
Showing posts from February, 2010

How to move jslider its start position to end postion automatically when pressing a button in java -

मेरे पास एक कोड है jSlider1.setValue (0); Int i = 0; जबकि (i और lt; = jSlider1.getMaximum ()) {jSlider1.setValue (i); // जॉप्शनपेन। शो मेसेज डिआलोग (रूटपेन, "डीडड"); Thread.Sleep (2000); i ++; } मैं क्या चाहता हूं मैं JSlider को अपने न्यूनतम अधिकतम मूल्य पर ले जाना चाहता हूं। मैंने कोड ऊपर लिखा है लेकिन मुझे आउटपुट नहीं मिल सकता है। लेकिन जब मैं "जॉप्शनपैन। शोमोसेज डायलॉग (रूटपैन," deded ") की टिप्पणी निकालता हूं,", संदेश के साथ यह ठीक से काम कर रहा है I क्रिप्या मेरि सहायता करे। मैं बड़ी मुश्किल में हूँ मुझे कोई नमूना कोड होना है, अगर किसी को सोल्यूशन पता है धन्यवाद मैं मान रहा हूं कि आपने कुछ JPanel या बना दिया है JFrame जहां आप इस स्लाइडर को जोड़ते हैं, अंतिम JSlider jSlider1 = नया JSlider (); jSlider1.setValue (0); jSlider1.setMaximum (100); JSlider1.setBounds (0, 50, 300, 50); अंतिम टाइमर में वृद्धि वैल्यू = नया टाइमर (50, नई एक्शनलिस्टनर () {// प्रत्येक वृद्धि में 50 एमएस का अंतराल। सार्वजनिक शून्य एक्शनपररफेड (एक्शन एवेन्ट ई) {...

java - Confused about garbage collection -

How many object lines 7 are eligible for garbage collection after performing the following code? In my opinion there is 1 object which is z. What is right? public class tester {public static zero main (string [] args) {integer x = new integer (3000); Integer y = new integer (4000); Integer z = new integer (5000); Object a = x; X = y; Y = z; Z = Null; // line 7}} Thanks a lot. Do not confuse context with an object Object is a real object that is created, reference is only one There is a name that refers to it. You have created three objects, let them do 3000 , 4000 and 5000 . You have also set up references as follows: Riff object --- ------ x - & gt; 3000 y - & gt; 4000Z - & gt; 5000 After the work, you end on: Riff object ------ A-> 3000 x - & gt; 4000 y - & gt; 5000 z Therefore, any of the items is not subject to garbage collection. Each one is still a reference to it. On the contrary, if you want to remove this line: ob...

performance - ASP.NET MVC Routing - Thousands of URL's -

My ecommerce application stores the URL for the item pages in the database. There are thousands of these URLs, all of which are root level (i.e.{item-page-url}). If I add all of these URLs to the root table, then RouteColon for displaying each URL site. Why? The reason for this is How should I manage this situation properly? Adding all the routes in the route table does not look right (much does not confirm it to mention the performance). I have seen some ideas about inspecting all the incoming URLs and then trying to match in the URL database, but I do not fully understand how I should apply it, nor am I sure This is the best way. Any thoughts or suggestions? It seems that it will not be so unusual, but I have not found a concrete way to handle it. If you set your path to , adding the following paths at the top of your root config file can help you. routes MapRoute ("CustomRouteProduct", "Pro...

javascript - ui-router prefixes nested view templates with the parent's url -

मेरे पास एक पैरेंट स्टेट ( parent ) है, और एक बाल राज्य ( माता-पिता बच्चे ) $ stateProvider .state ('parent', {url: '/ parent', templateUrl: 'views / parent.html', नियंत्रक: 'पेरेंटकंट्रोलर',} ) .state ('parent.child', {url: '/: id', templateUrl: 'views / child.html', नियंत्रक: 'childController',}); माता-पिता के दृश्य में नीडिंत ui-view अर्थात्: विचारों / मूल html में: & lt; h1 & gt; बाल: & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; div ui-view & gt; & lt; / div & gt; जब मैं बाल राज्य में बदलता हूं, तो माता-पिता का यूआरएल प्रीफ़िक्स को templateUrl से किया जा रहा है। अर्थात्: templateUrl को /parent/views/child.html के रूप में हल किया जा रहा है क्योंकि यह विफल रहता है क्योंकि /parent/views/child.html मौजूद नहीं है (फ़ाइल को / views/child.html के तहत जमा किया जाता है) मैं कैसे ui-router को कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकता हूं, न कि पैरेंट राज्य के यूआरएल को प्रीफ़िक्स में templateUrl ...

extjs - Maintaining view instances after switiching view -

I have some sets in which I rearrange a set of components (views) in different order. What I would like to achieve is that the same example of the scene should be presented on different layouts so that the position of the scene can be maintained. I did something like this Ext.define ('MyApp.view.FirstView', {extension: 'Ext.container.Container', surname: 'widget. FirstView '}); Ext.define ('MyApp.view.SecondView', {extension: 'Ext.container.Container', nickname: 'widgets.beswatch'}); Ext. Define ('MyApp.view.HboxLayout', {extension: 'Ext.container.Container', layout: {type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch'}, items: [{xtype: 'firstView'}, { Xtype: 'second view'}]}); Ext. Define ('MyApp.view.VboxLayout', {extension: 'Ext.container.Container', layout: {type: 'vbox', align: 'stretch'}, item: [{xtype: 'firstView'}, {{ Xtype: 'second view'}]}); ...

iphone - How to add center button to UITabBar and hide it when tab bar is hidden in iOS SDK? -

I am working on a custom tab bar. I added the button in the middle of the tab bar using the following code: button = [with the UI button button: Type: UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]; Button.frame = CGRectMake (0,0,50,50); [Button setbackground image: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "uploader_disabled.png"] forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [Button setbackground image: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "uploader_enabled.png"] forState: UIControlStateHighlighted]; [Button addTarget: Self-Proceeding: @Selector (Open ActionSheet) Control Events: UIContolEventTouchUpInside]; CGFloat elevation = button.frame.height.height - self.tabBar.frame.size.height; If (height preference Now when I hide the tab bar, this button is not being hidden. It is visible in all view controllers. I would appreciate your help in solving this problem. You are adding a button to self.view . You should advertise on this tabbar [self.tabbar addSubview: button];

