
Showing posts from September, 2015

scala - Writing /public directory in PlayFramework after deployment to production -

PlayFramework 2.2.x में play dist उपयोग करने के बाद मुझे / सार्वजनिक निर्देशिका। क्या यह एक ज्ञात समस्या है? क्या वैश्विक पथ के साथ किसी अन्य निर्देशिका को पढ़ने / लिखने का एकमात्र उपाय है? यह मेरा नमूना कोड है: val imageDirectory = "images / twitpics /" val localPrefix = "/ Public /" val publicPrefix = "/ assets /" val files = Play.getFile (localPrefix + imageDirectory) .listFiles.filter (_। GetName.takeRight (3) == "जेपीजी") val randomIndex = _rand.nextInt (Files.length) val imageFile = files (randomIndex) इसके अलावा निजी val _jsonConfigFile = "/public/data/data.json" def लिखने JsonToFile (सामग्री: स्ट्रिंग) = {आयात pw = नया प्रिंटवायर (Play.getFile (_jsonConfigFile)) pw.write (content) pw.close} सार्वजनिक / निर्देशिका के बाद आवेदन जार में पैक किया जाता है, जिसे कक्षा में डाल दिया जाता है, ताकि आप एक्सेस न कर सकें यह फाइल सिस्टम के माध्यम से या इसे लिखें।

Opencart and VQMOD issue: Could not load controller in vq2-system_engine_controller.php -

I am using Opencart and VQMOD 2.4.1. I have installed the Ewe Rapid 3.0 extension now and at checkout, I get this error: Notice: Error: Controller payment / EVE could not be loaded! On line 47 trigger_error ('Error: Could not load controller'. ($) At $ ($) ... \ vqmod \ vqcache \ vq2-system_engine_controller.php in line children! '!'); I'm not sure whether this is anything with the VQMD or EVE extension. How to fix this? Steps to try: Check if you have a eway.php in the list / controller / payment folder Verify the square name of that file: Class Controller Payment and Controller { . Check file permissions. It's a good day!

java - Android - Change class variable before onCreate -

I am new to Android development On my main activity I have this button: And here square (without importing) that is calling above intention intent. Enhances public class testing activity {static string text = "test"; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_test); TextView mTextView = (TextView) Find ViewById (; MTextView.setText (text); } Public Zero change text (strings) {this.text = s; } @ Override protected zeros newly created (intent to intent) {super.onNewIntent}; String [] array = intent.getStringExtra ("method"). the division (":"); If (array [0] .equals ("changeText")) {changeText (array [1]); }} @ Override Public Boolean On Crate Option Menu (menu menu) {getMenuInflater (). Flood (R. menu. Test, menu); Back true; }} Actually I want to know if it is possible to change the value of string text , onCreate () . Basically each but...

python - Does tuple sort itself when looped through -

I have a tube that has many values ​​that I use to search for some files. I found this method as an input method. I try to search for that value (text) in a file and remove the related result. But I have a requirement that if that text is not found, then search for the 'unknown' value in that file and return the corresponding values. To achieve this, I am planning to add Tupal to 'Unknown' so that if it does not get anything, then it will be something like the 'Unknown' Will return But my question is, if I suppress 'unknown' at the end, looping is used in the same sequence while looping through this tube, in which the elements have been added? I tried to open the python and saw that it hides through it in the same order. But I do not want to accidentally search my code for the 'unknown' value before the intended ones. help please. Looping on Tupless always goes from the first element to the last. & gt; & Gt; & Gt...

internet explorer - SVG in IE Quirks mode -

The following mode modes are browser modes: IE9 Compatibility View Document Mode: Quirks I am displaying a svg in IE > SVG is not provided. Is it possible to present SVG using this mode? This depends on the IE version you use and the type of query mode. We start with obviously: IE8 and earlier do not support SVG, so obviously they will not give you SVG mode in QuarkX mode. IE9 supports SVG, but the reason for this quirks mode is to disable it (along with many other features), and thus the answer is still "no" for IE9 The Quirks mode is effectively designed for backward-compatibility mode to emulate IE5. Most features are disabled after IE5 when you are in Quirk mode. By the question, it seems that you are using IE9, this is the case, the answer is 'no', and you can stop reading now. IE10 and IE11 are slightly different, in this they have two separate quits mode, the old quirks mode is similar to the first, so SVG will not work with it. But the n...

c - Mpirun hangs when mpi send and recieve is put in a loop -

I was trying to use the program to use mifrewan on 4 node clusters. Distributing node 0 data in nodes 1, 2 and 3. In the program, from '90 'to variable values ​​of' dior 'to be calculated. Therefore the node is distributing data and collecting results in an omitted fashion (for different values ​​of var 'dir') when do {*******} Whereas (dir Loop is given, Mippun is hanging, and no output is found. But when I comment on two {*******} (dir The loop output is obtained for the initial value of variable dir dir = -90 ), and that output is correct. The problem occurs when the loop is given. Can anyone help me in solving this problem. #include "mpi.h" int main (int argc, char * argv []) Float dir = -90; Int rank, nanoprakash; MPI_Status status; MPI_Init (& amp; argc, & argv); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & amp; Rank); MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, & amp; numprocs); If (rank == 0) {/ / data to begin / / (dest = 1; dest ...

c# - ExecuteScalar: Object reference not set etc -

Friends, I need some help. This is my first time developing an app that has DB, please consider, please Forgive my mistakes I am trying to get the boolean value from the database and if it is to apply another loop on it ... but it is throwing the "object reference not set" error on the ExecuteScalar function. Here the code is: - string sql = "// here is my SQL query"; String connectionstring = "// here is my connection string ..."; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection (connectionstring); SQL Commands Command = New SQL Commands (SQL, Connection); order. Connection = connection; Connection.Open (); Bool ev = (bool) command. Exclute form (); If (ev == true) {MessageBox.Show ("some error"); } Other {// some code} What am I doing? Support will really be appreciated. Regards. Probably query reverse tap. Try this: bool? Ev = (bool?) Command. Exclute form (); If (ev.GetValueOrDefault (wrong)) {MessageBox.Show (...); } ...

