performance - ASP.NET MVC Routing - Thousands of URL's -

My ecommerce application stores the URL for the item pages in the database. There are thousands of these URLs, all of which are root level (i.e.{item-page-url}).

If I add all of these URLs to the root table, then RouteColon for displaying each URL site. Why? The reason for this is

How should I manage this situation properly? Adding all the routes in the route table does not look right (much does not confirm it to mention the performance). I have seen some ideas about inspecting all the incoming URLs and then trying to match in the URL database, but I do not fully understand how I should apply it, nor am I sure This is the best way.

Any thoughts or suggestions? It seems that it will not be so unusual, but I have not found a concrete way to handle it.

If you set your path to , adding the following paths at the top of your root config file can help you.

  routes MapRoute ("CustomRouteProduct", "Product / {ID}", new {controller = "yourcontrollername", verb = "index"});   

and parameter value with the name of your product name in the action map

  change the public workflow index (string id) {// var prdName = id ("-", ""); // View the prdName in database return (see); } Added  
  routes.MapRoute ("CustomRouteProductZX", "{id } ", New {controller =" content ", verb =" index "}); Accessing the   

and http: // localhost: 12025 / car-paint , I was directed to the content controller's index action where I was given the " In the car-paint "parameter id

but above, http: // localhost: 12025 / home / (home one here Is also considered as a product)


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