Disable iAds on Different Scene Cocos2d 3.0 -

I finally working, how would I commercials is not appearing on my game footage? IAds is ) {_adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithAdType: ADAdTypeBanner: (id) init {{if ([@selector (initWithAdType :) ADBannerView instancesRespondToSelector] - This is my iAds code is};} and {_adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] init];} _adView.requiredContentSizeIdentifiers = [NSSet set with object: ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait]; _adView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait; [[[CCD Citizen Shared Director] view] : _adView]; [_adView Setbakgram color: [UIColor ClearColor],]; [[[Siseedisitrr shared director] view] Aedsubuwu: _adView]; _adView.delegate = self;} healthy return;} Even though P to stop has been changed to add a visual [_ adview removeFromSuperview] While being a change of scenery, so it to look like this - onscoreButtonClicked (zero): (ID) with this {infections view starts spinning // [[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene: [HighS...

java - binary tree deletion saying null pointer -

So far, I have added nodes to my binary tree which you can choose which parents want you to The hair node is additive but the problem is Whrnever I remove a node removes it and sometimes it says zero pointer exception and when I show my nodes it still there is this my dlatitan method: Public Zero deletion (node ​​node) {if (node! = Null) {if (node.value.equals (nodeToDelete)) {node = null; } Delete (node. Left); Delete (node.right); }}} I already define my node, add my method, and nododillet is a string and all.tnx already exists Sometimes this is called zero notifier exception . I think your NPE was thrown when your node was not worth the value. You need to review your code, how did you define your value ? if (node.value.equals (nodododelite)) {

Access Meteor Collections from MongoDB Issue? -

I made & amp; Deploy an app using Meteorite Deploying the name I am using the following process from Mongo DB : Command prompt from meteorite: Inverted Mongolia // Below is a meteoric response to Order MongoDB shell version: 2.4. 8 Connect to: output-db-b3.meteor.io_7017 / myapp_meteor_com Command prompt from MongoDB: Use myapp_meteor_com I received my message Using e Emp is designed collection. Mongo DB I will try to see this from the command prompt but the collection is made from myapp but it is not visible. And I am using the process below to show the collection: Connect to: test & gt; Show dbs myapp_meteor_com (empty) local 0.078125GB> Myapp_meteor_com using db myapp_meteor_com & gt; The show archive // ​​does not show anything here, but the 'amp collection' in the JS file and data is as shown below. & Gt; // No collection is shown here So I had no idea, please suggest me wh...

php - A value for the identity was not provided prior to authentication with Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable -

I'm getting the error when I started the logon authentication code. I am using Zend Framework End; Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable . A value was not provided for authentication prior to authentication. What I've written: public function authAction () {$ request = $ this-> GetRequest (); $ Registry = Zend_Registry :: getInstance (); $ Auth = Zend_Auth :: getInstance (); $ DB = $ Registry ['zenddb']; // zenddb is the name of the database $ authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable ($ DB); $ AuthAdapter- & gt; SetTableName ('user'); $ AuthAdapter- & gt; SetIdentityColumn ('user_name'); $ AuthAdapter- & gt; SetCredentialColumn ('password'); // Set the input credential value $ uname = $ request- & gt; GetParam ('user_name'); $ Paswd = $ request- & gt; GetParam ('password'); $ AuthAdapter- & gt; SetIdentity ($ uname); $ AuthAdapter- & gt; SetCredential (md5 ($ paswd)); // Execute the authentication ...

c# - Sending email from Windows Phone 7 application -

I want to send an e-mail in my Windows Phone 7 application where the message body is in the data from my previous page Should I have already integrated the e-mail facility in my application like this: Private Zero Image_email (Object Sender, Routing Aventure E) {EmailComposeTask emailComposeTask = new EmailComposeTask (); EmailComposeTask.Subject = "Message subject"; EmailComposeTask.Body = "Message Body"; EmailComposeTask.To = ""; EmailComposeTask.Cc = ""; EmailComposeTask.bcc = ""; EmailComposeTask.Show (); } But I was not able to test it in my emulator. Now in the body section, I want my data from the previous page. So how to do it? Updated code: If (this.NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey ("Date_Start")) {// If it is available, then parameter value date = navigation contact .QueryString ["Date_Start"]; Datee.Text = date; } If (this.Navigati...

sql - Persisting Array into database -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 4 जवाब मुझे निर्णय लेने में मदद की ज़रूरत है एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि का उपयोग करके एरे / सूची में डेटाबेस (एसक्यूएल सर्वर 2008) को सम्मिलित करने के लिए अनुशंसित दृष्टिकोण। स्पष्ट दृष्टिकोण ऐरे के प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए एसपी को लागू करने के लिए होगा। लेकिन बेहतर दृष्टिकोण होना चाहिए केवल एक बार नेटवर्क पर सूची / सरणी को भेजने के लिए। मदद की सराहना की जाती है। यहां सबसे अच्छा तरीका यह निर्भर करेगा कि आप डेटा को कैसे पूछना चाहते हैं: यदि आप सूची / अर्रे में प्रत्येक पंक्ति के पहलुओं की क्वेरी करने में सक्षम होना चाहते हैं, तो एक डीबी पंक्ति प्रति एक सूची / ऐरे आइटम जाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है। यदि आप सूची / एरे के भीतर आइटम पूछना नहीं चाहते हैं, और सिर्फ ऑडिट के लिए इसे सहेजना चाहते हैं आईएनजी के उद्देश्यों, या कुछ अन्य संदर्भ की ज़रूरत होती है, जहां आपको कुछ भी पुनः प्राप्त करने की ज़रूरत नहीं होती है, लेकिन पूर्ण सेट, फिर आप पूरी चीज़ को सीरियललाइज कर सकते हैं और इसे कुंजी / वैल्यू टेबल में संग्रहीत कर सकते हैं जहां मूल्य का प्...