c# - Windows Store app - Sideloading & beta testing -

I have recently started developing a Windows Store app. I provide the app as a package for many beta testing users, and they need to log on with their Windows Live account to get a developer license. My problem is now one month's expiration date of installed app. Is it possible to extend expiration date by buying license or is there a better way of beta tests? I have already developed the Windows Phone app, it is possible to release a beta package in the Windows Phone Dev Center. This would be a great solution to my problem, but it seems that only Windows Phone Dev Center has the facility and it is not possible for the Windows Store app (Windows 8). Thanks! There is no official beta package option in the Windows Store because Windows is for the phone. Source: If you want to keep an existing method of sending a file and renewing the developer license, then they can use the following command in the powershell window (Administrator form Show- WindowsDeveloperLicenseReg...

email - PHP mail function is not working on my server? -

My mail function is on the online server. It was working fine but not yet. I'm confused why he has stopped sending mail. This message has been sent that an email has been sent, but no email has been received in the Inbox. My PHP code is: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit'])) {$ name = $ _POST ['name']; $ Email = $ _POST ['email']; $ Phone = $ _POST ['phone']; $ Message = $ _POST ['message']; $ Headers = "From:" $ Email "\ N"; // address = "$" from $; // my mail id $ header = "MIME-Version: 1.0 \ n"; $ Headers = "Content-type: text / html; charset = iso-8859-1 \ n"; $ Theme = "test mail"; $ Body = '& lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = utf-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; "." & Lt; H3 & gt; "Hello Test," & Lt; / H3 ...

python - ERROR: Unable to find spider: tutorial -

I have created a project from a piece of command line and I have written a spider file with the tutorial name as follows: Import the scrapy.item from item, field class tutorial into (item): name = "tutorial" permission_domain = [""] start_urls = ["http: // www. / Programming / Languages ​​/ Python / Books / "," "] DEF Pars (Self, Response): File No = Response.url.split ( But when I run the 'scary crawl tutorial' command this 'error' is displayed: Unable (files name, 'wb'). To find out: Tutorial 'Tell me what is wrong with my code here. Thanks Tutorials Follow it again, you are mixing an item and a spider definition, in general, the scrappy spiders can be used by spider class to tutor Ial should be obtained from the spider (spider) ... ...

java - show one panel after button is clicked and other panel when second button is clicked in the same frame -

I'm building Swing-based application, which consists of two buttons on the bottom - now what I want is when clicked the first button it must be like for her actions, as shown below in the same frame label, showing Tekstfild and containing a button panel - and it will show a panel in the same frame as shown below is when you click one button. do not understand it How to implement this interface to provide this event by Headler and Action Listener .. So please let me know how I can store it. Any help would be appreciated .. Thank you There are approaches 2 CardLayout based. Create all panels (empty, field panels, panel with list) and add them to a container in the container> CardLayout (empty is a default). Swap the cards to show the required cards on the click button. Entertainment based. Create a new panel with new content on the click button Remove one from the old container and add a newly created panel. Then call: container.value (); Con...

matlab - Distance calculated between one row of array 1 for every row of array 2 then move on to next row of array 1 and repeat -

I am trying to find the distance between two lists of locations (lat, long). I have all been placed in different arrays, which is lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2. The first set is that I am reading a GPS system and the second is the reference. They have more than 1000 rows. What I have to do is latitude 2, calculate the distance between L1, loan 1 for all points of loan 2, then take the second row to the next 1, loan 1 again 2, calculate all the lines of loan 2 and repeat. Therefore, L1, loan 1 wave 2, should be done for every point of loan 2. I have to finally decide on the basis of output distance & lt; 4 Can anyone help with this? Please hope that you have the statistics toolbox, because you can only use it in pdist2 / code> for: pdist2 ([lat1, lon1], [lat2, lon2]) If you do not have statistics toolbox: % // Simple example data a = [0, 0; 0, 1; 1 1]; B = [0, 0; 0, 1; 1 1]; N = size (A, 1); [X, y] = ndgrid (1: n, 1: n) dist = sqrt (zodiac (one (x (:), :) - b ...

jquery - What does this do and can I achieve the same with vanilla JavaScript? -

यहां कोड है: $ ('& lt; div / & gt;') पाठ ($ ट्रिम (myId.val ())।) एचटीएमएल ()।; मुझे लगता है कि myId एक jQuery वस्तु है, और मुझे मूल्य मिल रहा है। मुझे लगता है कि मूल्य छंटनी की जा रही है मुझे संदेह है कि एक यादृच्छिक jQuery div ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया जा रहा है, myId से ट्रिम किए गए मान दिया गया है और फिर इसे पूरा करने के बाद html () विधि अंतिम परिणाम myId से मूल्य के किसी स्वरूपित संस्करण का है। सवाल क्यों है? क्या वेनिला जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करने का कोई भी तरीका है? संपादित करें: अंतर्दृष्टि की सराहना करते हुए मेरे बुरे फार्म में एक कोडा जोड़ना है, लेकिन क्या यह वही प्राप्त करता है? goog.string.html समस्त (goog.string.trim (goog.dom.forms.getValue (myId))); एचटीएमएल क्या करता है myId.val () का मान बच जाता है , किसी भी अग्रणी और अनुक्रमित व्हाइटस्पेस को हटाया जा रहा है। जैसा कि आपने पहले ही नोट किया है, $। Trim (myId.val ()) बस किसी भी अग्रणी और पिछड़े सफेद स्थान को निकाल देता है। / P> यह $ .tim (myId.val ()) के पाठ मूल्य के साथ...

