java - Please help, jsf icefaces webapp unable to run in netbean -
Good morning all,
I came across an online tutorial that shows how to create a popup dialog box . The tutorial started with the configuration of my environment like all possible. JR file which is essential for creating and running ICE Facial Project successfully.
I successfully added all jar files, created the project and typed all the code given to me by the tutorial.
But when I tried to run the I suspect that I Quitting from a configuration that has been left to me or I do not know anything. So if any of you can help me identify why my project is not working, when I am trying to run it, I would be very happy. When I try to run it: You may be missing out on some runtime dependencies such as commons-logging Be there Some of these are already included in the Glassfish server, but you have to depend on Commons-Dependency To investigate. icefaces, the netback always pops up an error message in the output panel
C: \ Java Projects \ New App \ deployed first place in the first Ice popup \ build \ web deployed? Default = C: \ Java Projects \ New App \ First Ice Popup \ Build \ Web & amp; Name = first_isogopup & amp; Contextroot = / First_Ice_Popup and force = true failed on GlassFish Server 3.1.2 An error occurred during deployment: Exception when loading the app: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Java.lang Runtime Expression: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: source document: jar: file: / c: / java project / new% 20app / first% 20is% 20upup / build / web / viib-INF / Lib / SciCage-compet. / Meta-INF / Chase-Config. XMM Reason: Class' Com Software.face.connect.ff Applei Effect Renderer 'C: Java Programments \ New App \ First Ice Popup \ Build \ Web Deployed? DEFAULT = C: \ JavaProjects \ new app \ First Ice Popup \ build \ web & amp; Name = First_Ice_Popup & amp; Reference = / First_Isogopup & amp; Force = true failed on GlassFish Server 3.1 2 error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading app: JavaLange illegalstate exception: Containerbase AddChild: Start: Organization A Basic Tribe of America Catalina Lifecycle Exception: JavaLang Runtime Exception: Com. Sun . face's . Config configuration exception: source document: jar: file: / c: / java project / new% 20app / first% 20size 20% pop / build / web / web - INF / Lib / iceface - compat jar! / Meta - INF / face-config Xml Reason: Class 'com.icesoft.faces.component.effect.ApplyEffectRenderer' does not have a runtime dependency: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / apache / commons / logging / logfactory Please read more See server.log for C: \ JavaProjects \ new app \ First Ice Popup \ nbproject \ build-impl.xml: 724: The module has not been deployed. View Java Lang NoClassDefFoundError: Organization / Apache / Commons / Logging / LogFactory Please see the server Log for more information C: \ JavaProjects \ new app \ First Ice Popup \ nbproject \ build - implXml: 724: The module has not been deployed . See the server log for details.
Backport-Usage-Concurrent.Germers- Binutils.Germers- Archive. commons-logging. Com-logging-api l-api.zer icefaces.jar (including support) bus-ice George (without STD .JSF Comp. Support) IceFace - Compass excerpts import .jar xml-apis.jar
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