Disable iAds on Different Scene Cocos2d 3.0 -
I finally working, how would I commercials is not appearing on my game footage? IAds is ) {_adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithAdType: ADAdTypeBanner: (id) init {{if ([@selector (initWithAdType :) ADBannerView instancesRespondToSelector] -
This is my iAds code < Pre> Even though P to stop has been changed to add a visual While being a change of scenery, so it to look like this Thanks for LearnCocos2d is};} and {_adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] init];} _adView.requiredContentSizeIdentifiers = [NSSet set with object: ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait]; _adView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifierPortrait; [[[CCD Citizen Shared Director] view] : _adView]; [_adView Setbakgram color: [UIColor ClearColor],]; [[[Siseedisitrr shared director] view] Aedsubuwu: _adView]; _adView.delegate = self;} healthy return;}
[_ adview removeFromSuperview]
- onscoreButtonClicked (zero): (ID) with this {infections view starts spinning // [[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene: [HighScoreScene view] withTransition: [CCTransition transitionPushWithDirection: CCTransitionDirectionUp period: 1.0f]]; [_adView RemovedAproswapView]; }
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