c# - Comparing the dates logic in Linq -

मैं परिणाम से पूछना चाहता हूं सार्वजनिक परिणाम टाइप करें GetData (Int ClientID, DateTime CreatedDate) {Var Row = DB.tblPlans। जहां (एम = & gt; m.fkClient_Id == ClientID & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp;; & lt; = बनाया दिनांक) .ऑर्डरबाइडेस्किंग (एम = & gt; एमआईआईडी)। FirstOrDefault (); } लेकिन परिणाम अपेक्षित नहीं हैं क्योंकि क्वेरी में "m.PlanDate" समय की तुलना भी कर रहा है। इसलिए उपरोक्त समारोह में "निर्मित तारीख" पैरामीटर हमेशा "12:00:00 पूर्वाह्न" से जुड़ा होगा, जो इसे "2/17/2014 12:00:00 पूर्वाह्न" मानता है क्योंकि यह डेटपेकर नियंत्रण है और मैं इसे में परिवर्तित कर रहा हूं दिन-समय पर निर्मित दिनांक के मूल्य, जिसके साथ मुझे इसकी तुलना करना है, मूल समय लगता है "2/17/2014 11:58:35 पूर्वाह्न" और इसलिए मुझे वांछित परिणाम नहीं मिल रहा है । मुझे लगता है कि परिणाम ठीक हो जाएगा यदि समय अंश निकाल दिए जाए। मैंने उपरोक्त समस्या की खोज की है और इसके कई समाधान हैं जैसे :: ऐडडीय (1); लेकिन म...

html - CSS dropdown menu jumping -

The problem I am stuck with a drop down menu is that the "original" link is jumping. HTML: & lt; Ul id = "nav" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Page 1 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A & gt; Additional page 1.1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One & gt; Page 1.2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One & gt; Page 1.3 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Page 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; Page 3 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One & gt; Page 3.1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt...

java - Primefaces call ConfirmDialog from Backing -

I would like to call confirmDialog via backing This code works perfectly, But how can I set the message and set the installDialog implementer through backing? There are two conditions, while: Check Option A on the user checkbox (I left the code), then it should print the text directly to the console. - & gt; This is done by a code given below If the user checks option B on the check box, then this confirmation should be shown DEOLOug and when the user clicks the button, then the second function on the backing Should call. How to do this? Thank you. & lt; P: command button value = "execute" icon = "ui-icon-circle-check" update = "frmContent" actionoff = "# {backing.validate}" /> & Lt; P: confirmDialog id = "cfmDlg" widgetVar = "wvCfmDlg" global = "true" & gt; & Lt; P: command button value = "yes" type = "button" style class = "ui-confirmdialog-yes...

cakephp - find with order => field divide field (field/field) -

So the problem is fixed in this way. (About to find out about split areas) Virtual files are required. In the model: Class User, AppModel {public $ virtualFields = array ('ORDER_KD' = & gt; 'User.field1 / User.field2') is expanded; In the Controller: $ this-> User- & gt; Find ('all', array (... // some conditions, etc. .. 'order' => array ("ORDER_KD" = 'gt;' desc '), // virtualField' limit '= & gt; 15)); thanks You virtualFields , Because the command field / field is used as the DB column name.

Rails: times in different time zones -

A room opens 'at 9 a.m. in San Francisco,' I have to record correctly at the time of the train. datetime.New (2013,11,19,9,0,0) # It produces GMT: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 09:00: 000000 DateTime.New (2013) , 11,19, 9 0,0) .in_time_zone ("Pacific Time (US and Canada)") # It is also recorded in GMT: Mon, 18 November 2013 01:00 PM PST-08: 00 I want to get the time because it is locally , that is: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 09:00 pm PST-08: 00 . How can I do this? time zone (a list of options available at the rack time: region: all ), time_zone = "Pacific Time (US and Canada)" You can then: ActiveSupport :: timezone [time_zone] .from ("2013-11-19 9 00:00") - Winforms groupbox with colored border -

I used the following code to create a group box with colored boundaries: Public Square BorderGroupBox inherits GroupBox Private _borderColor color Private _borderWidth Integer Private _borderStyle as ButtonBorderStyle as the shape ... dim tSize protected override as sub-OnPaint (ByVal E as PaintEventArgs) = TextRenderer.MeasureText (Me .Text, Me.Font) dim borderRect as rectangle = e.ClipRectangle borderRect.Y = CInt ((borderRect.Y + (tSize.Height / 2)) borderRect.Height = CInt ((borderRect.Height - (tS Ize.Height / 2)) ControlPaint.DrawBorder (e.Graphics, Borders, _borderColor, _borderWidth, _borderStyle, BorderColor, _borderWidth, _borderStyle, BorderColor, _borderWidth, _borderStyle, BorderColor, _borderWidth, _borderStyle) = e.ClipRectangle textRect.X = (TextRect.X + 6) textRect.Width = TSize.Width + 6 textRect.Height = tSize.Height e.Graphics.FillRectangle (New SolidBrush (Me.BackColor), textRec t) e.Graphics.DrawString (Me.Text , Me.Font, New SolidBrush (Me.ForeColor, textRe...

numpy - python "is" returns True but "==" returns False -

"==" should not be returned unless true "gives" right? [101]: NPNAN NPNN is NPNAN Out [101]: Really [102]: NPNAN == NP. Nan out [102]: In the wrong [103]: NP. NaN == np.nan out [103]: False [104]: np.NaN == np.NAN out [104]: Incorrect Edit: What float Nain bus are the 3 expressions for the legacy of the old NMP versions or for their other uses? No, for no you have found one of the exceptions. According to, the NAN is not equal to anything, not even by itself: Compared with an NAN, always gives an anord result while comparing itself. Not only behave like this: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Nain = float ('nan')> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Nain hai nain true & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Nain == Nain false As per the IEEE standard, there will be any programming language implementing floating point arithmetic. Common Capitalization Name for Multiple Spelling. It is an abbreviation for not a number and individual people have brie...

javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null JSON-JQUERY -

There are problems with its function and show uncut type error for the console: the 'length' of the property can not be read and Why not function shownAMEplaylist () {$ .getJSON ("js / json / nameplaylist.json", function (data) {var items = []; $ .each (data, function ( Key, value) {$ ('Nameplaylist'). Append ('& lt; option & gt;' + value.title + '& lt; / option & gt;'}}); $ (' First-child '). Attr ("selected", "selected"); name playlist = $ (".nameplaylist option: selected") .text (); console.log (nameplaylist.l Ength); if (nameplaylist.length == 0) {$ ('#nameplaylist'). Css ('display', 'none'); $ ('# delplaylist'). CSS ('display', 'none ')}}}. Done (function () {// If an error show playlist has arrived in AJAX call);}) .fail (function () {// If any error in AJAX call console.log (' no Load nameplaylist '); $ (' #nameplaylis...

php - How to Validate Form fields to database -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 उत्तरों मेरे पास ऐसा प्रवेश फार्म है & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; विक्रेता चेकिंग स्क्रिप्ट & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; form action = "check_seller.php" विधि = "प्राप्त" & gt; & Lt; h3 & gt; कृपया लॉगिन करें & lt; / h3 उपयोगकर्ता नाम: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "usernamename" & gt; & lt; br & gt; पासवर्ड: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "sellercode" नाम = "कोड" & gt; & lt; br & gt; ईमेल: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "emai" name = "email" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" नाम = "सबमिट करें" मान = "लॉगिन!" & Gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मैं अपने MySQL डेटाबेस में सभी तीन फ़ील्ड से मिलान करना चाहत...

javascript - How to make angular faster when data binding it not required -

Comparing with other libraries To do a list again, like I notice about a 10x performance hit. When the model changes the table, it does not need to change. If necessary I can do the table again on the button press or some other event. There is a planker with comparison: 1.) Do I correspond to the angle? 2.) Is there no binding requirement to increase any kind of speed. check this lock-once command out: This will force you only once in your view, and then delete the viewer. It will be very fast.

java - Secure way to store and use Amazon Access key for Android -

I'm trying to create an application for Android that uses Amazon Simplified. I have seen the source code of the example code given by Amazon. Although in the demo, credentials are stored in just one and I believe that this method is not absolutely safe because potential people are people who are unable to expose credentials to the APK with Progord. So I went to Amazon article on this and I could not understand enough because I am not very familiar with cryptography in Android / Java. How do I get access to Amazon SARDBI from my application while keeping the access key safe from external parties? Edit 1: I want to use the application to recover data from SDDB, showing in the list view. For example food and other users will be able to get similar reviews posted by other users just like a simple review. If the user wants to review, they have to sign up for an account and log in. The AWS provides some solutions for delivering credentials to the device out...

extjs - Concatenate in EditorGridPanel -

Inside my editor gridpayel, I have three columns, I directly from within my 'first name' and 'last name' column Want to add data or when the cursor or focus in each row comes in my 'Email Address' column Can someone help me with this problem? var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel ({default: {sortable: true}, column: [{id: 'id', header: id ', datindex:' id ' Width: 220, editable: false, hidden: true}, {id: 'first name', header: 'first name', dataindex: 'firstname', width: 220, editor: new FM (): (click Enable ();}}}, {{allowblank: false}}, {id: 'final}', 'end_button' Name ', header:' last name ', datindex:' last name ', width: 220, align:' left ', editor: new FM Texts Enabled ();}}}, {id: 'Email_address', header: 'email address', dataindex: 'email_address', width: 330, align: 'left', editor: new FM textfield ({allowBlank: false}), listeners: ...

Oracle Change Username -

I use Turkish characters in my user name "Ä °", its work is fine, while the browser with Oracle Logging on the enterprise, but when I try to connect the database with the visual studio, it creates this problem, so I think that 3 different ideas can help solve this problem. - How do I change my oracle username? - How can I make even with the Turkic characters ("one,?, A ??, a °)" - - How do I create an Oracle manager? > You can not mention the schema name, but you export the data And then import it to another user with Turkish characters working as well ("a,?, Å ??, Ä °)" - I'm not sure if the nation If monsters Cha variable / schema names. Is not it enough to use English? English was never the language of my country (and I have already changed 2) and it was always enough! According to you, you can give a new user everything and then create a script according to the answer. You can easily change the schema every time, eg on the...

java ee - How to make Inheritance in DB2 Z/OS? -

I am working on a Javanese project, with the DB2 database and JPA. Can we make a legacy between tables? In the IBM DB2 website, I did not find anything on the DB2 document to do this through the SQL code. It is that I want to expose: subscribe tran no favored); Create Table Mobile Number (number 1 varchar (255), number 2 varchar (255)); What is the term to add to the MOBILETRANSACTION table to get a TRANSACTION table? Thank you! What you want DB2 is called Type-Table for Global Information about Heritage: / P> You first need to create a structure, and then you can use that structure in a table. Please read it first () all sections and they proceed with their own implementation.

