java - Do you have to go through all lines in .json with gson? -
I'm just starting with Jason Parsing and writing, and I'm using GSN to do this. Let's say that you have to iterate through each line in the json file, do I want to use some of the bottom of the file, to get to the line?
Without jumping through Alice, do you have everything Bob? Now I just know how to start the open object (), (), open Bob, go through them, then close Bob, then go to Alice. As
{ "Bob": { "following": [215876567, 64044676, 276716878, 208675951, 151503222,], "followers" [720567433, 1005407395, 2432297370, 2463742694, 2463741222, 51101660, 2463700218, 2463741192, 405107240,]}, "Alice": { "location": "New York"}}
You can get Direct Alice below
JsonParserjsonParser = new JsonParser (); Jason Element Jason Element = Jason Pearce. PRSE (YOUR_JSON_STRING_HERE); // get the JsonElement Alice such as
JsonElement aliceJsonElement = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject () ( "Alice") .; You will give this json object {"location": "new york"} in the end you will have it as
GSON GSN = new GSON (); Type type type & lt; Maps & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; () {} GetType (); Maps & lt; String, string & gt; Map = Jason (Alisonson Element, map type); // re-map
This way you can get Bob and following
jsonElement.getAsJsonObject (). ") Meets jsonElement.getAsJsonObject (). (" Get Bob "). GetAsJsonObject (). (" Low ")
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