caching - Different behaviour for local and productive WeblogicServer -

O people, I have a strange behavior and I am wondering why this happens : My managed van has three values ​​(selected plant, selected year and selected months). When opening the required page, the code of the plant is started and started by selecting @PostConstruct method and according to pre-defined plant, year and month. None of these three options should be updated and updated via AJAX request while changing data. To switch to editing mode, I can right click on my button to change a value that indicates whether the page should be visible in view or edited mode. Now my problem is: My local weblogic server (Integrated Web server - standard configuration) works as expected, I open the page, view my current data, switch to editing mode, edit & Amp; Help. is that all. works like a charm. The productive weblogic server (I have been configured by a colleague) I think that does some kind of cache. I open the page, see my current data, change the values ​​of the year last y... mvc - How to insert an image in ActionLink (View model) -

I want to display an image for every bike, but these codes are not working: & lt; Ul & gt; @wunch (bike bike in model.back) {& lt; Li & gt; @ Html.ActionLink (bike name, "categories", new {id =, name =, @ class = "picture"}, null) & lt; / Li & gt; } & Lt; / Ul & gt; Anyone can help me with this, thanks a lot! I just updated my CSS file: a.image {background: URL ('~ / store project (new) / store project / adventure / content / Images '') Any repeat center correct; Display area; Height: 84px; Width: 264px; } There is no inbuilt HTML helpers for image hyperlinks. We have to make custom HTML to receive this requirement. So look at the links below, you will get an idea. Based on your comment. I give such solutions: @if (Convert.ToString (bike.Name) == Tap || Convert.tostring (bike name) == "") {bike.Name = "Empty"; } @ Html.ActionLink (convert .tostring ("bi...

c++ - How to convert column vector into MxN matrix? -

I am relatively new to C ++ and how to get trapped in this problem. I have 999x1 of point coordinates Vector and I want to convert it to 333x3 matrix. Besides, I am using various CPP files for a project, so that the number of points that the sets reads is that the function is in a different file. How can I make this matrix and how should I use it in my main code? I took the vector & lt; Vector & lt; Float & gt; & Gt; Macatrix thing but you need to specify rows and columns in this type of definition, as long as I can not read the file. If I try to declare the matrix variable above the function which is reading the pocket file, its scope is limited and I can not use the matrix in the main CPP. It's hard to write code because it has many links with other files, I hope you have my problem! Please help me on this issue ... thanks in advance! The vector is actually a container for just one array. So basically you have a int A [99 9] and want to convert it to ...

PHP Changing order and price filters using queries -

I am working on a filter for my website and it seems that my argument is ending! I managed to organize the sequence of items based on selected radio buttons but I do not know how to integrate the value inputs (from: __ to: __) in index.php: $ price_range = ''; If (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) {$ lowest_price = $ _POST ['lowest_price']; $ supreme_price = $ _POST ['highest_piece']; $ $ value_range = 'value' equals '%'. $ Like "% 'and'% '. $ Highest value." $' ";} $ Order_list = (isset ($ _ POST ['order_list']))? $ _ POST ['order_list']: '' ; $ Order_list (case "link 1": $ order_list_sql = "order" by DJC "break"; case "link2": $ order_list_sql = "value" ASC "from command; breakdown;" link 3 " : $ Order_list_sql = "Order" order by "DESc"; breakdown; case "link4": $ order_list_sql = ...

php - laravel form helper with put method -

मुझे फॉर्म के लिए यह कोड खुला है: {{form :: model ($ उपयोगकर्ता, सरणी ('मार्ग' = & gt; सरणी ('user_edit_put'), 'विधि' = & gt; 'पुट', 'भूमिका' = & gt; "फ़ॉर्म", 'वर्ग' = & gt; 'फॉर्म', ' Charset '= & gt;' utf-8 '))}} {{प्रपत्र :: बंद ()}} लेकिन यह हमेशा पोस्ट विधि के साथ ही फॉर्म का उत्पादन करता है, मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि लार्वेल में एक अन्य एचटीटीपी पद्धति के साथ फॉर्म बनाओ? क्यों यह हमेशा पोस्ट विधि देना है, हालांकि मैंने 'method' = & gt; निर्धारित किया है। 'पीट'? यदि आप प्रपत्र में देखते हैं तो _METHOD उसमें PUT विधि होगा। यह काम करने के लिए है क्योंकि फ़ॉर्म सबमिशन केवल GET और POST का समर्थन करता है। नोट: नोट : चूंकि एचटीएमएल फॉर्म केवल पोस्ट और जीईटी का समर्थन करते हैं, चूंकि अपने फॉर्म में स्वचालित रूप से एक _method छिपे हुए फ़ील्ड को जोड़कर धोखा दिया जाएगा।

javascript - d3.json what kind of request its making? -

I am using this D3 plugin: loading json data from local url, I usually use it in PHP Control adds whether the call is a proper AJAX call: define ('IS_AJAX', issued ($ _ server ['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) and the Stroller ($ _ server [ HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH ']) ==' XMLHttpRequest '); This check has failed and I was able to back it up on the d3.json function. Can someone explain to me what kind of request D3 Jason is making? Thank you very much. Edit: This code is: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var cal = New CalHeatMap (); Cal.init ({cellSize: 15, Category: 12, Domain: "month", data: '& lt ;? php echo $ url;? & Gt; Legend horizontal position:' center ', legendselles: 15}); & Lt; / Script & gt; $ url is the url which returns json. The first of its documentation is unclear how data is processed . Then we can put a quick look at the code (line 2459 src \ cal-hea...

javascript - Arrays are null after passing them with Ajax to the next page -

फ़ंक्शन: $ ("# 123")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () { वर oberpunkte = नई सरणी (); $ ( 'इनपुट: चेकबॉक्स [वर्ग = oberpunkte]: जाँच की')। प्रत्येक (function () {oberpunkte.push ($ (this) .attr ( 'नाम'));}); Var unterpunkte = new Array (); $ ('इनपुट: चेकबॉक्स [class = unterpunkte]: चेक')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {unterpunkte.push ($ (this) .attr ('name'));}); वर kategorie = $ ( "इनपुट: रेडियो: जाँच [name = 'kategorie']") वैल (); $ .ajax ({प्रकार:। 'POST', यूआरएल: 'selected.php', डेटा: {oberpunkte: oberpunkte , Unterpunkte: unterpunkte, category: category}, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {console.log (डेटा); $ ('# sumadd')। Html (डेटा);}});}); }); php: $ oberp = $ _POST ['ओबरपंक']; $ Unterp = $ _POST ['unterpunkte']; $ Katid = $ _POST ['श्रेणी']; var_dump ($ oberp); var_dump ($ unterp); गूंज ($ katid); मैंने भी $। Ajax विधि से पहले मेरे ऐरेज़ को अलर्ट किया। वे रिक्त नहीं हैं। अगर मैं...

