Android camera native access : startPreview() vs startRecording() -
Android is trying to bring the camera to work with the original code in the ICS: refer to most manual startPreview ()
The only goal to go to the original code is to display, the Java camera is very slow, and OpenCV does not even provide the required FPS level. / P> Edit: The target platform is: API Level = 17, Device Allwinner A31 Development Board, 1280x720x30 FPS. Work is to capture the frame from camera, modify it, encode (H.264) and store it on SD card. Write the mp4 file with pure Java MediaRecorder 1280x720x30. Displaying a live preview on the screen is not necessary. OpenCV-demo1 returns 1920x1080x2 in native mode (in Java mode), with simple preview callback, the simple Java approach is maximum FPS 15. Thank you in advance .. In case of display for native camera There is no benefit in knowing. Use in Java () gives several frames per second as any native option. But on some SOCs, eg Samsung, the camera output can be directly (0-copy) wired with the HW H.264 encoder, which naturally gives excellent throughput. This is what & lt; Quote & gt; Pure Java Media Recorder & lt; / Quote & gt; Should be involved in any manipulation of the buffer under the hood, you can not get it.
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