How to get memory size of the selected components in the select component page in inno setup -

I have some components in the component page. When I select any component, it is selected in the message box. Must show the memory size of the component. How can you get it? What you are asking is not possible (or maybe but very, very difficult way). The component size is stored internally in the record in each component item ItemObject , which is impossible due to the lack of possible pointer support.

nosql - Tuning write performance in cassandra -

We have a typical scenario: 10 simple columns less than 10 column families When we receive a request from the client, we need to write 10 000 000 records of this column family in the database and we are writing them in batch (1000 in a batch) It usually lasts 5-10 minutes depending on the number of nodes in cluster and replication factor. After writing in the next few hours, we will get many updates (each record is updated 2 times). So many of us write / update at a time (one hour) of the day and after that are very few. Question: For the purpose of improving the write / update performance, I have looked at the memtable_flush_queue_size and similar configuration fields for example I do not have enough experience with the cassandra, to know what to do. Any suggestion is helpful, Evan Increase JVM Memory (maximum 12 GB on Java 6+) - This will automatically increase the size of memtables and reduce the flush interval, which also means that will be merged simult...

java - Unable to get JDBC connection in Spring application to MySQL -

मैंने स्प्रिंग में डीबी कॉन्फ़िगरेशन का पालन किया है: & lt; bean id = "dataSource" Class = "org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" नष्ट-विधि = "बंद" & gt; & Lt; प्रॉपर्टी नाम = "url" मान = "jdbc: dburl" / & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "driverClassName" मान = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" / & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "उपयोगकर्ता नाम" मान = "उपयोगकर्ता नाम" / & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "पासवर्ड" मान = "पासवॉर्फ" / & gt; & Lt; प्रॉपर्टी नाम = "हटाए गए हटाए गए" मान = "सही" / & gt; & Lt; गुण नाम = "प्रारंभिक आकार" मान = "3" / & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "अधिकतमअक्टिव" मान = "5" / & gt; & Lt; / सेम ​​& gt; डीबी से गुण मूल्यों को लोड करने के लिए अतिरिक्त कॉन्फ़िगरेशन। & lt; bean id = "config1" class = "org.apache.commons.configuration....

android - "refresh_tasks cannot be resolved or is not a field" -

I basically copy & amp; Pasted the code from the top and changed the required readings, yet I get this error I am trying to create a "refresh" item in my menu. XML code: & lt; Menu xmlns: android = " .com / apk / res / android" & gt; & Lt; Item android: id = "@ + id / action_settings" Android: orderInCategory = "100" Android: showAsAction = "never" android: title = "@ string / action_settings" /> & Lt; Android Android: id = "@ + id / refresh_tasks" Android: title = "@ string / refresh" /> & Lt; / Menu & gt; HomeActivity.Java Code: Public Boolean Option Option (menu item) {switch (item.get ITMID)} {Case R. Id. Refresh_task: // line where I get error loading TasksFromAPI (TASKS_URL); Back true; Default: Return Super.Options item selected (item); }} I searched the Internet, but I have not succeeded in fixing it. I think that something is...

jquery - magnific-popup loading icon while loading iframe -

I am using to load external iframes, which takes some time to load some time, while waiting , It shows a blank screen. Is there any way, while waiting in loading I can show. The following things are right for me // JS $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('. Popiframe'). MagnificPopup ({type: 'iframe', iframe: { Markup: ' ' + '& lt; div class = "mfp-close"> ; '+' & Lt; Iframe class = "mfp-iframe" frameborder = "0" acceptable screen> gt; & lt; / iframe & gt; '+' ;}});}) ; // CSS .mfp-iframe-scaler iframe {background: url ('/ images / v2 / loading.gif') no-duplicate Scroll Center Center # 000000! Important; }

c++ - Find closest number from uniform grid -

I have an integer positive number n . For example, suppose that n = 5 if we look at the polygon of n , we look at these numbers (let's call it an N-grid) [ ... -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, ...] Now I need to write a function F (n, n) , which is given an integer N , showing the closest number from that n-grid. For, F (n, 0) = 0 (for any N). F (5, 4) = 5 , F (5, 7) = 5 , F (5, 8) = 10 , F (5, -13) = -15 and so on. I have written this function: int constx = ((:: stomach (n) + (n / 2)) / n) * n; If (N> gt; {return x; } Other {return -x; } It seems like it does not like how it looks at work. Can anybody suggest improvement? You can remove from if (n / abs ( N)) By multiplying x by and without saving it in x , the value calculated also immeadiatelly. I do not do this, because it will damage readability.

JSON API + wordpress URL -

I am using a small JSON API for the URL shortener, which I would like to integrate on all my WordPress pages. I know how to present the WordPress page URL, but what I do not know (due to no experience with API), how to present API results on WordPress page. API Call: The API here The result is: {"error": "0", "abridged": "",} Here's the WP URL that needs to replace "LONGURL" above: - Text "itemprop =" text "> value Take that allow_url_fopen to true in php.ini function get_short_permalink () {$ permalink = get_permalink (); $ Response = file_get_contents (''. Permalink); $ response = json_decode ($ response, true); if ($ response ['error'] == 0) Returns $ [['Brief'];} Return $ permalink;} Then replace and with & lt ;? php echo get_short_permal...

mysql - How to auto generate a random unique permanent secure ID based on current url, store it automatically inside database and display it in php page? -

I need help in creating a random unique permanent secure id based on the current URL to the generated URL Php page? I have a multisite and make a new subdomain every time, I want to display a unique safe ID based on the current new subdomain on the page and likes to display it in my page: ID Page Safe Numbers : 6465465DSGDGDGDG4564EEEZ7778 PHP has a hashing function that you can use. I will also add a random salt to it, actually there can be anything like a string of text or numbers $ url = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']; $ Salt = " $"; Echo hash ('sha1', $ url. $ Salt); There are other hashes you can use: PHP also has a task, but it requires 5.5.0 or more. Edit The URL for $ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] has been ejected, though there are probably a better way of getting the current URL

birt sql dataset with parameters sql error -

I have a Birt dataset for the DB2 query. My query works fine without parameters without the following query. . with params (SELECT '2014-02-16' end, '1' from locationid fROM sysibm.sysdummy1) select t.registerid (select ... from paramet, mytable SOS where SOS.Lostation = Parameters.Laocitid and SOS.Reporcitip = 'XX' and SOS. Repository index = 'XX' and SOS. Pernalid = 'X Date and date (SOSL Announcement date) between date (params.editat) -6 days and date (Soms.Marminid, SOSLNenzate, Params.and Group but when I change the top row to ... with the parameters as (SELECT? Enddate,? Locationid fROM Sysibm.sysdummy1) and two input parameters of string data tip I get DB2 errors Sqlcode-418 but I So that it is not my line is my queries. What is the correct way to set parameters for me, so there is no error? Thanks I'm not familiar with DB2 programming, but on Oracle? Works anywhere in the query. Have you seen? It seems tha...