Sandbox env for javascript client side library devlopment with node.js -

I am developing a JavaScript library with the node.js for the client side I, as my client side, Include in the html page and I would like to check changes when developing lib. I have noticed that some libraries include this setup suit for my establishment. My question here is how to develop these examples in the node.js environment? Should it be by creating a server.js (node ​​on the server HTML page. Js app)? If yes, then I should include the same (server.js) in the Gitub project, as I have seen that no such file is included in it. This standard should be the way the developer is doing. Should I create a separate sandbox or application (for the service of HTML, CSS and JS files) including my Library JS file? NodesJScript executes javascript on a web page without connecting to the server is about to. In summary: with files and network access, but without browser. If you want to create a JS library to run inside a web page, then you do not need nodes. P> You...

javascript - Check input when text is changed -

I have a question about when input text should be replaced, I use this as the keydown : $ ('# query'). Keydown (function () {console.log ($ (this) .val ());}); but the actual value is query , then the console log will be quer . This is always a delay, I do not know why? There are 3 ways to apply it. The first is using the other events like input or propertychange . Note that propertychange is only supported on IE and input is supported on modern browsers. $ ('# query'). 'Input perpertychange', function () {console.log ($ (this) .val ());}); The other way is to console.log ($ (this) .val ()); in setTimeout statement. You can get what you are typing. (Reason? I'm sorry, I do not really know why, use it); $ ('# query'). Keydown (function () {var query = $ (this); settimeout (function () {console.log (query.val ());}, 0);}); and the last time using textchange events like this: $ ('# query'). ('T...

protocols - are there specific echo and non-echo telnet ports -

I have some doubts about telnet and the echo that I have not found lucky with Google (also to say That I have done my homework) Does the telnet specification say that there are specific echo ports and specific non-echo ports? If so, is port 23 and 10001 specially different? If conditional yes, then this is some version of the Telnet protocol specific; in other words they have been added after some specific recurrence of Telnet and / or are they fully compliant telnet clients and partially Do you complain? What if there is a difference between any locale and remote echo? I believe that I am talking about resonance from the server side (remote echo?) But in any case what is this? I'm not sure if telnet / protocol is a specific child stack overflow site or not? If yes, can someone tell me there? All port numbers are registered in IANA and it is referred to as telnet for specification which is port assignment When service hosts (i.e., remote terminal access) are ...

java - Chromium with SeleneseTestCase -

I want to run Selenium Test case with Chromium under Debian 6, which does not have any user interface. I am using 'xsimulator' for this: I am setting up my test: Public zero set up () throws exception {setName ("test"); Super.setup ("", "* googlechrome chromium-browser);} The Chromium instance begins without any problems, but, Because it is in the first part of Chromium, it asks me to make the default browser. Without the UI (I'm on Exximeter) I can not click and can not make any choice. Actually, Chromium has default browser check 'No-default-browser-check'), but only in the terminal When I set up the test like this: super.setUp ("", "* googlechrome usr / bin / Chromium Browser - -no-default browser-checking "); Thumb pointer throws exclamation: org.openqa.selenium.server.browserlaunchers.GoogleChromeLauncher.createCommandArray (GoogleChromeLauncher.jav...

joomla3.0 - How to add a bootstrap class to JHtml in Joomla -

I am using the following piece of code to display an image that I am receiving from So, to make it more attractive as a bootstrap CSS class, I add a style instead of showing the image, it shows me a link to the image, when I redirect to the link, I am able to see the image. Why am I getting this? $ html [] = JHtml :: _ ('image', $ grav_url, 'class = "img-circle"', JText :: _ ('PLG_CONTENT_AVATAR'), empty, true ) Here is the URL I'm getting for the image: $ grav_url and the img-circle I want the bootstrap class to be used . I believe the library you are using is here: Then you can see in the parameter list that the $ attribs is the absolute value for the type array. The second thing is that you have an extra $ Alt is the paragraph which you may have that your jettext is just out of sequence. To do this, you have to do this: $ html [] = JHtml :: _ ('image', $ grav_url, JText :: _ ('PLG_CONTENT_AVATA...

design patterns - (De/)Serialization as an interface for file-based data exchange in C++ -

I am trying to get some general understanding of the proper use of the serialization for data transfer. Imagine that we have two binarys in each binary, there are some internal representations of data that fit their internal use model and the presentation is different in binary. Now we want to pass some data from one binary to the other. Two options: Use a support class, which has serialization / decarilization methods, class is optimized for storage and all file presentation logic is one place Keeps on Use custom readings / writing in a standard format separately from internal structures in each binary, it allows to avoid overhead to create an assist class installation and double copy. Question: What should I speculate to understand the applicability of two views in a particular case? Is there any way to reconcile the solution in a way that protects the professionals of both of them? The practical reality is that there is very little to separate the two ways sug...

c# - Add item to the listview in a specific index -

After you sort ListView items, I would like to add a list view object in the first row of listview control: (Sender as LISTuView) Cert (); Forex (lstvTotalGroups.Items in Listwuaitim lstvgeneral) {if (lstvgeneral.Tag! = Null) {if (lstvgeneral.Tag.ToString () == "normal") {lstvTotalGroups.Items.Remove (lstvgeneral); LstvTotalGroups.Items.Instert (0, lstvgeneral); }}} However, the list line has been added to the row instead of in the first line. The If you sort the list view, new items appear in the sort order, and not In the specified position. If ListView.Sorting property is set to a value other than the SortOrder.None or as if set ListViewItemSorter property, items are added when the item is automatically sorted The label changes text then the item is not automatically sorted.

