fill up the devicename user , sometimes I devicename Alarms .. I can not get any data from my code. I need help Here is my code: list & lt; Activity log & gt; List = db.ActivityLog.Where (C => c.Devices.devName.ToLower (). Includes (devicename.ToLower ()). Where (c = & gt; c.users.uName.ToLower (). Contains (user. Taylor ()). Where (C => c.AlarmCodes.aName.ToLower (). Includes (alarm. ToLower ()). Order By (C => CDATime). Take Skip (Skip) (pageSize) .ToList (); list & lt; activity log & gt; list = Db.ActivityLog.Where (C => devicename == "" || c.Devices.devName.ToLower () contains it (devicename.To...

sql - How to insert NULL value in image column using C# code -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है cmd पैरामीटर। AddWithValue ( "@ पासवर्ड", (string.IsNullOrEmpty (member.Password)) (वस्तु) DBNull.Value: member.Password); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ छवि", (member.Image == नल) (वस्तु) SqlDbType.Image: member.Image); छवि स्तंभ के लिए शून्य मान जोड़ने में असमर्थ मैं इस त्रुटि मिलती है। ओपेरैंड प्रकार संघर्ष: पूर्णांक के साथ असंगत है छवि यहां आपको: आप गुजर रहे हैं SqlDbType.Image (अधिक सामान्यतः 7 के रूप में जाना जाता है) जब आप गुजर जाना चाहिए अशक्त : cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ छवि ", (Member.image == नल)? (वस्तु) DBNull.Value: member.Image); यदि आप स्पष्ट रूप से डेटा प्रकार को निर्दिष्ट करना चाहते हैं, तो अलग से करें; उदाहरण के लिए: cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ( "@ छवि", (member.Image == नल) (वस्तु) DBNull.Value: member.Image) .SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Image ;

jquery - Duplicate id with the same properties -

I installed popeye in slider images. When I have to create another slider show, I will copy all the CSS content onto the second ID, for example # ppy1 .ppy-extcaption {width: 240px; Display area; } # Ppy4 .ppy-extcaption {width: 240px; Display area; } # Ppy5 .ppy-extcaption {width: 240px; Display area; There is no form to create diferents ID with identical properties with duplicate CSS code. Thank you Sorry my bad english Use this way: [id * = ppy] .ppy-extcaption {width: 240px; Display area; Attr ^ = value] represents an element with an attribute named attr and whose value is prefixed by "value". [attr * = value] A attribute of attr represents an element with the name and whose value places at least one occurrence of the string based on "value".

visual studio - Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PageInspector.Loader -

फाइल या असेंबली को लोड नहीं किया जा सका 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PageInspector.Loader, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ , पब्लिककेय टोकन = बी03 एफ 5 एफ 7 एफ 11 डी 50 ए 3 ए 'या इसके निर्भरता में से एक मॉड्यूल में एक विधानसभा मेनिफेस्ट शामिल होने की उम्मीद थी। विधानसभा प्रबंधक से लोड: सी: \ विंडोज \ Microsoft.NET \ फ्रेमवर्क \ v4.0.30319 \ clr.dll चलने योग्य के तहत चल रहा है: \ प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें (x 86) \ सामान्य फ़ाइलें \ Microsoft साझा \ DevServer \ 11.0 \ WebDev.WebServer40.exe --- एक विस्तृत त्रुटि लॉग निम्नानुसार है। === पूर्व-बाध्य स्थिति की जानकारी === लॉग: उपयोगकर्ता = टीटीएलविंन 2 एमआरएलपी LOG: DisplayName = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PageInspector.Loader, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, सार्वजनिककीटोकन = बी03 एफ 5 एफ 7 एफ 11 डी 350 ए 3 ए (पूरी तरह से निर्दिष्ट) लॉग: Appbase = file: /// सी: / एसवीएन / अस्थायी / घटकों / src / मास्टरपासप्रोसी / src / वेबसाइट सेवा / प्रवेश: आरंभिक निजीपथ = सी: \ एसवीएन \ ताप \ घटक \ src \ मास्टरपासप्रोसी \ src \ वेबस्वाइस \ बि...

active directory - Randomly getting LDAP Error 49, data 52e on random users? -

The architecture is as follows: There were 7.0 servers on 12 servers of 3 LPARs, they have BPM floating And the device on this case is the business space. For ID we have AD DS (2 branches), a DC = Principal Dyko, which is the global catalog and the second one DC = Principal dot com. Office DC = Principal Dot at Port 3268 (Global Catalog) We have the following error for less than 1% users: They Try to login, but they can not receive the message and "Enter your username and password" and we get the following message in the log 0000004c LTPAServerObj E SECJ036 9 E: Authentication failed while using LTPA. The exception is CWWIM4529E 'principal_name' key verification for password verification failed 'e60083' Root cause: 'javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: Error code 49 - 80090308: LDAPR: DSID-0C903A9, comment: Accept security quintax error, data 52A, V1DB1]; Hull object: 'com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx@519d519d' ' A user was...

