android - JNI integration into AOSP build -
I will change the settings app by adding a few custom libraries, but I'm having problems with the configuration I when I System.loadLibrary ( " Mylibrary "), I get the library / path / data / app-lib / com.settings-1: The library that was searched for returned empty. I know that the app will look inside the library / data / app-lib / .. but my library is in the system / lib
I know that my .mk files are not correct but I Do not know what I'm missing, so please take a look at them
LOCAL_PATH:. = $ (Call my-dir) includes $ (CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES: = bouncycastle telephony-common LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES: = guava android- Support-v4 jsr305 ifdef DOLBY_DAP LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES + = framework_ext other LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES + = libsds endif #DOLBY_DAP LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS: = optional LOCAL_SRC_FILES : Call $ $ (, src all-under-java-files) LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME: = setting LOCAL_CERTIFICATE: = Platform # if it is to install unbundled Construction (seprately) included libraries # APK, otherwise just / System / lib put them and #pk them if Outside (, $ (TARGET_BUILD_APPS)) LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES left: = efuse_tool left LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES: = Efuse_tool endif LOCAL_PROGUARD_FLAG_FILES: = proguard.flags $ included (build = Libsds: ds.jar included $ (BUILD_MULTI_PREBUILT) endif # folloing using our test apk to include _PACKAGE) includes $ (all makefiles under, JNI) DOLBY_DAP Ifndef call $ (CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_PREBUILT_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES. $ Include (call all makefiles under, $ (LOCAL_PATH)) and JNI folder Inside .mk file
LOCAL_PATH: = $ (call me - dir) includes $ (CLEAR_VARS) # here we name our module and source file (s) to give LOCAL_SRC_FILES: = efuse_tool.c LOCAL_MODULE: = efuse_tool include $ (BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
I realized that I need to add the prefix "Lib" to my library so that it will be told from the system / lib location. = Libefuse_tool rest LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES :: = libefuse_tool endif LOCAL_MODULE: = libefuse_tool
I then look like this
ifneq (, $ (TARGET_BUILD_APPS)) LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES You can also remove LOCAL_JNI_SHARED_LIBRARIES: = libefuse_tool because it will never be used.
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