PHP csv file lookup assistance -

One of our company's websites has a page that reads the CSV file and depends on the serial number input. , Gives a list of manuals for that part, currently there are only two columns in the CSV file, for a serial number, the same part of the folder for the second part matches the same named PDF. We have recently moved to sage 200 and have a new list of part numbers (for existing parts) and want to add a third column with these new part codes. I inherited this site and knew very little PHP, if anybody thought that you can tell me in the right direction :) I can find on the page Code: $ $ serial = $ _POST ['serialobox']; Echo "You searched for serial $ serial"; $ File = nl2br (file_get_contents ("./tkmanuals / serialnos.csv")); If ($ strposition = strpos ($ file, "$ serial")) {$ strposition = $ strposition + 7; $ Br = Straps (substrate ($ file, "$ stripship", "50"), ""); $ Tspart = substr ($ file, "$ ...

scala - Type inference on contents of shapeless HList -

This example is simplified. I have a set of such classes: Case class keymapping [kytype] (k: key type) class wrapped mapping [ketipe] (m: t some { Type T The following types of code are guessed correctly: val w = new raped mapping (keymapping ("key") // the following statement true error // type mismatch; // found: wktype (with the built-in type string) required: nothing / val test1 : Nothing = wk I have no clue how to guess the right type for the following types: class mappings [ketipe, l & Lt;: HList] (Mapping: L) {val k: KeyType = ???} Val m = New mapping (keymapping ("key 1") :: main mapping ("key 2") :: HNIL) Should not be compiled, the string string should be of test2: nothing = mk what HList keytype "Post-T based on the contents of Ext "itemprop =" text "> provides a built-in toList that is used to convert HLists to lists, is inauspicious. To do this, the first HList should calculate t...

java - Please help, jsf icefaces webapp unable to run in netbean -

Good morning all, I came across an online tutorial that shows how to create a popup dialog box . The tutorial started with the configuration of my environment like all possible. JR file which is essential for creating and running ICE Facial Project successfully. I successfully added all jar files, created the project and typed all the code given to me by the tutorial. But when I tried to run the icefaces, the netback always pops up an error message in the output panel I suspect that I Quitting from a configuration that has been left to me or I do not know anything. So if any of you can help me identify why my project is not working, when I am trying to run it, I would be very happy. When I try to run it: C: \ Java Projects \ New App \ deployed first place in the first Ice popup \ build \ web deployed? Default = C: \ Java Projects \ New App \ First Ice Popup \ Build \ Web & amp; Name = first_isogopup & amp; Contextroot = / First_Ice_Popup and force = true fai...

python - defaultdict tuple of lists -

I will look the default, but I want to verify it in 2-to-TVL lists automatically and I'm not sure it's possible. So what do I need: foo = defaultdict (???) foo ['key1'] [0] .append ('value') foo ['key1'] [1]. Append ('other value') Is it enabled with default-date? Of course you should give the default function that gives you what you want the default; The easiest way to create such a closed function is lambda: foo = defaultdict (lambda: ([], [])) foo ['key1'] [0] .Append ('Value')

node.js - How to emit event in based on client? -

मैं node.js, express और का उपयोग करके रीयलटाइम डेटा विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन एप्लीकेशन पर काम कर रहा हूं। आवश्यकता: क्लाइंट अनुरोध के आधार पर ईवेंट का उत्सर्जन करना है। उदाहरण के लिए : यदि उपयोगकर्ता url को http: // localhost: 8080 / pages क्लाइंट को विषय कोड और http: // localhost: 8080 / स्थानों के लिए अन्य उपयोगकर्ता अनुरोध को छोड़ देना चाहिए सॉकेट को उस विशिष्ट उपयोगकर्ता को स्थान का उपयोग करना चाहिए। कोड var सर्वर = app.listen ("8080"); Var सॉकेट = आवश्यक (''); Var io = socket.listen (सर्वर); Var config = {}; Io.on ('कनेक्शन', फ़ंक्शन (सॉकेट) {config.socket = io.sockets.socket (; socket.on ('डिस्कनेक्ट', फ़ंक्शन () {console.log (' डिस्कनेक्ट है ');});}); App.get ('/ *', फ़ंक्शन (रिक, रेस) {var url = req.url; var eventName = url.substring ('/'। लंबाई); // पृष्ठ और स्थानों config.socket.volatile.emit ( EventName, परिणाम);}); ग्राहक कोड: // क्लाइंट कोड में को...

ios - Poping a view not working in device -

I'm popping up a view with zoom in the zoom out effect. When my app returns to Safari after the login, I am displaying that scene. It's working fine in the simulator but it's not working in the device. Here's my code in the iPad: [MyAppDelegate openSessionWithAllowLoginUI: Yes completionBlock: ^ (BOOL result) {NSLog (@ "Connecte thanks via joint page") ; If (results) {NSLog (@ "% @% d", [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryRepresentation], [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey: @ "isSender"] boolValue]); If ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey: @ "isSender"] boolValue] == 0 & amp; amp; [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey: @ "isServiceProvider"] boolValue] == 0} {lbl_register.font = [UIFont FontWithName: GZFont Size: 16]; Lbl_serviceProvider.font = [UIFont fontWithName: GZFont Size: 14]; Lbl_customer.font = [UIFont fontWithName: GZFont Size: 14]; Selection...

shell - Ctrl C does not kill foreground process in Unix -

I have a script written in anmed test.csh to start a GUI based application in the foreground in Solaris Unix Are there. When I run the script and want to kill the GUI process using the keyboard Ctrl + C, the process is not finished. If I open the GUI application directly from the terminal, then I'm able to kill the process using Ctrl + C. Does anyone help me understand why I am not able to kill the process from a script? #! To set the / usr / bin / csh # env variable, some script # GUI process will be cast Then I execute the script using the following command. I can not finish the vcast process using the Ctrl + C command. source test.csh if it is If the launch is being launched in its own thread, the request for hanging can not be found on the application. You can add a signal handler so that the hangup request can be cascade or the process ID for the app to see the process table and then kill it. It can be scripted very easily.

angularjs - Breezejs registerEntityTypeCtor for base type -

I am trying to register a custom constructor (add some properties) for the unit. I have done this: var unit = function () {this.prop = "test"; }; Var store = manager.metadataStore; Store.registerEntityTypeCtor ("unit", entity); And it works fine when entity is the actual unit that I query. I have a problem when entity is the base type of the object that I query for example when I get the task from entity Property is prop on the job, but it has not started. Is not legacy supported? I am using AngularJS and oData Edit: I have managed everything I needed using the third parameter in the register. I initializ support but should it not work even without the init method? The problem with the creator is that it is taking a dependency on things that are not present in the definition Unless you complete the query. Since air creates properties as an observation, you can predict the properties that depend on you, as the knockout looks: T...