unit testing - Workaround for CakePHP tests with enums? -

I try to make unit tests for the KPPHP project. After making the fixtures, I go into problems with some tests: WARNING: Column type ENUM ('on', 'off') /app/cake/2.4.7/Cake/ Does not exist Application error: Handler method called 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE [42S22] Exception: Columns not found: 1054 Unknown column in' state list '/app/cake/2.4.7/ Cake / Model / Datasource / DboSource.php2923 I know that KHHP does not support Enum but I can not change the datatype. Is there any way to run with unit testing enums? I ran into the same problem to resolve I made a sub-class that is the classification of the classified class And overrides the creation of tables to mimic the strings to all enum areas. & lt ;? Php class MyTestFixtureCakeTestFixt * * 64 * / Create a field of enum fields in the database with the length of the function (& amp; $ db) {foreach ($ this- & gt; field as $ name = & gt; & amp; $ field ) {...

android - Can't detect audio jack card readers on Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0") -

I try to use an audio jack card reader (like a square but not square) on Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0 "). When it was not working, I wrote a test app that has plugged something in the audio jack, except to find out it. ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG Is received when you plug headphones, but when you plug in the card reader, then some I did try a different maker than a different reader and it did not work. We tried several tabs with the same tab but the same test app was installed on other Android devices including other Samsung devices. ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG with card swipes. The only combination that does not work is swipe the card with tab 2. On the headphones and the readers plug the same number of conductors and in each case Look similar, and they are completely involved. I have noticed that oddball equipment requires permissions for which they do not want, so I am hoping that someone has permission Or know about the unique setting for Tab 2 that can explain this problem. Only one activ...

c# - How to make an Edit operation properly in ASP.NET MVC4? -

I am trying to make an update like this: [http post ] [ValidateNetworking Tokens] Public Action Result Modifier (OSMODEL OS) {if (ModelState.IsValid) {_db.Entry (OS) .set = EntityState.Modified; // Success ! String str = "o"; Redirect return action ("index", new {str = str}); } // failed! See Return (OS); } After updating an OS line using this, the row is not updated. What is wrong in this matter? OSModel [table ("OS")] Public class OSMDell {{Key] Public IT IDO (Receive); Set; } [Required] public string nameOS {get; Set; } [Required] public string versionOS {get; Set; } [Required] public string versionOS {get; Set; } [Required] public string servicepackOS {get; Set; } [Required] public int bitsOS {get; Set; } Public OSMDell () {}} In debug mode, I get the full data of the separate input OS of the ID that is set to 0. The thing is that you _db.SaveChanges () after _dn.Entry (OS) = ... , try to save the changes to the databas...

mysql - How to model a database to handle counters on multiple timezones -

I have a table that has analytical information, that is: Page view on each page. Field type --------------------------- Page_ id Long time created time (era (UTC - rotating hours) Page_view tall I give the era down to hour (example: 1398456553 ==> 1398456000), which gives this table the information collected per hour. When a customer requests his data, we allow the appropriate adjustments to view the data in his local timezone. If the client's local timezone is UTC, then the query is simple: SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME (St. Curated_time ','% Y-% m-% d ') From page_views as Created_at, SUM (St. Page_views`) `St. Curated_time 'between 13 96310400 - 01 April 2014 00:00:00 GMT and 1397088000 - April 10, 2014 00:00:00 GMT created by Group; If the client's timezone is elsewhere (Example: -03: 00), then the query needs a little more manipulation to adjust the dates to correct tees: SELECT DATE_FORMAT (CONVERT_TZ (FROM_UNIXTIME (St. Curated_time `), ...

powershell - Multiple WMI queries into a single Format-Table -

I think what type of help I need is putting multiple WMI queries in a single table. For example: Get-WMIObject Win32_Processor-ComputerName $ server | Format-Table: PSComputerName, DataWidth This is fine, but I also need a single line of OS version, for that I have to query Win32_OperatingSystem and remove the caption property. So how do I get two different WMI queries in the same table? I have tried the following: $ os = gmi Win32_Processor- Compute name $ server $ cpu = Gmi Win32_OperatingSystem -Computername $ server Then I can get the properties that I want easily: $ os.PSComputerName, $ cpu.caption, $ os DataWidth But what I've read, the format table accepts data from only one pipeline. It does not seem to have to do with (variable). (Property) Ideally, I am able to run as a last semitic in script block: format-table $ OSPS compute, $ cpu. Caption, $ osadatide But of course, the format table always comes at the end of a line, never at the begi...

authentication - WebSecurity.CurrentUserId not working after migrating signalR 1.1.2 to signalR 2.0.0 -

I upgraded my signal R version to 1.1.2, after this link CDR 2.0.3 and everything else Ok, but WebMatrix.WebData .WebSecurity.CurrentUserId does not have any empty values ​​when I call any method of any hub in the server. This is my startup file: using Microsoft.Owin; Use of ovine; Using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR; [Assembly: Owen startup (Taipf (Signlarcatkstartap))] namespace Signlarkat {public class startup {public void configuration (IAppBuilder app) {AppkMapSignalR (new hub configuration (Resolver = GlobalHost.DependencyResolver}); GlobalHost.HubPipeline.RequireAuthentication ();}}} And this is one of my hubs: [Authorized] Public class messages: Hubs {... public work Send message (int destination id, string msg) {int userId = WebMatrix.WebData.WebSecurity.CurrentUserId; // exception file Is ...}} Code was this code work before you upgrade to v 2.0.3, so I do not know what I'm missing you. Latets Owin version used in signal r (& gt; 2.0.0) (2.0.0) Webma...

