c# - Calculating APR -

Therefore, as the title says I need to calculate the ARR for the loan. I have the following:

  apr = (rate * ((Math.Pow ((+ 1 + rate), duration)) / ((Math.Pow ((+ 1 + rate), duration) ) - (1)) - (installment ((loan amount - additional));   

But this is not returning the correct value. I have a version of that equation with even worse consequences Tried:

  apr = ((loan amount + additional) * rate * mathematics. ((1 + rate), duration)) / (Mathematics.po ((+ 1 + rate) Duration) - 1);   

The calculations are all wrong I tried to adjust some brackets and check the operation order The help too will be greatly appreciated!

It may look like fraud, But for the annuity, you have to pay the negative number in the current VB financial library.

Period is the full payment number (i.e., 180 payments in 15 years mortgage, therefore 180) payment Payment is copy (such a monthly payment AMT ... X-1) starting amount = any fees Original loan amount

  Double APR = Microsoft. Visual Basic Financial   

Then only multiply the answer to the annual # payment (if monthly 12 then), or if you% as a number like 3.25% If you want to express, then multiply as 100.

** Note that you must add a reference to the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly.


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