svn - How to move a folder from one repo to another repo? -

I tried to move a folder from one repo to another repo and followed the steps given below. Dump a special folder in SVN svnadmin dump repo1 | Svndumpfilter repo1 / branches / folder1 / & gt; Folder1.dump to restore the dump svnadmin load repo2 & lt; Folder1.dump It has been successfully loaded but I can not list the contents in the new repo if I check with the new repo, it works. Could you please inform how to list the contents of the new repo? Thank you. to list new repo content svn list As the local host: // path_to_repo2 may need to be used Does this help? Nicholas

ios - View changes not being reflected when made change is made inside delegate method -

I have a class A , which represents delegates another class b being implemented in in b I have a text field, which I am trying to hide when the rep is called. - (empty) Receive Response Delegate: (BOOL) status {textField.hidden = YES; } but textField is not hidden. I have seen that none of the related changes work inside the representative rep where the controllers of the child watching have been removed. What is the problem and how can I fix it? Edit: B is a child view controller of another view controller Try it, - (zero) did the ThiarasSponsalidatate: (BOOL) position {dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^ {textField.hidden = YES;}); }

c++ - Can I make sure that no exception happens on overflow integer miltiplication? -

I am writing a code that makes some arithmetic over long values ​​and it can not produce overflow exceptions. The code needs to be compiled on both Windows (Visual Studio) and Linux (ARM Linux). Is there a program or compilation of time instructions, which I can use to compile it should not generate an overflow exception for that specific code The main point is: 1- It works both on Windows and Linux 2- Despite the general configuration of the project, this section should not be overflow exception (hence Setting up a parameter in the project That is not the best solution). I do not know about any of the implementations which generate an overflow exception for expression with integral types Will do But the question is what do you want to do? I know that all Windows and Linux compilers will give wrong results, and I can not think of a situation where it would be better for any option the beginning of calculations Prior to this, the general way of handling this type ...

ruby on rails - Devise mailer custom domain from option -

Given that request object ActionMailer not work is there a way mailer controller will present URL and set of custom option to detect this is what I have so far application_controller.rb ?: before_filter: images ,: hide_sidebar ,: global_vars ,: set_mailer_host before_action: sidebar_menu def set_mailer_host ActionMailer :: Base.default_url_options [: host] = request.host_with_port @ Host = request.env ['HTTP_HOST'] until request.env ['HTTP_HOST'] is not included Is. 'Local Host' Termination Developer Mailer Custom Class: Class DeviseMailer & lt; Devise :: Mailer Assistant: Allows application # to access all helpers as defined in `application_helper`. Include Devise :: Controllers :: UrlHelpers # Optional such as. `Confirmation_url` def confirmation_instructions (record, token, opts = {}) if Name = @event = name any name = "# {record.first_name}," finally, in which [from] = "...

How to add an increasing var +1 if field.tab1=field.tab2 in sql -

If someone can help me, then I have two tables like this: Field.tab1 111 1110 1111 1112 field.tab2 111 I have to update Table 2 like this: field.tab2 1113 Thank you for your prompt response and guidance. Yes, I'm new here and also entering SQL, I have compared two tables I have to compare and unique from another table. Rico There is a need to create a card, because the table will be added in advance, so that's what I did: SELECT tab2.field, tab1.field, tab1.field1, tab2.field1 Tab 2 Join Tab 2 on Left Tab 1. Field = Tab 1. and manually increment each tab1.field :) Until tab2.field and tab2.field1 are zero, where the field is the number of the customer and the number of field 1 sequence. The natural answer to this question is: update field.tab2 Set col = 1113 where Col = 111; I'm not sure if you really need it I am posting it because you are new to stack overflow as much as you can describe what you want to do, The better your answers will be...

c# - Open DataReader which must be closed first -

net 4.5 I get the error above (subject line) I'm stationed on the production server and iterate at Places in the precursor. To make it work on the production server, give me an array i.e. var locationArray = locations.ToArray (); and had to iterate locationArray . So my question is in the test (running local while debugging in VS2013) I am running against a SQLExpress frequency and in the production I am running against fully developed SQLServer. However, why does not iterate places , but an error occurs in the trial but does it produce? Public IQueryable & lt; State & gt; StatescountryGate (long account id) {list & lt; State & gt; Results = New list & lt; State & gt; (); (Using DataRegistry Data Repository = Data Registry. Instance ()) {// # TODO: Find a Better Way to Make IQueryable by Group & lt; LocationsMapping & gt; Locations = dataRepository.Query & lt; LocationsMapping & gt; (R = & gt; R. CountyId == aCountryId)...

n gram - Retrieve Ngram list with frequencies from Solr -

I realized that using any of the following APIs, SLO can get the top rank: localhost: 8983 / Solr / admin / luke? Fl = text in & amp; NumTerms = 5000 & amp; Wt = json but it only gives one of the top unigrams (eg "David") etc. The list, not Bigrams (for example "David Beckham"), trigrams there is a way I have solar, top breaks, Can I get from the list of trigrams etc? A field type like the Ngram filter: ; FieldType name = "myngram" stored = "wrong" class = "solr.StrField" & gt; & Lt; Analyzer Type = "Index" & gt; & Lt; Tokenizer class = "solr.StandardTokenizerFactory" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" /> & Lt; Filter class = "solr.NGramFilterFactory" minGramSize = "2" maxGramSize = "5" /> & Lt; / Analyzer & gt; & Lt; / FieldType & gt; and then declare a copy area of ​​type myngram ...