Howto connect to Bluetooth LE Device on Android (Platform 19) -

I am working with BT's low energy efficient warning warning device () and successfully added it to my Nexus 7 . After the following, I would like to connect to the device using the following code: Personal Bluetooth Getbackback Callback = New Bluetooth Getbackback () {@ConnectationStateChange Bluetooth Get gate, intrared status, Int Newstate) {Log.i (Tag, "Change the On-on-Change Condition [" + newState + "]"); If (newstate == Bluetooth profile. STATE_CONNECTED) {Log.i (TAG, "take device connected"); OnConnect (gatt.getDevice ()); } And if (Newstate == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {Log.i (TAG, "Take Device Disconnected"); OnDisconnect (gatt.getDevice ()); }} @ Ignore public spaces on the server (Bluetooth gate, the status of the int) {log (i.e., "inventory discovery"); }}; (Bluetooth device device: Bluetooth adapter .gate default adapter (). Closedband devices ()) {int type = device.type (); If (type == Bluetooth de...

javascript - Strangly couldn't compare between two integers in titanium -

After solving , I have been able to show that date in milliseconds and in the current time also in this code. : Ti.API.error ("+ * /// +++ FormatDate (NightArere [i] [3]). Match-time ():" + ParsInt (format dataet ( Nighterere [i] [3]). Take time ())); Var date1 = parseInt (format night (nightarre [i] [3]). Friendly ()); Ti.API.error ("+ * /// +++ d.getTime ():" + ParsInt (DGTime ())); Var date2 = parseInt (d.getTime ()); Ti.API.error ("+ * /// +++ comparaison:" + 2th and Date1); Ti.API.error ("+ * /// +++ Comparaison:" + 2 Date> Date1); If (date2 & date; date1) Ti.API.error ("+ * /// +++ Diff:" + date2 - date1); Else Ti.API.error ("+ * /// +++ Diff:" + date1 - date2); I have formatted these two dates in milliseconds, finally to get rid of working dates with numbers, but all the capacitors 0 and difference as displayed in the console NaN [ERROR]: + * /// +++ format date (date): Thursday 20 February 2014 23:00:0...

c# - How to change background of DataGridCell when IsEditing=True in WPF -

पृष्ठभूमि कोड सेट करना DataGridCheckBoxColumn के लिए ठीक है लेकिन DataGridTextColumn के लिए नहीं। मैंने इसे संसाधनों में सेल के लिए सेट किया है: शैली लक्ष्य प्रकार = "{x: प्रकार डेटा ग्रिड सेल}" & gt; & LT; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; ट्रिगर प्रॉपर्टी = "आईस्लेक्टेड" मान = "सत्य" & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "पृष्ठभूमि" मान = "# एफएफएफएफ़" / & gt; & Lt; / उत्प्रेरक & gt; & Lt; ट्रिगर प्रॉपर्टी = "ईसाईटिंग" मान = "सत्य" & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "सीमाछेद" मूल्य = "1" / & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "बॉर्डरब्रश" मान = "# 00ff00" / & gt; & Lt; सेटर संपदा = "पृष्ठभूमि" मान = "# 00ff00" / & gt; & Lt; / उत्प्रेरक & gt; & LT; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / शैली & gt; क्या इस मुद्दे के लिए कोई समाधान है? आपको चाहिए जादू स्ट्रिंग जोड़ें: & lt; ठोस codebrush x: कुंजी ...

content management system - Silverstripe Template Issue -

I'm going to catch up with the Silverstripe framework and I've got a strange error. For example, say I want to create a new 'membership' page. Within mysite / code, I have set up a membership.php page as follows: increases membership of the class page {} class membership_controller pagecontroller {} spreads Then I have a subscription in my template / layout folder with some test output. The CSS file is created. I then make a god and create a page in the CMS type 'membership'. At the front end, if I click on the new page form NAV bar membership, then I do not find the test text, it seems that the template is not being read? Any thoughts? Thank you. Allen. There are several common problems with templates: Flushing work has changed many times in previous versions. I will not explain the details here, because they are likely to be subject to change soon. Li> does not flush only the manifest and config (a template) (doe...

javascript - How to update the contents of a text input with d3? -

I am trying to create text input controls in D3 for which the data needs to be covered in text input. I d3.selectAll ('# textfield'). Data ([number]) .attr ('value', function (d) {return d}). But once editing the text After doing it it has no use and then tries to update external Update: I have found: var node = D3.selectAll ('# textfield'). Data ([number]) .node () node.value = number But I'm not sure whether this is the correct approach or any clue? You have the value of setting value And value is just a special feature that comes in the setAttribute function (which is used to set an attribute internally to D3 ) is) . This approach is not much better, but more practical use of D3 : d3.selectAll ('# textfield') Data ([number]) .each (function (d) {this.value = d;}); Demo: In addition to this, no one (and perhaps should ) do not use plain JS to do this , Unless you have no compelling arguments against it...

c++ - QXmlStreamReader -

मैंने इस एक्सएमएल फाइल को QXmlStreamWriter के साथ बनाया है: & lt;? Xml version = â? ??? 1.0A ???? एन्कोडिंग = एक ???? यूटीएफ -8 ए ????? & gt; & LT; ड्रा & gt; & LT; इनपुट & gt; & Lt; कॉलम शीर्षक = एक एआँ ??? / / gt; & Lt; कॉलम शीर्षक = एक ???? ???? ??? / & gt; & Lt; कॉलम शीर्षक = एक ???? ??? ??? / / gt; & Lt; कॉलम शीर्षक = एक ???? ??? ??? ??? & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = â ???? 0â ???? & gt; बायर लेवरकुसेन & lt; / आइटम & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = '' 1 '' & gt; बेनफीका & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = "2" ???? & gt; विलियरल & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; आइटम आईडी = "3" ???? & gt; मोंटपेलियर & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; / स्तंभ & gt; & Lt; / इनपुट & gt; & Lt; / ड्रा & gt; मैं स्ट्रिंग के वेक्टर को टैग करना चाहूंगा जिसमें टैग के भीतर सभी आइटम शामिल हैं स्तंभ शीर्षक = एक ???? ????: अब, मुझे पता है कि कैसे एक क्व्वक्टर बनाने ...

