python - How does PySerial work? -
To read the serial data from my Arduino, I have the following Python script:
Serial ser = serial.Serial Import ("dev / ttyACM1", 9600) ser.timeout = 2 ser.readlines ()
On the other hand I started my Arduino with a program Which sends each voltage readings in 20 seconds. Arduino starts sending those readings from the moment that it is tilted, then after 20 seconds it closes and does not send anything.
Now what I have noticed is that I can read those 20 voltage values using the first script I need. That is, I can hook up Arduino, wait for a few minutes, then read in the values. I think the data is being stored anywhere. I think it is not being stored on Arduino, but somewhere on my laptop.
I have come up with a few questions which I hope the community can help me:
- Where to get data from PySerial (Arduino or some buffer on my laptop) Happening?
- How much time is there data stored in this place?
- Is there a way to clear this place before reading the values?
- How much storage space is there?
- When you set the Boyd Rate to PySerial in the second row in the script), is it the rate that reads the data from the PySerial storage area (not Arduino)?
- I have seen that if I set the baud rate in PySerial earlier in the higher lines
- is not related properly, but when you set the serial. Shia Is there timeout units in seconds?
I appreciate your time
Are you trying to open a terminal program such as teraterm (Windows) or GTKTRM (Linux) Arduino To the same port? I think it will be helpful in answering some of your questions.
There are quick answers to your questions that I can dump on top of my head.
- Specified from the port, I think you are asking something deeper from this?
If you do
x = ser.readlines ()
- Define one in PySerial Flush function is
Definitely not. For example, how many characters do you want to read:
x = (number) tells the following read size bytes from the pyserial documentation serial port. If a timeout is set, then it can return fewer characters in the form of a request. The number of bytes without timeout will be blocked until you read the requested number.
This is the clock rate of the port you open, that is, / dev / ttyACM1, the most serial comics are at 9600, if you use USB for serial '115200 will be required.
- Clock rate mismatch is you computer, which are providing data to the data, which are providing it, so that it can be displayed incorrectly.
- Second, quotes from picerl documentation: "timeout = x: set timeout to x seconds
Hopefully some help!
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