ios - when I click button in collection view, i I can't pass value to next view controller -

I had a question. I've set more buttons using the archive footage. I need a click button and the index value for "NextViewController" passes but when I click the button it is showing the error message below

I try to figure out where the error is. But I do not know.

Can someone give me some hint?

Thank you very much.

========== Error Message ===========

The cause of the application finished not come exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', due to: -

'[UIViewController itemsArray:] unrecognized selector example sent to 0x9e78220' ======= ============================

=========== LIST View controller.m == ========

  @ interface list view controller () {NSMutableArray * itemsArray; } Finally ... ... // webesrvice from itemsArray ... some data - (UICollectionViewCell *) collectionView: (UICollectionView *) collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {CustomizedCell * cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier: @ "CustomizedCell "Indexpath: indexpath]; NSInteger targetIndex = indexPath.row + indexpath.section * 3; If (targetIndex & LT; itemsArray.count) {[cell.cateBtn setTitle: [[itemsArray objectAtIndex: targetIndex] ITEMNAME] forState: UIControlStateNormal]; Cell.cateBtn.tag = targetIndex; [Cell.cateBtn addTarget: Self-action: @Selector (jumpToNextView) Control events: UICentralAventAliEvents]; Return cell; } - (zero) jumpToNextView: (UIButton *) sender {[self display CQ with identifier: @ "MySignName" sender: sender]; } - (zero) prepareForSegue: (UIStoryboardSegue *) segue this: (id) this {NextViewController * nextViewController = segue.destinationViewController; NextViewController. Items array = items; } - (BOOL) PforformSegueWithIdentifier: (NSString *) Identifier Sender: (ID) Sender {if (targetIndex & lt; itemsArray.count) YES Return; And do not come back; }   

========== Next Viewer. H =========

 < Code> @ interface Next control controller: UIViewController @property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray * itemsArray; Check the class name for  NextViewController    

code> storyboard < / Code>. This should be the next viewer . But as

I can see the crash log class name in UIViewController & amp; There is nothing like UIViewController itemsArray

thats the reason you are having a crash here.

Modify [cell.cateBtn addTarget: self action: @ selector (jumpToNextView): Uaikantroliventailavents];


  [cell.cateBtn addTarget: self action: @selector (jumpToDrScheduleList :) forControlEvents: UIControlEventTouchUpInside];   

Selector for the button & amp; Event UIControlEventTouchUpInside;


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