java - GWT finished Projct, how to bind it into Website -

So I have terminated my GWT web project, but how can I bind it to my website at I saved but did not get it right. Any good tutorial

If you want to give your page some area on your page, then you have There are two opportunities:

You can use an iframe in your favor and load your GWT app with src-attribute.

  & lt; Iframe src = "TheGwtHTMLPage.html" width = "90%" height = "400px" />   

Or you can use a div tag with the id.

  & lt; Div id = "yourDivId" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;   

In this case, you must load your * .nocache.js (always with the script-tag) and

  RootLayoutPanel.get ("yourDivId" ) Add (...).   

is different between the two, if you use an iframe, your GWT app can not get any information from your HTML page.


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