Inconsistent results in iterative calculation of circular reference in Excel 2010 -

I have a circular reference with the embedded VLOOKUP function, which I resolve using the repeated calculation. I have two adjacent columns that hold the same logic behind the circular references and iterative calculations are examined. However, the results I get are not compatible: when I change the amount in the right column it gives different results link to the workbook: Why is such an idea? thanks a lot. The spreadsheet is too difficult without seeing. For example, the form you wrote does not correspond to the results in your columns D and E. With a col_index_num of 3, the limit of H5: K19 should be selected, not the spread, rather than the rating. Then because you have not defined any right or wrong value in your Vlookup, it is true that the default is. By assigning the variable of [range lookup] to the variable, this will be the default with the lowest minimum value and in this case you have to have the table_ar of G5: J19.

rounding - Adding Decimal Places (3 Decimal Places) in Java -

I was wondering how to create avg at 3 decimal places in the following program: Public Class Baseball Clutter {Public Stable Zero Main (String AZ []) {Scanner MyScaner = New Scanner (System.); Bats at noon; Double Basehats; Double onbase; Double average; Double Onespresentage; System.out.println ("How many atbets did you have?"); AtBats = myScanner.nextDouble (); System.out.println ("How many base hits and homers were you?"); BaseHits = myScanner.nextDouble (); System.out.println ("How often do you get hits from the pitch or walking?"); OnBase = myScanner.nextDouble (); Avg = baseHits / atBats; OnBasePercentage = (baseHits + onBase) / atBats; System.out.println ("You Have Total" + BaseHit + "Base Hits for Season"); System.out.println ("You have total" atbats "on" Bat for the season "); System.out.println (" Your average for game or season: "+ average); System.out.println (" Your game or b...

parallel processing - Matlab pool warning -

WARNING: 1 pre-existing communication function (s) created by running pool has found you profile local You can use 'remove (mycluster.Jobs)' to remove all jobs created with. Use 'Mycluster' to 'mycluster = parcluster (' local ')'. ' As soon as I open matlabpool, I get this warning. I want to know what it means and how can I correct it. Also, can this affect the functioning of my code? You forget to use matlabpool after opening a matlabpool if you Do not close it, so it remains active.

java - Do you have to go through all lines in .json with gson? -

I'm just starting with Jason Parsing and writing, and I'm using GSN to do this. Let's say that you have to iterate through each line in the json file, do I want to use some of the bottom of the file, to get to the line? Without jumping through Alice, do you have everything Bob? Now I just know how to start the open object (), (), open Bob, go through them, then close Bob, then go to Alice. As { "Bob": { "following": [215876567, 64044676, 276716878, 208675951, 151503222,], "followers" [720567433, 1005407395, 2432297370, 2463742694, 2463741222, 51101660, 2463700218, 2463741192, 405107240,]}, "Alice": { "location": "New York"}} You can get Direct Alice below JsonParserjsonParser = new JsonParser (); Jason Element Jason Element = Jason Pearce. PRSE (YOUR_JSON_STRING_HERE); // get the JsonElement Alice such as JsonElement aliceJsonElement = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject () ( "Alice") .; ...

c++ - Daylight Saving Time and UTC-to-local time conversions with WinAPIs -

I change what I'm trying to see it in Vindapiai between UTC time and local contrast Daylight Saving Time accurate Ho. For example, take the API. It explains the details: LocalfileTemplate uses the current settings for the time-zone and daylight saving time. Therefore, if this is a daylight saving time, then this function will account for Daylight Savings Time, even if the time you are changing is in standard time. So I'm testing it with code: // If the DST change is March 8-2015 at 2:00 PM In the morning / when the clock is forwarded forward 1 hour / let's check the difference. Between two times: SYSTEMTIME st1_local = {2015, 3, 0, 8, 1, 30, 0, 0}; // March-8-2015 1:30:00 AM systemtime st2_local = {2015, 3, 0, 8, 3, 30, 0, 0}; // Mar-8-2015 3:30:00 AM // Change in file-time format FILETIME ft1_local, ft2_local; Verify (:: SystemTimeToFileTime (& st1_local, & amp; ft1_local)); Verify (:: SystemTimeToFileTime (& st2_local, & amp; ft2_local)); // t...

sql - Oracle decode+date+single row -

I am using oracle and have details below SQL & gt; As with T (123456 as TASK_ID ID, select 1, -1 ASSIGNED_ID, as ASSIGNED_GRP as Null, sysdate-12/24 dual union from ASSIGNED_DATE, all selected as 12345, 2,67890, Null, sysdate-11/24 Select All from Dual Union 12345,278901, Null, sysdate-10/24 Dual Union Select All 12345,2, -11111, sysdate-09 / 24 Dual Union Select All 12345,2,67890, Null, from sysdate-08 / Dual Union / 24/2 12345,2, 2, 2, 2222, all sysdate-07/24, all selected from Dual Union 12345,2, 78901 , Zero, sysdate-06/24 all selection from dual union 12346,2,67890, null, sysd All selected from the ate-05/24 dual union 12346,2, -11111, sysdate-04/24 Dual union selection of all 12346,2,67890, Null, sysdate-03/24 Dual union all 12,346 Select ID, Decoded (ASSIGNED_ID, Zero, '*', '-1', '*', ASSIGNED_ID), ASSIGNED_GRP), Select ID, Decode (ASSIGNED_GRP, Zero, Select, 2,78901, Null, sysdate-02 / Dual) From 24, ASSIGNED_DATE; ID DECODE (ASSIGNED_GRP, NUL...

file - Removing information from debug.getinfo in Lua? -

Using Debug.getinfo (numbers), people are able to see which files I am loading through luaL_dofile and which strings I run through luaL_dostring. itemprop = "text" I am trying to secure my scripts, so how will I rescue my files and strings from debug? Getinfo? Overriding debug.getinfo is not an option for me, unfortunately. Try precompiling your scripts with luac -s .

Debugging jsp with spring-boot and IntelliJ -

I am developing a web app using Springboot, JSP, and embedded Tomcat. The application is running fine and if I add the Maven run configuration with the spring-boot, then I can debug the Java file without any problem. But when I try to add a breakpoint to one of my JSP files IntelliJ shows this error: 'Breakpoint is not from any class.' If I configure IntelliJ to use an external Tommack server then jsp debugging works perfectly. How to debug JSP using the Spring-Boot Maven goal? Is this a problem with the spring-boot or Maven run configuration in IntelIge? I really would like to be able to use full spring boot capabilities from my God environment. Thank you. The problem is that the spring boot app produces another process. You have to tell the boot that you want to debug and not only have to run commands for mewen or grade in debug mode. Update: For my current project, I just provide a class to start spring boot, a war file. ( See how to relate to the use of s...

mongodb - c# repository pattern to support normalized mongo db -

I am starting to learn mangodibi and I am trying to create a repository pattern in C # that is the normalized data model Can support as it has been presented in this. I have a few questions about how I should do this. Do I want to save the object property first before saving the original object? While questioning, should I first query the object properties and then connect them to the original object through the code? So far, my current repository saves the pattern code and queries the embedded model and I do not like it. Hopefully you can tell me some ideas how to create a repository pattern supporting a normalized model. Thank you :) This shows a good way to apply the repository pattern to C #. The objective is to hide how the object is formed and to limit the data access codes for a set of tables or tables for any location. Usually, a repository will fully populate your objects so that any collections of other objects are properly populated. If you have a separa...