android - Buffered level of music showing in seekbar -

हाय वहाँ जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि मैं मीडिया के बफ़ेड स्तर को दिखाना चाहता हूं जो कि एंड्रॉइड म्यूजिक प्लेयर में उपयोगकर्ता के लिए स्ट्रीम होती है। इस मुद्दे के लिए मैं इस बात की कल्पना करता हूं: क्या मैं एक तलाशर और एक प्रगति पट्टी को पारदर्शी पृष्ठभूमि और ओवरलैप बनाऊं? बार की तलाश करने के लिए प्रगति बार, जबकि प्रोग्र्सबार संगीत के बफर वाले स्तर को दर्शाता है। लेकिन इस रणनीति के बारे में सुनिश्चित नहीं है I इस मुद्दे पर लक्ष्य तक पहुंचने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है। पहले सभी को लागू करना चाहिए OnBufferingUpdateListener पर गतिविधि को सेट करेंबफ़रिंगअपडेट आईक इस पर: सार्वजनिक शून्य पर बफरिंगअपडेट (मीडियाप्लेयर arg0, इंट प्रतिशत) {/ ** विधि जो वर्तमान गीत के द्वारा SeekBar माध्यमिक प्रगति को अद्यतन करता है यूआरएल स्थिति से लोड हो रहा है * / seekBarProgress.setSecondary प्रगति (प्रतिशत); }

php - How to display specific parameters from link in URL with htaccess? -

क्या हो सकता है localhost / article.php ? Id = कुछ और amp; संख्या = कुछ बस में localhost / article / id विचार लोग? आप अपने DOCUMENT_ROOT / .htaccess फ़ाइल में इस तरह के नियमों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: पुनर्लेखन इंजन पर पुनर्लेखन / पुनर्लेखनकोण% {THE_REQUEST} \ s / + लेख \ .php \? Id = ([^ \ s & amp;] +) [एनसी] पुनर्लेखन नियम ^ / 1%? [आर = 302, एल] # सुंदर यूआरएल से वास्तविक रिवॉरेक्टकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME} पर आगे बढ़ें! -डी रीराइटकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f रिव्रैटेरियम ^ आलेख / ([^ /] +) /? $ Article.php? आईडी = $ 1 [एल, क्यूएसए, एनसी]

matlab - weighted correlation matrix -

In general I know that I can easily calculate the correlation matrix in matlab, there is a lot of function for this But what is weighted correlation about? I found this matlab file , but how does choosing weight depend on intuition or is it standard? Say that we put x = randn (30,4) x = 0,5377 0,8884 -1,0891 -1,1480 1,8339 -1.1471 0.0326 0.1049 -2.2588 -1.0689 0.5525 0.7223 0.8622 -0.8095 1.1006 2.5855 0.3188 -2.9443 1.5442 -0, 6669 -1.3077 1.4384 0.0859 0.1873 -0.4336 0.3252 -1.4916 -0.0825 0.3426 -0.7549 -0.7423 -1.9330 3.5784 1.3703 -1.0616 -0.4390 2.7694 -1.7115 2.3505 -1.7947 -1,349 9 -0.1022 -0.6156 0.8404 3.0349 - 0.2414 0.7481 -0.8880 0.7254 0.3192 -0.1924 0.1001 -0.0631 0.3129 0.8886 -0.5445 0.7147 -0.8649 -0.7648 0.3035 -0.2050 -0.0301 -1.4023 -0.6003 -0.1241 - 0.1649 -1.4224 0.4900 1.4897 0.6277 0.4882 0.7394 1.4090 1.0933 -0.1774 1.7119 1.4172 1.1093 -0.1961 -0.1941 0 , 6715 -0.8637 1.4193 -2.13 84 -1.2075 0.0774 0.2 9 16 -0.8396 0.7172 -1.2141 0.1978 1.3546 1.6...


I am trying to port a database from mysql to infinidb. But I am getting over the error (described at the top) while porting. `CREATE_TIMESTAMP` TIMESTAMP NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP update is valid mysql to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, but is not infinidb error: Error Code: 138 Syntax or Any help that is not supported by the data type infinidb will be appreciated. Is this the full SQL statement you were trying to make? I was able to use: table test (`CREATE_TIMESTAMP` TIMESTAMP tap default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP updated at CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); Here's console output [root @ centos6 bin] # idbmysql finished with the Welcome command MySQL Monitor; Or \ g Your MySQL connection id is 12 Server version: 1.5.73 Kailpont Infinidib 4.5 Alpha Copyright (c) 2014, Infinidibi, Inc. And / or its affiliates all rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2000, 2013, Oracle and / or its affiliates protected all rights. InfiniDB InfiniDB, Inc. And / or its affiliates are a registered trademark. Oracl...

php - Deleting a database record using codeigniter -

OK, struggling here, I am very new to codeigniter and am quite new to PHP. I want to delete a record from DB. I'm getting an error with the controller here. My code is Controller: Public function removeitem () {$ this-> Load-> Assistant (array ('form', 'url')); $ This- & gt; Load-> View ('vRemove'); } Public event doremove () {$ this- & gt; Load-> Model ("mphoto"); $ This- & gt; Mphoto-> RemoveItem ($ id); $ This- & gt; Load-> View ('removed_success'); } Model: public function removeItem ($ id) {$ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('ProductID', $ id); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Delete ('simple'); } See more: & lt ;? Php echo form_open_multipart ('site / doremove') ;? & Gt; & Lt; P & gt; Are you sure you want to delete this item? & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php echo base_ url () ;? & gt; index.php / site ...