javascript - reveal image on scroll -

I am trying to reveal an image by scrolling on a px through a PX base. Similarly, the red line on this site is animated, the image must be hidden in the same manor, so if the user scrolls, they will see the lower line I think I'm getting closer , But my javascript is not much above the nose. Here's a URL that I've done so far, and here's my script. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! init (); / * ========== init calls all custom functions ========== * / function init () {$ (window) .on ("scroll", scrolling) ; Console.log ("works init"); } / * ========== ================================== Scroll = ========= * / function getScrollTop () {if (typeof pageY osstate! = 'Undefined') {// Most browsers excluding IE9 browsers return # 9 YOffset; } And {var B = document. Body; // IE 'quirks' var d = document.documentElement; // IE with doctype D = (D.clientHeight)? D: B; Return D.scrollTop; }} / * ============================...

angularjs - beforeEach (to prevent test pollution) not working as expected -

I am doing an AngularJS tutorial and I have come to a strange solitary case, which, in the end, First happens. For reference, I am currently in the experiment section. The test code is here: 'strict experiment'; / * Http:// * / description ('PhoneCat App', function) (describe ('phone list view', function) (first) (first (function) {Browser.get ('app / index.html');}); (The phone list should be filtered as user types in the search box ', function () {var phoneList = element.all (by.repeater ( 'Phone Candidate (Phone List). ()); ToBe (3); Query. SendKeys (' Nexus'); Hope (Phone List). ToBe (1); query.clear (); query.sendKeys ('Motorola'); Hopefully (Phone List Coat) ()) toBe (2);});}); ('The current filter should display the value, function within an element with im "status" (var) element = element (element); hope (position element.gettext). ('Current' filter...

Tkinter Grid Columnspan ignored -

निम्नलिखित अजगर स्क्रिप्ट पर विचार करें #! / Usr / bin / enk अजगर से टंकिनर लेबल (चौड़ाई = '% i कॉलम चौड़ी'% चौड़ाई) लेबल 1.grid () label2 आयात करें, लेबल की चौड़ाई = SOME_VALUE_HERE रूट = Tk () लेबल 1 = लेबल (रूट, टेक्स्ट = '1 कॉलम चौड़ा') लेबल 2 = लेबल ग्रिड (पंक्ति = 0, कॉलम = 1, कॉलम = = चौड़ाई) root.mainloop () जब मैं इसे चलाता हूं, कोई भी मूल्य 'SOME_VALUE_HERE' के लिए निर्धारित नहीं होता है, दोनों लेबल लेते हैं ग्रिड के नाम से जाना जाता है या नहीं, या ग्रिड () में चिपचिपा पैरामीटर का उपयोग किया जाता है या नहीं। जब तक मैंने कुछ अनदेखा नहीं किया हो, तब तक मैंने सोचा होगा कि कॉलमपैन सेट करना दूसरा लेबल 'SOME_VALUE_HERE' के रूप में पहली बार के रूप में व्यापक होना चाहिए। क्या मुझे ग्रिड काम करने का गलतफहमी है? मैं इस व्यवहार को कैसे प्राप्त करूंगा? डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, रिक्त ग्रिड कॉलम शून्य चौड़ाई है, इसलिए आप निम्नलिखित तालिका वर्णित है ग्रिड ज्यामिति प्रबंधक डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से आपके एप्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रयुक्त स्क्रीन अचल संपत्ति को अनुकूलि...

c++ - Win 32 API in Qt -

I have a program using MFC to communicate with Ethernet on a device. I have to type it again and it should be converted to QT The MFC program uses Win API functions such as CreateFile, ReadFile (to get network packets) and DeviceIOControl (the protocol used to facilitate communication To talk) Can I use these functions - CreateFile, ReadFile and DeviceIOControl directly in my QT code if I include Windows.h? How about Win API functions used for concurrency, such as WaitForSingleObject and Mutex? What part of Win API / Q is not available in Q? Is there a standard mechanism for converting MFC code to Qt? Can I use these functions - CreateFile, ReadFile and my DeviceIOControl directly if I include Windows.h? Yes. How about using Win API functions for transition, such as WaitForSingleObject and Mutex? Which part of the Win API is not available in QT? You can use any part of Win API. Is there any standard mechanism to convert the MFC code to QT is not a stand...

javascript - Show tooltip at top using jquery -

I am using this jquery tooltip to show details of my link button but this tooltip is displayed below and How can I show tooltips at the top of my link button HTML: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Head runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "//"> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/ resources / demos / style.css" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {$ (document) .toltip ({status: {my: "center bottom", at: "center top"}}}}}); & lt; / script & gt; & lt; style Type = "Text / CSS"> Labels {Display: Inline-Block; width: 5 AM;} & lt; /...