Removing data from MYSQL that is comma delimited via Get and php -

What I'm doing is adding values ​​to each MySql table with each value separated by a comma and each new value The last value is added, which separates once again from the comma. Now all this is dynamic. How do I remove a selected value and a comma when I have a problem? I am using php and mysql I can read values ​​with explosion and line [value]. The name of the table is ID, value, value_array in the table $ value_selected should be $ _GET ['value'] value_array is a column All values ​​separated by commas include. The database selects those values ​​where the id is equal to the received value. Then value_array returns all the values ​​ Then I explode the values ​​and each value is read from the value_array through the looping and line [value]. Code: Php $ value_selected = $ _GET ['Price'] Start; $ Query = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM values ​​WHERE id = '$ value_selected'"); While ($ result = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query)) {$ check_va...

JAVA evaluating multiple OR conditions in IF statement -

How do I process this statement correctly? Is there a better way? byte [] buf = rtm.getMessageData (); If (buff [0] == 'A' || 'B' || 'C' || 'D' || 'E' || 'F') if (buf [0] ==) 'A' || Buff [0] == 'B' || Buff [0] == 'C' || Buff [0] == 'D' || Buff [0] == 'E' || Buff [0] == 'F') But as you have guessed, there are better ways. One option: if (buf [0]> = 'a' and buf [0] Switch (Buff [0]) {Case 'A': Case 'B ': Case' C ': Case' D ': Case' E ': Case' F ': ... rupture; Default: ...}

java - Spinner selection not passing into "if" statement -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर 20 उत्तरों मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: सार्वजनिक शून्य कन्वर्ट () {स्ट्रिंग वैल = (स्ट्रिंग) स्पिनर 1 .getItemAtPosition (spinner1.getSelectedItemPosition ()); Println (spinner1.getItemAtPosition (spinner1.getSelectedItemPosition ())); Println (वैल); यदि (वैल == "मिमी" || वैल == "सेमी" || वैल == "मी" = val == "किमी") {System.out.println ("यदि बयान में मिला है"); initiateLengthConvert (); } System.out.println ("कभी नहीं मिला"); } अब जब प्रिंट्स का पहला प्रिंट प्रिंट होता है, अगर मैंने "मिमी" चुना है, तो यह प्रिंट करता है: मिमी मिमी कभी नहीं मिला यह क्यों नहीं बयान करता है? "वाल" और संभावनाएं पूरी होती हैं, इसलिए यह मुझे कोई मायने नहीं रखता। उपयोग करें .equals से == की जगह स्ट्रिंग्स की तुलना करें। if (val.equals ("mm") || val.equals ( "सेमी") = val.equals ("m") || val.equals ("km")) पढ़...

Can jQuery click event combine an callback? -

I want to display a confirmation popup with the OK button. Normally, if I do not want a callback, the OK button will hide the popup and layer mask. When I callback, the OK button will do something in the callback function. Function display Erropop (message, callback) {$ ("# error_popup_message"). Html (message); Display_popup ($ ("# error_popup")); If (callback & amp; typefort (callback) === "function") {$ ("# error_popup_ok") Click (function () {callback ();}); } And {$ ("# error_popup_ok"). Click (function () {hideErrorPopup ();}); }} But callback function calls immediately: displayErrorPopup ('error message', function (); some; hideErrorPopup ();}) ; Click the OK button event. Please help me !! Thanks! function display eropopop (message, callback) {$ ("# error_popup_message") HTML ( message); Display_popup ($ ("# error_popup")); Click $ ("# error_popup_ok") (function (...

jquery - scrollTop - weird results -

I have a div that I've coded to scroll "automatically" using scroll down. I am getting some strange results .... Every time I click on the button, the scrolling goes forward and backward. (Please see JSfield, because I'm sure I'm not quite understanding myself, if you can tell me what's going on, and not just how to fix it, I appreciate it. It's set like this: (By the way, on my actual site, I will not have any buttons, I will actually trigger i ++ with keyboard events.) Click (function () {i ++; if ( I & gt; 0) {$ ('# textOne') $ {forest}) .sc RollTop ($ ('$ s3'). Offset (). Top);}}};}); think about offset.Tap means Intuitively, it gives you that the document is the relative top position of that element from the top. So when you click it once the relative height of that element falls below 0 from the top of the document! Do you want to set the scroll head of the div, the difference between the outer divas and tees of the Scrol...

php - Why don't MySQL Functions work inside a function? -

ठीक है, यह काम करता है: mysql_select_db ("news"); $ Newsarr = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query ("से चुनिए * न्यूजबाइट ऑर्डर दिनांक से डीईएससी")); गूंज var_dump ($ newsarr); यह देता है: सरणी (आकार = 6) 0 = & gt; स्ट्रिंग '140425-20: 43: 43' (लंबाई = 15) 'तिथि' = & gt; स्ट्रिंग '140425-20: 43: 43' (लंबाई = 15) 1 = & gt; स्ट्रिंग 'dfghfghdfg' (लंबाई = 10) 'विवरण' = & gt; स्ट्रिंग 'dfghfghdfg' (लंबाई = 10) 2 = & gt; स्ट्रिंग 'टेक्स्ट दर्ज करें, मीडिया लिंक या छवि अपलोड करें' (लंबाई = 38) 'मीडिया' = & gt; स्ट्रिंग 'टेक्स्ट दर्ज करें, मीडिया लिंक या छवि अपलोड करें' (लंबाई = 38) यह काम नहीं करता है: फ़ंक्शन newstable () {mysql_select_db (" समाचार"); $ Newsarr = mysql_fetch_array (mysql_query ("से चुनिए * न्यूजबाइट ऑर्डर दिनांक से डीईएससी")); वापसी var_dump ($ newsarr); } नए सिरे से गूंज (); यह देता है: चेतावनी: mysql_fetch_array () पैराम...