caching - Victim Cache larger than L1 cache -

I am currently working on a school project and design competition for memory cache gives me some hurdles on L1 cache sizes To follow, but there is no specification on hunting cache size. This is all in VHDL simulation. So I am trying to ask if there are any references, letters, magazines etc. ... which can refer to a processor which is LT1 cache size. Thank you, I have looked at Google, but many of my searches pull slides and not papers. IBM Power Architecture used a type of L3 / cache hybrid hybrid. I went a little bit and found that the cache suffering from suffering cash L1 however in POWER5 and POWER7 was quite large, the first position of the hunting cache was to do the L2 cache.

ruby on rails - Using the Facebook API, is there a way to restrict registration to a certain attribute? -

Say I only want people who believe in my country as Indonesia to sign up for my site. Is it possible to implement this? Yes, but to do so that your potential new user tries to signup on your site You have to do so that you can use Facebook API and observe your hometown or current location, if they are not from Indonesia then you can stop their access.

java - After adding @Future annotation to entity - TraversableResolver.isReachable() threw an exception -

I used the Spring Framework 4 & Hibernate 4 I put a Future interrupt in my unit and after that I'm running the exception: javax.validation.ValidationException: HV000041: Traversable receiver. () Has threw an exception After some research I found out that this hash is due to the inclusion of the code in the code code id , if I haveh If code is removed from the id then the exception is over and it acts as a purpose. @override public int hashode () {int result = id.hashCode (); // Code intentionally left out the result; } The question is : Why can not I use the hashode method in the id ? How do I change it? Entity code: @Antity @Table (name = "ACTIVITY") Public category activity serialization {@Id @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.Inantity ) @column (name = "id", tap = incorrect, length = 10) Private long id; @ Temporal (TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) @ Future @column (name = "ACTIVITY_FROM", tap = incorrect, length = ...

android - JNI integration into AOSP build -

I will change the settings app by adding a few custom libraries, but I'm having problems with the configuration I when I System.loadLibrary ( " Mylibrary "), I get the library / path / data / app-lib / com.settings-1: The library that was searched for returned empty. I know that the app will look inside the library / data / app-lib / .. but my library is in the system / lib I know that my .mk files are not correct but I Do not know what I'm missing, so please take a look at them LOCAL_PATH:. = $ (Call my-dir) includes $ (CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES: = bouncycastle telephony-common LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES: = guava android- Support-v4 jsr305 ifdef DOLBY_DAP LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES + = framework_ext other LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES + = libsds endif #DOLBY_DAP LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS: = optional LOCAL_SRC_FILES : Call $ $ (, src all-under-java-files) LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME: = setting LOCAL_CERTIFICATE: = Platform # if it is to install unbundled Construction (seprate...

jquery - How to get array of values passed through .getJSON method in the controller method arguments -

मेरे पास jquery कोड है, var ids = [] var id = {" पैराम 1 ": 1," पैरा 2 ": 2," पैराम 3 ": 3} आईडी। पुश (आईडी) var id = {" पैरा 1 ": 3," परम 2 ": 2," पैरा 3 ": 6} आईडी। ) $ .getJSON ("/ नियंत्रक / क्रिया 1", {str: आईडी}, फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {}); सार्वजनिक JsonResult Action1 (स्ट्रिंग [] str) {वापस जेसन ("सफलता", जेसनयूएफ़ेस्ट बीहीवियर। एलोव गेट); } मुझे पता है कि स्ट्रिंग सरणी सही नहीं है। अग्रिम धन्यवाद! सार्वजनिक JsonResult Action1 (FormCollection आईडी) {//sds_PPL1.[0] "] & lt; - सिर्फ मेरे सिर के शीर्ष पर, मुझे लगता है कि यह वही नाम है जो कि महत्वपूर्ण होगा। // आईड्स। सभी कीज़ & lt; - इसका उपयोग वास्तविक कुंजी नाम देखने के लिए करें। }

c# - Calculating APR -

Therefore, as the title says I need to calculate the ARR for the loan. I have the following: apr = (rate * ((Math.Pow ((+ 1 + rate), duration)) / ((Math.Pow ((+ 1 + rate), duration) ) - (1)) - (installment ((loan amount - additional)); But this is not returning the correct value. I have a version of that equation with even worse consequences Tried: apr = ((loan amount + additional) * rate * mathematics. ((1 + rate), duration)) / (Mathematics.po ((+ 1 + rate) Duration) - 1); The calculations are all wrong I tried to adjust some brackets and check the operation order The help too will be greatly appreciated! It may look like fraud, But for the annuity, you have to pay the negative number in the current VB financial library. Period is the full payment number (i.e., 180 payments in 15 years mortgage, therefore 180) payment Payment is copy (such a monthly payment AMT ... X-1) starting amount = any fees Original loan amount Double APR = Microsoft. Visual Basic Finan...

html - DIV tag is acting as an INLINE instead of BLOCK -

Learning about HTML and everything is recovering but I have a problem that is very annoying to me. They say that the divisive tag is the level of a block, so anything can happen that a new line break starts between the div tag and ends with one. This is not true! And its disappointing me! The raw code & lt; Div & gt; This template is in a div tag. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; This is a plain text that has a div tag. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; This is a plain text that has a div tag. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; This is the paragraph which is not in a set of devail tags. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; This is a plain text that has a div tag. & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; This is a plain text that has a div tag. & Lt; / Div & gt; Displaying here! WTF! This is plain text in a div tag. It is plain text in a div tag, it is a plain text which is a div tag, th...